Below is an event timeline based on ZetaTalk that begins 7 weeks prior to the Pole Shift. This calendar provides specific durations for the dramatic events preceding the climactic Pole Shift and Planet X is clearly visible in the daytime sky from Day 1.


"What starts the process of the last weeks, with all their extreme gyrations, is a threshold being crossed. The dithering we have been describing - where Planet X, the Earth and the other planets caught in the cup (Dark Twin and Venus) are all bouncing around, reacting to movement in another, to crowding of magnetons or other particles – reaches an explosive point. During this time Planet X moves to the right as far as possible, to evade the ever increasing particle crowding, but is still outbound, steadily. Thus, visibility is enhanced, and Second Sun sightings are common. This is the start of the 7.3 week period we described, where it would be unmistakably visible to all on Earth. Venus escapes the cup. The Dark Twin escapes the cup. And the dance of many becomes a deadlock grip by Planet X on the Earth. It is no longer an issue of the Earth wobble or temporary leans to the left of into opposition sufficing. This is twitching about, compared to the last weeks. If the years and months of the Earth wobble were the wrestlers positioning themselves at the edge of the mat, then the last weeks are full contact, and neither can let go of the other. In this, of course, Planet X wins.

"When Venus and the Dark Twin escape from the cup, the particle crowding is suddenly eased, allowing Planet X to come forward toward the Earth. The Earth’s first evasion is to tilt her N Pole away from the oncoming Planet X to such a degree, and so violently, that she leans all the way over to the left and then REBOUNDS as a reaction all the way to the right. This is the severe wobble, for a length of 9 days, as a resent crop circle
has depicted. Finally, the rebound is repressed, for a lingering lean to the left of 4.5 days or so. Then a progression where the N Pole of Earth is pushed away from the Sun and the approaching Planet X, until the point where 3 days of darkness is unmistakable. This progression is another 2-3 days in time. Then the 3 days of darkness and the 6 days of sunrise west, which is a momentum and turnaround for the swing into the 3 days of darkness.

"Then the Earth rights herself, side by side with Planet X, and begins her rotation slowdown. It is during this time that the Earth is drawn toward Planet X, so that Planet X quickly increases in size in the skies and is the writhing monster of legend. Slowing rotation is not a linear matter, but exponential as the Earth is pulled closer to Planet X. The Earth moans, groans, and complains as the core pulls at the crust but the crust is gripped, increasingly, and held by Planet X. The slowing is a lurching matter too, as when the Atlantic Rift is exposed, the grip slows the rotation, but when hidden, rotation tries to return. All this causes earthquakes and stretch zone accidents. Emergency management teams are beyond exhaustion, government services are in disarray, and travel has become almost impossible.ZetaTalk


Note: 3 Days of Darkness applies only to the northern hemisphere.  The southern hemisphere will experience "three days of light, from dusk to dawn without nightfall." ZetaTalk - Oct 3, 2009

Common Misconception: Earth's Rotation Reverses During 6 Days of Sunrise West

I have read information on your webpage. You claim, the earth will lean to the left before the pole shift and the sun will rise in the west. But sunrise in the west is not possible, even if the earth would stand upside down. Therefore the earth will have to stop first and begin to rotate in the opposite direction. So there is something wrong with this information. Look at this picture for example. Here stands the earth upside down, but people in Florida could see the sunrise still before it could do people in California.

"You are incorrect and not thinking this through, but confusion is understandable. Nancy has reviewed our ZetaTalk on this matter and there is a missing piece of the puzzle, which we are giving you today. You are correct that the Earth continues to rotate in the direction it does today. When the globe is tipped almost upside down, and turning in the same manner as today, land is still moving from what was formerly west to what was formerly east. Sunrise west occurs just after the lean to the left with the globe then sliding its N Pole away from the Sun into the 3 days of darkness. These steps occur because Planet X is approaching from the right, in its retrograde orbit. Even during the 3 days of darkness and days following when the Earth is trying to right itself from being almost upside down, the N Pole is thus still leaning somewhat to the left, avoiding the approaching N Pole of Planet X. The time when the Earth is almost upside down is very brief, not even the span of a day, with the remainder of the 6 days of sunrise west occurring when the Earth is righting itself from the position it was in during the 3 days of darkness. Thus, the N Pole of Earth is pointing north more than south during these 6 days. These gyrations of Earth occur as the Earth is rolling with Planet X during its 270° roll, in which it moves from having its N Pole nosed into the S Pole of the Sun to pointing its N Pole outward toward Earth (a total 180° turn) and then standing upright with its N Pole up (the remaining 90°). Planet X has been doing the first part of the 270° roll for some years now, ever since it passed the S Pole of the Sun in 2004 and began moving outbound.

"The last weeks begin because Planet X moves to station itself almost directly between the Earth and Sun. Before that point the Earth merely has a wobble, allowing its N Pole to be pushed away daily. But as Planet X moves between the Earth and Sun, the Earth comes into the grip of Planet X completely. During the last weeks, the Earth changes from being in an end-to-end alignment with Planet X to being in a side-by-side alignment. It is during the end-to-end alignment, when Planet X is pointing its N Pole directly at the Earth, that the lean to the left and 3 days of darkness occur. But as Planet X continues in its retrograde orbit, its N Pole is no longer coming from the right, but is located to the left of the Earth, and the Earth adjusts by slinging its N Pole to the right. Thus, during the 6 days of sunrise west, the Earth still has its N Pole tipped away from the Sun and the approaching Planet X, but rather than a lean to the left, it has a lean to the right. It is at this point that the Earth switches from being in an end-to-end alignment to being in a side-by-side alignment with Planet X. When Planet X is just at the Ecliptic, it stands upright in alignment with the Sun, the dominant magnet in the solar system. As it switches from pointing its N Pole at Earth, as it had during the many years of the wobble, to completing its 270° roll and pointing its N Pole upward, the Earth follows suit. It is then that the Earth is drawn closer to Planet X, so that only 14 million miles separates them. It is then that the Earth slows in her rotation to a stop, for the week of rotation stoppage."

ZetaTalk: GLP Live - September 12, 2009

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Alex - We are not yet experiencing the severe wobble. It will be characterized by tides 200-300 feet higher than normal.


ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for June 5, 2010

"The Earth wobble, which happens twice a day, has increased weather irregularities, but the severe wobble during the last weeks will cause more tidal changes than at present. The severe wobble is not rapid, however, but a slow lop over to this side, then a slow lob over to that side."

ZetaTalk - January 30, 2010

"The severe wobble will bring a twice a day swing, which is not the hour of the pole shift but is a 12 hour movement. These tides can be expected to be hundreds of feet high, 200-300 feet, the worst being where a normal tide under the influence of the Moon is in process during the wobble."

Alex said:

I have noticed the waxing moon very close to the horizon last night.  But a week ago, the full moon was directly overhead!  Same with the Sun, last week it was close to the horizon, and today it's almost directly overhead, as though it were summer!  

My question is:  are we getting closer to the severe wobble?  Or, are we EXPERIENCING the severe wobble now?

It's February 3, 2011 and I have just recently come into "awareness" (I joined this site today).  Based on current events, do you still believe in this date?  I am scrambling to play "catch up" and move my family, trying not to panic, yet. 

laurie said:
Barrie Leslie Konicov said:
I believe based upon the best information available that the pole shift will happen in April of 2011. However if you do not have your supplies in place by the end of August 2010 you are going to havedifficulty gathering your supplies.

Yes, I would like to have chickens before the shift, but (1) we live in the city where chickens are not allowed, (2) hatcheries only ship chicks spring to August or September. So If I want them Before the PS, I need to either order them NOW and hide them or hope to find some at the last minute running loose near our camp. :( Rooster are hard to hide once they start crowing, lol!

Katherine -  the April 2011 date provided below was a speculation by someone who is no longer a member of this Ning.

At this point, any dates provided by are pure speculation.  However, when Planet X becomes clearly visible in the sky and Earth begins a severe wobble, there will be 50 days before the Pole Shift.  No more precise timeline information is known at this time.

Katherine Montano said:

It's February 3, 2011 and I have just recently come into "awareness" (I joined this site today).  Based on current events, do you still believe in this date?  I am scrambling to play "catch up" and move my family, trying not to panic, yet. 

laurie said:
Barrie Leslie Konicov said:
I believe based upon the best information available that the pole shift will happen in April of 2011. However if you do not have your supplies in place by the end of August 2010 you are going to havedifficulty gathering your supplies.

Yes, I would like to have chickens before the shift, but (1) we live in the city where chickens are not allowed, (2) hatcheries only ship chicks spring to August or September. So If I want them Before the PS, I need to either order them NOW and hide them or hope to find some at the last minute running loose near our camp. :( Rooster are hard to hide once they start crowing, lol!

Thank you for your reply, Howard.


I gather from recent posts that "7" is already underway.  Are we provided any further indication as how soon event "8" will transpire?  I'm just trying to get a grip on the timeline.


Howard said:

Katherine -  the April 2011 date provided below was a speculation by someone who is no longer a member of this Ning.

At this point, any dates provided by are pure speculation.  However, when Planet X becomes clearly visible in the sky and Earth begins a severe wobble, there will be 50 days before the Pole Shift.  No more precise timeline information is known at this time.

Katherine Montano said:

It's February 3, 2011 and I have just recently come into "awareness" (I joined this site today).  Based on current events, do you still believe in this date?  I am scrambling to play "catch up" and move my family, trying not to panic, yet. 

laurie said:
Barrie Leslie Konicov said:
I believe based upon the best information available that the pole shift will happen in April of 2011. However if you do not have your supplies in place by the end of August 2010 you are going to havedifficulty gathering your supplies.

Yes, I would like to have chickens before the shift, but (1) we live in the city where chickens are not allowed, (2) hatcheries only ship chicks spring to August or September. So If I want them Before the PS, I need to either order them NOW and hide them or hope to find some at the last minute running loose near our camp. :( Rooster are hard to hide once they start crowing, lol!

@ Katherine :  there´s a sequence of events, called the 7 of 10, which explicitly outlines a number of rather large events which will take place during the 7 that just started on December 31st.. (thereabouts :-) of which the first is the tipping of the indo plate and the sinking of Indonesia (well under way) 

If you use the search engine on this page and type in : 7 of 10, you´ll be rendered several results, you may wish to check out as there are many informative comments, as well... 

The last of the 7-events is a European tsunami which follows right after the New Madrid adjusts..

Katherine - no additional timeline information has been provided by the Zetas, nor should you expect anything further.

I think most on this Ning would agree, at a minimum, that all the 7 of 10 events will occur by the end of this year (2011).  Some here also believe the Pole Shift will occur as early as April.   The best approach is to be preparing in earnest right now.  

By the time the 7 of 10 events have occured, the availability of goods will be severely compromised.  And it will only be downhill from there.  Time is running short.  Make a plan and put it into action.  Don't delay.

Got it, thanks Malou. 


I guess what I'm trying to find out when we will enter the "final trimester?"

Malou (Marie Louise) Geleff said:

@ Katherine :  there´s a sequence of events, called the 7 of 10, which explicitly outlines a number of rather large events which will take place during the 7 that just started on December 31st.. (thereabouts :-) of which the first is the tipping of the indo plate and the sinking of Indonesia (well under way) 

If you use the search engine on this page and type in : 7 of 10, you´ll be rendered several results, you may wish to check out as there are many informative comments, as well... 

The last of the 7-events is a European tsunami which follows right after the New Madrid adjusts..

Katherine - you're not alone in that endeavor.  Keep preparing in earnest.  Eventually, this Ning may become unavailable and you'll be relying on what you've learned here. 

Katherine Montano said:

Got it, thanks Malou. 


I guess what I'm trying to find out when we will enter the "final trimester?"

Malou (Marie Louise) Geleff said:

@ Katherine :  there´s a sequence of events, called the 7 of 10, which explicitly outlines a number of rather large events which will take place during the 7 that just started on December 31st.. (thereabouts :-) of which the first is the tipping of the indo plate and the sinking of Indonesia (well under way) 

If you use the search engine on this page and type in : 7 of 10, you´ll be rendered several results, you may wish to check out as there are many informative comments, as well... 

The last of the 7-events is a European tsunami which follows right after the New Madrid adjusts..

@ Katherine :  I think we all just really wished we could tell you !!!  - it would be so neat .. :  "wait until this and that, then so and so and vilà", only we´ve all found out (or are jsut about to find out) that this whole THING has it´s own rules and premises, and ALL we can do is try to stay on top of it, not go insane and eventually emerge on the other side of it, ready and able to do something useful...

The REASON, I didn´t pop you the 7 of 10 link, is that I´ve discovered that the more I immerse myself, here, on this Ning + ZT, the more I actually empower myself... as in "I´M THE ONE DOING THIS".. - go ahead, sweetie, and thanks for not biting my head off... glad that Howard´s here, as well !..

Thanks, Howard, I am doing my best to get up to speed and prepare without freaking out my kids!


Malou- I didn't even take it that way at all.  I'm glad I even found this site in the first place.  Best of luck to us all.


Malou (Marie Louise) Geleff said:

@ Katherine :  I think we all just really wished we could tell you !!!  - it would be so neat .. :  "wait until this and that, then so and so and vilà", only we´ve all found out (or are jsut about to find out) that this whole THING has it´s own rules and premises, and ALL we can do is try to stay on top of it, not go insane and eventually emerge on the other side of it, ready and able to do something useful...

The REASON, I didn´t pop you the 7 of 10 link, is that I´ve discovered that the more I immerse myself, here, on this Ning + ZT, the more I actually empower myself... as in "I´M THE ONE DOING THIS".. - go ahead, sweetie, and thanks for not biting my head off... glad that Howard´s here, as well !..

Things are speeding up and having the Zeta's insights and explanations are in a matter of speaking, comforting although tough times lie ahead. Think of it this way.  

When the process leads into 8/10 and beyond, this being a time I believe, when most around the world will have personal experiences as a result of planet X , the event portraying itself undeniably then.  How many people will be anxious, paranoid and sick to the core not understanding what is happening, fearing the unknown with probably no official explanation from any local authorities.

Probably communications blackout, be it television, internet, cell etc. which will exacerbate the need to understand whats happening, all this amidst the then present cataclysmic events earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tsunamis hurricanes etc.   Imagine then having the understanding of what is going on and what needs to be done.

Knowledge is empowering isn't it ?


Howard, hi,  a comment: I thought it might be useful to mention a possible confusion that people might have living in the southern hemisphere specially as I believe many more will be joining this site as time progresses.

In the valuable trimester table you drew up, you refer to the 3 days of darkness. This is as I have it from a northern hemisphere perspective. It might be helpful to indicate "3 days of darkness N/Hemis"    and  "3 days of light S/Hemis in the table so all people no matter of their geographic location might easier get to grips with this period.

Thanks again for drawing up this valuable table.


Blessings to all.



April of this year?  Oh, my, that is much less time than I thought I had.  I am in San Diego, CA and I know I need to get out of here but am restricted by the lack of means to make the move.

Howard said:

Katherine - no additional timeline information has been provided by the Zetas, nor should you expect anything further.

I think most on this Ning would agree, at a minimum, that all the 7 of 10 events will occur by the end of this year (2011).  Some here also believe the Pole Shift will occur as early as April.   The best approach is to be preparing in earnest right now.  

By the time the 7 of 10 events have occured, the availability of goods will be severely compromised.  And it will only be downhill from there.  Time is running short.  Make a plan and put it into action.  Don't delay.

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