Below is an event timeline based on ZetaTalk that begins 7 weeks prior to the Pole Shift. This calendar provides specific durations for the dramatic events preceding the climactic Pole Shift and Planet X is clearly visible in the daytime sky from Day 1.


"What starts the process of the last weeks, with all their extreme gyrations, is a threshold being crossed. The dithering we have been describing - where Planet X, the Earth and the other planets caught in the cup (Dark Twin and Venus) are all bouncing around, reacting to movement in another, to crowding of magnetons or other particles – reaches an explosive point. During this time Planet X moves to the right as far as possible, to evade the ever increasing particle crowding, but is still outbound, steadily. Thus, visibility is enhanced, and Second Sun sightings are common. This is the start of the 7.3 week period we described, where it would be unmistakably visible to all on Earth. Venus escapes the cup. The Dark Twin escapes the cup. And the dance of many becomes a deadlock grip by Planet X on the Earth. It is no longer an issue of the Earth wobble or temporary leans to the left of into opposition sufficing. This is twitching about, compared to the last weeks. If the years and months of the Earth wobble were the wrestlers positioning themselves at the edge of the mat, then the last weeks are full contact, and neither can let go of the other. In this, of course, Planet X wins.

"When Venus and the Dark Twin escape from the cup, the particle crowding is suddenly eased, allowing Planet X to come forward toward the Earth. The Earth’s first evasion is to tilt her N Pole away from the oncoming Planet X to such a degree, and so violently, that she leans all the way over to the left and then REBOUNDS as a reaction all the way to the right. This is the severe wobble, for a length of 9 days, as a resent crop circle
has depicted. Finally, the rebound is repressed, for a lingering lean to the left of 4.5 days or so. Then a progression where the N Pole of Earth is pushed away from the Sun and the approaching Planet X, until the point where 3 days of darkness is unmistakable. This progression is another 2-3 days in time. Then the 3 days of darkness and the 6 days of sunrise west, which is a momentum and turnaround for the swing into the 3 days of darkness.

"Then the Earth rights herself, side by side with Planet X, and begins her rotation slowdown. It is during this time that the Earth is drawn toward Planet X, so that Planet X quickly increases in size in the skies and is the writhing monster of legend. Slowing rotation is not a linear matter, but exponential as the Earth is pulled closer to Planet X. The Earth moans, groans, and complains as the core pulls at the crust but the crust is gripped, increasingly, and held by Planet X. The slowing is a lurching matter too, as when the Atlantic Rift is exposed, the grip slows the rotation, but when hidden, rotation tries to return. All this causes earthquakes and stretch zone accidents. Emergency management teams are beyond exhaustion, government services are in disarray, and travel has become almost impossible.ZetaTalk


Note: 3 Days of Darkness applies only to the northern hemisphere.  The southern hemisphere will experience "three days of light, from dusk to dawn without nightfall." ZetaTalk - Oct 3, 2009

Common Misconception: Earth's Rotation Reverses During 6 Days of Sunrise West

I have read information on your webpage. You claim, the earth will lean to the left before the pole shift and the sun will rise in the west. But sunrise in the west is not possible, even if the earth would stand upside down. Therefore the earth will have to stop first and begin to rotate in the opposite direction. So there is something wrong with this information. Look at this picture for example. Here stands the earth upside down, but people in Florida could see the sunrise still before it could do people in California.

"You are incorrect and not thinking this through, but confusion is understandable. Nancy has reviewed our ZetaTalk on this matter and there is a missing piece of the puzzle, which we are giving you today. You are correct that the Earth continues to rotate in the direction it does today. When the globe is tipped almost upside down, and turning in the same manner as today, land is still moving from what was formerly west to what was formerly east. Sunrise west occurs just after the lean to the left with the globe then sliding its N Pole away from the Sun into the 3 days of darkness. These steps occur because Planet X is approaching from the right, in its retrograde orbit. Even during the 3 days of darkness and days following when the Earth is trying to right itself from being almost upside down, the N Pole is thus still leaning somewhat to the left, avoiding the approaching N Pole of Planet X. The time when the Earth is almost upside down is very brief, not even the span of a day, with the remainder of the 6 days of sunrise west occurring when the Earth is righting itself from the position it was in during the 3 days of darkness. Thus, the N Pole of Earth is pointing north more than south during these 6 days. These gyrations of Earth occur as the Earth is rolling with Planet X during its 270° roll, in which it moves from having its N Pole nosed into the S Pole of the Sun to pointing its N Pole outward toward Earth (a total 180° turn) and then standing upright with its N Pole up (the remaining 90°). Planet X has been doing the first part of the 270° roll for some years now, ever since it passed the S Pole of the Sun in 2004 and began moving outbound.

"The last weeks begin because Planet X moves to station itself almost directly between the Earth and Sun. Before that point the Earth merely has a wobble, allowing its N Pole to be pushed away daily. But as Planet X moves between the Earth and Sun, the Earth comes into the grip of Planet X completely. During the last weeks, the Earth changes from being in an end-to-end alignment with Planet X to being in a side-by-side alignment. It is during the end-to-end alignment, when Planet X is pointing its N Pole directly at the Earth, that the lean to the left and 3 days of darkness occur. But as Planet X continues in its retrograde orbit, its N Pole is no longer coming from the right, but is located to the left of the Earth, and the Earth adjusts by slinging its N Pole to the right. Thus, during the 6 days of sunrise west, the Earth still has its N Pole tipped away from the Sun and the approaching Planet X, but rather than a lean to the left, it has a lean to the right. It is at this point that the Earth switches from being in an end-to-end alignment to being in a side-by-side alignment with Planet X. When Planet X is just at the Ecliptic, it stands upright in alignment with the Sun, the dominant magnet in the solar system. As it switches from pointing its N Pole at Earth, as it had during the many years of the wobble, to completing its 270° roll and pointing its N Pole upward, the Earth follows suit. It is then that the Earth is drawn closer to Planet X, so that only 14 million miles separates them. It is then that the Earth slows in her rotation to a stop, for the week of rotation stoppage."

ZetaTalk: GLP Live - September 12, 2009

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In the moslem hadist has a famous message that if the sun rise from the west that is the doomsday, is this the poleshift can cause the sun rise from the west?

Did you read the main text of this discussion? It's all written there

Arief Setyawan said:

In the moslem hadist has a famous message that if the sun rise from the west that is the doomsday, is this the poleshift can cause the sun rise from the west?
Howard,     Thanks So Very Much for finding the table for me and those who may find it helpful.

Howard said:

Deborah -

European Tsunami

Deborah said:

Thanks Lilly,  Its a great wee  table if only I could find it again!

Hi, this is much needed and the subject of many inquiries. However, if I could make a suggestion, I think the calendar setup is confusing to many people who expect and request a calendar date. My suggestion is to start day one as day fifty, and therefore

make it a countdown calendar. In other words, when the three days of darkness begin in the northern hemisphere,  people would say 'now we have 27 days until poleshift ends' This setup, although convenient, implies to the casual or first time observer that pole shift occurs on some Sunday when we know it only has a one in seven chance of occurring on a Sunday, and no one has said that it would. You could add that pole shift itself only takes one hour. Thanks to the chart maker, but could we have a countdown rather than a weekly/monthly framework?

I must ask...when is it expected that PX will be visibly seen during the daylight hours by everyone (including Northern Hemisphere)? Is there a timeline or possible timeframe for that? Thank you very much in advance.
Beverly - As we proceed through the 8 of 10 events, the signs in the sky will increase.  As Venus and Earth's Dark Twin prepare to escape the eddy cup of particle flows, both are predicted to loom large in the sky.  After they have escaped this eddy cup, there will be far less interaction of attraction and repulsion forces and Planet X will be granted less resistance in its approach toward the ecliptic.  Thus, it will become clearly visible in the skies for all to see and we can expect the Last Weeks to commence.
Thank you, Howard, for taking the time to respond. Because we are still in the 7 of 10, I suppose that means we still have a bit more time, though signs of the 8 of 10 are evident (from what I can tell, culling through everything here). I must ask one more question: I'm seeing a lot of concern (various websites and blogs) and "urgent" warnings regarding Comet ELENIN. Will we experience any adverse situations in weather, solar activity, earth changes as a result of that? Is it possible it could hasten the timeline in any way? I'm not sure if this is something to which you can respond, or if this is something Nancy/ZT would wish to address. Again, thank you very much for your time.
Comet Elenin will have no effect on Earth. NASA is hoping the populace will blame Comet Elenin for the current Earth Changes. They wish to blame anything but PX and Comet Elenin will not be an acceptable excuse when the 7 of 10 reaches the shock point.Check out this Blog from the Ning.

I believe your comment is well meant but misunderstands what my point totally. All I am saying is call the first day all the world can see PX standing apart from the sun, " Day 50" and then countdown day by day to pole shift which will happen on  day 1. I never said pin an actual date to day 50 or day 1. I don't know how you could get that out of what I said, but then nothing surprises me anymore. Here is what I posted to my emil list last week in response to a question asked of Nancy requesting date of pole shift:

Cal Steinberger wrote:

Q:Thanks Nancy.  I sure wish that you would reconsider and give us your prediction of when you think that the "Pole Shift" will occur!!!  There are alot of lives hanging in the balance here.Regards, Cal
A: Cal,  Nancy IS saving lives, as to know when PS occurs would trigger the elite to carryout existing plans to eliminate most people, knowing that with PS about to happen there would be no penalty. You should read Zetatalk, or at least follow so you can keep up on your interests. Nancy has conveyed the Zeta message about this many times. Unless the Zeta message goes mainstream and everyone knows, all we have is an event calendar, not a time calendar.  But look at the facts: Haiti more than a year after the quake, nothing done; and Japan 3 months after the quake, nothing done. No matter when it happens you are on your own from then on. This is important to absorb as preparations have to begin now, not later. There is no later in terms of surviving what is to come. I do not mean to scare anyone, but to let you know that you can and should take steps because no one is going to help you, and if the elite knew the date, they already have plans to do you in, but only if they are convinced they can get away with that. By sending out Nancy's messages, and mine, you are helping. But if you followed it a little more closely, you would understand. Thank you for your list Cal. You are very fair and kind. You are interested in helping as many as possible and your work does make a difference. Ultimately it is the internet which will break down the separation and give everyone a fair shot to survive, not for selfish reasons, but to help others and there will be many to help. You may be safer to some extent in Oklahoma, but many on your list are not so fortunate in their present locations and they need to know this. Zetatalk has a complete rundown of safe, safer, and safest locations, and locations which are not good in ANY respect. Here is one page from the ning. You don't have to join to read these blog posts, and there are many different ones on various subjects. Go to the main page and look around but check out this one to introduce you to ongoing discussions of surviving the pole shift and other subjects:
Gordon 6-18-2011

So I hope you will agree that you misunderstood me. Thanks.

astrogal50 said:

Gordon:  Your suggestions may be well meaning, but they are not helpful.  In order to have a countdown calendar Howard would have to actually know when the pole shift is going to happen, and no human being on earth knows that date.  The fact that the pole shift occurs over one hour does not help with a timeline.

The ONLY ones who could do what you are suggesting and have it actually mean anything are the Zetas themselves.  And until the power and wealthy "elites" stop preventing the truth about Planet X and the pending pole shift from being announced that is not going to happen anytime soon, if ever.  (I am personally hoping that confirmed sleeper President Obama will make an announcement when the time arrives and the "elites" can no longer stop him.  But then President Obama is a confirmed Star Child and service to other soul, and I am willing to bet that very few of those human beings who consider themselves "elite" are STO at all.)


Gordon, as you know, while it is true that we have not been given the actual date for the Pole Shift, we have been given the sequence of events leading up to it. As you have so keenly observed, and as it is also in my mind, making a countdown of events is more helpful for keeping track the progress of events as they happen, and it also helps to diminish the confusion over establishing calendar dates. Making a countdown of the days such as this is not the same thing as making a prediction of where in the calendar year these events will fit in and take place. When the events of the last 49 days have become plainly manifested for all to see it will then be a simple matter to look at our Gregorian calendar to see on what date the 49th day of these events started and then...then we will have our advanced warning of on what date the PS will happen, be it only some 40+ days or so. This information of the sequence is available now to everyone. My calendar for checking off the last 49 days will be numbered from day 49 down to day 1, PS day. You are not the only one who has been thinking about this along these lines...Thank you my friend for bring this subject up. Papa's Love be with you always.

Howard, this "calendar" of events for the last 49 days leading up to the PS which you have layed out so well is a very good tool! Ihave liked it since the very first time I saw it while reading this Ning, it is an important part of my survival plan. Thank you for all your work that you do for us who use the information provided on this Ning. May Papa's Love be with you always.

Astrogal150, thank you for your staunch support of Nancy and the Zetas and this Ning. Your strength and courage helps me and I believe many others find the strength to do what needs to done in preparation for the PS in a world where so few have embraced this work of Service to Others. You were one of the first ones to greet me when I first joined the Ning. Thank You for all of your good work. May Papa's Love bless you in your Labours of Love.

Gordon James Gianninoto said:

Hi, this is much needed and the subject of many inquiries. However, if I could make a suggestion, I think the calendar setup is confusing to many people who expect and request a calendar date. My suggestion is to start day one as day fifty, and therefore

make it a countdown calendar. In other words, when the three days of darkness begin in the northern hemisphere,  people would say 'now we have 27 days until poleshift ends' This setup, although convenient, implies to the casual or first time observer that pole shift occurs on some Sunday when we know it only has a one in seven chance of occurring on a Sunday, and no one has said that it would. You could add that pole shift itself only takes one hour. Thanks to the chart maker, but could we have a countdown rather than a weekly/monthly framework?

Thank you!  Every little bit of info that sheds light on disinformation is helpful!

MegaMontana said:

Comet Elenin will have no effect on Earth. NASA is hoping the populace will blame Comet Elenin for the current Earth Changes. They wish to blame anything but PX and Comet Elenin will not be an acceptable excuse when the 7 of 10 reaches the shock point.Check out this Blog from the Ning.

It's such pleasure reading the comment threads. People are behaving so civil. Thank you. (I'm not ironic - since this is the Net I better emphasise that)


Since all seem in agreement on a sequence process, an area to perhaps further discuss and analyse is the mapping of the process's societal impact. For instance, useful information for those planning to relocate would be, can i expect to be able to use the road to relocate regionally the same day I see two suns in the sky?


You could project that on your table to give useful information. 

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