As we have been preparing to cope with the predicted earth changes - how is everyone adjusting so far?

We are hearing of the snow storms in the northern hemisphere and floods and mudslides etc  Are your plans and preparations helping your situation or have they been constantly modified and made flexible.

It would be good to hear stories of your situation as it might help others cope and adapt better.

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Great post Vicky, It's inspiring to know that you have done what you needed to and learnt so very much on the way.  There is hope for the rest of us that are not quite there yet.  Some times the hard part is keeping up the sense of urgency and motivation .  You provided some motivation, thanks again.

Your right it is an amazing time to be alive.

Vicky said:

I am lucky in that we started a farm before I learned of ZT. I say we, but DH came along kicking and groaning almost the whole time, he was a city kid and I was country.  I've been spinning wool into yarn and making cloth and knitting and crocheting for years. I have my sheep and goats and chickens and a huge garden and started learning to seed save a few years ago. I've made many batches of soap, make several kinds of cheese, learned how to store food, learned to brain tan hides, learned to build, searched out ways to make shelters without the use of nails or screws, how to use & make herbal remedys, how to forage, first aid & emergency medicine, how to find water, how to distill water, how to douse, found a shortwave radio and books on how to use it, how to fish, smoke meat and so much more.

I've been following ZT since the GLP days before the Ning, and everything has unfolded in due time as they predicted. I am not sure we will be ready or even make it thru the PS,  but since I live in a hilly area there are plenty of places to lay low when the hour of the shift occurs and the winds howl. I've finally convinced my DH that this is happening and we are continuing to learn more about how to do for ourselves. Our plan is to buy some containers, place in a hill side and cover with dirt then fill them with supplies and tools. then when the time comes fell some trees in the gully behind the house, cover them with tarps and dirt and take as many animals as we can and secur them under the logs, then secur ourselves.

Our family isn't on board yet but we still hope the children will come around in time and have included plans for many people to join us, hoping the in-laws will come too. We even got an Alaskan sawmill in case there are any trees worth saving and turning into usable lumber...we are learning about wood gas now.

I am thankful that running the farm keeps me very busy so I don't have too much time to dwell on what might be and can instead concentrate on the tasks at hand. We have reached out to extended family and neighbors and think we just might be in a good area for community to come together and help each other, so maybe moving isn't necessary – though if we had the money we would move to a safer location; but it doesn't seem to be possible right now as we are living like everyone else is from paycheck to paycheck. We make do, search for tools at garage sales, and learn everything we can about how to survive well.

I used to dream of running a fiber arts school, in my mind I still see a large building with lots of tools to help make things out of fiber and wool, with fields of sheep and goats, huge gardens of food and flowers and herbs, a wood shop and a huge barn with lots of hay put up for winter, a cheese cave and root cellars, and lots of people coming and going- perhaps it will be a reality after the shift and I can help teach everyone how to do these things and keep the knowledge alive.

And then perhaps I won't make it - I keep remembering something someone said once about surviving - the holocaust saw many survivors, but who would want to live with those psychological scars & memories? To merely survive isn't always a good thing - as ZT points out many will be insane as they won't be able to adjust to the changes. I'm not sure I want to just merely survive, and I don't want to survive alone, I would rather take my chances with my family than move out into nowhere and have no one. I'm a social creature and need community.

How am I doing? As several have mentioned - some days are better than others. Some days I think why bother with all this as it won't survive anyway, I should just get a back pack and a sturdy pair of boots, a hatchet and knife with some flint and some fish hooks and hope for the best but expect the worst.

Then I have days like today - I'm OK today and tomorrow will take care of itself. Through all of this I am amazed at the awesome power of nature, whether it's a baby goat being born or a rip in the earth 5 miles long - this is an amazing time to be alive!

Just follow your nose,  spend 15 mins a day researching one thing, you'll quickly find you have a lot more knowledge and feel more confident. Don't be afraid of trying things out...making soap isn't as hard as it seems, if you can make a cake you can do soap! Read, read, read! Knowledge is power in that it gives you confidence to move forward. I learned everything from the internet, I watch a lot of how to videos on youtube, search Google books for old texts on things of interest, haunt used book stores and online versions of the same. Just do it!

Good luck to us all!

Deborah said:

Great post Vicky, It's inspiring to know that you have done what you needed to and learnt so very much on the way.  There is hope for the rest of us that are not quite there yet.  Some times the hard part is keeping up the sense of urgency and motivation .  You provided some motivation, thanks again.

Your right it is an amazing time to be alive.

Yes, thanks for your message of hope and preparedness, Vicky! We all need to be reminded that survival isn't a given, but we need to plan for the best possible outcome. I find that the people I've told thus far, mostly my loved ones, first inquire as to how I must be so depressed. No! I tell them, I plan on surviving and helping my friends and family. I'm expecting to live (although of course I have contemplated, cried and prayed at the thought of the horrific losses I may endure if my husband and/or 2 yr old daughter were to die), but in order to be positive, I am planning on our survival tools, knowledge, and what I still need to do to prepare. As many have stated, I live two lives, one day to day life as we know it where I earn my income and another where I am researching, watching, learning, planning and preparing for life post PS. Is it fortunate that we have a double hemisphere brain for this life in duality? I don't know, but I am certainly glad that I "stumbled" upon GLP (and I think perhaps even the IRC chat logs seem a bit familiar) but I wasn't "ready" until May of 2010 to really KNOW ZT. I am glad to find such wonderful people who are as "crazy" as I am. I hope that someday we may all meet in a better time and place!

Hi Roger,-

yes, you should plan on going north, as Borås will survive the 7 of 10 but not the PS, as it´s only at about 180 feet. Best regards !

Roger Sahlin said:

I sit hours each day searching the internet, learning about aquaponics system, herbs and plants to eat, electricity, wind turbines, how to create  different tools from nothing, cob house skills...

But now I´m wondering about STO and STS orientation, what am I, who am I? Am I  a decided STO?  Become an octopi or a hybrid on earth, this seems more important to me than to survive the poleshift. I am decided to survive of course and I know that whithout the information Nancy and Zetas given us, few will survive where I live. Water and  vulcanoes is not an issue here but without our supermarkets many will surely die. 

Still, I want to sell our house  and get a piece of land on the country side. Our part of Sweden will become an island so maybe we have to go north to widen our possibilities?

Hi Malou,

so far my wife refuse to move as she doesn´t feel the danger...  However Borås i 140 m over sea level but I live to the east and the range is 220-340 m over sea level.

Malou (Marie Louise) Geleff said:

Hi Roger,-

yes, you should plan on going north, as Borås will survive the 7 of 10 but not the PS, as it´s only at about 180 feet. Best regards !

Roger Sahlin said:

I sit hours each day searching the internet, learning about aquaponics system, herbs and plants to eat, electricity, wind turbines, how to create  different tools from nothing, cob house skills...

But now I´m wondering about STO and STS orientation, what am I, who am I? Am I  a decided STO?  Become an octopi or a hybrid on earth, this seems more important to me than to survive the poleshift. I am decided to survive of course and I know that whithout the information Nancy and Zetas given us, few will survive where I live. Water and  vulcanoes is not an issue here but without our supermarkets many will surely die. 

Still, I want to sell our house  and get a piece of land on the country side. Our part of Sweden will become an island so maybe we have to go north to widen our possibilities?

Ok !

Roger Sahlin said:

Hi Malou,

so far my wife refuse to move as she doesn´t feel the danger...  However Borås i 140 m over sea level but I live to the east and the range is 220-340 m over sea level.

Malou (Marie Louise) Geleff said:

Hi Roger,-

yes, you should plan on going north, as Borås will survive the 7 of 10 but not the PS, as it´s only at about 180 feet. Best regards !

Roger Sahlin said:

I sit hours each day searching the internet, learning about aquaponics system, herbs and plants to eat, electricity, wind turbines, how to create  different tools from nothing, cob house skills...

But now I´m wondering about STO and STS orientation, what am I, who am I? Am I  a decided STO?  Become an octopi or a hybrid on earth, this seems more important to me than to survive the poleshift. I am decided to survive of course and I know that whithout the information Nancy and Zetas given us, few will survive where I live. Water and  vulcanoes is not an issue here but without our supermarkets many will surely die. 

Still, I want to sell our house  and get a piece of land on the country side. Our part of Sweden will become an island so maybe we have to go north to widen our possibilities?

Hi Douglas, Tarps! Heavy duty plastic tarps will make a good, water tight shelter in a pinch. They're inexpensive and if you have a few on hand, you will be set. ( . . . and yes, stay away from the Wal-mart cheapies. You will regret it.)

Douglas Loven said:

well I haev started buying things here and there that do not need batteries or non-renewable a ligher. I got a crank flash light and a maginessiam fire maker. Just to name a few things. As for shelter...after thing have calmed down...i think a cheat-0 tent from wal-mart is unwise as it will tear and dry rot in a short time. So i am looking into other options in that regaurd.....any ideas?

Hi Joy,, To me, any solid plans will most likely result in disappointment as we have only basic information. Where to go is a good plan, but how to get there should be flexible. I believe manual and mental skill building is more important because it will allow people to adjust to unknowns. Should you have a tent, yes but it might get stolen. If you know how to build a shelter, it can not be stolen. Tom Brown has a good book series, but ya gotta try em out; work out the kinks.

To me, there are too many variables, including the actions of other people. This is more about flexibility and a lack of fear.  Fear will be, as it is today, the greatest threat to survival.

G’day from the “Lucky Country” Australia. Although my fellow Aussie members will agree , the Coverup is absolute down here. Climate Change is the answer to all the weather anomalies!
I can only hope that the spirit and endurance that got a lot of Aussies through  all our natural disasters will kick in during the PS and beyond.
I look at my fellow travellers on the daily commute and wonder how they would deal with disaster and it saddens me thinking how tragic this is all going to be for them. I can see the city people being the most unable to cope and I am so angry that they are not given a chance to prepare. They don’t stand a chance! We are talking back to basics in the After time and I cant imagine city people being able to  undertake a subsistence lifestyle when we are so hypnotised into our way of life!
I’m a long time follower and member and I can truly say that reading the Zetas and Nancy has altered my life path. Being extremely interested in the human and our behaviour, to read the Being Human section opened my mind, eyes and ears. I believe it has been instrumental in my ability to understand and cope with  the coming times. Their insight into us and information about our history is wonderful.
I’ve become a Big Picture thinker, I am calmer and try to approach daily  issues  in a relaxed manner.
I don’t stress over money any more and look at others, hoping they appreciate how easy life is for them right now! It’s not going to last much longer!
My family and friends are clueless at the moment, mainly because everything is pretty good right now, and I would rather they make the most of it and not worry. I am quietly planning and preparing, slowly realising that mental preparation is as important as the physical. If I survive, I hope I can comfort and help people in the face of the horrors and loss they will experience. Then help them to face the future.

Good morning

I have been slowly preparing and gathering for the PS. I have shared all of the information that I have with those I love and care about. Many are listening with open minds and ears and are now too starting to prepare, others are in complete disbelief and say "well it's out of our control, what can we do"? My husband is not completely on board, he believes something is going to happen, but cannot wrap his head around a pending PS. He has not stopped me in my preparations as I know he trusts me and supports me. We have formed a group with our close neighbors who are just as prepared as us. We are situated in Anmore, BC (more rural area) at about 650 ft. elevation. Our plan is to ride it out here and hope we are far enough away from incoming waves/tsnumai's. I truly believe we will be a family of STO and I will continue to get informed, prepare and help others in any way with what I know or at least advise them and hope they educate themselves for the future. I truly thank Nancy and the Zetas!

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