Breaking the cover ups - Disclosure is welcoming

As per Zetas, the battle ground now is to break the cover ups.  Now is the time to choose your orientation before it's too late i.e service to others or service to self.  The earth changes are not set in concrete and we all can make a difference for a better future.  


In anticipating for any forth coming disclosures i.e. the existence of ET or UFO, the existence of Planet X and hence the pending poleshift, I like to start a discussion blog to capture all possible disclosures by anyone or countries.  


Mayan Documentary to Warn Humans of Impending Catastrophe (NEW Zeta...


SOZT for 3/31 Q&A chat

In what appears to be a move by the Mayans themselves to take charge of their own legacy, they will be producing a documentary to explain what the Mayan legends ACTUALLY say. They do not say that the end of the world will occur just because their Long Count calendar is ending a cycle and starting another. They do predict catastrophe, with great dieoff of the Earth’s populace as a result. Mankind is doomed, they say, and must leave the Earth as extraterrestrials have in the past. And this per hidden chambers to be revealed in the documentary. What of this is fact, and what of this is hype? Some of this has been said before. In particular the statement that the Mayan Calendar per se does not predict the end of the world. But for the rest, why wait until 2012 to reveal it?


The key piece of evidence just being revealed is the chamber the Mexican government is opening to the public for the first time. This does indeed indicate Annunaki space travel, their evacuation as a result of the quarantine the Council of Worlds imposed. And in cooperation with the US government in their long running cover-up over the alien presence the Mexican government kept this sealed lo these many years. This is certainly not the ONLY such archeological evidence of this nature. It was not a change of heart in the US government that has opened this chamber, but members of the Mexican government who have watched the signs, are acutely aware of ZetaTalk and the accuracy of our predictions, and made the courageous decision to put fear of a date (December 21, 2012) on a more realistic footing.


Thus, while the Mayans get proper publicity with a newly opened chamber, Mexico is getting proper publicity to their concern that people prepare for the future, the time of the Pole Shift and the Aftertime.  SOMETHING will be causing 75% of the populace to die over the next two decades. There are no specifics, but given the current trends in extreme and erratic weather, crop failures and death from flood can be presumed. And if the documentary is to focus so closely on some contact in the past with extraterrestrials, who “escaped into space”, presumably the affliction the Earth will have to deal with shortly comes in FROM space. This too can be the presumed conclusion. Is the establishment pleased with this forthcoming documentary? They would prefer the December 21, 2012 date come and go with no further comment but were not asked for their opinion.


UFO disclosure about Aliens and UFOs by Canadian Defense Minister in 2010


Mexican Defense Department Confirms Existence of UFOs


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Google "The Disclosure Project" ( which has been going since 1992.  It showed up in mainstream News and Youtube a few years ago. Interesting stuff with official recognition,  although the whole time still saying NOTHING about PX whatsoever during any interviews and discussion disclosures...which makes it looks like the project just slightly and gently opens the can,  but does not spill any worms out. 


The Disclosure Project

The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project started by Greer in 1992 that alleges the existence of a US government cover-up of information relating to unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The Disclosure Project has been well-received by UFO enthusiasts, with speeches from Greer and various other witnesses being presented at various UFO-themed conferences. Greer has held press conferences and embarked on a continuing series of lectures and television appearances trying to raise popular support.[2]

Mainstream media coverage of the group mostly centered around a 2001 conference at the National Press Club[3] which was described by an attending BBC reporter as the strangest he had ever seen.[4] Greer convened the conference with more than 100 other contactees offering testimony. Among the contactees were "...about 20 former government workers, many of them military and security officials, who stepped forward...and called for congressional hearings about such sightings."[5] Such arguments were met with by derision by skeptics and spokespeople for the U. S. Air Force who maintain that there is no convincing evidence for the speculation that UFOs are alien spacecraft.[6][7] "

Awesome lengthy video of many things.  Click on the links to the side also and watch more.

You are correct, to a degree , FindMeifYoucan. Per the Z's, it takes many lifetimes to make the Orientation choice, though one can be born STO, STS or Undecided. The latter being the majority. They are off to a water planet next incarnation, to further deliberations, as the Earth will become a home for STO, eventually. Those born STO or STS are likely getting a last incarnation in 3rd D. This is mostly for practice interacting with the opposite Orientation in preparation for future Engagements in 4th D, among other things.

It is ALL in ZetaTalk. Start in the Orientation section and...don't stop!

Do we know exactly whether we are STO, STS or undecided?  Sometimes it's hard to tell until you are under stress  or pressure when you are forced to react.  I believe that all orientations are within us.  It is the actions of each individual determine our orientations and they are all being recorded subconsciously.  It is never too late to act positively and our actions can make a difference to the rest of the world.

SOZT: After the 3rd Density decision as to orientation, there is seldom an occasion where the entity switches to the other side, and then this usually occurs only for a brief time. Under what circumstances would such a switch occur? This almost invariably occurs during an incarnation, and then under circumstances where the entity is striving toward a certain goal, which cannot be attained within the confines of the existing orientation. We will give examples.

Say for instance the entity is in the Service-to-Self, and desires to build a place of shelter for himself. He is not receiving cooperation from the others in the group, as each is operating as much as possible for themselves. Discouraged, he recalls times past when cooperation on such activities was common, and gives The Call in a strong enough manner that his guides are called to a conference. The entity is deemed motivated enough to be transferred to a Service-to-Others group, of a like incarnation, i.e. of a similar physical body type. The entity is introduced in a manner acceptable to the social structure, and satisfies his desire for a shelter. Shortly afterwards, when the critical need is past, he resorts to his old ways and becomes, again, Service-to-Self. At this point another conference is called, and the guides return the entity to his prior situation.

Similarly, a Service-to-Other entity may find himself stressed as a particular physical need is not being met, say, for instance, a sexual need. The entity cannot put this physical need into perspective, and constantly considers doing away with competitors and enslaving the sexual object. Due to the intensity of this desire, and we must mention that the entity's past must have made them particularly vulnerable for this to be occurring, the entity becomes totally obsessed and falls into the category of Service-to-Self, or 95% devoted to the self. The guides, so called to the situation, place the entity in a Service-to-Self environment where the sexual obsession is not out of place. After satisfying these desires, the entity finds matters falling into perspective. The guides realize the entity has returned to a Service-to-Others orientation, the true orientation, and return the entity to the original group.

There are no known instances where entities in 4th Density have switched orientations permanently, but in higher densities, switching from Service-to-Self to Service-to-Others occurs regularly. However, the temporary movement of entities between orientations during 4th Density is done to assist the general progress of the entity, and to resolve questions quickly. In essence, a matter is put to the test, and thus resolved. EOZT

ZetaTalk: Switching Sides (1995)

Mayan Documentary to Warn Humans of Impending Catastrophe (NEW Zeta...

SOZT for 3/31 Q&A chat

In what appears to be a move by the Mayans themselves to take charge of their own legacy, they will be producing a documentary to explain what the Mayan legends ACTUALLY say. They do not say that the end of the world will occur just because their Long Count calendar is ending a cycle and starting another. They do predict catastrophe, with great dieoff of the Earth’s populace as a result. Mankind is doomed, they say, and must leave the Earth as extraterrestrials have in the past. And this per hidden chambers to be revealed in the documentary. What of this is fact, and what of this is hype? Some of this has been said before. In particular the statement that the Mayan Calendar per se does not predict the end of the world. But for the rest, why wait until 2012 to reveal it?


The key piece of evidence just being revealed is the chamber the Mexican government is opening to the public for the first time. This does indeed indicate Annunaki space travel, their evacuation as a result of the quarantine the Council of Worlds imposed. And in cooperation with the US government in their long running cover-up over the alien presence the Mexican government kept this sealed lo these many years. This is certainly not the ONLY such archeological evidence of this nature. It was not a change of heart in the US government that has opened this chamber, but members of the Mexican government who have watched the signs, are acutely aware of ZetaTalk and the accuracy of our predictions, and made the courageous decision to put fear of a date (December 21, 2012) on a more realistic footing.


Thus, while the Mayans get proper publicity with a newly opened chamber, Mexico is getting proper publicity to their concern that people prepare for the future, the time of the Pole Shift and the Aftertime.  SOMETHING will be causing 75% of the populace to die over the next two decades. There are no specifics, but given the current trends in extreme and erratic weather, crop failures and death from flood can be presumed. And if the documentary is to focus so closely on some contact in the past with extraterrestrials, who “escaped into space”, presumably the affliction the Earth will have to deal with shortly comes in FROM space. This too can be the presumed conclusion. Is the establishment pleased with this forthcoming documentary? They would prefer the December 21, 2012 date come and go with no further comment but were not asked for their opinion.


Fastwalkers: UFO & Alien Disclosure. The Government cover up finally exposed! The biggest secret in the history of our world is about to be revealed. "For the first time, Fastwalkers in a feature length documentary form discloses information you were never meant to know. Amazing Fastwalker UFO photos and Fastwalker footage gathered from around the world that you were never meant to see. Never before has there been such a wealth of information presented by such unbiased experts who focus on providing a 'World View' of what is really happening on planet Earth, rather than what 'we are told is happening.'"

UFO Encounter Revealed After Almost 40 Years By Ex-Military Pilot: ...

On the night of Feb. 6, 1975, Marine Reserve Squadron Capt. Larry Jividen was piloting a T-39D Sabreliner (see image above) combat trainer and utility aircraft with five Naval officer pilots on board for a special training flight. He didn't know the evening would evolve into a game of "tag" with an unidentified flying object.

Jividen hasn't spoken about that experience from nearly 40 years ago -- until now.

The nine-year Marine Corps captain -- and later commercial airline pilot -- had taken off at twilight for a two-hour roundtrip that began and ended at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla.

"At about 9 o'clock, we were descending from a high altitude -- around 33,000 feet -- and I looked off to the right side of the airplane where I saw a solid red light at our 1:00 o'clock position and altitude," Jividen told The Huffington Post.

"It was not flashing like normal anti-collision lights flash on airplanes. I thought it might be some other traffic, but I wasn't sure, so I called Pensacola Approach Control and said, 'Understand we're cleared for the approach, but we have traffic off to our right, and who's first for the approach?"

The traffic that Jividen and the other five crew members saw was mutually described as "a solid, circular object about the relative size of a kid's marble held at arm's length," Jividen recalled.

When they were informed that ground control had no other traffic in their vicinity, Jividen became concerned that the mysterious object hadn't shown up on radar. So he asked for clearance to deviate from their approach and turn directly toward the bright red UFO "just to see what it does."

As he turned toward the object, Jividen says it turned toward his plane.

"It suddenly flew from right to left, across the nose [of our plane], and just stopped at our 11:00 o'clock position. At that point, I started to speed up to see if I could close on the object, and as I sped up, it was pacing me in front. In other words, as I'd speed up, he'd speed up.

"So, I decided to descend to place the object against a star field to make sure that it was actually solid, and then I climbed so that I could silhouette the object against the Gulf of Mexico."

Jividen says the five-minute encounter came to an end when the reddish UFO sped away at a very high rate and disappeared over the horizon in the direction of New Orleans.

After the crew returned to Pensacola, Jividen filled out an incident form and that was the last he heard of the episode.

And nobody else heard about it for more than three decades.

Jividen's story is now being told in a new edition of "UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities," written by retired Army Col. John Alexander.

"I did some background checks on [Jividen] and one of the first things that came back was his distinguished flying crosses for doing really heroic things. He is who he says he is and very straightforward," Alexander told HuffPost.

"I don't think there's any doubt that it was something. I take him as a highly credible witness, much more so than many other ones."

Alexander's unique top-secret clearance granted him by the U.S. government gave him access in the 1980s to a variety of official documents and first-person UFO accounts. He also created a special group of top-level government officials and scientists who studied the UFO phenomenon.

In the end, Alexander determined that the U.S., indeed, had evidence pointing to UFO reality, but he couldn't find any signs that the government deliberately kept this information from the public, or that contact had been made with alien life.

"One of the things we are seeing are physical characteristics that we don't understand, capabilities that are beyond our technological options at this time, i.e. extremely fast acceleration and high-G turns that living organisms, as we know it, would not survive," he explained

Ufo Disclosure Edgar Mitchell Obama Administration April 21 2009

Reply by Nancy Lieder 22 hours ago

Partnering with RT, the opening episode of Julian Assange's new talk show featured an interview with militant leader Hassan Nasrallah, whose Syria-backed Hezbollah militia is considered a terrorist organization in the United States and Europe. This Wikileak interview is a major confrontation with the west especially countries like USA and off course Israel.  This is embarrassment to both USA and Israel.  What surprises me is that this news is even published in the main stream media.  Why would Assange be allowed to perform these interviews at the first place?  How important is this piece of interview in terms of breaking the cover ups of secret agendas by Israel and USA?  Apart from what's being said during the interview, is there any hidden messages that Wikileak wants to tell the world?  Would Zetas like to make any comments on this matter in general?
[and from another]
The half-hour segment on Assange's The World Tomorrow show aired on Kremlin-backed broadcaster RT on Tuesday and featured questions about Israel, Lebanon, Syria, theology and encryption. But he did reveal that his group had been in touch with opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Nasrallah claimed that Hezbollah had been rebuffed. Assange himself said he anticipated criticism along the lines of: "There's Julian Assange, enemy combatant, traitor, getting into bed with the Kremlin and interviewing terrible radicals from around the world." But the Australian said that RT had a big audience and his guests had told him things they "could not say on a mainstream TV network." Assange remains under strict bail conditions at an undisclosed location in England while he fights extradition to Sweden on sex crime allegations.

The wagons are circling amid those elements that want the cover-up over Planet X and the alien presence to CONTINUE, and those that are comfortable allowing the public to learn the truth. China has a firewall to prevent its public from access to banned websites, a firewall that was constructed at the inception, whereas Russia allowed the Internet to be inserted into its territory without such restrictions. Thus, RT flourishes as the IP of choice among those wanting the news to be frankly and honestly reported. Russia has allowed frank discussion of Planet X signs and signs of the alien presence such as crop circles on its media, even allowing government officials to comment freely. 

Assange is already in the crosshairs of the big guns in the cover-ups, and is only alive because he is under a protection, as he knows. Blocked from releasing leaked material, and personally under assault by a false sexual harassment charge, he is doing what he can to lead the charge against disinformation and secret government operations. With a nose for relevant news, and an even better nose for lies and deception, he is hoping to start a trend. Will he succeed? How will the world block the RT news outlet? Attempt to “reason” with Russia? In the short term, his campaign will succeed. 

Russian scientists warn of a future flood in W Siberia, they discov...

Russian scientists discovered that about 6500 years ago there was a catastrophic flood in Western Siberia and found information that would support a repeat of the scenario in the future. Researchers from the Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics showed that the flood was caused by the advance of the lakes in the Pamir Mountains Asian. As announced by a science team member Sergey Guskov, the study of bottom sediments of lakes Chany in Novosibirsk region, they found shells of one of the simplest types of marine organisms. These foraminifera, which are not able to live in fresh water, which quickly perish. The carbon-14 dating conducted at the University of Arizona, USA. States., Showed that the age of the deposits is 6400 to 6700 years. Currently, the nearest habitat of these microorganisms are the Aral and Caspian Seas. The researchers concluded that such a distance between the points of location of these beings is a result of floods in Western Siberia, during which a large mass of water moved from the Pamir Mountains along the Amu Darya River valley. With further study of bottom sediments of the Aral Sea deluge theory was confirmed because it found clear signs of heavy erosion, while the age of the layer in which sediments were located practically coincides with the occurrence of foraminifera in Lake Chany. The fact that the age of the shells is about 20 000 years, while sediments of this age in these areas have not yet been found-that is, in areas where shellfish are found, no sea-suggests that this was not the only flood that occurred in these areas, and is likely to recur in the future, warned the expert.

This is planet X admission by the Russians.

Russian Special News Report NIBIRU 100% Confirmed

The Russian TV documentary gives a lot of valid info, but the BIG disinfo piece is that it is way out there, not yet arrived, etc. It arrived in 2003 and the Red Filter Revolution shows that anybody can see it near the Sun, between the Sun and Earth, with a floppy disc insert.

Too many bloopers to list but the Annunaki, for instance, are not Reptilian, they are hominoid. And the US/NASA did not locate Nibiru in 2005 with an infrared scope, that was 1983 (hit the front page of the Washington Post

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