6 Days of Sunrise West: How Well Can YOU Explain It?

The Sun will rise slightly West of what used to be North during 6 Days of Sunrise West because Earth is nearly upside down during this time.

"Consider that Planet X has not stopped its motion. It is at the Ecliptic at this point, and its own drama requires that it now stand upright! As it swings its N Pole up, it snags the S Pole of Earth which is pointing towards it during the evasive maneuvers that Earth has made to protect its N Pole from the hosing coming from the N Pole of Planet X. As Planet X snags the S Pole of Earth, it drags it slightly upward with it, and thus the Earth finds itself tending to stand almost upside down at this time."

"Still turning toward what used to be the east during its rotation, those on Earth at this angle find the Sun rising just slightly west of what used to be the north. This point where the Sun is rising is the midsection, where one looks toward the Ecliptic, toward the Sun. Just as both those on the southern and northern hemisphere normally look toward the Equator to find the Sun, as the Sun is located above the Equator."  ZetaTalk

I recently tried explaining how this phenomena will occur and was shocked to discover it is NOT a simple matter.  Here's how I proceeded:


1.  I took an upright globe and simulated the Earth's rotation (west to east) by slowly turning it in a left-to-right motion.


2. I also positioned a flashlight facing the globe along the equator in a dimly lit room to simulate light coming from the Sun.


3.  I then held the globe at a 90 degree tilt away from the flashlight while maintaining rotation such that only the South Pole was illuminated by the flashlight, simulating the 3 Days of Darkness.


4.  To simulate 6 Days of Sunrise West, I tipped the globe further such that it was completely upside down while continuing to maintain the same direction of rotation.


5.  What I found was the Sun CONTINUED to rise in the East, NOT the west!  By noting which coast of the continents were illuminated first by the flashlight during the simulated rotation, the eastern coasts were STILL illuminated first, even though the globe was positioned upside down.


Bottom Line: When the time comes, I think it will be important to be able to explain the mechanics of 6 Days of Sunrise West CLEARLY in order to reduce panic and dispel claims that the Earth has somehow reversed her direction of rotation.


I invite explanations for this enigmatic event in clear terms and also ways to demonstrate the mechanics using a globe and flashlight or any other visual aids.  This issue was covered at least once before during a GLP Live chat.

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Lothar - thanks for illustrating your drill example, but simply making North become South doesn't change the direction the Sun will rise. It will still rise in the East.

Lothar Schwarz said:
One more post from myself on this subject.
Your eyes are the sun. Sunrise in the east. Measured with a magnetic compass.
Picture 1:

Never mind about the tilt of the N-S axis we assume a tilt of 180 deg.
Your eyes are the sun. . Sunrise in the east. Measured with a magnetic compass.
Picture 2:

Zeta statement: "The rotation of Earth remains the same, but it is upside down for these 6 days, thus sunrise West"
Meaning, the Zetas assume by giving this statement, the North star is our geographical north pole.
Therefore N=S and E=W therefore they are saying Sunrise in the west.

Yes you are correct.
The mistake I think that people make, is to look at the situation from a frontal position.
Take a bottle , then draw arrows on the bottle showing the direction of earth rotation. Point the bottle in the upward position, presuming for the exercise that up is north. Now invert the bottle , so north shows down or south. Watch the rotation. Where east was before will still be the first area ,as you rotate the bottle , to meet your imaginary morning sun.

Howard said:
Lothar - thanks for illustrating your drill example, but simply making North become South doesn't change the direction the Sun will rise. It will still rise in the East.
Lothar Schwarz said:
One more post from myself on this subject.
Your eyes are the sun. Sunrise in the east. Measured with a magnetic compass.
Picture 1:

Never mind about the tilt of the N-S axis we assume a tilt of 180 deg.
Your eyes are the sun. . Sunrise in the east. Measured with a magnetic compass.
Picture 2:

Zeta statement: "The rotation of Earth remains the same, but it is upside down for these 6 days, thus sunrise West"
Meaning, the Zetas assume by giving this statement, the North star is our geographical north pole.
Therefore N=S and E=W therefore they are saying Sunrise in the west.


Lothar Schwarz said:
Kenneth, thats correct.
However we are talking here about the 6 days of sunrise in the west, which is something different to the 3 days of darkness..!!

Kenneth E Walsh said:
velikovsky postulated that the earth stopped in its rotation for 3 days and then began to rotate in the opposite direction.
The stoppage of rotation was confirmed in multiple societies of the time. Hebrew tradition states the sun stopped for three days.
The Mayans claimed it was night for three days.
The Chinese said that the sun hung on the horizon for three days.

Howard posted a question on the 8/28 Q&A and where the answer will be formally included there, I am also posting here EARLY as you'all have been working so hard! I took the liberty of modifying a couple of Howard's graphics to bring them in line with this new ZT.

During the time when the Earth has stopped her Severe Wobble to lay in a static position in a Lean to the Left, there is a dynamic going on between the Earth and Planet X. We will first describe what is happening to Planet X, vs a vs the Earth, and then describe what the Earth does in reaction. Planet X has been approaching the Earth from the right, as one looks down upon the solar system above the N Pole, in its retrograde orbit. It has been steadily pointing its N Pole at the Earth, forcing the Earth to wobble and other maneuvers such as temporarily leans to the left or into opposition. As Planet X comes closer to the Earth, squeezing the 3 planets in the cup closer together, tightening the cup, Venus escapes the cup and shortly after this, the Dark Twin also escapes. On comes Planet X, closing the gap between it and the hapless Earth, but it is ALSO continuing to move in its retrograde orbit so that it is now positioned almost between the Earth and the Sun.

Up until this point the N Pole of Planet X has been assaulting the Earth from the right, so the static Lean to the Left is the evasive maneuver the Earth takes. But Planet X is not stopping, in its retrograde orbit, just as it is not stopping in its outbound path. At this point Planet X is almost standing between the Earth and Sun, so the Earth swings its N Pole away into the 3 Days of Darkness. Still Planet X continues, so it is now slightly to the LEFT of the Earth, no longer on the right and no longer just directly between the Earth and Sun. This causes the Earth to continue the motion it took into the 3 Days of Darkness, the momentum, so that its N Pole is now pointing more toward the RIGHT. But what would cause a slight Sunrise West, just to the west of the N Pole as we have stated?

Consider that Planet X has not stopped its motion. It is AT the Ecliptic at this point, and its own drama requires that it now stand upright! As it swings its N Pole up, it snags the S Pole of Earth which is pointing towards it during the evasive maneuvers that Earth has made to protect its N Pole from the hosing coming from the N Pole of Planet X. As Planet X snags the S Pole of Earth, it drags it slightly UPWARD with it, and thus the Earth finds itself tending to stand almost upside down at this time. Still turning toward what used to be the east during its rotation, those on Earth at this angle find the Sun rising just slightly west of what used to be the north. This point where the Sun is rising is the MIDSECTION, where one looks toward the Ecliptic, toward the Sun. Just as both those on the southern and northern hemisphere look toward the Equator to find the Sun, as the Sun is located above the Equator.

Nancy Lieder said:
Howard posted a question on the 8/28 Q&A and where the answer will be formally included there, I am also posting here EARLY as you'all have been working so hard! I took the liberty of modifying a couple of Howard's graphics to bring them in line with this new ZT.

Thanks for that Nancy

So its accurate to say from what you have said that northern and southern hemisphere of the earth will experience the 3 days of darkness, because of planet X blocking out the sun in its temporary blocking of the sun in its orbit, this correct ?
During the time when the Earth has stopped her Severe Wobble to lay in a static position in a Lean to the Left, there is a dynamic going on between the Earth and Planet X. We will first describe what is happening to Planet X, vs a vs the Earth, and then describe what the Earth does in reaction. Planet X has been approaching the Earth from the right, as one looks down upon the solar system above the N Pole, in its retrograde orbit. It has been steadily pointing its N Pole at the Earth, forcing the Earth to wobble and other maneuvers such as temporarily leans to the left or into opposition. As Planet X comes closer to the Earth, squeezing the 3 planets in the cup closer together, tightening the cup, Venus escapes the cup and shortly after this, the Dark Twin also escapes. On comes Planet X, closing the gap between it and the hapless Earth, but it is ALSO continuing to move in its retrograde orbit so that it is now positioned almost between the Earth and the Sun.

Up until this point the N Pole of Planet X has been assaulting the Earth from the right, so the static Lean to the Left is the evasive maneuver the Earth takes. But Planet X is not stopping, in its retrograde orbit, just as it is not stopping in its outbound path. At this point Planet X is almost standing between the Earth and Sun, so the Earth swings its N Pole away into the 3 Days of Darkness. Still Planet X continues, so it is now slightly to the LEFT of the Earth, no longer on the right and no longer just directly between the Earth and Sun. This causes the Earth to continue the motion it took into the 3 Days of Darkness, the momentum, so that its N Pole is not pointing more toward the RIGHT. But what would cause a slight Sunrise West, just to the west of the N Pole as we have stated?

Consider that Planet X has not stopped its motion. It is AT the Ecliptic at this point, and its own drama requires that it now stand upright! As it swings its N Pole up, it snags the S Pole of Earth which is pointing towards it during the evasive maneuvers that Earth has made to protect its N Pole from the hosing coming from the N Pole of Planet X. As Planet X snags the S Pole of Earth, it drags it slightly UPWARD with it, and thus the Earth finds itself tending to stand almost upside down at this time. Still turning toward what used to be the east during its rotation, those on Earth at this angle find the Sun rising just slightly west of what used to be the north. This point where the Sun is rising is the MIDSECTION, where one looks toward the Ecliptic, toward the Sun. Just as both those on the southern and northern hemisphere look toward the Equator to find the Sun, as the Sun is located above the Equator.

No. During the 3 days of darkness, the southern hemisphere gets sun all the time. It is the northern hemisphere that is turned away.

Eugene said:
Nancy Lieder said:
Howard posted a question on the 8/28 Q&A and where the answer will be formally included there, I am also posting here EARLY as you'all have been working so hard! I took the liberty of modifying a couple of Howard's graphics to bring them in line with this new ZT.

Thanks for that Nancy

So its accurate to say from what you have said that northern and southern hemisphere of the earth will experience the 3 days of darkness, because of planet X blocking out the sun in its temporary blocking of the sun in its orbit, this correct ?
OoooK , ...now things are getting clearer for me.Thanks.
Is there then to be even clearer , no time when an eclipse of the sun, by P X in its passage will happen ?

Nancy Lieder said:
No. During the 3 days of darkness, the southern hemisphere gets sun all the time. It is the northern hemisphere that is turned away.

Eugene said:
Nancy Lieder said:
Howard posted a question on the 8/28 Q&A and where the answer will be formally included there, I am also posting here EARLY as you'all have been working so hard! I took the liberty of modifying a couple of Howard's graphics to bring them in line with this new ZT.

Thanks for that Nancy

So its accurate to say from what you have said that northern and southern hemisphere of the earth will experience the 3 days of darkness, because of planet X blocking out the sun in its temporary blocking of the sun in its orbit, this correct ?
It just dawned on me that in that case we are in for extreme temperatures in the Northern and Southern hemisphere.
North should experience extreme cold during the three days of night and the south 3 days of heat. Heck we are in mid summer then, which means normal temperatures of between 30 and 40 degrees C and by implication 3 days of continued sun without as breather at night would increase these temperatures to and I am guessing, maybe to over 60 degrees C . Can you indicate what we can expect then.
I suppose that with all the petrochemicals (firestorms), earth quakes and sundry, that this will go by as uneventful. This true?

Nancy Lieder said:
No. During the 3 days of darkness, the southern hemisphere gets sun all the time. It is the northern hemisphere that is turned away.

Eugene said:
Nancy Lieder said:
Howard posted a question on the 8/28 Q&A and where the answer will be formally included there, I am also posting here EARLY as you'all have been working so hard! I took the liberty of modifying a couple of Howard's graphics to bring them in line with this new ZT.

Thanks for that Nancy

So its accurate to say from what you have said that northern and southern hemisphere of the earth will experience the 3 days of darkness, because of planet X blocking out the sun in its temporary blocking of the sun in its orbit, this correct ?
Eugene - I suggest you post your questions in the ZetaTalk Chat for August 28.

Eugene said:
It just dawned on me that in that case we are in for extreme temperatures in the Northern and Southern hemisphere.
North should experience extreme cold during the three days of night and the south 3 days of heat. Heck we are in mid summer then, which means normal temperatures of between 30 and 40 degrees C and by implication 3 days of continued sun without as breather at night would increase these temperatures to and I am guessing, maybe to over 60 degrees C . Can you indicate what we can expect then.
I suppose that with all the petrochemicals (firestorms), earth quakes and sundry, that this will go by as uneventful. This true?

Nancy Lieder said:
No. During the 3 days of darkness, the southern hemisphere gets sun all the time. It is the northern hemisphere that is turned away.

Eugene said:
Nancy Lieder said:
Howard posted a question on the 8/28 Q&A and where the answer will be formally included there, I am also posting here EARLY as you'all have been working so hard! I took the liberty of modifying a couple of Howard's graphics to bring them in line with this new ZT.

Thanks for that Nancy

So its accurate to say from what you have said that northern and southern hemisphere of the earth will experience the 3 days of darkness, because of planet X blocking out the sun in its temporary blocking of the sun in its orbit, this correct ?
I redid the graphics slightly because they have PX a bit too far to the left in its orbit. Just did new ZT for Andrew on 30 million miles during rotation slowing/stoppage and got clarification. Here's that new 8/28 ZT and I changed these graphics to show PX always just a tad to the right.

The gyrations of the Earth during the Severe Wobble, the static Lean to the Left, the 3 Days of Darkness, and the 6 Days of Sunrise West are all due to Planet X approaching in its retrograde orbit. The places Planet X somewhat to the right of the Earth in the top-down view from above the solar system, though not directly between the Earth and Sun. At this point, Planet X is still within the orbit of Venus, and has all 3 planets within the cup before it. During the gyrations, both Venus and the Dark Twin escape the cup, so Planet X finds it can move forward, outbound from the Sun, more expeditiously thereafter. It comes between the orbit of Venus and the orbit of Earth now. Both the Earth and Planet X have assumed the upright position, so are assuming the side-by-side position that planetary magnets, or magnets in general, can assume. However, THIS position does not allow a close proximity! The Earth once again scuttled back in her orbit, as far as possible given that she is still trapped in the eddy flow cup and nudged forward in her orbit by the sweeping arms of the Sun. Thus Planet X now appears in the skies as closer, larger, and definitely to the right of the Sun. It is at this point that the Point of Passage triangle is assumed, due to the motion of Planet X outbound. Earth does not leave her orbit, but Planet X moves outbound to the point where it is 30 million miles from Earth.

Quick correct, too early in the morning! This sentence:

Earth does not leave her orbit, but Planet X moves outbound to the point where it is 30 million miles from Earth.

should be

Earth does not leave her orbit, but Planet X moves outbound to the point where it is 14 million miles from Earth.
Thanks for the new ZetaTalk, Nancy!!! Such a HUGE help! Now that the matter is crystal clear in concept, it's on to developing a visual aid that tells the story.

Nancy Lieder said:
I redid the graphics slightly because they have PX a bit too far to the left in its orbit. Just did new ZT for Andrew on 30 million miles during rotation slowing/stoppage and got clarification. Here's that new 8/28 ZT and I changed these graphics to show PX always just a tad to the right.

The gyrations of the Earth during the Severe Wobble, the static Lean to the Left, the 3 Days of Darkness, and the 6 Days of Sunrise West are all due to Planet X approaching in its retrograde orbit. The places Planet X somewhat to the right of the Earth in the top-down view from above the solar system, though not directly between the Earth and Sun. At this point, Planet X is still within the orbit of Venus, and has all 3 planets within the cup before it. During the gyrations, both Venus and the Dark Twin escape the cup, so Planet X finds it can move forward, outbound from the Sun, more expeditiously thereafter. It comes between the orbit of Venus and the orbit of Earth now. Both the Earth and Planet X have assumed the upright position, so are assuming the side-by-side position that planetary magnets, or magnets in general, can assume. However, THIS position does not allow a close proximity! The Earth once again scuttled back in her orbit, as far as possible given that she is still trapped in the eddy flow cup and nudged forward in her orbit by the sweeping arms of the Sun. Thus Planet X now appears in the skies as closer, larger, and definitely to the right of the Sun. It is at this point that the Point of Passage triangle is assumed, due to the motion of Planet X outbound. Earth does not leave her orbit, but Planet X moves outbound to the point where it is 30 million miles from Earth.

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