Borage (Borago officinalis) made a good fodder for chickens and geese, and was sought out by bees and other pollinators.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) was used in a poultice to heal wounds, and for many other uses.
Long ago and far away, when I was at Girl Guide camp in Ontario, one of the leaders took us on a herb walk. As we came upon a clump of horsetail, she explained how the pioneers had used it for scrubbing pots clean.
When we encountered a mullein plant, we learned that Indigenous peoples used the soft leaves to line the insides of their moccasins. I was in awe that plants so readily available in the wild could be so useful, and a lifelong passion for herbs was born. In this sesquicentennial year, as thoughts turn to life in Canada 150 years ago, let’s take a look at just a few of the herbs that were cultivated in gardens or gathered from the wild in the mid to late 1800s.
In 1867, while Confederation was taking place in Eastern Canada, the area we now call Calgary was home to a number of Indigenous peoples who relied on herbs for health, healing and spiritual needs.
The arrival of European settlers in the West increased greatly after the CPR reached Calgary in 1883. There were two main sources of herb knowledge for settlers. They brought their experience and seeds with them from Europe or Asia, and they also gained valuable insight about the healing properties of local roots, leaves, flowers and tree barks from Indigenous peoples.
Rose Hips were used to treat colds and influenza.
Most settlers were likely miles away from the nearest doctor, so when it came to first aid and medical complaints they often had to rely on their own knowledge, skills and supplies. The following herbs were common remedies on both sides of the Atlantic at the time.
Willow (Salix) and poplar (Populus) each contain salicylic acid (the active ingredient in aspirin) and were used for pain relief. Rose hips were popular in Europe to treat colds and influenza and Indigenous peoples relied on the wild version, along with teas made with spruce (Picea) or cedar (Thuja) needles, to keep scurvy at bay.
Other parts of the rose (leaves, petals and roots) were used to treat a variety of stomach disorders and to make an eyewash to treat snow blindness or eyes irritated by campfire smoke. Effective eyewashes were also made from bachelor’s buttons (Centaurea cyanus) or raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeaus).
Bachelor’s Buttons (Centaurea cyanus) were used to make eyewash.
Nettle (Urtica dioica), a perennial plant found throughout the world, has been used to treat respiratory problems, digestive disorders, urinary tract problems and gout. A tea made from the fresh or dried leaves was a spring tonic for early settlers and the fresh juice was reported to promote the flow of milk in nursing mothers.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium, also known as millefoil, nosebleed and warrior plant) is one of the world’s most popular herbs, with a wide diversity of uses. A poultice made from the flowers and young leaves was well-known for its abilities to stop bleeding and heal wounds. It was used as a bitter tonic to stimulate digestion, the leaves were chewed to relieve toothache, and it was also effective at treating coughs, colds and fever.
For dental hygiene, sage (Salvia officinalis) and a variety of mint leaves, or even pine needles, were chewed to freshen the breath. Chewsticks with frayed ends were fashioned from twigs of oak, maple and dogwood to serve as toothbrushes.
Some culinary herbs from the garden did double duty in the “medicine cabinet.” Summer savory (Satureja hartensis) could bring down a fever and winter savory (Satureja mantana) was popular as a remedy for colic. In traditional herbal medicine, it’s interesting to note that while summer savory was considered an aphrodisiac, the winter version was said to inhibit sexual desire.
Borage (Baraga officinalis) is a hardy annual and was a welcome addition to pioneers’ gardens. It is highly nutritious for people (we now know it is a good source of the essential fatty acid GLA), it made a good fodder for chickens and geese, and was sought out by bees and other pollinators. The leaves have a mild cucumber flavour and were eaten either fresh or cooked in stews and soups. Dried leaves and blossoms made a refreshing tea that is said to have a calming effect on the nerves.
The garden also provided dyes and aromatic herbs for laundry, soap-making and other household use. Sheets could be stretched and dried across fragrant hedges such as hyssop, thyme, juniper, lavender and roses. Flax (Unum usitatissimum L.) was grown to provide for clothing and other necessities. The coarse fibres were used to make rope and sacks for grain, while the fine silky fibres were spun and woven into linen cloth.

Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) was used to make clothing, rope and sacks for grain.
Herbalism is a vast subject with a rich history in Canada and I’ve only scratched the surface here with respect to herbs that the early settlers relied on for everyday use. If you are interested in learning more, here are a couple of websites worth checking: Wild Rose College of Natural Healing and The Canadian Encyclopedia.
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