Pole shift / Hope / 7 Steps / Help for the Poleshift

1. Pole shift

Our solar system is larger than you know

it is a binary star system

the sun’s twin is a dark unlit star

which pulls the orbits of the outer planets into the ellipses you see today.

Our solar system also contains a 10th Planet (Nibiru) which orbits both stars

Approximately every 3,657 years it passes our sun and crosses the Earth’s orbit

Their magnetic fields clash, causing great upheaval on Earth as it adjusts with a pole shift


The weeks leading up to the pole shift consist of a known sequence of events

Some 7.3 weeks before the pole shift, Planet X moves far to the right of the sun as viewed from the northern hemisphere

second sun sightings become commonplace 

Up until this point, Planet X has been stalled in its orbit due to Venus, the Earth’s Twin all trapped ahead in a stream of particle flows

A threshold is then crossed when Venus and Earth’ twin leave the arena

Planet X is then free to move closer to the Earth

From this point onward the Earth is held in a deadlock grip by its big brother

like wrestlers on a mat

From this position, PlanetX causes the Earth 9 days of severe wobbling from side to side

as Earth’s North Pole evades Planet X’s and bounces back

This is followed by 4.5 days of leaning to the left when the Earth’s North Pole can no longer bounce back

This progresses over 2-3 days while Planet X rolls as it crosses the Sun’s ecliptic and aligns itself with a new direction of particle flow

This results in 3 days of darkness for the northern hemisphere where the Earth’s North Pole points directly away from Planet X

and finally the Earth is upside down for 6 days with the sun rising in the west

The Earth rights itself but Planet X is now starting to accelerate away from the sun

The highly magnetic Atlantic Rift is now gripped by Planet X and over 18 days this gradually slows the Earth’s rotation to a stop

Rotation stoppage lasts 5.9 days with the Atlantic Rift facing the sun, and the Pacific region experiencing a long night.

On the sun side, Planet X is visible as a huge red monster with its many moons trailing behind

Only the pole shift breaks this deadlock when Planet X finally passes the Earth and rapidly disappears into the distance


Planet X grips the South Pole as it passes and pulls it northwards

The crust separates from the core, allowing pre-existing stress points to relax

The massive Eurasian and African plates move east, allowing the Atlantic Rift to tear

The countries of Western Europe will lose elevation

and the African Rift will tear

On the other side of Atlantic, the St Lawrence Seaway rips as Canada moves north

while the rest of America clings to the Atlantic Rift, dragging down the South-Eastern US coastline

The Eurasian plate tears to create a new seaway up into Russia

and the Himalayas are driven over India, submerging the country almost instantly

This is aided by the tipping Indo-Australia plate

which also sinks the western 2/3 of Australia beneath the waves

When the bulge of Brazil reaches the position of the current North Pole, crustal slippage stops

This causes mountain building along some plate boundaries as they crash into one other.

In this way, the large South American plate crushes the smaller Caribbean plate

causing Central America and the Caribbean to crumble

Earthquakes occur all along the spine of the Americas, as the Pacific is compressed

This compression is also felt on the other side of the Pacific, in Asia

Japan explodes and Indonesia crumbles

and the Antarctic plate tips, allowing new land to pop up between the tip of South America and Africa

Water resists all this motion however, causing floodtides to assault the coastlines worldwide as the oceans slosh back and forth

The whole globe experiences Richter 9 earthquakes and hurricane force winds

and all volcanoes active in the last 10,000 years will explode

During the past 5 pole shifts, the poles have not migrated that far

compared to this time where the pole shift will be more severe


The pole shift lasts for approximately one hour

With the earthquakes and hurricane force winds dying down within a few hours after that

although the sloshing oceans and seas will take several days to calm down

Be prepared to bark order to others as you emerge from your shelters as a common reaction will be anger which will need to be directed to positive action

From this point onwards, how well you have prepared will determine your experience; those who have prepared well will dust themselves off and carry on

Those who have not prepared will struggle to survive, trusting more to luck than anything else

So don’t delay, the time to take action is now !

2. Hope

With all the talk of the poleshift, and the devastation expected

earthquakes, floods and leveled cities

Survival in the aftertime will be an uphill struggle,

thrown back in time 100 years with the loss of all modern technology


Those choosing to survive, will find themselves in a world full of changes.

But also one full of rewards

The old shackles of society will have been removed

No more worrying about losing your job, paying the mortgage, credit cards of the IRS

No more corporate greed

the rich squandering the Earth’s wealth

while the homeless starve in the streets

That world will no longer exist

leveled by the poleshift

forcing all into the same situation

The adventurous among us will find themselves masters of their own destiny at last

True artists free to paint their own futures, 

and discover previously unknown strengths and talents within themselves.


For many people, survival won’t be possible after the poleshift.

Times will be tough, 

all modern medicine will be gone and no more social services

But death is not the end, the body may die but the soul lives on.

and how long you live is not as important as you spiritual growth during a lifetime,

which will be accelerated during the stressful times ahead


You will be faced with the choice of whether to help your fellow man or only yourself.

Gangs of looters or those who prey on others will soon die out

Others may find themselves stuck with the immature who constantly make demands

but Service-to-Other communities will fare the best after the poleshift.

as co-operation and teamwork is the only mode that has a future.

Without the distractions of modern life,

people and their skills will be cherished

Music, dancing, laughter, children at play

will all still exist after the poleshift

as will the strength of the human spirit

It will be a time of adventure for all those with courage,

where great rewards are possible.

A truly exciting time to be alive !

and also a time to learn to truly love one another

realizing, amongst all the devastation, that little else matters

except love …

“At such moments, you realize that you and the other are in fact one,

it’s a big realization.

Survival is the second law of life, the first is that we are all one.”

Joseph Campbell, 1904-1987

3. 7 Steps

4. Help for the Poleshift (This overview.)

Take this Quick Tour video (the gist in a minute)

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