Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday March 30, 2025. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
Dark Twin Looming
The Dark Twin was known to the ancients as the Counter Earth, unseen from Earth as it is directly behind the Sun, and is the basis for the Alternative 3 reports.
Due to the Earth being stalled in her orbit by the presence of Nibiru blocking her way, the Earth’s Dark Twin has been sneaking up behind the Earth in their shared orbit. Until recently the Dark Twin has only been seen as a Monster Persona, a huge faint orb caused by light rays emerging from the Dark Twin going out into space but then bent back toward the Earth by the gravity of Earth. The Monster Persona is not the real size, thus.
The Zetas predicted in 2012 that the Dark Twin would attempt to continue on the orbit it shares with Earth, but being unable to push the Earth aside would fall back behind the Earth and sneak by that way. The Zetas predicted this would not succeed until the Last Weeks. But the Dark Twin kept creeping closer and was captured on film as both a Monster and in its real size as a reflection in 2023, both on the same photo snap.
ZetaTalk Prediction 4/14/2012: We had warned that the twin would tend to move behind the Earth as these planets are squeezed in the cup, and thence escape by moving back into space behind the Earth, passing the Earth in their shared orbit. We mentioned these possibilities, that the Dark Twin would pass the Earth and attempt to escape by moving forward in their shared orbit. At present, the twin is caught behind the Earth in their shared orbit, and moving along outside of their orbit behind the Earth out in space. It is trying to evade conflict with the Earth by dropping below the Ecliptic somewhat, as it attempts to slide past the Earth.
Though the Dark Twin is not predicted to sneak behind the Earth in order to move along in their shared orbit until the Last Weeks, it will bop around during numerous attempts. This process has started as can be seen in a Mr MBB33 video which shows a bright Dark Twin. This is reflected sunlight that can only be seen by the Earth due to the changed angle between the Sun, the Earth, and the Dark Twin which has dropped back during an attempt to sneak around behind the Earth. The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 3/17/2025: As the Dark Twin comes up behind the Earth in their shared orbit it is primarily seen as a fuzzy enlarged planet. When seen as a Monster Persona light rays escaping into space are bent back toward Earth so the size seen is not real, but enlarged. The true size was captured in 2023 when a dual capture was secured – the Monster and a light blue reflection in the real size. But in addition to the size distortion, the Dark Twin has been depicted as fuzzy and vague. Now it has begun to be seen as bright.
Reflected sunlight allowed the Dark Twin to be seen when it first emerged from behind the Sun in 2004 as the reflection was a sharp angle. Then the Dark Twin became vague as the reflected light did not bounce toward the Earth. Now it has begun to be seen as bright. We explained that the Dark Twin would escape from its trap by moving behind the Earth, though this would not occur until the Last Weeks. This changes the angle of reflection, so that reflected sunlight can again be perceived directly by those on Earth.
New Madrid Unzipping
The Zetas have described the New Madrid Fault Line separation as an “unzipping” process, starting from the start of the Fault Line at the Isthmus through the deep waters of the Gulf thence up the Mississippi River and along under the Seaway. Until the entire Fault Line has been separated the parts to the East and West will hold together. The Rupture will occur when all parts are free to move. Meanwhile there are signs that the separation is proceeding.
ZetaTalk Prediction 10/31/2019: The New Madrid Fault Line will begin to tear the hard rock. The soft rock below New Madrid will likewise rip, rather than stretch. Each segment of the fault line will be put under intense stress, and quickly fail in a domino fashion. The New Madrid Fault Line will rapidly unzip toward Chicago and then East under the Seaway.
ZetaTalk Prediction 11/30/2019: We have predicted that all bridges crossing the Mississippi will fail by the time the New Madrid is done adjusting. Rivers historically have attracted industry due to river barges and thus cities spring up along rivers. Thus the economy is vested in bridges that cross the Mississippi, and the establishment is reluctant to shut the bridges down or close off the porting of oil and gas via pipelines across the river. Until a breach occurs, no action will be taken. Meanwhile bridges will find their footings shifting and the pavement on either side rumpled. Petrol explosions should be anticipated.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 10/25/2023: As has been clear for several months the weight of the Mainland Portion pulling to the SW will result in a new Panama Platelet. What is also now obvious is the result of the SE Portion scraping across the hump of the Caribbean plate. This is no longer just showing quakes along the hump border, but has now resulted in stress along internal fault lines within the interior of the Caribbean Plate. Meanwhile the Toe of the SE Portion continues to rip from the Isthmus. Eventually, the Yucatan Peninsula will be found some miles East of its current location. The New Madrid Fault Line will now aggressively unzip up the Mississippi River.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 10/25/2023: The N America Mainland has been afflicted for the past few years with derailing trains, falling bridges, exploding gas and water mains, collapsing buildings, and warping roads. The entire continent is in a silent stretch, so these disasters are not associated with Plate Movement per se. But the sudden and total collapse of a church in Ciudad Madero, caught on film, showed no sign of a cause. If the Mainland is being pulled SW it would have one direction to deal with. But this spot on the Mexican coastline is subject to a pull in two directions at once.
The Pemex gas fields are just off shore in the Gulf, where the New Madrid Fault Line emerges from the Isthmus and travels through the Gulf to New Orleans. Thus the dropping Mainland is one force to contend with. But at the same time the SE Portion is pulling its Toe from the Isthmus and pulling the Yucatan up and over the hump of the Caribbean. The New Madrid Fault Line suddenly yawed open in the Gulf. Mainland pushing down, Toe pulling east, resulting in a Gulf void. This caused an instability most structures are not designed to resist.
Now there are signs that the unzipping is stronger than ever. As the SE Portion is pulled to the East, it stretches the land along the Fault Line, pulling it taut and drooping the land so low air pressure storms occur above the stretch. The monstrous storms that rolled across the SE US on March 14 were not typical, nor were the blackouts in several Caribbean countries. Both happened simultaneously.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 3/15/2025: What are the signs that the New Madrid Fault Line is unzipping? We have described the process as a separation of the Fault Line sides starting at the source at the Isthmus, thence through the deep Gulf water to New Orleans, thence up the Mississippi River and along its path under the Seaway, and finally a shifting of the SE Portion where it joins the Mainland and Eurasia Plate in the N Atlantic. During this process the bridges crossing the Mississippi will fail and the tearing open at the Void in the N Atlantic will allow tsunami against Europe and the East Coast.
No timeline for the New Madrid Rupture has been given, and it is subject to delay if the Council of Worlds deems it more important to allow the souls affected to have the opportunity to react empathetically and move toward the Service-to-Other. Thus the unzipping has been ongoing to some degree all along the New Madrid Fault Line, but more must occur. What are the signs that an uptick in this process is happening, perhaps today?
When the unzipping passes through the deep waters of the Gulf, the toe of the SE Portion must be freed from its attachment at the Isthmus. This tears the Yucatan Peninsula and lowers the land masses in the area, as they are stretched taut. Thus the blackouts in the Caribbean due to ripping rock screech and EMP and the storm systems in the US due to drooping land from low air pressure. The traditional methods of watching for pending unzipping are signs that the rock is ripping – thus increased methane release as is present now on both sides of the Seaway – and the GeoElectric map showing N America tugging .
Kursk Reclaimed
In August, 2024 the Ukraine made a surprise assault on the Kursk Oblast, the first time Russia had been invaded since World War II. Zelensky openly admits he wanted the Oblast to use as leverage during any cease fire negotiation, swapping Ukraine land Russia may possess for this Russian land the Ukraine may possess. Now as the Ukraine is exhausted, out of weapons and certainly out of citizens it can conscript into their forces, Russia is making its move to reclaim Kursk and in fact threatening yet another front encroaching into the Ukraine.
A cease fire is being resisted by both sides as both sides see they are about to be victorious. This action is in play, the outcome not certain, but Russia won the Crimea in 2014 and the bear does not like to be poked.
Vitamins in Nature
All the necessary vitamins can be found in Nature. Scurvy can be countered by eating weeds as many are high in Vitamin C. Eating salt pork and biscuits, the early explorers were devastated by Scurvy. Vasco da Gama lost 116 out of 170 men in 1499, and in 1520, Magellan lost 208 out of 230. Little known is that Cabbage and Kale and Potatoes have more Vitamin C than Orange Juice, as do weeds such as Sheep Sorrel, Scurvy Grass, and Dandelion.
Bugs are rich in thiamin, as well as almost all the B vitamins. Rumpold & Schlüter (2013) compiled the nutrient compositions for 236 edible insects, and found that many edible insects provide satisfactory amounts of energy and protein, meet amino acid requirements for humans, are high in monounsaturated and/or polyunsaturated fatty acids, and are rich in micronutrients such as copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, selenium and zinc, as well as riboflavin, pantothenic acid, biotin and, in some cases, folic acid. The latter are B vitamins. The abundance of B vitamins in bugs is significantly higher than in beef or whole grain breads.
Pellagra is a deficiency in B3, causing diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia and finally death. In the past it was caused by a strict corn diet and lack of fresh meat. For awhile, it was thought that corn might be poisonous. China, parts of Africa, Indonesia, and North Korea all have endemic pellagra among their lowest classes. Earthworms are high in B3, as is fish oil. Earthworms have omega-3 as their essential oil, and are 82% protein.
A folic acid (B9) deficiency can be very serious, especially in a pregnant woman. B9 is involved in the development of the fetal brain and spinal cord. Birth defects such as spinal bifida can result. Folate has the same root as the word foliage, and folic acid is found liberally in greens such as spinach and turnip greens. If you don't have a garden, for heaven's sake don't overlook the weeds! Folate is found in all leafy greens. Wild greens, such as dandelion, lamb's quarter, amaranth, and stinging nettle are especially rich in folate. Lamb's Quarters also has triple the amount of calcium when compared to spinach. Stinging nettle is high in iron. Stinging nettle, by the way, does not sting after being cooked in the steamer.
Vitamin A deficiency is most notable for its effect on the eyes. According to the World Health Organization, a lack of vitamin A is the leading cause of preventable blindness in children - conjunctivitis, eye infections, and a damaged cornea young in life. It also expresses as hyperkeratosis, excessive skin growth. Unlike Vitamin C and the B Vitamins, which the body flushes if in excess of what one needs, one can get too much Vitamin A from liver or vitamin pills. Many weeds, such as Plantain, are rich in Vitamin A, and once again bugs come to the rescue, being likewise high in Vitamin A.
Rickets is a deficiency disease caused by a lack of Vitamin D. Rickets causes muscles and bones to become soft, which can cause permanent deformities in children. Vitamin D is required for calcium to be properly absorbed into bones to strengthen them. Vitamin D itself is obtained from many foods such as mushrooms , fish, and liver, but the body can only use it if it has been converted into its active form via sunlight. It is estimated that 40% of the world's population is affected by a Vitamin D deficiency.
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