Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Saturday September 30, 2023. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
F-35 Down
This was a Déjà vu for AF447 and MH370 which were affected by EMP when going over ripping rock under water. The F-35 went missing when the SE Portion of N America showed the rock was red hot with SO2 Methane emissions under the waters of the Atlantic.
ZetaTalk Insight 9/20/2023: Why did the F-35 jet falter and go rogue into a crash? The crash will be examined with cause of death determined, but meanwhile all jets are grounded so more such accidents do not occur. The pilot is alive and can give a report. This is unlikely to be a faulty part as the F-35 has been in operation for years in a number of countries. This F-35 encountered a new electronic maze due to the magnetic storms that Nibiru is increasingly sending to the Earth, combined with the rock ripping emissions that are rising underwater off the East Coast of the US.
MH370 went rogue when it flew over water that had land below the water under a ripping stress due to the start of the 7 of 10 Plate Movements. This attracted an EMP storm which killed the crew and passengers from lack of oxygen and put MH370 into auto-pilot. This same scenario affected the F-35 off coast of S Carolina. The combination of water and electronic screech under the water when Nibiru is wafting his charged tail about is deadly for planes. AF447 also went over a plate border mid-Atlantic and suffered the same fate.
Panama Canal Clog
If the Africa Roll is creating a squeeze at the Suez Canal now and then, so traffic must be reduced or stopped periodically, then is the Panama Canal similarly affected by the dropping Mainland Portion of N America and the ongoing S America waggle? There are many clues that a waggle is in process, wherein the top knob of S American leans backwards into the Atlantic.
ZetaTalk Explanation 3/31/2023: The Mainland Portion is dropping on the Cocos Plate. The Caribbean Plate is being pulled westward by its attachment to the S America Plate, so this is yet another push against the Cocos Plate. The Cocos is loath to fracture so pushes as a unit on the Nazca Plate which is held by a rock hook to the Panama Plate. This rock hook has now snapped to form a new platelet.
Now this waggle has resulted in a Panama Canal clog. This is blamed on a drought but the area has been beset by storms and rain. The cover-up over Nibiru includes a cover-up over the Plate Movements caused by the Wobble.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 9/13/2023: We have explained the S America waggle as occurring as the S Pacific compresses, forcing S America to lean back into the Atlantic rather than its normal lean into the Pacific. A waggle thus allows the SE Portion toe to escape over the hump of the Caribbean Plate, expediting the New Madrid Rupture process. S America is currently in a perpetual waggle. Meanwhile the waggle also allows the Mainland Portion of the US to drop down upon Mexico and the Cocos Plate, in essence trapping the Caribbean in a waggle state.
To ease the pressure on Central America, a hook of the Nazca Plate is preparing to snap off and become a platelet. What does this do to Panama? This trauma is directly below Panama and as platelets can shift around and be unpredictable this has an unknown effect on traffic through the Panama Canal. The Suez Canal has had to deal with tight scheduling and delays because of the African Roll. The Panama Canal will have to do likewise until the New Madrid Adjustment has completed.
That Africa is rolling can clearly be seen in the mega quake in Morocco, long predicted to occur during the African Roll by the Zetas.
ZetaTalk Prediction 2010: The border of the African Plate slices across northern Algeria, and thus when the plate rolls and drops, the Mediterranean floor there will suddenly find itself unsupported. Where the land mass housing Morocco and Algeria will not lose elevation, in the main, retaining its floatation strength to ride on the magma beneath, the floor of the Mediterranean is of a different composition. It will sink there, unsupported on the African side where the plates will pull apart. The roll of the African Plate during the 7 of 10 scenarios thus spares all but the Mediterranean floor above Algeria! The coastline of Algeria will lose 12 feet in elevation as a result of the African roll, as the border of the African Plate slices across the coastline there.
Immigration Policy
Has Italy’s immigration policy just created another political double? The new PM, Giorgia Meloni, suddenly looks younger. She was elected based in part on her strict stance against illegal immigration in a country weary of being the southernmost point along the Mediterranean. The Zetas explain that the EU is doing double-speak when they claim to be against immigration, as they want the strong worker base to arrive. Thus they wanted Meloni to soften her stance.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 9/14/2023: Has the newly elected PM of Italy - Giorgia Meloni - been replaced by a Double? She took a hard line against immigrants prior to her election and seems to have softened her policy since. She also looks younger. As we stated in 2016 when a dying German engineer reported he worked on bunkers under Germany, equipped for Muslim immigrants instead of for the citizenry of Germany, the EU elite wants the young immigrants to be their militia in future. They are doing double speak re immigration thus. Yes, Meloni was replaced as her view was not in line with the EU elite.
Indeed, Merkel had been accused of being soft on immigration in 2016 and a dying German engineer explained why.
ZetaTalk Insight 10/1/2016: Has Germany built secret bunkers to survive the passage of Nibiru? Just as is rumored to have been done in the United States, and has been exposed at Mount Weather, other countries have taken steps for their elite. Using taxpayer funds, and disguising these bunkers as a residence or a business, such constructed locations number in the hundreds around the world. What this dying German engineer is reporting it that these bunkers in Germany anticipate housing Muslims almost exclusively. He then hypothesizes that these young Muslim men will be used to kill off German survivors who would not be considered top grade workers for the elite.
Merkel has been an aggressive proponent of bringing in Syrian refugees, who seem to be disproportionately young men rather than complete families with women and young children and the aged. This begs the question, why did these young men desert their families? The suggestion made by this German engineer, in his deathbed confession, is that this refugee welcome is deliberate, to sculpt the population into a worker force rather than a citizen base demanding social services. The refugee influx into Europe has proved to be a disaster, with an aggressive counter push to keep refugees in their homeland, to be resettled there. Was this Merkel’s plan, and has it failed? Yes.
Once again we see Pfizer in the news. They are producing yet another mRNA vax as a Covid booster, while never being called to account for the Sudden Death from heart attack their vax causes. Yes general immunity against flu and cold virus is down due to the lockdowns and masks. Herd immunity was also delayed. But per the Zetas, the best approach is to bypass the mRNA vax from Pfizer. Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol and using HCQ worked well and was recommended by President Trump.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 9/14/2023: The Fall of the year is traditionally when the annual flu shot is administered. This year, in the Fall of 2023, there is much reluctance in the populace to get a flu shot because of the Sudden Death syndrome that arrived with the Covid-19 vaccines, along with huge blood clots and nerve damage like Guillain-Barre paralysis. The WEF depopulation agenda was also assisted by the Pfizer vaccines by inducing abortions and even reducing sperm count. Yet Pfizer and other mRNA vaccines have never been called to account and the true statistics are hidden by the media and the Biden Administration.
The standard Fall shots will be included this year with Covid-19 boosters. Is this safe? No one trusts the CDC or the UN, who have yet to explain the high death rate and lingering immune system damage done by the Covid-19 vax and boosters. This places the common man in a quandary, as due to the lockdowns and masks during the pandemic, the normal immunity developed within the populace is now low. Fortunately for those in the US, the Junta is poised to return President Trump who is calling for the facts to be released by vaccine makers. The obvious solution is to drop the Covid-19 boosters.
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