Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday, March 3, 2024. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
Nibiru Visible
Dramatic views of Nibiru and its two Dominant Moons forming the Helix are on the increase lately. With the Nibiru Coverup in full force, so the subject is not on the mainstream media, the astonished public does not know what to make of the sight. This drama was on display on March 31, 2022 in Israel, the video capture showing Nibiru and its two Dominant Moons when the video is zoomed. There was triple confirmation on Nibiru’s size at this time - a photo from Alberto and another from Idaho both show the Nibiru body 4-5 times the diameter of Earth, just as the Zetas stated.
Another dramatic capture was the photos from Siberia on June 15, 2023. The usual red dust and petrol that shrouds Nibiru had been blown away, temporarily, so the features on Nibiru could be discerned. Another similar photo from Slovenia on September 21, 2023 also showed this clarity. With a 90 degree turn due to the Daily Wobble, the 4 o'clock position would be the 1 o'clock position. We get the Polar Push when the Sun is over the Pacific, then a big lean to the Right (East) then a big lean to the Left (West) so sunrise in Slovenia is when the lean East is happening, pushing the view of Nibiru up from 4 o’clock to 1 o’clock. .
But not all presentations of the Nibiru Complex are obvious. Some are confused with UFO displays, as was this display in Turkey on February 15, 2024. The Zetas explain. The West will use any excuse to avoid saying the Nibiru word.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/15/2024: This video capture of Nibiru and its Dominant Moons along with minor moons in the Helix is a view that will become more common now so that the public will understand the truth in Putin’s reveals likely to emerge shortly. The coverup over Nibiru is being challenged by NASA and the Biden Administration who are issuing lies about the National Security threat under discussion in secret SCIF meetings with Congress. Leaks at that time implied the threat involved Russia and space and loss of satellites and potentially nukes, which fits the lies now being pushed but also fits the Nibiru narrative. Putin has engaged the US in discussions about how to protect the Earth from the large debris that will accompany Nibiru during its passage, in the manner they used to protect Chelyabinsk.
And indeed, signs in the skies have increased. For example, Skyfire after sunset in Germany on February 15, 2024. This is clearly Nibiru in a Second Sun posture.
In Israel last October 11, 2023 there were 3 orbs in the sky, interpreted by the media to be UFOs. Were they warning about Nibiru and its Dominant Moons, or were these indeed Nibiru with its Dominant Moons again?
And in China recently the Debris and Petrol ridden tail of Nibiru was seen wafting across the sky.
AT&T Outage
On February 22 AT&T and several other cell phone providers experienced a widespread outage, which was intermittent and only lasted a few hours. Oddly, all networks affected declined to place blame. Speculation on the Internet included China hacking, Russia space weapons, and the Days of Darkness constantly predicted to occur. Per the Zetas, it was none of the above. It was Nibiru and the pending New Madrid Rupture.
ZetaTalk Insight 2/22/2024: AT&T and other cell phone companies have been reluctant to explain their outages because these outages were caused by massive EMP with arcing to Nibiru due to the stress of the SE Portion of the US being pulled eastward toward Africa during the African roll. There is currently a coverup over the presence of Nibiru, and thus a coverup over any massive Plate Movements caused by the Daily Earth Wobble. Until Nibiru is admitted, Black Swan events such as the AT&T outage will occur.
This is not hacking by China, nor is it a software glitch nor a mechanical failure, nor is it a test of a Days of Darkness routine. It is the rock screech in the SE Portion and the Mainland Portion reluctant to release its connection to the SE Portion. It is the near presence of Nibiru, a huge magnetic planet, causing EMP arcing. But the blame will likely be placed on the Sun, or on a Russian space weapon, or China hackers. The rule during the Nibiru coverup is to never say the Nibiru word.
The insider Shadow of Ezra alluded to Nibiru being the cause at the end of the outage, citing the movie Leave the World Behind. The outage site Thousand Eyes has for some time been showing more outages in the US than elsewhere in the world. This falls in line with what the Zetas said about the SE Portion being stressed. By February 22, 2024 AT&T had landed on an excuse for their outage – it was a software glitch in an upgrade.
Buoys Blinded
On February 19 all the buoys protecting N America and Europe were blinded. They displayed as inactive on the NOAA web site. In that these buoys are owned and operated by numerous entities, this indicates a maneuver by NOAA. What are they hiding?
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/19/2024: Countries that can be affected by our predicted European tsunami and the predicted East Coast of US tsunami are set up to alert the public when and if this occurs. They are well aware of the clapping Seaway and clapping in the N Atlantic above the Azores, and their geologists have confirmed our predicted scenario of the final separation of the New Madrid Fault Line such that the Seaway and fault line do not clap in unison, but separate. The signs that this is imminent are everywhere.
In that countries affected are in the dead of Winter at present, the establishment does not want people unduly alarmed, thus sitting out in the cold if a false alarm has been given. Thus they want the public notified only if a serious possibility of the large Azores void predicted to set off the tsunamis occurs. The buoy array, available to the public, is watched intently, and thus to avoid a false warning there are toggle switches that shut down the public view quickly, and quickly re-establish what the public can see if a false-positive is concluded. This happened briefly on February 19.
AI Reliability
Artificial Intelligence is a term used to cover computer programs given options on what course to take. As with all computer programs, unless it is programmed to take this or that path, based on the data it is given, it will make a wise choice or falter. A recent scenario which I will call Duck Duck Goose shows what can go wrong. This came to light while doing new ZetaTalk on evidence of the Severe Wobble, including strong winds over the Atlantic, sudden and severe cold in China, and a flock of water fowl in China freezing to death in the water.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/21/2024: We have stated that the Earth is currently in a Severe Wobble so that the Council of Worlds can counter the New Madrid Rupture delays they inserted with their Humming Boxes and Monoliths which they utilized to allow Obama time to announce Nibiru. Obama failed but the delays put the Earth at odds with other programs in the Universe so now catch up is in process. Signs that the Severe Wobble is in process are the strong Jet Stream winds over the Atlantic and the frozen ducks dropping from the sky in western China. The Jet Stream can drop suddenly, bringing cold air to lower levels.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 6/30/2021: Severe Wobble has been detailed for the Last Weeks but episodes could occur before then too. The Council of Worlds feels the people of Earth need to be aware of the approach of Nibiru, and have formulated a plan to force the issue past the cover-up in place. The Cabal controlled media refuses to admit Nibiru, so all who say otherwise are ridiculed. The Council of Worlds has approved increasingly severe wobble, to increase gradually so as not to panic the people. This wobble will proceed to the extent that the Sun may rise in the North, or the globe turn upside down temporarily, with rotation seeming to move from East to West during that time. Nibiru visibility is already present but will be increased during this time.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 11/30/2021: We have mentioned that the Council of Worlds plans to allow a Severe Wobble on Earth to force the establishment to admit the reality of Nibiru.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 4/30/2023: As we mentioned the Severe Wobble will be a trigger to incite the Plate Movements necessary for the New Madrid event to occur.
I, Nancy, included a photo that was being passed around the Internet to show the effects of the severe cold in China. But the photos were of Snow Geese frozen on a lake in S Dakota. These photos had been posted on the web on the same day the cold weather in China hit the news. This Snow Goose video and photos were first provided by a China news outlet which claimed they were from China. Numerous news outlets confused this issue, including Nancy of ZetaTalk. Note that the Zetas, in their response, did not say “Snow Geese” or “Geese” but only said “ducks”. But this an example of how AI can mislead.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/22/20224: In these days of artificial intelligence (AI) colossal mistakes can be made. This confusion over the Snow Geese video posted online on February 19 and the same day reporting on severe cold in China was caused by AI run by a popular China blogger who was seeking a visual of the mass death of China ducks caught in freezing water. The date and cause of death are right, but the country and type of bird was wrong. AI as a computer program will only do what is requested. A human would have noted that the wrong country and bird type was provided, but AI was clueless.
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