Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday January 28, 2024. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday too. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
New Madrid Finale
We have watched the New Madrid Fault Line climb through the Gulf from the Isthmus, then up the Mississippi River from New Orleans. After being stalled at the Hard Rock Bridge where the Ohio River connects with the Mississippi River, the Bridge finally slipped allowing the separation of the Portions to continue under the Seaway. Lately the buoys near Montreal showed that the Seaway was increasingly clapping, being pulled apart and then returning. Per the Zetas this has reached the Seaway exit now.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 1/13/2024: As we have recently stated, the New Madrid Fault Line has separated between the Mainland and SE Portions all the way to the Seaway exit. Now only a small distance from the Exit to the Azores remains. There have been significant quakes at St Johns at the Seaway exit and also at the Azores – all within the past couple days. Meanwhile the Africa Roll has continued to pull both Africa and the SE Portion to the East and down. This latest evidence from the Lake Erie islands where the New Madrid Fault Line runs shows that the SE Portion is indeed on the move, and the Montreal clapping can be expected to accelerate.
The New Madrid Fault Line Portions are now clinging together only in the N Atlantic, between the Seaway Exit and the Azores. The Azores is expected to clap during the Finale, such that it opens to an astonishing degree. Recent quakes at the Azores and at St Johns at the Seaway Exit define this battleground. When the SE Portion is free to move, there will be disasters up along the Mississippi and under the Seaway, with Chicago and Ohio cities such as Cleveland and Toledo being hit hard.
ZetaTalk Prediction 2010: When we stated that "Chicago will rupture and adjust" and "Ohio will be pulled in places" this should not be news to man. The New Madrid runs up along the Seaway, to the mouth of the Seaway, and thus will rupture any land it passes through. Plot its course and consider that more than the fault line itself will be disrupted. Rock detached from its former connections is free to react to the dominant theme in the area. If rock was held down, formerly, it can bounce up. If rock was held back, it is free to spring forward. And adjustment in rock strata means that loose soil will sink or heave. This most certainly can affect a broader area than just the fault line. We have stated that Ohio will be affected most in this regard.
As the New Madrid fault line runs up along the Seaway just under the Great lakes in Ohio, cities such as Cleveland and Toledo will find their infrastructure greatly shattered in places as the rock beneath them will jut and drop, vertical adjustments. Buffalo, being virtually on the fault line, will likewise be shattered in this way, such that freeways become useless, but the seaway at Niagara Falls will remain.
Spiritual Paths
Earth is currently a schoolhouse for young souls, a self-study environment where they are presented with many choices and opportunities to either remain selfish like a newborn baby or to grow and become empathetic to others. This is not an intellectual decision. It is from the heart, and results in action to help others.
ZetaTalk Transformation 7/15/1995: The Earth has been designated as a future home for Service-to-Other oriented entities. To qualify for Service-to-Other orientation, an entity must consider others as often as the self. To qualify for Service-to-Self, the entity must focus on the self 95% of the time, almost exclusively. Where it may seem that these individuals would stand out, some very diplomatic and cultured people are of this category. They are able to disguise their self interest in condescension to others. They are able to disguise their self interest as the interests of the other.
During 3rd Density, entities must decide their spiritual orientations - Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others. Most, the vast majority, decide the latter on almost all 3rd Density worlds. This decision, or the lesson of 3rd Density as it is called, needs to precede almost all other lessons, as mixing the two spiritual orientations together creates chaos and thus other lessons cannot proceed. Many humans on Earth are choosing the Service-to-Other orientation, and mid-incarnation are thus joining the ranks of the Service-to-Others. The world involves an increasing separation, by orientation, as the Transformation proceeds.
How to recognize a Service-to-Other act? A small gesture can make an immense difference in someone else’s life. A helping hand can pull someone off the edge where they have slipped and are about to fall. Or it could be the gift of some Amaranth seeds, that lysine rich wholly edible plant that would allow a family to have protein in their diet. Or it could be helping a family put the wheel back on their cart, so grandma can make the trip and the babies need not be carried by weary parents. A small thing. Making an immense difference.
ZetaTalk Action 4/26/2008: As we have explained, Earth is a schoolhouse where incarnated souls get a chance to take action, thus sorting out their spiritual orientation - Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self. Humans thus should not anticipate being saved, which is a Biblical reference to having someone other than the self taking action. You are to save yourself by taking action to help others.
ZetaTalk Definition 8/8/2009: In order to be considered Service-to-Others an entity must think of others 50% of the time, the self 50% of the time. Service-to-Others does not mean being a pushover or a slave to the demands of others. Those who are highly Service-to-Others spend more time thinking about the welfare of others, and take action, often a great sacrifice to themselves.
As Jesus said, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
Animals will instinctively have empathy for others of their species as they are stirred when one of their own is exhibiting distress. Such as this mother cat who went through fire 5 times to rescue her kittens, despite the pain from her burns.
ZetaTalk Comment 7/15/1995: Love, or empathy, is something felt at an early age. Empathy is not an emotion reserved for the intelligent, sentient being alone. Love and empathy are felt by all forms of life, even plant life, to some degree. It is a factor of life. It is intrinsic to life.
Dolphins are known to protect the pod, to protect each other, particularly from shark attack. Sharks are reportedly afraid of dolphins because they know the dolphin pod can kill them by ramming their pointed noses into the soft underbelly of the shark. Per the Zetas, most empathy manifests first within the same species, but the dolphin instinct to rush to the rescue is not limited to their own species. They have repeatedly been shown to defend humans from sharks. From one warm blooded species to another, they obviously care.
For those who are Service-to-Other, it is taking away the pain that another is feeling, or would feel. Like the Grinch who Stole Christmas, whose heart grew 3 sizes the day he discovered empathy, the souls of Service-to-Other people become more wise and massive. Spiritual growth is the goal, here on Earth. So do that. And, as Dr Seuss says of the Grinch who Stole Christmas, “his heart grew three sizes that day”. Empathy, caring for others, builds the soul.
Separation Anxiety
For those who have remained immature, like newborn babies who can only think of themselves, the Transformation is a worrisome time. The Service-to-Self prey on others, and see the expanding groups of Service-to-Other individuals as a threat. The Zetas call this a polarizing trend, as the separation of the spiritual orientations expands its reach. Among the Service-to-Self, this invariably translates into money – he who has the Gold sets the Rules.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 11/15/1995: Polarization in the main goes on undetected, with humans migrating to areas they sense will be more compatible with their thinking. Humans join groups, decide what shops to shop in, take walks in this or that park, all based on orientation, increasingly. Political groups, religious affiliations, all are affected by orientation leanings. Decisions as to what groups to belong to, what locales to live in, what employer to work for, are made daily based on the sense the human has that their chosen orientation fits in.
The percentage of Service-to-Other on the Earth is tipping, and the Service-to-Self among humans feel uncomfortable. They group more tightly, to be with their like kind. They seek more control, get more shrill, dictate more rules, and restrict access to themselves. This is all to increase their comfort level, to return to the comfort level they remember in prior times. This desire for control, to return to the good-ol-days, is what in fact drives the polarization, as the Service-to-Self willingly separate!
It is a known fact that the founder of the Rothschild banks, Nathan Rothschild, made money coming and going during wars. He funded both sides, and charged interest every step of the way. It is a sign of the Transformation that the BRICS banking consortium is in the ascendance, with the WEF Rothchild western banks rapidly becoming insolvent and imploding.
The annual meeting of the BRICS founders took place in S Africa this year and was a celebration of sorts. More than 20 countries have asked to join the consortium, and six of them were accepted. No new BRICS currency has been issued, and trade between member countries will remain in their respective fiat. Primarily, they will not be trading amongst themselves with US dollars or Euros. BRICS is noted for being Gold backed and having low interest loans. The IMF is known for a colonial attitude and debt slavery.
ZetaTalk Separating 2/15/2015: In that the 3rd Density world that man currently lives in is such that they cannot easily group by orientation, into Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self groups, this is a point of confusion during this Transformation time. Then enter the rule of law, societal laws, which require these relationships to continue. Governments do not want groups to isolate themselves, and consider this a great threat. So how does this change, after the shift, during the Transformation? First, isolation and separation from government control is automatic. Governments will lose control utterly, and isolation be the norm, not something sought. Thus, it comes down to how a small group, or a community, might separate and polarize.
You have the Service-to-Self minded, who go off to loot and look for the weak. They thus are removed from strongly Service-to-Other groups, as these groups tend to cooperate well with each other, and defend themselves. Now you have the undecided, remaining with the Service-to-Other or straggling along on the periphery of the Service-to-Self. In a Service-to-Other environment, there is much serious discussion, and expectation that all will work hard for the general welfare. Undecided find this grim, no fun, and at the first opportunity peel away and set off on their own. Thus, if doing well, they establish their own communities, and if not doing well, die off.
To a great extent, the every-day life that man has today, in civilized countries, will not exist. Disease, infections, and accidents will strike quickly and decimate survivors. Thus, Service-to-Other communities will increasingly find themselves the survivors among survivors. When this occurs, they will find themselves in contact with high tech communities of humans and hybrids, living together. At this point, if not earlier by being assisted unannounced, they will find their lives improved. Thus, to imagine this polarization, this separation by orientation, remove the rule of law, the demands of society, and carry forward the natural trends you see among people today.
Geophysicists Baffled
The 7 of 10 Plate Movements that would result from the Daily Earth Wobble that had emerged as Nibiru approached were defined in 2004 and 2010, and clearly stated that the Indo-Australian driving under the Himalayas was to be considered the “brake”. If it did not move, the other Plate Movements were stalled. It was thus listed as #1 on the Plate Movement graphic and ZetaTalk descriptions. Is it any wonder that during the Nibiru coverup geophysicists struggle to explain this process? They can’t explain it, thus this is a case of Zetas RIGHT Again.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 1/19/2024: What emerged from this Geophysical Union Conference was that the theories on why the Himalayan Mountains have been pushed high do not match the evidence collected and provided. Nor does either theory explain the ongoing process where Tibet is covered in quakes while India sinks. Of course, given the ongoing coverup over Nibiru and the Daily Earth Wobble it incites, there would be no explanation that would suffice. We, the Zetas, explained how the wobble would affect the crust in 2004, and this has only increased. Thus Zetas RIGHT Again.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2004: Are we going to develop a wobble? Are we going to suddenly lurch about so that the Sun is rising and setting in a place way off from where the public would expect? And what happens to the crust when that happens?
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2010: The 7 of 10 scenarios describe plate movements, and for this to occur something has to release the deadlock, the current stalemate where the plates are locked against each other. Once the deadlock is broken and the plates start moving, sliding past each other, new points where the plates are locked against each other develop, but these are weaker locks than the one at present. The current lock, as we have so often stated, is the Indo-Australian Plate which is being driven under the Himalayans. This is no small lock, as the height of the Himalayans attests. Nevertheless, the activity in this region shows this likely to be the first of the 7 of 10 scenarios to manifest.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2010: Though the Indo-Australian Plate is sometimes referred to as two separate plates, this plate operates as one and will continue to do so.
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