Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday January 23, 2022. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
Nibiru Symbols
The ancient Annunaki symbol for Nibiru – the Winged Globe – appeared in a SOHO image in 2009. This was the first ancient symbol to become a reality in the skies. Next was the Planet of the Crossing and its association with Ezekiel’s Wheel.
Now there seems to be a plethora of ancient Annunaki and Egyptian and Mayan symbols for Nibiru appearing. The Feathered Snake symbol has appeared in Mario’s photos. The photographers at the ZetaTalk Followers site noted a number of connections to the ancient Mayan God Kukulcan or the ancient Mayan Bat God Camazotz.
The Egyptian Scabbard symbol has also now appeared in the skies. It has a solid association with Nibiru and the Winged Globe in Egyptian symbology. The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Comment 12/31/2021: Ancient symbols used by the Annunaki or the Egyptians are increasingly appearing in the skies. The Winged Globe appeared on SOHO images in 2009 but recently these have become a daily affair. We recently explained the Planet of the Crossing symbol, which results when Nibiru is close enough to the Earth to provide a peek down along the Double Helix formed by the two Dominant Moons of Nibiru. When this Double Helix twists it becomes Ezekiel’s Wheel within a Wheel. And when the debris trailing the Dominant Moons reaches across the wheel, we have the cross in the center.
Now we have the Egyptian hieroglyph for a dagger and the curling tail of the Mayan feathered snake appearing in the Petrol swirls in the sky. The snake forms and curls down around the Sun because of electro-magnetic attraction between the bars that cross over from one side to another in Ezekiel’s Wheel and the Sun itself. These bars form and cross because they are dealing with an overload of electro-magnetic particles, and when a cross flow does not relieve this overload, they reach for the Sun. The various shapes man has seen in the past were visible as Nibiru came closer for a passage. Though they are only visible on film at present, they will soon be visible to man naked eye.
James Webb Scope
The James Webb telescope was launched on schedule in December 2021 but what will we learn? It is equipped with infra-red so can keep a close eye on Nibiru, even if Nibiru is lost in a fog of Petrol and red iron oxide dust. But per the Zetas, mankind does not have the capacity to calculate Nibiru’s trajectory, so is guessing. Good thing they have the Zetas to provide this intel.
ZetaTalk Comment 12/31/2021: Other than the Tibetan Master’s prophecy that 2026 will be the year of the Pole Shift, and our confirmation that this or perhaps 2027 is correct, NASA has no clue. ZetaTalk has given Point of Passage details, and to date these predictions have held true. Ancient symbols such as the Winged Globe or Planet of the Crossing symbol confirm the appearance of Nibiru when it assumes these shapes, but this confirmation is always after the fact. NASA’s estimates on trajectory or speed have been a colossal failure, yet they are besieged by requests to give updates.
NASA is hoping to find a way by which they can connect changes in the Nibiru Complex to an impact on Earth. It is notable that when the N Pole of Nibiru pointed up or down or from side to side, that Severe Wobble effects ensued. Probes sent forth to measure the magnetic field of Nibiru have gaps in their reports, and NASA hopes that consistent data will allow them to find correlations between Nibiru Complex changes and an impact on Earth. The James Webb satellite will face challenges, however, because debris in the tail of Nibiru will increasingly batter all mankind’s satellites.
ZetaTalk remains the solid source for the Nibiru passage, giving the exact time and location of Nibiru’s arrival into the inner Solar System in 2003 and its trajectory since that time. Yes, Nibiru did arrive in 2003, as we stated at that time: “It was in 1997 that the Zetas had provided the coordinates where Nibiru would be in the night sky in March of 2003. And it did arrive there. Precisely. And seen by ZetaTalk fans around the globe. A sample of the comments during that dramatic time are below. Thereafter Nibiru crossed over the Earth’s orbit and was close to the Sun, lost in the glare of the Sun.”
China Viral Overload
Pity the Chinese. They have 1.4 billion of the world’s population and are almost perpetually on the verge of starving. When they try to impose birth control with a one-child policy they get scolded for repressing civil rights. The 3 Gorges Dam struggles to stay in place and when it goes horrific death will occur downstream. And on top of being the birthplace of so much swine and bird flu, it was also the birthplace of the Covid-19 pandemic. Now they are also dealing with an outbreak of Hantavirus.
ZetaTalk Insight 1/31/2022: Hemorrhagic fever is endemic in inner China and outbreaks are common. What makes this year different is the overlap with lingering Covid-19 cases. Vaccinations wear off over months so those who are immune can become susceptible again. And there are the many Covid variants that develop or are engineered to keep the populace in perpetual lockdown. These current outbreaks in China are not engineered or deliberate because China is on the verge of collapse and wishes to return to a robust economy.
Ukraine War Drums
Where western nations fuss over the Ukraine, claiming that Putin wants to invade, per the Zetas it is the opposite. Putin wants to keep the western nations from invading Russia after Europe experiences great floods as a result of the New Madrid tsunami or the flooding expected after the Pole Shift itself. Russia is trying to move most of its citizens to the Far East, where they will be above ground. Meanwhile, Europe lusts after Russian assets.
ZetaTalk Prediction 2001: Russia suffers greatly due to the flooding that will occur after the pole shift. Most of the country lies beneath the 675 foot elevation where we estimate the waters will rise. The Ural Mountains clearly stand above this, as do the mountains of eastern Russia. The mountains of eastern Russia are sparsely populated, in Russian territory, and will have a delightful climate in the Aftertime. We advise an early migration to those regions, or a migration via boat if delayed.
Wrestling over whether Europe or Russia should control the Ukraine has been going on for decades and includes an attempted frameup over the shooting down of MH17 in 2014. It was a jet from Kiev that shot down MH17, not a missile from a Russian BUK as claimed by the west.
So what is to be made of an apparent buildup along the Russian border near the Ukraine? The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Comment 11/30/2021: Putin is well aware of our predictions. He has established the Far East as the new Russian center, giving away free land to develop the region. He knows central Russia will flood, leaving the Urals as islands. He knows that the Russian lowlands bordering Europe will flood too. But before these Aftertime floods encroach, raising the sea level to 675 feet above today’s level, he can anticipate drowning Europeans struggling to leave lands devastated by the European tsunami that will accompany the New Madrid adjustment.
Putin does not intend to allow all of Europe to push into Russia, demanding shelter and food. Russia is vast, bordering diverse cultures. Where China is a partner, with both Russia and China having each other’s backs, former satellite countries are uncertain partners. They do not automatically accept Russia’s authority. Looking to an Aftertime map, Putin sees that the new Equator will run through the Arctic, so Siberia will become warm and inviting, with the former satellite countries near the new S Pole at India.
A story today that is packaged as "Earth's core is cooling" but is actually about how *more* heat is moving through the Earth's Mantle. It's more heat than they expect because they do not account for increased heat due to Nibiru's magnetosphere mangling Earth's magnetosphere.
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