Draft Newsletter for Sunday, April 30. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm
Wobble Proofs
Proof of the daily Earth wobble has been provided lately with the direction of ice motion in the Arctic, where the normal clockwise direction suddenly switched in 2017 into a counterclockwise direction. What would cause this? The Zetas explain.
PIOMAS Arctic Sea Ice Volume Reanalysis
March, 2017
A strong negative thickness anomaly is present along the Siberian coast of the Chukchi Sea. Some of the sea ice thickness anomalies seem to be associated with ice motion anomalies showing a counter clockwise pattern centered on the North Pole.
ZetaTalk Insight 4/22/2017:
The ice flow in the Arctic traditionally flows in a clockwise manner as the Earth turns East, turning under the ice. The ice stands still, relative to the Earth rotation, so the ice takes on the appearance of a clockwise flow. The ice stands still, the Earth moves under it, thus. What has happened to change the direction of the ice flow in 2017? Clearly this is a result of the increasing violence and swath of the daily Earth wobble. During the Polar Push, when the Sun and Nibiru are along a line between New Zealand and the Bering Strait, the geographic N Pole of Earth is pushed up so it is centered over land rather than the waters of the Arctic.
At this time, the globe has been pushed under all the Arctic ice, so it has heaped up just above the Bering Strait. This creates a pressure difference between the Arctic water above the Bering Strait and the water closer to Greenland, and since water wants to equalize pressure, the flow to do that assumes a counterclockwise flow. Such flow directions tend to be self-perpetuating, as water swirls around trying to equalize the pressure, but soon another daily Polar Push occurs and the cycle starts all over again.
Nearby, in Canada, melt from the massive Kaskawulsh Glacier in the Yukon caused the Slims River to dry up as the melting waters poured instead into the Kaskawulsh River. This seemed to astonish scientists. The term for this is “river piracy”, and it has never been observed before by modern man, apparently. But these are the End Times, with the Earth changes rapidly picking up the pace. In the scheme of things, this is very minor. Could this river piracy be related to the warm water “blobs”
noted in the North Pacific and North Atlantic?
A Canadian River Stole all of Another River's Water
March 18, 2017
The river piracy began last year at the edge of the massive Kaskawulsh Glacier, which spans some 15,000 square miles across Canada's Yukon territory. For hundreds of years, the glacier poured meltwater into river basins of the Slims, which ends in the Bering Sea, and the Kaskawulsh, which empties into the Gulf of Alaska. Researchers found that a new, 100-foot canyon in the glacier's toe had abruptly rerouted meltwater away from a glacial lake that feeds the Slims River and instead delivered that water to the Kaskawulsh River, which feeds the Alsek River.
ZetaTalk Insight 4/22/2017:
As anyone tracking meandering rivers knows, they shift course frequently. Silt builds up along this or that side, forcing the water to find a new path into lowlands nearby. Rivers also eat away at their banks, giving them access to nearby lowlands. Thus a meandering river begins to look like a writhing snake. That so much ado is being made over the course of a river changing direction due to increased water flow carving out a new path is positively silly. The fuss is being made by scientists who are reluctantly taking note of what the passage of Nibiru will do, the predictions made by ourselves, the Zetas, and what the history written in the geological record shows.
The wobble has increased in force and distance, and thus the cold waters in the north Pacific and Atlantic and in the south near Antarctica are warmer relative to their prior temperatures. The wobble sloshing has mixed in the warm waters normally found near the Equator. The cover-up over Nibiru will try to claim this as Global Warming, but why would such temperature changes only occur near the poles? Factor in melting ice at the poles and one would expect the waters there to be colder, not warmer.
Strongman Appeal
Turkey and Venezuela and the Philippines are technically democracies, so why are the voters trending toward strongmen? Turkey has just approved, by a valid referendum, giving Erdogan sweeping powers. Per the Zetas, election fraud was not involved. Erdogan showed his strength in July, 2016 too, when an attempted coup failed due to his support in the citizenry. Now more powers are pending, a return of the death penalty in Turkey. This is a trend in Venezuela and the Philippines too, where Muduro and Duterte have support. The Zetas explain.
Erdogan Claims Vast Powers in Turkey after Narrow Victory in Referendum
April 16, 2017
A slim majority of Turkish voters agreed to grant sweeping powers to their president, in a watershed moment that the country’s opposition fears may cement a system of authoritarian rule within one of the critical power brokers of the Middle East. With nearly 99 percent of votes in a referendum counted on Sunday night, supporters of the proposal had 51.3 percent of votes cast, and opponents had 48.7 percent, the country’s electoral commission announced. The constitutional change will allow the winner of the 2019 presidential election to assume full control of the government, ending the current parliamentary political system. The result tightens Mr. Erdogan’s grip on the country, which is one of the leading external actors in the Syrian civil war, a major way station along the migration routes to Europe and a crucial Middle Eastern partner of the United States and Russia.
Erdogan says Resumption of Death Penalty could be up for Referendum Next
April 17, 2017
After claiming victory in a referendum that greatly expands his powers, the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan has strongly hinted that the time has come for Turkey to consider reinstating the death penalty. With most of the ballots counted, over 51 percent of the electorate have voted in favor of handing Erdogan greater powers. The president called the ‘yes’ vote a historic decision by the Turkish people, expressing hope that it will benefit the country.
Duterte’s most Virulent Insults about his Fiercest Critics
March 21, 2017
When the European Parliament passed a resolution concerning his plans to revive the death penalty for drug convicts, Duterte was so angered that he decided to speak in English, presumably to make sure his message was heard loud and clear. “Do not impose your culture or your belief in what would be a government in this planet. The controversial leader made clear his distaste for Barack Obama, calling the former president and his entire administration "idiots." Duterte didn't take kindly to the Catholic Church criticizing his 'war on drugs,' so he lashed out, saying he may even pen his own book about the Church – titled 'Hypocrisy.'
US Group says Philippine Death Squad Killed 298
May 22, 2014
Former Mayor Rey Uy denied the allegations and said they were based on testimony coerced and paid for by drug dealers and illegal gamblers. There was “compelling evidence” against Uy, who reportedly called the targets — suspected drug dealers, petty criminals, street children and others — “weeds” that had to be uprooted in a “perverse form of crime control.” Death squad members who have quit were also targets.
Why Venezuela’s Opposition Is Losing the Battle against the Maduro Regime
October 17, 2016
The Supreme Court has allowed President Nicolás Maduro to rule by decree, to extend the state of emergency he brought into effect last May, and to single-handedly approve his own national budget. The court’s Constitutional Chamber has made the country’s legislative power practically inexistent.
"The Maduro Diet": A Photo Essay from Venezuela
April 18, 2017
Shortages and a crumbling economy have forced Venezuelans to change their eating habits; many are losing weight and battling malnutrition. The problem has its roots in 17 years of economic mismanagement and the gradual deterioration of Venezuela's means of producing, importing and distributing foodstuffs and other necessities.
ZetaTalk Insight 4/22/2017:
During times of turmoil and unease, the citizenry often longs for a strongman. He promises to keep the wheels of society turning, reduce crime and riots by a firm hand, prevent outsiders from infiltrating the country and taking advantage of the vulnerable, and thus is perceived as a guardian or the people. During such times, they do not see the dangers in giving the strongman such powers. Later, when trying to bring back civil liberties or rein in the strongman, they realize what they have done. History repeats itself in this regard. The desire for a strongman can be seen in the rise of Duterte, the Philippine strongman, and Maduro, the Chavez successor who has been granted dictator status in Venezuela.
The desire for a strongman can be seen in Turkey’s latest referendum, which was not stolen by election fraud but is a valid vote count. An attempted coup
in July, 2016 showed Erdogan’s strength too. What does the citizenry see, that engenders such loyalty? They see Turmoil caused by ISIS, the danger that ISIS could invade their country just as the flow of refugees has, and thus they must ally with Russia and NATO partners, though both these allies make them uneasy. They see an increased threat from the Kurds, who seek the return of lands traditionally in Kurdistan. They are experiencing rejection from the European Union, where they are denied membership. Thus Erdogan, the strongman, benefits.
Deep State Agenda
If Strongmen are attractive during times of crisis, the self-serving Deep State is not. The Deep State is composed of bureaucrats and long term employees who are seeking to perpetuate their jobs. There are often sleeper cells left by the exiting administration, placed there to do the bidding of the last administration. Protected by civil service laws making it hard to summarily dismiss these members of the Deep State, they can only be removed by budget cuts affecting their department. Thus, when Trump suggested cutting federal employees, the alarm went off.
Don’t Worry
March 7, 2017
Bush's CIA & NSA chief Michael Hayden tells CNN there's no such thing as a Deep State in the US - just a "permanent government"
Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees
March 6, 2017
HAYDEN: So, let me address that. So, I've heard deep state, all right? I generally heard it referred to Turkey or Moldova or Russia, not to the American republic. So, I kind of reject it. Let me use the term, "the permanent government", all right? Let me take my old agency, CIA, and let's just take a really quick look at recent history, all right? We've had three transitions since 2000 and the transition to President George W. Bush, no one changed at CIA. He kept George Tenet on. Eight years later, President Obama became president. Only one person changed at CIA. Me. In fact, President Obama called my deputy Steve Kappes to convince Steve and the rest of the staff to stay on. And then eight years later, with President Trump, two people changed at the CIA, Director Pompeo and his deputy. The rest of the workforce, Anderson, are intelligence career professionals. They work for Republicans, they work for Democrats. They vote, they have views, but as professionals, they know what they have to do.
Trump’s Budget Could Cut 200,000 Federal Jobs
March 16, 2017
Civil servants might want to start sending out their resumes to the private sector. President Donald Trump’s budget proposal could lead to between 100,000 and 200,000 cuts to federal civilian jobs.
ZetaTalk Insight 4/15/2017:
Deep State is another term for the bureaucrat agenda. At the start of the ZetaTalk agenda we warned about the bureaucrat agenda
turning into a virtual war as the threat of their removal from their comfortable government jobs increased during the approaching passage. Trump is doing just that, by cutting government employees from the budget. Before Trump took office, Obama appointees packed every available job opening with their friends. These jobs are normally recession proof, as the paychecks come from being attached to the taxpayer teat, paid out of tax revenues or dollars printed to cover a deficit. This is one source of resentment against Trump, and efforts to block his moves.
What lies within the bureaucrat’s heart is more than just the desire for job security, as there are invariably sleeper cells firmly implanted by the exiting administration. This was true for Obama when he took over from Bush, and is likewise certainly true for Trump when he took over from Obama. Many agencies such as the State Department are aggressively being cleansed. There are civil service laws that prevent a civil servant from being dismissed for trivial reasons, so reasons are invented. The particular function is no longer needed. If it is a budget cutback, senior employees are retrained over the newly hired. It is difficult to clean house, thus.
Even where sleeper cells are suspected, it is often hard to kill those jobs because a skill set must be retained. The CIA is an example, where deep knowledge of foreign states and their players are not so much written down as retained by field agents. To record this knowledge is to make it available to be hacked, and thus the field agents are put at risk. FBI agents likewise are often involved in long-running sting operations where particular agents are under cover, which would be impacted by terminating the agents.
It is the mid-level managers who may have an agenda, a loyalty to another political cause, who are thus targeted when trying to strip out Deep State players. The lost memo, the failure to explain a directive, the slacker assigned to a job – all of these maneuvers are known in the corporate world too where civil service laws do not apply. Political agendas are also hard to discern by actions alone, cleverly disguised by a false smile and glowing words. Trump is being assisted by the Transformation Team in these matters, by ourselves among others, as there is no hiding from the telepathic Zetas.
Kim Fizzles
Per the Zetas, the Council of Worlds stepped in to stop Kim from succeeding during his big demonstration on an ICBM launch. It blew up instantly. The Trump administration might take credit for this, the implication that cyber interference with the launch might have been involved, but given that aliens are not yet officially admitted, this is close enough to the truth. It was the Transformation Team at work.
North Korean Missile Challenge to Trump Fails at Launch
April 15, 2017
"The missile blew up almost instantly," U.S. Pacific Command says. The missile, launched from the country’s east coast, came only one day after the rogue nation had its annual military parade through the city of Pyongyang.
North Korean Ballistic Missile Launch Fails
April 16, 2017
It is thought to be one of the country's new 'game-changer' intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) which was revealed to the world in a display of military might yesterday. China's foreign minister Wang Yi said today there would be 'no winner' in any war, as tensions mount with the US.
North Korean Missile Launch Fails, and a Show of Strength Fizzles
April 15, 2017
To military analysts scrutinizing North Korea’s broadcast of the parade, the most noteworthy element seemed to be three types of long-range ballistic missiles, one of them apparently new. While the North has repeatedly claimed that it can strike the United States with a nuclear warhead, it has never flight-tested an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of crossing the Pacific. In addition, some analysts doubt that the country has mastered the skills to build a warhead that can survive re-entry from space, or one small enough to mount on a long-range missile. They said the intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs, that had been displayed in recent North Korean military parades might have been mock-ups of systems still under development.
ZetaTalk Insight 4/22/2017:
Despite Kim’s bragging, N Korea does not yet have the capability to strike the US mainland or Hawaii via an InterContinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) tipped with a nuclear warhead. Nevertheless, given the tense situation, where neighbors in Japan, China, Russia, and S Korea would be affected by a fight breaking out between N Korea and the US, having Kim fail, dramatically, is the best outcome. The Council of Worlds does step in to make a point, as they did with the FaceBook launch, but in the case of Korea, the emphasis was on demonstrating to the world Kim’s incompetence. Temper tantrums will result, with the potential that those around this overgrown child will finally assassinate him.
The Council of Worlds has stepped in before with a message, notably with a Space X/FaceBook launch of a satellite intended to enslave survival camps in Africa in the future. This was detailed last September, 2016 in Issue 520
of this Newsletter.
ZetaTalk Explanation 9/3/2016:
This latest disaster on a Space X launch was a financial and progress blow to several entities – Elon Musk of Space X, Mark Zuckerberg of FaceBook, Israel Aerospace Industries, and NASA. Where satellites will be torn from the skies during the passage, prior to the Pole Shift itself they will function to some degree. Thus, those who have migrated to Africa, and set up settlements and formulated defense of their perimeter, will be accessing the internet via one of Zuckerberg’s satellites. As the satellites fail, these will be replaced with the Zuckerberg drones already in operation. All communications in the vast region of Africa will be known to Zuckerberg and his elite allies, who obviously include Israel. This information would be used for enslavement and control, and it is this effort that the Council of Worlds will not allow.
Space X has repeatedly been involved in spankings by the Council of Worlds, as detailed in Issue 454
of this Newsletter in June, 2015, though Elon Musk is still trying to assert that he is in charge of the Universe. For instance, his bragging claims that he is going to “colonize Mars”.
But in 2014 he had repeated launch failures, which the Zetas asserted were a firm message to him to stop blocking the announcement admitting the presence of Nibiru. It was only when Musk got the message, and cooperated re the announcement, that the Council of Worlds stopped smacking him.
ZetaTalk Checklist 8/30/2014:
The elite are intent on an escape to Mars but have repeatedly been told via ZetaTalk, as they were most recently in 2013 re a SpaceX endeavor, that this goes against an existing Council of Worlds edict. That their 2014 launch of a Falcon 9 Reusable rocket failed to launch should thus be no surprise. The elite must remain with the common man they so despise during the coming Pole Shift.
ZetaTalk Announcement 11/1/2014:
The Council of Worlds considers this to be war against the selfish elements among the elite who are using their knowledge about the pending passage to retain their privileged positions while preventing the common man from coming to terms with what is in their near future. These elite should expect more than exploding launches, in their future.
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