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I'm frequently asked about the Zetas, do they have a religion, do they believe in God, do they have emotions, and the like.
This hour is devoted to telling you about the Zetas in their own words.
Lets start with their physique.
Why do they have such large eyes?

The worlds they came from had dim suns, and like our night vision animals they needed their large dark eyes to take in the available light.


ZetaTalk:Early Zeta, written Dec 15, 1995
Where Early Man was a hybrid of various ape or monkey forms and existing hominoid forms, Early Zeta was not a hybrid at all, but a transplant. Early Zeta therefore was placed, full grown and conscious, on Zeta worlds. Thus transplanted, Early Zeta multiplied to the extent our worlds could support a population, much as humans have upon the Earth. Early Zeta differed from our present form primarily in brain size and mental capacities. Early Zeta was also stockier, shorter, had large flat feet and in appearance was something of a low brow, with the head jutting out the back rather than rounding. Our large eyes were an adaptation to our worlds, dim by your standards, so Early Zeta was a bit blind on his new home, not a problem as the only danger Early Zeta faced was from others of his kind. Our worlds do not contain carnivorous, nor even herbivorous animals - just plants and bugs.

So, they come from Zeta Reticuli star systems, but there are many stars there. Which one was their star?

Zeta Reticuli, written by Jul 15, 1995
Our home planet is in the star system of Zeta Reticuli, or, shall we say, what you term Zeta Reticuli. We, of course, have our own names for things. Zeta Reticuli is indeed a binary star system, or at least that part of it you, on Earth, are aware of. In fact, there is much more to the star system than you are aware of. The binary stars circle each other on an extreme end of Zeta Reticuli, less than 1/3 into the star system itself. The other 2/3 are composed of stars not visible to you, on Earth, but nevertheless affecting the gravitational pull of the other stars and planets in the system. These other 2/3 of the bulk of the star system are only evident by the erratic nature of the dance visible to you, on Earth, of the two visible binary stars. What we are telling you, is that the planet we originate from is not known to you, as it is part of the 2/3 mass of the star system not known to you.

Do you think our eyes got so large because our sun was bright? It has been rumored that our planet is dying, and that this is the reason we are seeking genetic rebirth on your planet, Earth. In fact, our planet is long dead, and we Zetas have been living by artificial means for eons. We learned to live in cavities within planets, and by artificial light. We found this to be more hospitable to living even before we destroyed our planet. Do you suppose we dove into the sub-structure of our planet just when the atmosphere became poisonous, due to our wars? We were already there. We had been simply forced to take this alternative over any others.

Just what is meant by living by artificial means?
For one thing, they don't eat, they absorb nutrients through their skin and lungs.
All due to genetic engineering.

ZetaTalk:Zeta Meals, written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding whether we eat, and what it is that we eat. We no longer eat, having genetically engineered ourselves in such a way that the digestive tract went out with the bath water. We regret this, as we regret other things thrown out with the bath water. We nourish ourselves through our skin, through a chemical bath we prepare in the laboratory and completely emerge ourselves in. Our emissary, Nancy, can describe this to you, as she visited one of our homes in the Gobi Desert, within a series of caverns in a mountain range there. Unlike some of the bad PR that has been thrown our way, we do not require enzymes from living creatures in order to live. Does anyone think that entities as advanced as we would require that in order to live? We can live in space, on a dead planet, or anywhere. The chemicals needed for life are easily manufactured by an advanced species such as ourselves. Where we have mouths, our digestive tract is not complete. We avoid putting anything in our mouths, as like your appendix, anything put in can only cause problems.

And what was my Gobi desert experience? I did indeed observe them in their spas!
This is my story, re that.

Gobi Desert, written by Jul 15, 1995
We went there in a large ship, larger than the usual used during routine contacts, and this ship had a brown see-through floor and ceiling. We went into the side of a mountain, after coming across a barren desert. There were no trees or vegetation on the mountain range. The entrance to the Zeta home was artificially made, and could not be viewed from a distance. The entrance was off a canyon, straight into the side of the canyon, and the track took a curve. The large ship (which could have comfortably carried 50 people, throughout) locked into some kind of track in the entrance, which guided the ship, held on all sides, smoothly onto a landing port. I was shown, at one point, a natural cavern filled with idle ships, parked. Though the room went off irregularly, as natural caverns do, I could see about 30 ships of various sizes. The walls of all the natural caverns I was led through seemed to be coated by some kind of substance, a yellowish-white, which glowed faintly. This is somewhat akin to the color and glow inside their ships, so perhaps is the same substance.

We went first into a residence room, along a planked, slightly suspended walkway that led over the cavern floors and through natural (or in some cases artificially made) openings between caverns. The residences cascaded down along the sides of the residence cavern, so that all residences had a patio. There were open arched doorways, without doors, but no windows. I saw a Zeta floating in the air from one side of the cavern to the other, apparently not needing to walk down and then up again to cross over to the other side. Going into another cavern, I was at first confused, as it looked like a spa. There were green plants growing among what seemed to be hot tubs, but I was puzzled to see what looked like bodies floating face down in the clear water. Were they dead? Were they swimming? The Zeta who was my guide said to me: "This is where we renew ourselves," and I realized those were live Zetas floating in the tubs.

In fact, there is not simply one form of Zetas, there are, per them, 127 different types!
I've met a number of them, 4 in fact, and can describe them.


ZetaTypes, written by Jul 15, 1995
Our emissary, Nancy, will describe the Zeta types she has met. She has met but few, as the Zetas are numerous in form. The forms result from the various planets we have spread to during the life of our form. Each planet plays upon the genetic structure, encouraging certain genetics to emerge and demonstrate their superiority in survival and longevity. Thus, the life form gradually adapts to the environment it finds itself in. Counts would differ, but for the sake of this discourse, we will say that the number of variations that would be visibly noticeable to humans is 127.

This is my story.



Short Skinny Zeta
These Zetas have Whitley Strieber's Communion face with attendant thin body and limbs. They're 4 foot tall or so, with a body no thicker than a post and arms no thicker than a broom stick. The body and arms are straight, showing no muscle bulges, and the trunk does not move in and out during breathing. They wear a beige colored skin-tight outfit that also covers the head. They emit a tittering sound when excited, speech to one another, which sounds like a flock of small birds. They seem like go-fers to the larger Zetas, doing detail tasks and errands. However, they do communicate telepathically and are loving and kind. They appear most often in groups of 3 or multiples thereof.
Tall Skinny Zeta
These Zetas are similar to the Short Skinny Zeta but they are 6 foot tall or so. They wear a gray skin-tight outfit. They don't emit sounds. They're planners and conferees rather than go-fers, appear businesslike, and can be stern. They address problems with great concern. They want to discuss solutions rather than just offer sympathy. I've seen the face without the skin-tights and it is beautiful. They have a small nose the size of my little finger, straight up and down, and high cheekbones with hollowed cheeks. The frontal lobes protrude out slightly over the face. The skull is lighter than the face, almost white, where the face and trunk and limbs are the same gray color as the skin-tights they wear. I saw the hand and arm once without the skin-tights. The fingers rapidly taper from the index to the side, with the little finger less than 1/2 the size of the index finger. The thumb appears to come from the center of the palm, rather than the side, and was felt by me rather than seen. Their fingers have some webbing between them. The fingers are long, so that shaking hands lands the ends of the fingers up along the forearm. They have thick, long fingernails. Their skin has wrinkles as does ours. The arm I saw up close had pea green freckles along the outside, as our arms freckle when exposed to the sun.
Pumpkin Head Zeta
These Zetas are similar to the Short and Tall Zetas in body and limbs, but the head is round like a pumpkin and the eyes are smaller, the size of ours, and round though black like the other Zetas. They are tall enough to have to stoop going through the doorway when entering a room but can stand straight up in the room. I'd place them at about 8 foot tall. They are related to other Zetas, in their words "We are like them." They seem to handle heavy planning and conferee issues where the other Zetas carried out existing policy, such as the Hybrid program. They can think abstractly and creatively more so than the other Zetas. I was told their brain halves communicate, as do ours, where the other Zetas have less of this. I met the pumpkin heads only recently, since 1993. I was allowed to ask questions about the Zeta physiology. They breathe but their lungs work like bellows, one exhaling while the other inhales, therefore there is no sign of breathing. Their digestive system is minimal. They absorb through their skin. They generate the enzymes they need, a standard travel pack, I was told. They do have sex organs, but I don't know if they use them. The pumpkin head showed me his, as I asked. His penis curled between his legs, did not dangle, and came rapidly to a point. The telepathic explanation of female sex organs showed a wide vagina. The Zetas do not sleep.
Water Zeta
These Zetas are similar to the other Zetas in body and limb size, but they have many other differences. They can live in or out of water but the only sign of this are soft fins along the sides of the hips and thighs. Their toes and fingers appear stubbier than the other Zetas. The head is aqua-dynamic, not round. Their eyes are at the end of short protuberances, and are not black. There are large indentations for water to flow across the brow and past the cheeks. The head is basically lumpy looking. The Water Zeta I met had one of the warmest Zeta personalities, a very nice soul. They apparently eat, mentioning shrimp as not unlike their normal diet. They apparently can't handle all the tasks assigned to other Zetas, think single thread or some such, and are sensitive to sunlight.


Since they gave up eating, and apparently do not have children by sex, those large heads being hard to birth and all, what kind of a sex life do they have?
Well, they DO have sex, but marriage is somewhat different from our institution.

Zeta Marriage, written Jul 15, 1995
The Zeta do not marry in the same sense that humans do. We, in the Service-to-Others, do not have an institution such as marriage, which is in our opinion a form of bondage, however willingly it may be entered into. If one examines the human institution of marriage for its true purposes, and how those purposes are accomplished in our society, one can see why we are not in need of such an institution. Caring for children, the most often defended rationale for marriage, does not need to be mandated, as all children are cared for by all, and enthusiastically. Compensating the dependent partner, usually the wife, who may give decades of devotion only to be cast aside for a younger model, is another rationale. In our society, no members need fear being rejected. Maintenance is guaranteed, and at the same level for all. In our society each Zeta is free, and where there is much bonding there is no bondage. Sexual concourse should be considerate and not undertaken in haste, and is most fulfilling in this context. Therefore, where we have less bondage, we have more true bonding. And yes, the Zetas do have sex, and pair, even while not procreating through sex at this time.

Zetas are sometimes accused of being unemotional, as though the range of emotions we allow to rule our lives was a good thing!

Unemotional, written May 15, 1997
We are clearly more intelligent than the humans we are responding to, but beyond this IQ difference we are also brooking no nonsense in our replies, and thus the interpretation by some humans that our responses are unemotional. Sentimentality has its place in developing bonds, but this is not our primary intent during these discourses. Our bonding activities are engaged in one-to-one with our human contactees, who have given The Call to us due to the nature of their call being oriented toward Service-to-Others. It is here that we bond and deal with emotions on our part or on the part of the contactee. In this public forum, sentimentality would be used by our enemies as a diversion. Our primary purpose is to establish truth, on many matters often deliberately confused by those in what we term the establishment in human society. So that mankind might arrive at their own conclusions armed with the facts and insights they are not otherwise allowed to arrive at due to lack of information or distorted or untruthful information from the establishment. We are not ruthless, unless those who do not wish the facts lined up impeccably are complaining about the lack of wiggle room they are given.

They're tough, those Zetas!

But on the other hand, they give great latitude to the individual controlling their own life.

Whose life is it, anyway!

ZetaTalk:Dictatorial, written by Jul 15, 1995
Our culture, the Service-to-Others Zetas, allows each entity to flower in their individuality to the fullest. We place no constraints on the individual, who may choose their activities based on their own perception of what they desire to do in service to others.

Not dictatorial, but blunt, and sticking to the facts. That's the Zetas.
They are, for instance, not sexist!

Though human societies are very sexist, even where this is outlawed.

ZetaTalk:Zeta Roles, written Jul 15, 1995
All children are given access to all learning experiences, equally. Should they indicate difficulty with some material, or confusion, their request for assistance is met without hesitation. The males, for instance, do not have their questions answered while the females find they are expected to be seen but not heard from. When our little girls well up with ideas, they are given the opportunity to present on an equal basis with our little boys, nor are they cut-off in mid sentence by male teachers or fellow students, as little girls in human society find they are, daily. In short, we simply threat little boys and girls as true equals, so that when they arrive at the point where they can contribute to Zetan society, they are prepared to make their decision about the roles they would like to fill. In the Service-to-Other society, roles are self chosen, in response to the needs noted or expressed by others.

So, imagine this scenario: Zetan youngsters, having sopped up all the learning their curious minds can hold, and having practiced various roles during play and school projects, by choice, now spend a portion of their time in the community. They attend one of the community meetings that occur regularly or more often if need arises. They hear discussion on a problem the adults are dealing with. A youngster, as the adults, is free to volunteer his or her services. If the others feel, in their hearts and minds, that the youngster would be overwhelmed in this role, this is, in essence, another problem to be addressed. Perhaps a classmate, or one of the adults, offers to assist the young volunteer, and in this regard is truly just a second set of hands or a backup in case of failure. The volunteer is allowed to proceed, even if inexperienced. All are in Service-to-Others, and none wishes to harm the community, so the volunteer is not assumed to be operating out of self interest. Most often, in such situations, we are pleasantly surprised. On occasion the youngster needs some assistance. And when there is failure, we wait for the youngster to request a review, so they may learn from the failure, before comments are offered.

So if the Zetas find that their sexes choose different roles, how do these roles by sex come about? In the same way that roles by height, or physical or mental acuity, or past experiences and differing knowledgebase, or desire to learn in a particular area, or empathy with certain experiences affect role choices. In no other way.


The Zeta life span is 400 years, on average, and their IQ 287 on average.

Zeta IQ, written by Jul 15, 1995
Our IQ is higher than yours, and also different. We are vastly more telepathic. In comparing our increased intelligence, numbers alone do not describe the situation. Where your mind carries on dozens of thoughts simultaneously, ours carry on thousands. You are unaware of most of the thinking your mind does. You are only aware of the conscious thought at the front of your mind. Yet parts of your mind are concerned with sensing distance around you, the need to shift your position, sensing the body language of others around you, calculating your physical hungers and plotting how these will be satiated, etc. In terms of IQ, should we Zetas take one of your IQ tests, which measure speed and accuracy, we would measure around 287 IQ points. However, this is not an adequate measure.

They also have a knowledge base that surpasses ours.
And I'm not just talking here about written history.

ZetaTalk:Zeta Knowledge, written Dec 15, 2000
We, the Service-to-Other Zetas, have been looked upon with skepticism for presenting information from the past which undocumented or otherwise unable to be explored by humans. Do we make this information up? How can we speak to the issue of mankind's genetic engineering, in the past, when we were still babes in the crib during that time ourselves, and did not have a hand in this engineering. How can we explain the motives in human dramas that occurred far in the past so that all the characters are now dead? How can we predict the arrival of Planet X, when it is out in space beyond where man can peek clearly, and has a trajectory and path that is outside of the path that human math would compute? In this reaction, the skeptics are placing our ability to retrieve knowledge or arrive at conclusions on a par with their ability. Beyond the fact that we have more sources, and more knowledge, and a higher IQ, is our tendency, as a Service-to-Other group, to deal with the facts in a straightforward manner. We don't throw out what makes us uncomfortable, or insert lies to make ourselves feel more powerful or special, or distort the facts as a manipulation.

So where do we get our information? Being telepathic, we can tune into any and every human mind on Earth, should we wish, to read their thoughts. This ability exposes not only plans, but past actions. In that reincarnation exists, and the soul does not forget, we can locate and interrogate the soul of those humans who lived in the past. Is this in a computer? Indeed it is, if the mind is a organic computer, as the birthing guides are aware of past lives when counseling an entity between lifetimes and when planning their next incarnation. This is a simple inquiry to the birthing guides, who know the entities they are guiding as a mother knows her children, and can locate the soul to be contacted. Likewise the genetic engineering done in the past on mankind is not a secret, and as engineers charged with the current leap for mankind, we have been privy to all the information we desire in this area.

So with all that brainpower, what kind of schools do they have?
Do they start, in Kindergarden, with calculus?

ZetaTalk:Zeta Schools, written Jul 15, 1995
The Zetas in the Service-to-Other orientation have extensive schools, not only for our young but for all ages. Where in human society education is viewed as preparation for life, when young, and retraining for an occupation or to a minor degree self improvement, when grown, the Zeta have a different attitude. Self improvement is at the fore, always. The young Zetas finds themselves in a smorgasbord of stimulation, surrounded by toys and games that allow their curious minds to fully explore physics, chemistry, biology, and the social studies. Unlike human schools for their youngsters, where physics and chemistry experimentation is limited to lab time or simplistic at-home experiments, the Zeta youngster is not limited to time slots or scope, nor do we require the youngsters to be a certain age or grade before they have an opportunity. Don't they blow themselves up? Precautions are taken in the way these lessons are structured, so that the necessary knowledge is in place before next steps can be taken. The lessons have checkpoints, so, for example, the youngster cannot just reach for the vial of acid and taste.

Social interaction is not structured, as it is to some degree in human society where human youngsters are selected by the teacher to assume roles. Johnny gets to organize the field trip because the teacher likes his engaging smile. Zeta youngsters are counseled when they are having difficulty, and given assistance to a degree that would astonish humans, when in need, but the roles they assume in play are self chosen, and when they succeed at these roles it is based on honest interaction between the youngsters. In Zeta society, the equivalent of the dullard son of the boss assuming command of the company, or the inept daughter of the PTA head getting the lead in the play does not exist. We do not use platitudes or hypocrisy to develop our youngsters, but deal with the truth, teaching our youngsters, by example, to do this also from the earliest age.

Is it all work and no play?

The Zetas remind us that when we see them, they are at WORK.

And they do have another side!

ZetaTalk:All Work, No Play, written by Jul 15, 1995
Is there happiness and joy in [our] camps, or is it all duty and work with no opportunity to play? In the Service-to-Other camp, being happy in one's work is an automatic outcome, as one chooses one's tasks, and thus this is without resentment. As to joy, there is always joy at doing for others, at feeling important for their welfare, and seeing what comes about because of one's efforts. Service-to-Others is not a grim dedication to tasks, with no time out for exploration, no music or presentation of arts and theater, no fancy meals, and no luxurious baths. Every enjoyment you have now would have an equivalent. The only stricture is self imposed, a sense of duty to fulfill a promise made to the others. For those in the Service-to-Others, self-imposed expectations are not a burden, they are a source of joy and happiness. We Zetas in the Service-to-Others enjoy ourselves, in all the many ways humans enjoy themselves. Luxuriant baths, silken textured garments and soft beds, sweet tastes and smells, a sense of rhythm and desire to dance - we have all of these.

We are portrayed as cold as steel, to a not small degree because the eyes of humans cannot see our color and see us only as gray, steel gray. We are portrayed as emotionless, as we are disciplined and fail to react when humans attempt to provoke us, feeling helpless in our grasp and desiring some kind of satisfaction. We are presented as without sex or digestion, and without parental ties, raising our young in tanks rather than in our arms and bellies. In fact we have sexual urges, although not as strong at present as those humans have, and where we no longer put food in our mouths, our bodies react to our nutrient baths with the same sense of gratification and relief that humans have when eating hungry. Our young are raised outside of our bodies because of our large heads, not because of lack of love. We are assumed to be without a sense of rhythm or a desire to dance, because we have never been seen to party. Humans should realize that when they meet with us, or are attended by us, that we are at work. Do humans dance when at work?

What do they do for entertainment and relaxation?

ZetaTalk:Entertainment, written Jul 15, 1995
We, the Zetas, have the same range of activities that humans do. Why would we not? It's true we don't go out to eat as much, and with our muted sexuality we don't look forward to getting laid. But where you look forward to occasionally getting into a hot tub, our refreshment baths are a big deal. The spas are lush with plants, and music that vibrates through the water and walls is played. It's a total body experience. Games? We have more games than you, a thousandfold more, and a hundred times more intricate. Our games are played with holographs, which are generated by computer under control of our minds. The best are like chess, where many players engage in strategies, or several teams play against each other. What is the goal of these games? The same as your games. Where the game involves mental concentration, the goal is to improve upon and practice strategic planning. Where the game involves cooperation among players, the goal is to improve social skills and cooperation. Where the game involves close timing and precision from the team, the goal is to gain skill at delegation and rapid hand-offs. Watch children intent at play. Are they not preparing for life?

And the arts? Do they have famous works they cherish, literature everyone reads?

ZetaTalk:Literature, written Jan 15, 1997
We are telepathic, so often the performing artist is soundless but nevertheless relays the composition perfectly. As for recording the great thoughts of the past, or works of art, the written word is considered cumbersome and inadequate. We use holographic forms, where all but telepathic thought is transmitted. In these cases, the intent of the author or artist is relayed through other means, such as symbolic motion or recreating the situation described, much as humans enjoy when going to the movie theater.

Space and Time Travel

Just how DO those space ships operate?
Faster than light travel.

ZetaTalk:Interstellar Travel, written by Jul 15, 1995
Most certainly we have interstellar ships, else how would we, as incarnated entities, arrive? The means of travel is not what humans assume, propulsion. Humans use propulsion. As humans can only move by a snails pace unless they are propelled, they assume that interstellar travel is by propulsion. It is not, it is by attraction, and a quick kiss it is. We have explained how we move from one density to another, by making a reservation in the density we wish to move to, and then simply making the move. Likewise, when making long distance travel, we make a similar reservation, and then simply move. Imagine what would happen if the repulsion were eliminated, in a given interchange, and the attraction had no counterbalance? How fast is fast? Should we be asked to explain, in formulas that humans could potentially understand, how repulsion could be eliminated so that attraction is the only force in effect - we cannot. This is not to evade scrutiny, but to prevent humans from getting about in the Universe in their present spiritually immature state. Your world is essentially a play pen. Children are not allowed into the computer room, nor into the Air Traffic Control tower. We trust you will understand, though we expect you will be resentful.

Where their space travel is by control of gravity particles, so the particles are all flowing in only one direction, this is also the explanation of why the ship can be upside down, but those inside feel upright?
They can control the flow of gravity particles.

Hover, written during the 2001 sci.astro debates
How do we hover, in our spacecraft, without whirling blades or blasting jets? How do we negate the downdraft of gravity particles toward the surface of the planet we are hovering upon, while at the same time negating the upblast of gravity particles which would send us upward in a wink unless also countered? We control both directional flows, creating a gravity barrier around the ship. Likewise space travel, our irresistible kiss, creates a tube through space composed of this same barrier. Gravity particles exist in the space within this barrier or tube, but only create their own gravity dance among themselves - not enough time or quantity to coalesce a gravitational giant.

And what is this barrier? It is composed of gravity particles themselves, glued with an overabundance of another particle it does interact with, unlike the majority of sub-atomic particles which interact with gravity particles only in a mechanical manner. Does this not produce a situation where the space or tube might become permanent? There is a time factor, such that we must continually reproduce a space for our craft to hover, and quickly use the tube arranged for instant space travel. The barrier degrades, in a wink, equalizing into the surrounding area where it was gathered to be the glue. You can equate this to your use of electricity, where it dissipates quickly into becoming electrons behaving normally in the surrounding matter as soon as interference by man in making them stream ceases.

Time travel is another capability the Zetas have, but if the rules state that man, in his immature state, is not to have space travel, they certainly state that man is not to have time travel.
in fact, time travel is restricted even for the Zetas.

Time Travel, written by Jul 15, 1995
The Council of Worlds strictly administers time travel, as should one go back in time and really work at it, changes would begin to appear. If we today travel back, would we not be deemed visitors from the future? This confusion can be settled if one understands that the Earth is not having visitors from the future, no matter how this may have been stated. The future has not been written. You are writing it now, moment by moment, decision by decision. Travel back in time is done for such matters as capturing genetic material long lost, for instance. Future travel is done only to coordinate activities of contactees and ourselves, where one has to be, as you say, in two places at once.


The Zetas relaying information in ZetaTalk are Service-to-Other Zetas.



ZetaTalk:Service-to-Other, written by Jul 15, 1995
We are Service-to-Other Zetas. Our ambitions, therefore, relate to how we can be of Service. Our careers are self chosen, where each chooses that career he feels would best allow him to be of Service. Our society's rules are a whole other question, which would be extensive to answer. Suffice it to say that our society takes care of the minimal needs of all Zetas. We are free to concentrate on our chosen Service. Any gaps in the support structure is observed by any Zetas in the vicinity, who fill in with service as needed. We utterly trust each other.

There is a great deal of confusion about being in the Service-to-Other, as this is a 50/50 deal.

Service-to-Other are also by necessity a little bit selfish.

Little Bit Selfish, written Jul 15, 1995
Of course there is a degree of selfishness in the Service-to-Other. If there were not, chaos would reign. Service-to-Others is defined as being at least as concerned about others as about the self. An even split. Of course, there are degrees, where some individuals almost never consider themselves, and others often. And then, just as with your society, the point where selfishness turns on differs among individuals. One would think nothing of sharing a garment with another, but insists on maintaining a small horde of food, as this individual experienced starvation in its past and has yet to recover from the memory. Another gives food away generously, having no fall back at all though times are lean, but insists that their wardrobe not be shared as they are vain of their appearance and have taken special care to enhance this. All intelligent species, when in a Service-to-Others group, display a self interest that maintains the individual. Without this self interest, as an integral part of the species, the species would not have survived throughout evolution.

I'm often asked why the Zetas have not made me rich, or why they are not willing to prove themselves to mankind by called the winning lottery number.
The reason is the attitude the Zetas have toward money, as their society operates without money.

Without Money, written by Jul 15, 1995
So, how do [our] societies function without money, a medium of exchange? For simplicity's sake, you can consider [we] operate as though everyone were a charity case. We will be explicit. The apple grower, when in need of some item other than the apples he grows, simply goes and takes them. Likewise, others simply come and take apples, as needed. If there are too few apples, then there is distress communicated telepathically and a meeting of the group is called, or perhaps the issue has come up during the regular meetings. As there is distress, others in the group weigh their current activities in light of the new need, and discuss alternatives. Essentially, someone who may be on sabbatical in order to devote to learning may cut this short to assist, or someone who has taken responsibility for doing laundry may find they have extra time on their hands, and volunteer. Or, it may be that in weighing the activities of all, the conclusion of the group is that apples are of less importance, and an agreement is reached to parse the existing supply out more carefully. In this way, money is replaced by communication and cooperation, and this works just fine.

The Service-to-Other Zetas communicate through telepathy.
Isn't this intrusive? All thoughts shared?

ZetaTalk:Telepathy, written by Jul 15, 1995
Telepathy is a curse for the Service-to-Self, and an advantage to the Service-to-Others. Being only vaguely aware of telepathic qualities, humans wonder. Those humans with telepathic abilities relay that this is a mixed blessing for humans. They can become distracted at unwelcome times. They can become aware of the emotional tone of another, as well as the thoughts, even though this may not be desired. However, for the Service-to-Other entity, who desires to know where the others are, this is not a burden. Annoying emotion, such as rage or loss of control, is not present. What is present is valid concerns about the needs of the group, and information on joint projects. Think of team work, in your present human society, where everyone on the team is focused on the goal. Does close mental and emotional synching not feel good?

OK, since we're all thinking good thoughts, no worry about sharing.

ZetaTalk:Keeping Secrets, written Jul 15, 1995
In Service-to-Others there are no secrets. This is primarily because of the spiritual orientation, where there is great concern for others. As this agenda does not need to be hidden, we are open about our motives. Secondarily, there are no secrets because telepathic ability is vastly increased. One's thoughts are read by and known to the others as quickly as they are entertained. This makes it easy to be empathetic and caring, as the pain of one becomes the pain of all. Communication is greatly enhanced by telepathy also. No need for the phone, no need to write notes, no silent suffering.

And by the way, this telepathy is the very reason they don't need names!
That name Zeta, is NOT what the Zetas call themselves?
It's our name, assigned to them during the Betty and Barney Hill episode, and it stuck.
The Zetas explain.

ZetaTalk:By What Names, written Aug 15, 1995
Betty and Barney Hill named us, and the name, having been publicized, stuck. Zeta is your term for the star system we came from. Likewise the Pleiadeans were named for their home constellation. They have never minded, and the Nordics, named for their appearance, could care less. A problem exists where the hundreds of aliens that appear to be gray to humans, because the human eye cannot perceive the color spectrum, are all simply called grays. No one has bothered to name them, or catalog them, and the task will probably proceed willy-nilly as contactees come forth with sketches and a catchy name sticks.

It's the Zetas, the Service-to-Other Zetas, who contacted Betty and Barney Hill.

ZetaTalk:Betty Hill, written Dec 15, 1995
An early and significant visitation was one familiar to the populace, known as the Betty and Barney Hill incident. This made the headlines before the alien presence became an increasing threat to the establishment, and thus was reported as relayed by the contactee, and not as wished by the spin doctors. Thus, what was reported stands as true facts and not a distortion. This couple was chosen specifically for this contact, which we in the Service-to-Others orientation anticipated would get reported and reported faithfully. The accurate depiction of the constellations allowed a curious mankind to correctly identify our star system of origin. Thus, the name Zeta was ascribed to us, to which we willingly answer.

So why are the Zetas here? What is their purpose, in being available for contact, in assisting with mankind's next leap forward into the Zeta/Human hybrids?

Why They Care, written by Jul 15, 1995
Issues of the coming pole shift, of the ecology, of nuclear disarmament or how many years the Sun has until it burns itself out - all these are meaningless unless one considers mankind. Pole shifts and ecological disasters and nuclear disasters and dying suns occur often in this Universe, and no one notices because it affects no one. Why do we care, other than because we are living in your Solar System today and tomorrow, and because our hybrids are both your cousins and ours, and because your souls will be our future neighbors in the world we are both building? We care because we empathize with your situation, having been there ourselves, and have the rare opportunity, because of your call to us, to become directly involved with you - with the people of Earth.

We, the Zetas, cannot go back, as there have been adjustments to our physiology that would kill us if we returned. We are referring to what happens to physical bodies when their environment changes. You have some sense of this because of reports from your astronauts. After a brief space sojourn, they find their bones decalcified. Imagine what happens after decades away from the pull of a heavier gravity. For us, the return trip is virtually impossible. Some journeys, undertaken, do not have a return route. For us, this was understood at the beginning. We are all volunteers here on your Earth, as operating in the Service-to-Others mode we are not commanded. All work is voluntary. Do we miss our home planet? Of course we do, as you might imagine. Imagine living off rations, sleeping in cramped quarters with no view, with a task that will consume your entire lifetime. We are not only volunteers, we are extremely dedicated volunteers, as we all went in with our eyes open.


The Zetas by no means claim to be all-knowing. They have higher IQ's than we, and a broader knowledge base, but when it comes to far reaching questions like
1. is there a God, or
2. what is the end of the Universe, or
3. the meaning of life.

They are as stumped as we are.

ZetaTalk:Universe, written by Jul 15, 1995
The vast Universe, which so intrigues man, has mysteries seemingly out of the reach of man. How big is it? Does it have boundaries? Does it go forever, or is it circular? Is it all an illusion? Is it homogeneous throughout? So many questions. Does the Universe have physical boundaries? We do not know, nor are we allowed to know. To us, with our instruments and in our travels, it appears to be boundless. We travel only so much, using home as a base, and limit our travels not because of distance but due to what is known about certain parts of the Universe, which would be poisonous to us. We too use probes, set to take their measures and return. This is the manner by which your Solar System was located, not by us, but by others. If the probe returns with data that indicates an environment that would be poisonous or quickly fatal, we do not, understandably, explore that part of the Universe. Different sections of the Universe have different compositions. By this we mean the elements are found in different proportions and the resultant chemical reactions that ensue therefore have different characteristics. Some worlds have silicon based life. Some suns emit radiation that is poisonous to us and would be to you also. Those environments contain severe dangers, as silicon based microbes are ones your immune system could not begin to muster a defense against.

Beyond some simple statements, we are not at liberty to explain the Universe to humans, as we are restrained by the Rule of Non-Interference and also by our ignorance. For you, it seems that the Universe is limitless, and boundless, and is not an illusion. So be it, as for you that is a reality and in particular the reality which you must live in. It is also the reality which we, the Zetas, must live in, and in truth we do not know that much more about the functioning of the Universe than you do. The Universe holds secrets that we are not allowed to know at this time, at our stage of spiritual growth. These questions must go unanswered, for the time being.

In particular, I'm often asked if the Zetas have a religion, especially among those suggesting the Zetas need to find Jesus.
There answer is that God goes beyond such a restricted view, but yes, they got religion!

ZetaTalk:Got Religion, written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding religion. We have a religion. In fact, everyone does. Even those who profess not to have a religion have a religion in their protestations. When we speak of our religion, it is more of an understanding of the Universe. We are emotionally connected to the Universe. We are within the One. We have kinship with one another as parts of the One. We have reverence for the Universe and its workings, as a thing of beauty which we wish to understand. Each soul is in the hand of God, within God, to our way of thinking, and thus needs no intermediary. We, the Zetas, do not impose schedules on when God will be present, or we should all gather and listen to someone interpret God's words and thoughts for us. Each is left to his own communications, which needs no other intermediary.

Our religion is not like the major religions of the Earth, which deify entities human in appearance. These religions, where the message given to humans was to draw them to the light, have been corrupted over time by the forces of darkness. These religions preach against knowledge, against self initiative, against free thought. They restrain with rules which assist only those who wish to rule. Where human religions, however well founded, have invariably been twisted by the Service-to-Self crowd until they have lost all semblance of the original intent, our faith is not so affected. The pure adage to Love thy Neighbor as Thyself stands as the rule by which we guide ourselves, and there are no Thou Shalt Not's included. Where human religions, having been infiltrated with the structure the Service-to-Self crowd feels comfortable with, have pomp and ceremony and severe strictures for evading the controls, we have no ceremony to express our faith. Was it not Jesus who said, insofar as ye love the least amongst you, so ye love me, or words to that effect? Jesus was relaying a true Service-to-Other philosophy of faith, as we believe that each of us, the least included, represents a part of God, is included in God's plan, and is God's handiwork. Where we are not much clearer than you are on what God is, this is our faith.


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