Japan: A new island appears in the Ogasawara Islands - November 2013

Active volcanoes (Sep 28, 2012)



"Of course all volcanoes will explode, as this is going to be a very severe pole shift. What about the months and years preceding the pole shift? It is no secret that Mammoth Lake and the caldera of Yellowstone are warming up, and the populace has been prepared for these occurrences by the movie Volcano where there, in the middle of LA, lava is bubbling up. In fact, there is a fault line running from the approximate San Diego/LA area, up into the Sierras, and this is liable to rupture rather violently during one of the quakes that precedes the pole shift by some months. Volcanic eruptions from that area in the Sierras can be expected. Will Mount St. Helen erupt? All volcanoes that have been active within the memory of man will begin spewing and burping and oozing, and many that were not expected to become active will reactive. "   ZetaTalk - Feb 15, 2000

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Comment by M. Difato on January 19, 2017 at 4:27pm

Explosion at Bogoslof Volcano prompts ninth aviation warning (Jan 18) during weeks-long eruption


FAIRBANKS, Alaska (KTUU) - The Alaska Volcano Observatory says it has recorded about 20 explosive events at Bogoslof Volcano since it began erupting about a month ago.

Bogoslof’s most recent explosion occurred at around 1:20 p.m. on Wednesday, and sent up an ash cloud about 31,000 feet high, prompting the ninth red aviation warning AVO has issued for the volcano since mid-December.

AVO Geophysicist Dave Schneider says Wednesday’s eruption was preceded by a series of smaller events earlier in the week.

“It’s safe to say the explosive activity has been variable,” Schneider said. “This was one of the larger events over the past few weeks.”

The ash cloud is not the highest that the volcano has produced during this eruption, with some previous ash clouds reaching as high as 35,000 feet, according to Schneider. But those differences could be more due to atmospheric conditions than the explosion itself.

While the ash cloud does pose a threat to nearby boats and air traffic, wind forecasts show that the fallout is unlikely to be carried towards Dutch Harbor and Unalaska.

Comment by Howard on January 14, 2017 at 7:23pm

Ongoing Eruptions at Bogoslof Volcano Transform Island (Jan 10)

Alaska's remote Bogoslof volcano keeps erupting, and has demolished much of its Aleutian island home with a string of huge explosions. 

The island has added roughly 57,000 square metres of new land, thanks to huge amounts of lava and ash pouring from the active stratovolcano. 

Satellite images taken 19 years apart reveal a massive crater created by the volcano that has taken out about a third of the island's landmass.

The volcano is located about 850 miles southwest of Anchorage, a remote location making observation difficult.

On December 23, observers on a Coast Guard vessel reported spotting ash, lightning, and ejection of incandescent lava.

There have been more than 10 eruptions since mid-December, observatory geophysicist Dave Schneider said.

Prior to that, the last reported eruption was in 1992, when an eruption lasting 19 days sent a cloud rising to 3 km above Bogoslof Island, which was identified on satellite imagery.

Chris Waythomas, a geologist at the Alaska Volcano Observatory, noted how the landscape has changed in a pair of satellite photos taken nearly 19 years apart.

Ash has built up, causing more mass at the northern tip of the island, while the underwater volcano has also created a huge crater that has taken out a third of the island's landmass.  

The island is home to a large population of fur seals, who may have been impacted by the relentless eruptions. 




Comment by lonne rey on January 11, 2017 at 11:18pm

Earthquake triggers strong eruption at Sinabung volcano in Indonesia – lahar alert


A strong explosion was recorded at Sinabung volcano on January 9, 2017.

It was triggered by a volcanic earthquake that occurred about 8 minutes before.

sinabung, sinabung eruption, sinabung eruption january 2017, sinabung video

Comment by Howard on January 4, 2017 at 8:21pm

Major Explosions Continue at Alaska's Bogoslof Volcano (Jan 4)

Another major explosion occurred at the volcano today producing an ash plume that reached 33,000 ft. The Alaska Volcano Observatory reported a strong volcanic seismic signal from volcano starting at 21:18 local time January 3 and lasting  approximately 5 minutes. In addition, a series of lightning strikes were identified by the World Wide Lightning Location Network.

On December 31, the 6th major explosion during the current eruption cycle was recorded. The Alaska Volcano Observatory detected a strong seismic signal (captured on neighboring islands) and a swarm of lightning strikes typical for large eruption ash plumes near the volcano and extending north.  Weather cloud tops at 30,000 ft prevented visual and other satellite confirmation. That eruption started presumably at 22:30 local time.

Another relatively large ash-producing explosive occurred on December 30 at 23:45 local time. The eruption was inferred from seismic data on nearby islands and seen in recent satellite images. The resulting ash plume was estimated to reach around 20,000 ft altitude and drifting NE.



Comment by Howard on December 27, 2016 at 9:15pm

Alaska's Bogoslof Volcano Under High Alert After Another Eruption (Dec 26)

The Aleutian Islands' Bogoslof volcano is again under the highest alert level after another eruption on Monday producing a 30,000-ft ash cloud.

Temperatures recorded on cloud tops suggested an ash cloud that reached 30,000 feet.

Lightning and seismic data signaled the eruption.

The volcano erupted three times last week, with one ash cloud reaching 35,000 feet.

The Alaska Volcano Observatory posted a Monday afternoon update raising the alert level to "warning" for Bogoslof, about 60 miles west of Unalaska, and its aviation color code to red. Seismic data and satellite images showed an "ash-producing eruption" and cloud at the volcano just after 2 p.m. Monday, following at least three last week that reshaped much of low-lying Bogoslof Island.

In an update posted at 3 a.m. Tuesday, the National Weather Service's Alaska Aviation Weather Unit said that volcanic ash from Bogoslof was no longer visible on satellite images.




Comment by Howard on December 27, 2016 at 9:08pm

Mexico's Colima Volcano Erupts, 1.5 Mile Ash Plume (Dec 27)

Mexican authorities have set up exclusion zones surrounding the Colima volcano following increased volcanic activity.

An eruption early Tuesday created an ash plume about 1.5 miles tall with the possibility of ash falling up to 30 miles away from the volcano.

Authorities have also declared an exclusion zone in neighboring Jalisco state.

"Respect the radius of exclusion of 4.6 miles in Jalisco and 7.4 miles in Colima," the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

The Interior Ministry said ash will mostly affect areas east and west of the volcano, while areas within about three miles of the volcano are at risk of falling volcanic debris.



Comment by Howard on December 27, 2016 at 8:55pm

Peru’s Sabancaya Volcano Roars to Life (Dec 26)

Peru's Sabancaya volcano rumbled back to life on Monday, spewing ash and smoke some 11,500 feet into the sky, covering a radius over 30 kilometres, in the latest of a series of explosions.

The local authorities warned surrounding communities could be affected by ash from the volcano, which erupted at 8.24am local time.

The volcano had similar explosions on Dec 16  when it sent a plume of smoke 2,500 metres into the sky.




Comment by Howard on December 24, 2016 at 2:32am

Escalating Activity at Alaska's Bogoslof Volcano (Dec 23)

On December 21, a strong explosion produced an ash plume that showed up on satellite data and was observed by pilots in the area. According to this data, an ash column rose to approx. 10 km altitude and quickly dissipated to the south.

On December 22, another powerful explosion occurred at the volcano at 17:20 local time.

This second eruption was much stronger and richer in ash than the first one detected the night before.

It produced a relatively large ash plume that rose to 35,000 ft (12 km) altitude and drifted NE at 40 knots. The aviation color code was immediately raised to red; this plume was very dangerous for aircraft in the area who should now avoid the vicinity of the island.

Satellite data shows the plume clearly:

The December 22 eruption originated from a partially submerged vent and had a major impact on the morphology of the island itself.

A new, small island has formed just offshore of the northeast end of the main island. The former shore and much of the northeast side of Bogoslof Island adjacent to this island has been largely removed, and deposition of material has occurred on the west side of the island. The excavated area of the former northeast shore is likely the vent for this recent eruption, which appears to be just below sea level.

Analysis of shoreline change and vent location from the eruption of Bogoslof volcano. The base image was collected on March 19, 2015 and the analysis was conducted on data from December 22, 2016 after the large explosive eruption on December 21, 2016. Note that the location of the vent for the eruption was underwater or near the shoreline on the NE part of Bogoslof Island. Deposits have enlarged portions of the island and are interpreted to be comprised of coarse-grained volcanic ash and blocks of lava.

On December 23, another explosive eruption occurred at the volcano at around 09:30 local time. The alert level of Bogoslof was raised back to red.

A Coast Guard ship in the vicinity reported ash emission as well as ejection of lava and fragmental material. The eruption cloud did not penetrate the regional cloud tops at 30,000 ft and winds are to the north-northeast. According to the Coast Guard, ash emission subsided at about 10:37 AKST (19:37 UTC). On the basis of this information, the Aviation Color Code is raised to RED and the Alert Level to WARNING.

There is no monitoring of the volcano on the remote island itself and not much is known about its activity and typical behavior.

The last known eruption of Bogoslof volcano was in 1992 near the northern shore of the small island. A vent breached the sea surface producing surtseyan activity before building a new lava dome that eventually reached about 150 m height. Similar events had also occurred in 1927 and 1786, but only small remnants of the edifices produced by those earlier eruptions have survived the erosive action of the arctic ocean.




Comment by lonne rey on December 21, 2016 at 12:12pm

Volcano eruption in Aleutian Islands sparks aviation alert


The Alaska Volcano Observatory has issued its highest level of alert for aviation after what it says was a brief eruption of a volcano on the Aleutian Islands.

The observatory said pilots reported the Bogoslof volcano on Bogoslof Island erupted about 4:00pm Alaska time.

Alaska Volcano Observatory map shows aviation alert

Comment by Howard on December 14, 2016 at 3:34am

Long Dormant Chilean Volcanic Complex Reawakens (Dec 13)

A "unique" burst of activity at a little-known volcanic complex near the Chile-Argentina border has attracted the interest of international scientists and led worried governments to plan for a potentially devastating eruption.

The volcanic field at the Laguna del Maule, located in central Chile near the Argentine border, has risen around two meters (6.5 feet) since 2007, undergoing "uplift" at a rate and consistency that is unprecedented in recent history, scientists said.

That likely means magma is exerting pressure on the Earth's crust in a zone where evidence indicates that explosive eruptions have happened repeatedly in the last few thousand years, though none in modern times.

If such an eruption were to happen at Maule today, it would have the potential to devastate nearby hydroelectric projects, and pump out ash that could wipe out crops across Argentina's pampas and severely disrupt global air traffic.

"We have so little experience with this kind of data, but the uplift is the biggest seen anywhere on the planet," said Bradley Singer, a geoscientist from the U.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison, who is leading an international research effort to understand what is happening under the surface.

"No-one has a seen a signal this large and this persistent. And it's in an area with an explosive record."

Scientists emphasize that it is impossible to know if or when Maule will blow again and how large any eruption would be.

Argentina and Chile have been working increasingly closely on monitoring the Andes volcanic chain that runs down their shared border. Most of the volcanoes - some 15 percent of the world's total - are located on the Chilean side, but winds usually mean Argentina faces the brunt of any ash cloud.

High in the remote Andes, the Laguna del Maule complex is centered around a deceptively calm, intensely blue lake of the same name, surrounded by arid volcanic rock.

The nearest towns are San Clemente in Chile, around 122 kilometers (76 miles) away, and the slightly closer Malargue on the Argentine side. Chile's capital Santiago is some 300 kilometers to the north.

About 2,400 people live or work in the nearby area, and the Maule river valley supplies around 25 percent of Chile's energy via 14 hydroelectric stations.

One of the people who knows the zone best is Raul Torres, an official who has lived close to the lake for around 60 years.

"About 10 or 15 years ago I noticed a real change in the area," he said, noting that the icy water temperature has warmed, algae have bloomed, and bubbles have appeared on the lake surface."



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