2026 Date
http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue764.htm; Issue 764, May 23, 2021
Since the start of the ZetaTalk saga in 1995, the Zetas have refused to name the projected date of the Pole Shift. Their answer has always been that with a date certain, those who would harm the innocent and take advantage of the weak would have time to plot and entrap. Debt slavery has certainly already been promoted. Can slave or work camps be far behind?
Why have the Zetas decided to commit to a date at this time, after decades of saying the date is not to be known? Per the Zetas, the major End Times battles have been won in favor of those in the Service-to-Other. The Pointy Head aliens formerly headquartered in Antarctica have left the Earth. Where cleanup still needs to be done, Moloch practices are being eradicated.
Point of Passage
http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue762.htm; May 9, 2021
The Last Weeks have been detailed by the Zetas as lasting 7.3 weeks, and include a Severe Wobble, a Lean to the Left, 3 Days of Darkness, 6 days of Sunrise West, a Slowing Rotation, a Stopped Rotation, and then the Pole Shift itself. The Last Weeks include both Venus and the Dark Twin escaping the eddy flow cup, and Nibiru’s second 270 Roll. During this time, Nibiru jumps back (X9) toward the Sun by the change in magnetic alignment with the Sun, and Earth, caught by the gravity tug of Nibiru, follows. The ZetaTalk Triangle is formed.
Until the Last Days
https://zetatalk.com/index/zeta270.htm; Mar 24, 2006
When the last weeks arrive and the monster is writhing in the skies and the N Pole of Earth tips away into 3 days of darkness, the Earth changes will increase dramatically. Renting quakes, collapsing cities, monstrous tidal waves, and disruption of services - power, gas, water, and phone. Bridges will be down, roadways torn, the atmosphere so volatile that planes cannot be safely lofted. The drama then switches to the local arena, which depending upon the polarization that occurred may be good hearted or self serving or full of panic stricken people who neither planned nor plotted ahead of time.
https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue920.htm Apr 28, 2024
Spiritual Percentages
The Zetas predicted that the percentage of incarnated souls on Earth would increase, as we are in the Transformation and the Earth is destined to become a home for those in the Service-to-Other. Last addressed by the Zetas in 2021, the migration of souls according to their spiritual orientation has indeed followed that trend.
ZetaTalk Update 4/17/2024: As expected, since 2021 the percentage of souls solidly in the STS orientation has been reduced due to the tendency of those in the STS to attempt to control others. Haiti is an example of an STS takeover and the infighting engendered in a Mad-Max environment. This infighting in gangs and resistance from the ever-increasing STO communities has created casualties for the solidly STS, who are now approximately 3.2% of the souls on Earth.
The steady increase in STO incarnated souls has again increased, due to two factors - Undecided souls moving into the STO orientation as they react to the distress of others around them, and Star Children entering the fray. Some of the Star Child growth is due to an Undecided entity wanting out, requesting death so that a Star Child can step in. Thus the number of incarnated STO souls on Earth at present is approximately 52%.
We have stated that the Undecided will constitute the majority of those who die as a result of the coming Pole Shift. Denial is in sway, along with a desire to enjoy the comforts of modern living as long as possible. Like infants, wailing for attention, they will demand social services rather than focus on taking care of themselves or the needs of others. Courageous Service-to-Other individuals will survive and prevail after the Pole Shift, so the population after the Pole Shift will be almost exclusively in the Service-to-Other.
https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue358.htm Aug 11, 2013
8 of 10 Visibility
The Zetas predicted over two years ago that there will be increased visibility of Nibiru, aka Planet X, during the 8 of 10 phase, which they explained had begun to overlap with the 7 of 10 plate movements because these 7 of 10 plate movements had been mitigated to proceed at a slower pace (to allow time for Obama to arrange an announcement admitting the presence of Nibiru nearby).
8 of 10 Expectations
The Zetas have been reluctant to detail much of what will occur during the 8 of 10 phase, because they felt their warnings would fall on deaf ears. Until mankind is fully aware of the presence of Planet X, and the pending passage, their attempts to warn mankind would be a wasted effort. But some details have been revealed. One is that a blending of the seasons can be expected. We have already had snow in Summer, but the 8 of 10 prediction goes beyond this.
https://zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue797.htm; Jan 9, 2022
Continent Drift
In 2008 the Zetas were asked where we would be on a scale of 1 to 10 if the Pole Shift itself were considered a 10. Moving from a 6 of 10 at the end of 2008, we were given what the Zetas described as the 7 of 10 Plate Movements. They have frequently referred to Plate Movement after the 7 of 10 adjustments to include places on Earth that would experience a “continuous movement”.
Where might these places of “continuous movement” be? Where the 7 of 10 Plate Movements are completing, it is notable that the rise of the Indo-Australian Plate on its eastern edge never seems to stop. The S American Roll likewise is experiencing what seems like continuous quakes along the Andes and in the Caribbean. And what did the Zetas mean by some continents being out of their normal alignment with each other? The Zetas have provided more detail.
ZetaTalk Sequence 12/31/2021: Beyond the 7 of 10 Plate Movements we have implied that there would be restless plates up until the time of the Pole Shift. We have implied continuous movement for the Indo-Australia Plate which is under continuous pressure to rise on the eastern end near Australia. This is because it is the brake restraining all other Plate Movements. We have implied that the West Coast of N America would be subject to a continuous moderate tsunami threat because of a compressing Pacific. We have also stated that the Antarctica Plate is free to move while it gradually pushes new land up between the tip of S America and Africa.
We also stated that beyond the 7 of 10 Plate Movements that some continents would shift so that they would have a different alignment with each other. What continents might those be? Given a shortening Pacific and a widening Atlantic, there will be an increasing void in the South Atlantic. While S America is lobbing its bulbous top to the West, the tip of S America floats up into the South Atlantic, thus laying this continent on its side. Africa does a similar tilt to the East so that it likewise is laying on its side. This allows Antarctica room to push New Land to the surface.
Continuous Plate Movement is happening for Eurasia, which is being pulled toward the East by the compressing Pacific. The new inland bay we have predicted to rip open from Persia to the Ural Mountains will steadily change the landscape. This tension can also be seen in the seemingly endless shaking at Tiksi, Siberia just East of the Urals. The N America Plate and Eurasia Plate connect along Siberia and down to Japan, but when the New Madrid allows the Mainland portion of N America to slide down into the Pacific, this will distort the Siberian connection. This action, to essentially rip Eurasia into pieces, will allow the Far East to drift closer to Alaska, virtually eliminating the Bering Straits as a water barrier.
https://zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue827.htm; Aug 7, 2022
Continental Drift
The Zetas predicted that during the 8 of 10 phase some continents would drift out of their current position vis a vis each other. This drift was not part of the 7 of 10 Plate Movements predicted to start in 2010, but yet another phenomenon. In 2011 when this prediction for the 8 of 10 phase was made, the Zetas declined to give details. Accordingly, the New Geography Map on the ZetaTalk web sites does not include this Continental Drift. But now the Zetas are providing those details.
On July 12 and again on July 15 huge quakes hammered the Easter Islands on the edge of the Nazca Plate. The S America roll portion of the 7 of 10 Plate Movements was supposedly 100% completed, per the Zetas, as was the rising of the Indo-Australian Plate at New Zealand, yet this area also remains a high quake area. Is this new 8 of 10 phenomena emerging? The Zetas are now detailing the continents involved in the 8 of 10 drift, and their direction of drift.
ZetaTalk Details 7/15/2022 (https://zetatalk.com/ning/31jy2022.htm): During the violent Plate Movements caused by the Daily Earth Wobble, the Atlantic gets pulled apart while the Pacific is forced to compress. We have detailed how New Land rises at the S Atlantic, between the tips of S America and S Africa, as the Antarctica Plate is pushed to rise there. We have also detailed how the African Roll will tear open the Atlantic at the Azores, facilitating the New Madrid rupture. Ruptures along the Atlantic are ongoing, from Iceland on down to the Sandwich Islands.
The weakened Atlantic Rift can no longer hold the continents on either side of the Rift together, and this allows those plates with scant glue to others an opportunity to drift. Nothing is preventing S America from drifting further to the West, nor preventing Africa from drifting further to the East. They continue their rolls, non-stop. We have alluded to this in 2011 when the 7 of 10 plate movements were detailed, as part of the 8 of 10 to be clarified later. That time is now. S America is falling to the West, thus the pressure on the Nazca Plate.
https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue871.htm; Jun 4, 2023
Loyalty Island Swarms
Periodically the Loyalty Islands above New Zealand have quake swarms. This happened in February, 2021 just after the man-made Fukushima quake near Japan. There was also a Loyalty Islands swarm in March, 2022. Both swarms were associated with the predicted New Madrid Rupture, as action in the Pacific reverberated into the Atlantic. In 2022 the Zetas predicted a prompt reaction in the scripted drama which is the New Madrid Rupture. Now we have another swarm in May, 2023. In each year, the swarms got larger.
ZetaTalk Comment 2/28/2021: Since the USGS dumbs down the Magnitude lately to be fully 2.5 Magnitudes below actual, the 7.1 quake in Fukushima on February 13 can be considered a Magnitude 10. The Loyalty Islands had been battered just the day before on February 12 with a series of quakes that could be considered Magnitude 8.
ZetaTalk Prediction 4/30/2022: The Indo-Australian Plate is considered the “brake” as its reluctance to push under the Himalayas holds back all other plate movements. The Indo-Australian Plate lifts the eastern edge above New Zealand, and this allows the Pacific Plate to slide under that edge. There of course will be a reaction in the posture of S America, which eases westward along with the Caribbean Plate which is firmly attached to the S America Plate. This will intensify the Mainland Portion of the N American Plate’s slide to the SW. By the Caribbean and Central America easing into the Pacific, the tip of Mexico is being pushed into the Pacific. Thus within a day or two at most the large quake swarm at the Loyalty Islands will translate into this scripted drama, and the New Madrid finale will again take center stage.
On May 19, 2023 the Loyalty Islands had another quake swarm, this one larger than 2021 or 2022. This swarm lasted for a couple days, ending by May 21. By the end of May 20 there had been over 60 major quakes registered by the USGS at the Loyalty Islands. Per the Zetas this is due to the Indo-Australian Plate lifting as it tilts under India, forcing the eastern edge of the plate to lift. This heavy lifting forces the plate to bend or break.
Zetaalk Prediction 5/21/2023: The key 7 of 10 Plate Movement is the Indo-Australian Plate tilt and plunge under the Himalayan Mountains. Action on this key Plate Movement allows all others around the world to follow, in a domino fashion. Thus when we described the 7 of 10 Plate Movements in 2010 we noted these movements started with the Indo-Australian tilt and plunge. The tilt predicted for the Indo-Australian Plate is extreme, not only ultimately causing sinking and flooding for India but also heavy lifting on the New Zealand side where the plate must rise up out of the water unless it bends or breaks. It does both.
We have described how the Indo-Australian Plate bends at the center of Australia, to alleviate the heavy lifting at the New Zealand end. The lands under water off Queensland get a double bend where the Loyalty Islands lie. We predicted this bending pattern in 2010, and in 2021 and 2022 quake swarms occurred in the Loyalty Islands. Now in 2023 they have once again manifested. The Pacific is compressing, forcing the Antarctic Plate to poke up into the S Atlantic where it will allow the Africa Plate room to tilt and drop. This domino effect will result in the New Madrid Rupture.
What is the after effect of this latest swarm? The South Pacific has created a void to allow S America to lean into the Pacific. This can be seen on May 21 in the stress along the SE coast of South America, which is being pulled open like a fan. This can also be seen on May 21 in the quake action south of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, where a triple tug-of-war is ongoing. S America and the Caribbean are falling into the Pacific, while the toe of the SE Portion pulls toward Africa and the Mainland of N America drops down heavily.
The after effect of the latest Loyalty Island swarm can also be seen on May 21 at the Hubei Province of China which holds the 3 Gorges Dam. The Heliplot of this province is increasingly jittery. SO2 emissions from ripping rock under the water in the Triangle formed by Japan/Taiwan/Beijing has also increased. Once again the Sunda Plate is outlined in quakes, showing it will soon snap off from the Eurasian Plate, triggering the China quake that will incite the New Madrid process to complete.
On the next day, on May 22, 2023 the world lit up like a Christmas Tree. The quake at the tip of Africa is showing that Antarctica is pushing up between the tip of S America and the tip of Africa, per the Zeta prediction when the Pacific compresses. S America is falling more heavily into the newly created void in the S Pacific. The tri-plate junction at the Isthmus where the SE Portion toe, the Caribbean Plate, and the Mainland drop collide is aflame with quakes as parts pull and push in different directions.
Mexico issued warnings that the Popocatepetl volcano is likely to erupt, threatening 25 million nearby residents who might have to be evacuated. A Pemex Pipeline exploded there on May 25. The heavy dropping of the Mainland Portion of N America is inciting this. The S Pacific is compressing, S America and the Mainland are shifting into the void that has opened there. This is non-stop Plate Movement.
Meanwhile, China is nervously watching the 3 Gorges Dam, lowering the water level during 2023 to lessen the impact should the dam fail. And should Beijing become rubble as a result of a big quake there, they have plans to establish a second headquarters in Xinjiang. The US has a Western White House in Denver, the UK has a foothold in Scotland at Balmoral, and Russia can shift East past the Ural Mountains to the Far East. Always good to have a plan.
Our Earth gives evidence that a magnetic dance has happened in the past, repeatedly.
Noting that hardened lava indicates N/S were in different places in the past, human scientists presume a polar reversal, a situation where the Earth's magnetic field would suddenly reverse, for unknown reasons.
However, per the Zetas, they misunderstand, discounting the influence of Planet X in their theories.
Just as gravity is a dominant force affecting our planet Earth, magnetism, during pole shifts, dominates.
As Planet X twists and turns during its passage past the Sun, it tosses our Earth around like a rag doll, the lesser magnet.
At first, when Planet X is not directly between the Earth and Sun, this is a secondary influence.
The pole shift happening only when Planet X stands between the Earth and Sun, negating the Sun's influence temporarily.
But prior to that point, the pole shift point, several steps in the magnetic dance occur.
I will detail them, one at a time.
They are:
1. daily tugging on the magnetized Atlantic Rift
2. an Earth wobble caused by pushing and pulling on the N and S poles
3. a lean to the left as the N Pole of Planet X hoses toward Earth
4. 3 days of darkness and 6 days of sunrise West when this becomes extreme
5. a grip on the Atlantic Rift causing rotation stoppage
6. the pole shift itself.
* Last Weeks Countdown
http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta582.htm; Aug 14, 2010
* 8 of 10 Overlap
* Wobble Sloshing
https://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta586.htm; Aug 25, 2011
* Severe Wobble
http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue764.htm; May 23, 2021
* Lean to the Left
http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta253.htm; Dec 7, 2005
http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue103.htm; Nov 2, 2008
* Slow 270° Roll
http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta118.htm; Jun 25, 2004
* Timeline Anxiety
https://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta594.htm; June 10, 2014
* Same Message Many Voices
https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue559.htm; June 18, 2017
* Contorted Path
http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta147.htm; Aug 21, 2004
* Gyration of Earth
* Pole Shift Timeline
https://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue702.htm; March 15, 2020
* http://www.zetatalk.com/menukons.htm
An animation of the Last Weeks, as depicted on YouTube, is below, and is on the Pole Shift ning also. Below that are animated GIFs of the Last Weeks, based on Konstantin's original. This shows what the Earth will endure, including 9 day Severe Wobble, 4.5 days static Lean to the Left, 2.5 days progression toward 3 Days of Darkness, 3 Days of Darkness, 6 days of Sunrise West, 18 day of Slowing Rotation, and 6 (5.9) days of Rotation Stoppage.
2023 vs 2026
http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue765.htm; May 30, 2021
Why does a date of 2023 for the Pole Shift keep popping up in alternative news articles? This seems to be related to Biblical quotes liberally interpreted, but several authors have espoused or referenced 2023. Dr. Richard Ruhling of Not Left Behind. In 1999 Ian Gurney wrote in The Cassandra Prophecy: Armageddon Approaches that the Apocalypse would occur in less than 25 years. Some assume contortions to line up with 2023, as in claims that the 160 years after Lincoln’s Emancipation in 1863 is 2023. And of course Nostradamus is always found to confirm any theory.
Why does this date of 2023 keep popping up? It likely has some relationship to what the probes are reporting about the trajectory of Nibiru, its speed and estimated arrival. But per the Zetas mankind is not taking into consideration the contortions that the various planets will take during the pinch where the Dark Twin and Venus are thrown together with the Earth. These planets are all the same size. Then there is the gravity and magnetic interplay between the Earth and Nibiru.
ZetaTalk Description 12/15/2012: We have stated that Planet X comes close, then retreats, then comes close again as the Last Weeks approach. It is forced to throw its S Pole upward, going into opposition along the Sun's magnetic flow lines above the Ecliptic. When Planet X itself goes into opposition, it is snapped back closer to the Sun, as it is now not resisting the N Pole of the Sun, and can tolerate the stronger flow of magnetons in the field closer to the Sun. Magnetic fields both push away and draw bodies closer, so this should not be an astonishing fact.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/28/2021: What then is to be made of a Buddhist Master’s text, stating in no uncertain terms the likely date of the Pole Shift is 2026? This was correct when written, almost a century ago, but the celestial clock has many forces to consider and the passage can speed up or slow down, depending upon many factors.
So what is to be made of this 2023 vs 2026 debate? Per the Zetas, mankind’s scientists need to step away from their reliance on theories such as the Flat Earth theory, or the assumption that Newton’s Laws are God’s laws.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/31/2021: There are many predictions, primarily based on Bible interpretation, that claim that the Pole Shift will happen in 2023. This seems to run contrary to the Tibetan Buddhist Master’s text, made 100 years ago, that it would happen in 2026. We have confirmed that the Master’s text was accurate when made, but that many factors could intervene to speed up or slow down the timeline. Many eyes are watching the trajectory of Nibiru and trying to compute the moment of the Passage, but the factors that will influence this are primarily outside of mankind’s ability to track.
What are these factors? We mentioned the Repulsion Force as a factor, but mankind today does not have any math that can compute just when this causes two bodies to push against each other. The exercise that Nancy did on sci.astro years ago to have mathematicians there put Newton’s Centrifugal Force equation together with Einstein’s gravity equation showed that. These two laws cannot be put in the same room together! Mankind is also not factoring in the magnetic interaction Nibiru has with the Sun, forcing it into opposition alignment.
The leap back toward the Sun that Nibiru will take when this magnetic roll into opposition occurs is not sudden. There is dithering going on as magnetic fields can clash or merge, with their core bodies pushing apart or pulling together. Are mankind’s measurements of the magnetic fields of the planets so reliable that they can compute when a dither is moving into a threshold point? The Dark Twin is approaching the Earth in their shared orbit, this may dither there too, being flung back and trying repeatedly to pass the Earth by slipping behind the Earth. Dithers are difficult to predict.
Then there is the issue of whether the delays the Council of Worlds inserted will delay, or perhaps even accelerate, the passage. We confirmed when the Humming Boxes were discovered that their intent was to delay the 7 of 10 Plate Movements. Likewise for the Monoliths. What this means is that the Plate Movements will be hurried, overlap and happen all at once, but will not be delayed. Many intuitively sense that 2023 seems a more likely date, but they are listening to the debate and not factoring in the dither into the ZetaTalk Triangle. We hold with our statement that 2026 as a guesstimate has validity.
I am not disputing Zeta predictions which are correct. I am pointing to the fact that they can not give us a timeline for the events that will happen, as they repeated this many times. So far all the dates given for the pole shift and the 7/10 were not true. So my opinion is that the pole shift in 2026/27 is also a lie. Even the 2003 prediction which you are pointing up was followed by the white lie that the pole shift will happen in the same year.
Nibiru did arrive in 2003, as predicted, at the exact coordinates predicted too. A passage in inbound and then outbound, and the Zetas did NOT specify what exactly was included in their prediction. Thus, this date were NOT false. Have you not been paying attention to the Zetas RIGHT Again instances? Why should we listen to you at all, Lana?
I wouldn't be so sure about the 2026 as a poleshift date. All the dates that Zetas gave us so far were false. So why would this one be true?
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