Could the Zetas say something about this latest crop circle [and from another] Note that the trimester change for one of the trimesters is emphasized. Which one? In that the Zetas have given the dates of the trimesters as August 12, December 17 and then April 20, it would seem that there is a slightly shorter time between April and August (114 days ) and a slightly longer time between August and December (127 days more) with the last trimester to April 20 close behind (124 days). The spacing on the 12 month edging of the Monument Hill crop circle thus seems to indicate this crop circle is pointing to the August trimester change. Is this giving us a heads up?
This design is legitimate, as shown by the weaving of grain. It is also an obvious reference to the Magnetic Trimesters due to room for 12 evenly spaced scallops along the periphery of the circle and 3 points touching this periphery from the center. The trimesters, shown by what look like squashed rectangles, are not identical, as the touch points along the periphery are not even. The trimester dates have been given as August 12, December 17, and April 20. Thus it is clear that the August 12 trimester change is being emphasized in this design, and of course being laid on August 6 this is close in time to the August trimester change. The Magnetic Trimesters cause an adjustment in the Earth, and as with all such adjustments there are consequences. Major earthquakes tend to occur clustered around a trimester change. A trimester change will tend to exacerbate any magnetic instability the Earth might be experiencing, as a trimester change is by nature a magnetic influence. This crop circle is an explanation of the Magnetic Trimesters, and also a warning.
Some interesting new crop circles have appeared in the UK.
Cooks Plantation, near Beckhampton, Wiltshire, United Kingdom - reported August 23, 2013
West Kennett Longbarrow, near Avebury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom - reported August 13, 2013
More August crop circles:
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