President Trump has announced plans for the creation of an entirely new branch of the United States Military - the Space Force. It is anticipated that the United States Space Force will play a leading role in strategic and scientific efforts in space, including efforts to revisit the Moon and undertake missions to Mars. Do the Zetas have any comment on the new Space Force? What is the purpose of bringing matters of space within the control of the US Military? [and from another] President Trump officially directed the Pentagon to establish a sixth branch of the U.S. military in space. Mr. Trump called for a "space force" to ensure American dominance on the high frontier. The president also signed his administration's third Space Policy Directive, calling for establishment of new protocols and procedures to manage and monitor the increasing numbers of satellites in low-Earth orbit and the tens of thousands of pieces of space junk and debris that pose an increasing threat to costly spacecraft. [and from another] President Trump said on Monday that he would direct the Pentagon to establish a sixth branch of the armed forces dedicated to protecting American interests in outer space.  Last year, Congress punted on a decision to establish a space corps through the National Defense Authorization Act, and asked for an independent study on the issue. The creation of a sixth branch of the military to join the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard would require congressional authorization and approval. [and from another] Retired Nasa Astronaut Mark Kelly says Donald Trump's order to create a Space Force is a 'dumb idea'. The US president revealed plans for a service branch aimed at ensuring American dominance in space this week, but Kelly said that role was already covered by the US Air Force. Kelly was referring to the Air Force Space Command, a space-focused group that has come under a number of names over the years. Headquartered in Colorado, the agency supports military use of rocket launches, satellites and cyberwarfare operations. It also tracks decommissioned satellites and other space debris in orbit around Earth, a growing problem that could block rocket launches in future. [and from another] President Donald Trump signed his administration's first space policy directive today (Dec. 11, 2017), which formally directs NASA to focus on returning humans to the moon. NASA recently announced that for human astronauts, the path to Mars will include a stop at the moon, where the agency may build a facility currently being called the Deep Space Gateway.

Why is President Trump creating a new branch of the Defense Department? NASA, under contract to the US government, is in outer space and has been tasked with returning US astronauts to the Moon and eventually to Mars. The Air Force has a Space Command branch that covers the airspace closer to Earth, including satellite debris.  Why not simply expand NASA or the Air Force? NASA has been tasked with the cover-up over Nibiru for decades, and the Air Force was in charge of the Blue Bookcover-up over the alien presence. Could the Deep State be trusted to tell the truth about Nibiru? 

In that Congress must approve the formation of a new branch of the Defense Department, this new Space Force is not expected to be funded and in operation that quickly, if ever. But in the meantime, Dunford and the rest of the Junta can proceed to staff the fledgling branch, conduct studies, and issue press releases. Seeking funding from Congress while politicians posture and grand stand is expected to drag on while actual work progesses. During his dramatic press conference, Trump ensured the world was present when his new Space Force was born. Meanwhile, a Nibiru announcement or admission can be in new and trusted hands.'

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for June 30, 2018

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Comment by M. Difato on March 28, 2020 at 1:38pm

Space Fence surveillance radar site declared operational

The $1.5 billion Space Fence can track tiny objects in low Earth orbit as small as a marble.

WASHINGTON — The space surveillance radar site known as the Space Fence is ready for use after five years in construction, the U.S. Space Force announced March 27.

An aerial view of the U.S. Space Force’s Space Fence on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Credit: Lockheed Martin

The $1.5 billion Space Fence — located on Kwajalein Island in the Republic of the Marshall Islands — is a ground-based radar system that tracks satellites and space debris primarily in low Earth orbit. Lockheed Martin was selected as the prime contractor in 2014.

The Space Fence can track tiny objects as small as a marble. It also provides a search capability for objects at higher orbits. Data from the Space Fence will feed into the military’s Space Surveillance Network.

The Space Surveillance Network tracks about 26,000 objects. The addition of the Space Fence will increase the catalog size significantly over time, the Space Force said in a news release.

The Space Fence is operated by the 20th Space Control Squadron based in Huntsville, Alabama. The squadron provides data to the 18th Space Control Squadron located at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, the unit responsible for maintaining the space object catalog.

“Space Fence is revolutionizing the way we view space by providing timely, precise orbital data on objects that threaten both manned and unmanned military and commercial space assets,” said Chief of Space Operations Gen. John Raymond.

The solid-state S-band radar will detect closely spaced objects, breakups, maneuvers, launches, conjunction assessments and depleted rocket boosters.



Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on February 6, 2020 at 11:59pm

Elon Musk says SpaceX is hiring and holding a career day this week — here's where to send your resume

Feb 5, 2020, 2:49 PM

Elon Musk tweeted a worldwide invitation to people interested in working at SpaceX to attend a career day at the company's development facility in Boca Chica, Texas.
SpaceX is in search of engineers, supervisors, and technicians for its Starship project.

Starship is a next-generation spaceship designed to launch into orbit around the Earth by the end of 2020.

Interested in working at SpaceX?
Founder and CEO Elon Musk recently tweeted out an invitation to SpaceX's career day in Boca Chica, Texas, along with details on where applicants and those attending the Thursday jobs fair can email their resumes.
The event takes place 3 pm to 9 pm local time.
SpaceX is looking for people to join its Starship project, a team tasked with building and launching a next-generation spaceship designed to orbit the Earth, the moon, and eventually Mars.

The career day is an attempt to fill four production shifts to staff 24-hour operations. Musk said he's looking to hire engineers, supervisors, technicians, and support personnel.

Musk also tweeted out instructions for prospective applicants and career day attendees to email their resumes to

SpaceX aims to start suborbital flight tests in mid-March, according to FCC filings. The projected end date is in September. If accomplished, it will meet Musk's goal to send Starship into orbit by the end 2020.
You can check out the entire list of open positions at SpaceX over on the company's website.

Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 25, 2020 at 1:20am

Trump unveils new Space Force logo, draws comparisons to 'Star Trek' Starfleet Command January 24, 2020

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump revealed the official logo for the new U.S. Space Force, a branch of the military that the administration created last year. But to many, the logo seemed more than a little familiar.

The logo bears a striking resemblance to the insignia that represents the fictional Starfleet Command in the "Star Trek" franchise.

One sun with nine planets aredepicted on the left, two stars and ten planets on the other side; the large eight-pointed star above is also known as the Star Ishtar.  Hmm.

Comment by Juan F Martinez on December 21, 2019 at 5:42am

Trump signs $738 billion defense bill creating new Space Force

President Donald Trump speaks before signing the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., Friday, Dec. 20, 2019, before traveling to Mar-a-lago in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Kevin Wolf)

President Trump signed into law a $738 billion defense authorization bill Friday night that formally creates the new Space Force branch of the military, grants a 3.1% pay raise to troops and provides up to 12 weeks of paid family leave to nearly all federal employees.

In a ceremony at a military hangar at Joint Base Andrews in suburban Maryland, the president signed the National Defense Authorization Act in front of a military audience and defense hardware that included two F-35 fighter jets.

The Senate approved the measure on Thursday.

Mr. Trump called the moment “a watershed event,” noting that the U.S. has now spent nearly $2.5 trillion on defense since he took office.

“We’re making our military stronger and more powerful than ever before,” the president said. “There is no greater honor than to serve as your commander-in-chief.”

The defense measure authorizes the Space Force, the first new branch of the military since the Air Force was created more than 70 years ago. Gen. John Raymond is being appointed chief of operations for the Space Force and will have a seat on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“With my signature today, you will witness the birth of the Space Force,” the president said. “That’s a big moment, and we’re all here for it. American superiority in space is absolutely vital.”

Comment by Juan F Martinez on December 12, 2019 at 6:57pm

Space Force is a Go as Congress Gives its Approval

Written by Dr Michael Salla on December 11, 2019. Posted in Featured, Space Programs

The Secretary of the Air Force, Barbara Barrett, issued a statement after the Congressional conference committee gave its approval and said:

We certainly appreciate the hard work and bipartisan support of the Congress and the administration that is bringing a separate service for space closer to reality. We are reviewing the draft legislation and look forward to moving out smartly once legislation is passed by the Congress and signed by the President.

President Trump tweeted his approval of the agreement that had been reached and said he was ready to sign the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that will formally create Space Force.

The House of Representatives was scheduled to vote on the NDAA today, and will be quickly followed by the Senate before being sent to President Trump for his signature to enact it into federal law.

In the NDAA, which is nearly 3500 pages long, the agreed-upon language for Space Force appears under Title IX – Department of Defense Organization and Management.

Subtitle D discusses how Space Force will be set up and run. It asserts that the relevant sections in the NDAA (Title IX, Subtitle D) authorizing Space Force’s creation will be known in the future as the United States Space Force Act. (sec.951).

The Space Force Act re-designates “Air Force Space Command” as the United States Space Force (USSF). Space Force will be located with the Department of the Air Force. This will mirror how the US Marine Corps is embedded within the Department of the Navy but remains a separate military branch to the US Navy.

The composition of Space Force is described as follows:

(b) COMPOSITION.—The Space Force shall be composed of the following:

(1) The Chief of Space Operations.

(2) The space forces and such assets as may be organic therein.

The Chief of Space Operations (CSO) will report directly to the Air Force Secretary and one year after the passage of the Space Force Act will become a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The present head of the U.S. Space Command, General John Raymond, will also be allowed to serve as the CSO of Space Force for the first year of its operations. This will enable Raymond to oversee the smooth transition of Air Force Space Command, which he also currently heads, into the new Space Force.

The reference to “assets as may be organic therein” as part of the initial composition of Space Force is intentionally vague. This will give Raymond broad authority to transfer assets from the Air Force into Space Force, and also transfer relevant space assets from the Navy, Army and Marine Corps. There is also another arguably more compelling reason why the assets language was left vague, as I will explain later.

The Space Act outlines the functions and duties of the Space Force as follows:

(c) FUNCTIONS.—The Space Force shall be organized, trained, and equipped to provide—

(1) freedom of operation for the United States in, from, and to space; and

(2) prompt and sustained space operations.

(d) DUTIES.—It shall be the duty of the Space Force to—

(1) protect the interests of the United States in space;

(2) deter aggression in, from, and to space; and

(3) conduct space operations.

The above functions and duties will give Space Force direct responsibility for protecting the civilian and military satellites that are the backbone of the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) system that the Pentagon relies upon for its modern weapons. These have recently come under direct threat by China which has developed the antisatellite capacity to destroy all US satellites as part of its asymmetric military strategy called “Assassin’s Mace”.

Back in 2015, General Raymond warned: “Soon every satellite in every orbit will be able to be held at risk”. More recently, in January 2018, a “Top Secret” report by the Pentagon Joint Staff intelligence directorate “revealed China and Russia have built anti-satellite missiles and other weapons and will soon be capable of damaging or destroying every US satellite in low earth orbit” [source].

The defense of the US military and civilian satellite infrastructure will be among the most important responsibilities of the Space Force for decades to come. But what space assets will Space Force use to achieve its functions and duties as outlined in the Space Act?

This is where the topic of a secret space program run by the Air Force for decades becomes relevant, and why the Space Force Act contained a vague reference to “assets as may be organic therein”. This vague reference was intentionally used so the assets belonging to the Air Force’s secret space program comprising advanced aerospace technologies using exotic propulsion systems, some of which were reverse-engineered from captured extraterrestrial spacecraft, can be ‘organically’ incorporated into Space Force.

In the US Air Force Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force (2019), I described the different space assets possessed by the Air Force’s secret space program. These include disk-shaped “alien reproduction vehicles”; different models of the TR-3B/flying triangle craft; flying rectangle-shaped weapons platforms; and finally ring-shaped stealth space stations.

I have previously provided photos taken of some of the classified flying triangles and rectangles operating out of MacDill Air Force Base, and how this had been orchestrated by leaders of the Air Force’s secret space program. Indeed, the photographer identified personnel from Air Force Special Operations, as part of this covert space program.

All the assets belonging to the Air Force’s secret space program will be placed under the direct authority of the incoming Chief of Space Operations, General Raymond, who will ensure these are used to protect the sensitive satellite infrastructure that China is directly threatening with its asymmetric “Assassin’s Mace” military strategy.

The official creation and launch of Space Force in 2020 will be a momentous event. It will enable the official disclosure of many advanced aerospace technologies that use exotic propulsion and energy systems based on electromagnetic principles not thought viable or possible by conventional scientists. Some of these exotic propulsion and energy systems were recently disclosed in a series of US Navy patents showing their feasibility, and how they can be applied in ways that revolutionalize the aerospace industry.

Space Force will not only open the door to the release of many highly classified technologies and the aerospace craft that have been secretly built as a result, but will also pave the way to future official disclosures about advanced subterranean civilizations and extraterrestrial life residing on, or visiting our planet.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Comment by Juan F Martinez on September 15, 2019 at 3:40am

Posted by Unites States Space Force

Comment by M. Difato on December 18, 2018 at 2:58pm

AP sources: Trump plans to create US Space Command Posted: December 18, 2018

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order soon, possibly as early as Tuesday, creating a U.S. Space Command that will better organize and advance the military’s vast operations in space, U.S. officials say.

Vice President Mike Pence will make the announcement Tuesday (Dec 18) at the Kennedy Space Center, in Cape Canaveral, Florida, two U.S. officials said.

Trump’s order is separate from his oft-stated goal of creating a “Space Force” as an independent armed service branch, but it’s considered a step in that direction. The move will launch a long and complicated process, requiring the Defense Department to pull together various space units and agencies from across the military services into a more coordinated, independent organization.

The U.S. Air Force’s existing Space Command would be a key component of the new joint entity, raising space to the same status as U.S. Cyber Command.

The U.S. officials said the order will be signed by the end of the year, but could happen as early as Tuesday. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

The move would actually recreate a U.S. Space Command, which existed from 1985 to 2002. It was disbanded in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks so U.S. Northern Command could be established, focusing on defense of the homeland.

Although Space Command went away, its functions did not. They were absorbed by U.S. Strategic Command, and the Air Force retained its lead role in space through Air Force Space Command.

The military has been trying for decades to reorganize and accelerate technological advances in space. Some blame the Air Force for underinvesting in space because it prefers spending on warplanes.

The key goal is to find more effective ways to defend U.S. interests in space, especially the constellations of satellites that U.S. ground, sea and air forces rely on for navigation, communications and surveillance.."

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