An April 24, 2012, SOHO photograph posted on popular mainstream sites appears to show Planet X Complex moon swirls or a string of pearls/checkmark formation. The articles attempt to explain away such government satellite evidence of the near presence of Planet X as just gigantic UFOs, would the Zetas care to comment on this surprising, mixed-message media coverage? Also, the increase in earth changes is increasingly obvious to the common man, but Nancy Lieder is still not in the media as she should be. Why the apparent delay in getting Nancy and ZetaTalk back into the spotlight? [and from another]
On April 24, a camera on NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory seems to have captured the image of something very large and artificially constructed hovering perilously close to our solar neighbor. "The streaks in question are consistent with energetic particle (proton) impacts on the CCD, something which is apparent in just about every image," Nathan Rich, of the NRL's solar physics branch, told the website. "These artifacts do not persist from image to image," Rich added, which suggests the cosmic streaks can explain what UFO proponents are hoping turns out to be an extraterrestrial craft.
Is there a connection between the article in HuffPro and the Daily Mail and the Puppet Master’s press to get Nancy into the media? There is indeed a direct connection. We have frequently alluded to the Puppet Master’s desire to see Nancy and ZetaTalk in the media, because we have refused to give him answers to some of his burning questions until he does so. Until the 7 of 10 plate movements began playing out in an undeniable fashion, proving once again the accuracy of our predictions, he had mixed feelings about a media press. He also felt that he could manipulate ourselves and Nancy into giving him his answers, but we play this game of chess better than he. Thus, pounding his fist into his desk in frustration, he has reluctantly proceeded to do as we demanded.
We have often mentioned that the Puppet Master’s job – being the trustee over the very large Rothchild family trust – is to husband the assets and increase them. This is of course not the Rothchild family known to the public, as the Puppet Master is off the books and cannot be located. His wealth is shielded behind front companies and fronting individuals, hiding the true ownership. The wealth of the publically known Rothchild’s is mere pocket change, an allowance to those born of a female lineage. The trust requires a male lineage. Nancy and the Puppet Master know each other well, and she can confirm he is not the hand behind wars or mistreatment of humanity. These are the actions of lesser players, who have their independence and can and do chose their own path.
We have often described the Puppet Master’s role as attempting to “herd cats”, meaning he does not have a command and control position but must induce via bribes or subtle threats – “this is what I can do for you and this what I can do against you, or how about this arrangement” - and by this he manipulates the world so that his asset base increases and his assets are protected. What he wants as the world transforms going into and after the Pole Shift is to have strong survival groups, as he knows he can negotiate trade with them and end up on top of the pile, once again. In our opinion, his expectations are accurate. This is an extremely savy man. Thus we have a mutual goal in strong survival groups, and a mutual enemy in the cover-up.
In stepping forward to arrange for Nancy and ZetaTalk to have more media attention the Puppet Master found this not as easy as he anticipated. The media had been told for years that any discussion of a planet next to the Sun, in the inner solar system, was verboten, forbidden. Weatherman were told not to mention broken records continuously, although on occasion this would be allowed or the public would be suspicious. ZetaTalk or Nancy Lieder were not allowed as subjects, except for ridicule as senior NASA spokespersons sent Nancy’s way. The Earth wobble was also strictly forbidden as a topic, despite the Sun and Moon being out of position regularly. Thus, when instructed to loosen up and start talking about these forbidden topics, the talking heads were almost catatonic, unable to move.
Thus the Puppet Master’s hand was indeed behind the recent article about the SOHO images, quoting the inadequate explanation from NASA. Typing SOHO into a search engine will indeed bring up the Pole Shift ning and the ZetaTalk explanations, arriving at the CheckMark Moon Swirl description, but more is needed. The cover-up threatens so many lesser players, who can balk and continue to threaten and plea with the media, that steady erosion of the cover-up support in the media will need to occur. Meanwhile, the Council of Worlds has their own cards to play. The time is nigh for the second punch to occur, to show the public that the cover-ups claims that Global Warming and solar flares are responsible for the current Earth changes are a lie. Look for a more severe wobble, which could only be caused by the presence of another large gravitational and magnetic body between the Earth and Sun, to occur.
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