Records of 2011
01.01.11. In Australia a record flooding. More than 20 cities in Australia are covered by "the biblical flood", there are victims. The Australian Authorities compare the flood with the "great flood". The area of the flooding more than territory of France and Germany. The flooding that devastated the eastern coast of Australia, considered as the most destructive weather phenomenon in the history of the country.
11.01.11. As a result of floods and landslides in Colombia died 301 man, 62 missing, injured 292. Destroyed 5162 houses, more than 324 thousand buildings damaged. Floods are recognized as the strongest over the past 40 years.
20.01.11. As a result of a tsunami in Samoa killed about 100 people, informs the air forces. Huge waves completely washed away entire villages. The tsunami was caused by the earthquake in the southern part of the Pacific ocean.
23.01.11. In Brazil, more than 800 people have died in floods and landslides in the south-east of the country. Another 400 people are considered as missing persons. Floods in some areas of Brazil from the beginning of January, are considered to be the most tragic in their consequences of the natural disaster which ever besetting the country.
24.01.11. The whole of south Africa was in the area of natural disaster in connection with a powerful flood. State of emergency declared in Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia. In South Africa declared the situation a "national disaster".
08.02.11. In Mexico, the temperature dropped almost to -30 degrees - this is a record temperature. In Mexico in general the climate is subtropical and tropical: northern part of the country is located in the same climatic zone with Tunisia and Egypt, and south - Central Africa and India. The average temperature is around 20-30 degrees.
08.02.11. In the middle of January in the Magadan region (Russia) of the positive anomaly of temperature reached during the weekend unimaginable quantities: +16-18 degrees. Until this year, specifically, in these days the highest temperature still remained negative. The former absolute maximum of these days: of-1.7 degrees on January 14, 1970.); -2,2 degrees January 15, 1983.).
08.02.11. In Chukotka in the village of Valkaray not far from the town of Pevek (Russia) 13 January temperature rose to +of 10.5 degrees! This is indisputable a temperature record of the records. For comparison we shall note, that usually in mid-January, the daily maximum does not exceed -25 degrees.
01.03.11. The crack of a width of 100 meters and a length of three kilometers appeared the other day in the south of Peru. Crack suddenly appeared. The earth as if it would burst. The crack is in no way connected with earthquakes. Because of seismic activity was not. And in landslides phenomenon is irrelevant. Scientists from local Geophysical institute (Peru''s geophysical institute) can't reveal the cause of the geological cataclysm.
03.03.11. In central Italy - powerful flood. Particularly affected are the inhabitants of the adriatic coast. Such a thing had not seen for forty years. There have already been killed three persons - the father with the child and the 85-year-old grandmother. All of them are simply washed away by water.
11.03.11. The earthquake in the north-east of Japan was the strongest in the history of the country, reports the Main meteorological office of the country. Its magnitude is estimated as of 8.9. It became the reason of a powerful tsunami that engulfed several prefectures in the north-east of the country. In some areas of the height of the tidal waves more than 10 m. On one of the nuclear power plants in Japan declared the emergency situation. The total number of victims reached 15 800 people.
04.04.11. Record floods have hit central and northern Namibia, killing more than 60 people in the last week. Namibia is experiencing the heaviest floods ever recorded. Flood levels in the Cuvelai basin in north-central Namibia are eight centimetres higher than in the 2009 flood season, setting a new record for the area where about one million people.
18.04.11. The United States suffered the devastating tornados, and flooding. Most affected by the tornadoes and floods have become states of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia. Killing about 50 people. Storm cyclone struck in the south-east of the USA last week. It all started with Oklahoma. And then on the way of following the storm front were Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia - a total of 14 states. For 3 days there have recorded 241 tornado. This was not for the entire observation history - on the average in the spring period comprise up to 70 tornadoes.
15.04.11. Abnormally high temperatures registered in the Krasnoyarsk territory, Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions of Russia. The air temperature in Siberia now is +26 +28 degrees. This is the absolute temperature record for the entire history of observations.
30.04.11. Lisbon in the snow - severe storm with hail covered the Portuguese capital and its suburbs. The thickness of the snow cover was five centimeters. Unusual weather phenomenon hit the Lisbon after a week in summer hot weather, when the temperature sometimes approached the 30 degree mark. Local residents say that this has never seen.
10.05.11. In the United States the most powerful flooding over the past 80 years, the evacuation shall be 8 states, many thousands of people forced to leave their homes at the mercy of the elements. The water level of one of the largest rivers of the country Mississippi already in the next few days will be a record mark.
10.05.11. In eastern Canada the largest for the last 150 years of flooding in the Quebec. In the epicenter of the disaster is the town of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, just south of Montreal, which have suffered from flooding of about 3 thousand houses.
10.05.11. In The Balkans in Romania and Serbia snow thickness of more than 20 centimeters, at local farmers huge losses, snow in may in this area not seen at least three decades.
12.05.11. On the east coast of Australia the heavy snowfall. According to the representative of weather Christina Ripley, the cause of so unusual for this time of year and the climate zone of precipitation were extremely low temperature.
12.05.11. Mexico: the drought this year mexicans will be remembered for a long time, such heat in Mexico was not already for several decades. The temperature exceeds 50 degrees in the shade.
16.05.11. Large-scale floods in Colombia have been left without homes of hundreds of thousands of people. In the north-east of the country flooded entire regions. The floods of this year was the most destructive in the history of the country.
16.05.11. In the United States on the Mississippi river continues the strongest in the history of the country a flood! On the eve near the town of Viksberg that in the state of Mississippi, the water level exceeded the level of 17.2 meter, that is 10 cm above the level of 1927, which before that was a record.
26.05.11. China is experiencing a severe drought over the past 50 years. In the country dries up ponds and rice paddies, there is a threat of interruptions in the work of the world's largest hydroelectric power station "Three gorges" on the Yangtze river.
26.05.11. The fourth day in a row continues extreme weather in the central states of the United States. According to the authorities of the number of victims has reached 140 people. In Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kansas for two days as a result of the strongest storms and a series of tornadoes killed at least 15 people. In Joplin /Missouri/ kept rescue work after the Sunday of the tornado, which became the most destructive in the USA for the last 60 years. From under the debris in the evening environment got the body 125 victims, more than 1 500 people remain missing.
25.05.11. Magadan, Russia - an unexpected gift presented to weather the residents of Magadan region. Heavy snow in less than a week before the onset of the summer paralyzed movement on the Kolyma. Snow in the end of may, even for these severe places is an anomaly.
06.06.11. Today Yamalo-Nenets okrug in north of Russia boasts of heat anomaly, in Nadym the air was hot in the last hours of up to +30 degrees. A positive anomaly in the Ob bay area just rolls over, exceeding norm for the first decade of June on 14-16 degrees. In Sochi, located more than 20 degrees south of the Nadym, today is not above +25 degrees!!!
06.06.11. The lowest since the beginning of the year the temperature of air is fixed in the south of Brazil, in the mountains of the southern state of Santa Catarina, the temperatures at night fell down to -7,9 degrees. In Rio-de-Janeiro on Sunday also marked the coldest day of the year. The air temperature does not exceed +19 degrees.
07.06.11. A natural disaster in the north of Brazil because of a record flooding in the state of Roraima. The River Rio Branco overflowed. The water level rose up to ten meters, which is half a meter more than the previous record since 1976.
12.06.11. In the central and eastern valleys of Norway severe floods. The water level rose to a record mark in the 50 years. At the moment is interrupted by an automobile communication between the capital region and the western coast of the country. Eyewitnesses of the flooded areas are reporting of the demolished of water flows houses, farm buildings and other infrastructure facilities.
19.06.11. In some of the southern provinces of China a few million people were affected by floods. Such a large-scale floods in China have not seen the last 60 years. In the eastern regions of the floods killed 105 people, missing more than 170 people.
27.06.11. More than 11 thousand residents of the state of North Dakota evacuated from the most powerful for the last decades of the floods on the river Suris. More than 4 thousand houses suffered from the elements.
28.06.11. In Brazil snow fell. Such a weather anomaly was struck not only local residents, but also meteorologists. In the state dropped icy rain, which turned the trees, streets, homes, and all that was in his way, in the ice cover. From Monday to Tuesday in the country of samba and carnival came winter. In the south of Brazil the temperature was down up to minus 15!
28.06.11. The weather in Europe today beats all records. In France, the air temperature rose sharply to nearly 40 degrees Celsius. Parisians, who are forced to stay in the middle of the city, have to hide in the shadows and escape from the heat in the cool fountains. In Spain the heat also corrects the life of the population. Without the umbrella of the few who decides to go out on the street. Special heat became and in Belgium. In a country where more often rains, the sun shines, the today plus 33.
30.06.11. For a day in Krasnoyarsk (Russia) have been sinkholes immediately on eight roads: Str. Bryansk 16; Str. Kutuzov 16; Str. Vavilov 1; Str. Maerchak 22; Str. Karaulnaya 80; the Municipal bridge in the direction of the right bank; the Intersection of Kalinin-Maerchak.
01.07.11. Indonesia. Thousands of homes are flooded in indonesian province Gorontolo, situated on the north of the island of Sulawesi. As informed the deputy head of the district administration, in some flooded settlements the water level reaches two meters. "This is the strongest flood for the last tens of years", - he added.
02.07.11. Severe flooding in the Philippines in the past few decades. Flooded Davao city with a population of over 1 million, 30 people were killed. According to witnesses, the water level rose to three meters.
02.07.11. Real distress in these days tolerate Kalmykia, Russia. In the republic a giant swarms of locusts. In six areas - a critical situation. Earlier locust in Kalmykia never was.
04.07.11. The hot summer of 2011 hits record heat in St. Petersburg, Russia. In saturday 02 july was broken a temperature record of the 125-year-old.
06.07.11. Unprecedented cold temperatures in Bolivia kills 35 people. The temperature during the day fell down to -5 degrees in the cities, and in the mountainous areas to -20 degrees. In Bolivia such abnormally cold temperature not were already more than 10 years.
10.07.11. The new heat record in Russia. The hottest month June in the history of observations.
14.07.11. In the Central part of the United States the unprecedented heat. The national weather service recorded since the beginning of July 670 temperature records. According to local residents, the air is so hot, that on the dashboard of the car is quite possible to fry eggs. The number of victims of the natural anomalies had already risen to 39 people.
15.07.11. Anomalous weather gives no respite of China: droughts are replaced by the floods, heat gives way to the showers. And here's to replace the floods came abundant snowfall. The residents and authorities of the province of Sichuan in China were not ready to abnormal snowfall in the middle of summer.
18.07.11. In Mexico an unprecedented flood, rivers overflowed. In the central part of the country destroyed many roads, due to landslides military massively evacuating peoples. At least two local residents were killed. "Here just an insane amount of water! Water destroys houses, demolishes everything in its path. Nature has gone mad!", - says the head of the local police.
11.08.11. Myanmar: worse flooding in more than 30 years hits Pegu. In 1970, a severe flood hit Pegu. This flood is almost as severe as the flood in 1970, according to Myat Hla. The water level in Olayzoot, Mazin, Zaiganai (South and North) in downtown Pegu and Quarters No. 12 and 13 of Kyauktwinkone have reached over five feet. Flood victims are taking refuge at schools and monasteries in downtown Pegu.
15.08.11. In New Zealand were the strongest snowfalls over the last 40 years. Paralyzed movement of vehicles, and residents are recommended not to leave their homes.
16.08.11. At the end of the summer in Belarus snow fell. Almost the whole territory of the country at the same time there were strong thunderstorms. Places with hail and sleet. In the north-west hail and snow was so much that he fell and has covered the ground as in the winter.
15.08.11. The strongest rains flooded the streets of New York. Water flooded roads and paralyzed movement. In the lowlands of the cars completely sunk into the water. It was the largest flood for 116 years of observation - said the employee of the meteorological service of the USA.
23.08.11. The strong earthquake with the magnitude of 5.8 happened in the USA in the state of Virginia. Shakes also felt in Washington, New York and in the state of North Carolina. It is the strongest earthquake in Virginia since 5 may 1897. Within 30 seconds the earth shook in the territory from Washington to New York. Destruction is not so great, but the people are very frightened. Even in Manhattan swaying skyscrapers.
11.09.11. In Thailand as a result of floods, covering 27 provinces of the country, killing more than 100 people. About one million affected. In the popular resort of Pattaya street completely flooded with water. Locals say that such was not 30 years old.
20.09.11. China is already the third day going strong floods. In the provinces of Sichuan, Henan and Shanxi as a result of flooding and landslides killed at least 57 people, 29 people missing, more than a million were forced to leave their homes. This floods worst in 150 years.
20.09.11. Pakistan goes under the water. The victims of the flood in the south of Pakistan was more than 200 people, destroyed thousands of homes, homeless were about 5 million. While Pakistan has not had time to recover from last year's floods, the new disaster worse than a year ago and acquires a truly catastrophic character.
29.09.11. As a result of the largest in the history of India floods killed about 90 people. Affected four million, without a roof over his head left more than two million people. The water level in the two major rivers of India - the Gang and Gomati - exceeded the record set in 1975, and continues to rise.
29.09.11. The water level in the river Ping in the north of Thailand exceeded the 110-year-old record. On Chiang Mai - the main city of northern Thailand, hit the most powerful flooding for more than 100 years of history.
01.10.11. On Saturday morning in the north-eastern coast of the Philippines struck typhoon Nalgay. The inhabitants of the island of Luzon reported that the flooding of this scale they had never seen.
04.10.11. The number of deaths as a result of the severe floods in Thailand reached today 225 people, affected 2.5 million people. Experts have already called the current flooding in Thailand "the strongest in many years."
08.10.11. In Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos 1.5 million hectares of rice have been flooded with seawater, this is the worst flooding in many years!
13.10.11. Thailand continues sinking in water. Killed about 300 people, affected more than 3 million. Flooding is already recognized as the worst in 100 years.
20.10.11. Floods in Central America: 105 people were killed. The second week in el Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua large-scale floods and landslides. About 190 thousand people were affected. The infrastructure of the cities and villages suffered severe damage. In only one Honduras destroyed more than 2,500 homes and 29 of the roads. It is the largest natural disaster in Central America over the past several tens of years.
23.10.11. On Sunday afternoon in the east of Turkey powerful earthquake. According to seismologists, force of tremors was 7,2 m, which led to numerous destructions and human victims, according to the latest data, more than 80 people died and about 500 were injured. This earthquake became one of the most powerful in the history of the Turkish Republic.
26.10.11. Flooding in Thailand was the cause of the flooding of one of the airports of Bangkok "Donmaun". The water level in the river Chao Phraya river, according to the governor of Bangkok, in the evening on Tuesday reached 2.4 meters above sea level - most highest level for the entire observation period.
26.11.11. November in Germany was the hottest month for the last 100 years.
16.12.11. In New Zealand the worst floods over the past thirty-five years, which caused landslides on the roads, hundreds of people from the Tasman region and the adjacent areas of leaving their homes.
17.12.11. The number of dead as a result of flooding in the Philippines has reached more than 1000 people, hundreds are missing. "Floods and landslides are comparable only with the biblical catastrophe. This is the most severe flood in the history of our city", - said the mayor of Iligana Lawrence Cruz.
25.12.11. Tanzania officials have said that at least 23 people have been killed in the worst floods to hit the Tanzanian capital, Dar es Salaam in 50 years.
25.12.11. Nearly 100 people have died in a cold snap sweeping across northern India. In Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state, 61 people have died so far. Jharkhand (14), Punjab (11) and Bihar (seven) are the other states where people have died of cold.
The aggregate amount of the global economic losses incurred in the current year 2011 from natural and man-made disasters reached a historic high and amounted to about $350 billion.
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