The Zetas say sickness is on the increase since 2003 when PX entered our Solar System. This means the first of the populations to show effects of PX health-wise are the sensitives such as animals, then human sensitives. As the PS nears all will be dealing with immune system difficulties in some form or another.
This blog is a recap of information provided by the Zetas about our health. Hopefully by reading this you will feel better about things and know what to expect!
The Zetas have confirmed the Red Sky is indicating PX Tail is wafting pollutants to Earth. See details here and the pic from here.
PX is said to have moon swirls as 'Tubes" of debris. These sound like space tornado's coiling and roiling in space see Nancy's video on the topic of debris of PX here
“…Planet X is visible in the skies like a roiling dragon, the tail delivers hail and biting red dust.” This was recorded by the ancient Egyptians during the Jewish Exodus, in the parallel Bible, the Kolbrin.
The tail of the comet is composed of lighter material toward the tip, as any heavier substances that far from the great comet's gravitational influence are drawn in other directions at one point or another. Thus, the gasses and dust curl toward the Earth, and are first noticeable as a fine red iron dust, turning the water a bitter blood red. …
The tail has dust, gases, stones, boulders, and moons, depending on the size and composition of the entourage at any given point. ……but all else is a massive onslaught on the Earth's atmosphere.
But when the red dust and petrochemical components in the tail waft into Earth's atmosphere where there is free oxygen and nitrogen, chemical reactions not occurring out in space are possible.
We have explained that the tail of Planet X, when it wafts the Earth during the pole shift, drops the components of petrochemicals onto the Earth, sometimes while aflame. These petrochemical components have been gathered into the tail during the many passages by Planet X through the Asteroid Belt in the past. These petrochemicals are also the basis of oil deposits on Earth.
“Petrochemicals” Definition:
The prefix "petro-" is an arbitrary abbreviation of the word "petroleum"; since "petro-" is Ancient Greek for "rock" and "oleum" means "oil".
“Petroleum” Definition:
A thick, flammable, yellow-to-black mixture of gaseous, liquid, and solid hydrocarbons that occurs naturally beneath the earth's surface, can be separated into fractions including natural gas, gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, fuel and lubricating oils, paraffin wax, and asphalt and is used as raw material for a wide variety of derivative products.
Petrochemicals are Toxic
There comes a time when a person’s immune system just can’t handle any more insults and becomes completely overwhelmed. This point is related best by ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’ concept. When your toxic threshold is reached, the poisons and microbes start having their way.”
Breathing Petrochemicals
Since the Zetas mention of red dust is now present, traces of toxic petrochemicals and gasses must also be present. These end up in our lungs and airways, on fields, agricultural crops, lakes, streams, dust under windowpanes and more.
PX Tail has ‘Decomposition Compounds’
The Zetas mention that a SOUP of new compounds is also in the PX Tail. This means we are also breathing traces of those compounds along with the substances being in the dust particles everywhere. Wonder what is contained in that SOUP? Does not sound pleasing to health in any case.
This is a Zetas explanation on how a bull suddenly collapsed and died after a PX Tail blob landed nearby…
The components picked up in the past during periodic passages of Planet X through the Asteroid Belt are not simply representative of the life on a water planet, which might be assumed to be vegetative and lower life forms such worms or protozoan. This soup includes the results of decomposition, in various stages.
What adheres to the tail of Planet X varies according to chemical attraction, so some material is gathered while other material is ignored. Thus, an exploding meteor does not spew forth what one might find in rotting material, as some irritating chemicals are there in excess. Can these chemicals kill?
The report of the bull dropping dead should not be unexpected, as the vapors released when the superheated meteor exploded replaced the normally available oxygen in air. The bull simply suffocated.
“ Decomposition” mentioned above, involves Bacteria (past or present)
“Bacteria refer to one-celled microorganisms. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and can be found everywhere on Earth. Some are helpful, while other types cause harmful infections. One primary job of bacteria is to help break down organic matter when it dies. This process of decomposition is vital to the life of an ecosystem. In order to replicate, bacteria use the process of binary fission. “
Ground Bumping & Jolting - sources of Body Tension, Nausea and Anxiety
The Zetas mention how the 8 of 10 will be continuously shifting us around from plate movement due to the Earth Wobble. These Plates, Fault lines and Bowing Effects all act like bumper cars or Elevator rides under us. Our equilibrium systems are having to adjust and therefore working overtime! Some thoughts may come to mind like these: ;
Tension = I get this from time to time,it is strange and makes me want to just lay down somewhere. Its like something moved through me and knocked me off balance. …”
Anxiety = Why am I constantly dizzy?! Is something is wrong with me?: Major vertigo out of nowhere. Lasted about a minute. I am not sick, or coming down with anything. Feel fine now. But, it was strange how it hit out of the blue. …
Nausea = ugh, I am on the verge of being sick to my stomach. I am so dizzy!: I have been having dizziness and nausea for over 2 months now. Been to the doc for lots of tests, and nothing really. I guess it's good that there's nothing wrong, but the nausea is hard to deal with. …
Physical = My wife has been experiencing abnormalities with her monthly cycles as well, namely in that they are more frequent. She has had tests run and exams at her gynecologist, but everything is normal. …
Could these issues lower our immune system? YES! Constantly! Allergies, coughing, stomach aches.....
Deep Ground ‘Rumbling’ and ‘Boom’ Sounds
The Zetas mention that the unusual sounds heard around the globe are related to PX effects on Earth. See:
Low frequency Earth booms and groaning travel through solid materials, the ground masses vibrate below us in pulsations. Wonder what effect these have on our immune system?
Low bass sounds can travel for miles. Some are too low for the human ear but we may feel the vibration of the sounds.
Here is a video on the study of Elephants using low sounds to communicate. and also here
In India, where subducting is taking place under the Himalayas in the 7 of 10, Elephants are going on rampages! See an article here. And a video here:
Dogs also are known to bark and howl just before Earthquakes.
Earth’s Magnetosphere Contortions
Below is what it looks like when PX is tugs on Earth's magnetosphere. View more at the Soho and Magnetosphere blog
The magnetosphere sends us a rush of particles around Earth, wafting to and fro. Wonder what that effect does to the immune system?
It is anyone's guess what this stuff does to the system, but the changes and sensations are probably not great.
Here is some Zeta Talk on the rush of Ionized particle flows shuffling all around:
Ionized particles within the liquid magma of Earth's core normally cluster at the poles, or around the magnetic solid core of the Earth. They break and mingle with the other magma only under duress, such as the passage of Planet X creates.
As we have stated, gravity is a particle flow, with outshooting in a laser manner of intense gravity particle streams and a slow drifting back to the surface by the particles. It is the drifting back that creates the phenomenon of gravity, pressure downward, as the outburst goes between atoms and thus does not interact.
Planet X is approaching from a point only somewhat below the ecliptic, at this time, a gravity pull we have described as disturbing the equilibrium.
Newsletter describes the current situation here:
“Ionized Particles” (mentioned above) Definition:
Ionized particles are particles that carry a positive or negative charge. This is due to the loss or gain of an electron or electrons. Losing an electron will cause a particle to become more positively charged, while gaining an electron will cause a particle to become more negatively charged.
More about Charged Particles here
Lowered Immune Systems Globally - Statistics
Asthma Increases
It was hard to find any stats on the world population with asthma. Here is the UK stats:
Common Colds and Viruses Increasing
This year 2013 has been extreme! Schools and workplaces can hardly keep up.
Vaccines do not vaccinate against many of the unusual bug strains going around. Some bugs last for weeks on end with little to ease the agony. Some bugs are antibiotic and medicines resistant.
Here is are articles on the severity of the rampant flu season this year:
It is not your imagination — more people you know are sick this winter, even people who have had flu shots.
Boston’s mayor, Thomas M. Menino, on Wednesday after he declared the spread of the flu a public health emergency.
The country is in the grip of three emerging flu or flulike epidemics: an early start to the annual flu season with an unusually aggressive virus, a surge in a new type of norovirus, and the worst whooping cough outbreak in 60 years. And these are all developing amid the normal winter highs for the many viruses that cause symptoms on the “colds and flu” spectrum.
Influenza is widespread, and causing local crises. On Wednesday, Boston’s mayor declared a public health emergency as cases flooded hospital emergency rooms.
Superbugs Spreading Faster
“Superbugs” are taking folks by storm! These bugs can start making us ill in just a matter of hours of contracting the virus. Some are also antibiotic resistant. Here is an example of just one virus strain on the rise:
A highly infectious stomach bug has claimed thousands of victims as it sweeps across Britain.
The virus has badly affected schools from Cornwall to northern England, and forced the cancellation of surgery at hospitals in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Because it is so infectious, it is a difficult illness to contain, experts say. While there are outbreaks during most winters, levels are higher than usual this year. Health Secretary Alan Milburn said the Department of Health was ' keeping a close eye' on the spread of the virus. 'It's right to be concerned about it,' he said. 'As I understand it, this is quite a common airborne virus which has hit certain parts of the country in hospitals and schools. The bug, known variously as Norwalk virus and SRSV (small roundstructured virus), often starts with the sudden onset of severe and explosive sickness.
Doctors Warn of New Stomach ‘Superbug’ Hitting U.S.
“Symptoms come on very suddenly, within hours after a person has been exposed to it.”
“While the flu is spread mostly in the air by sneezes and coughs and a person needs to breathe in as many as 1,000 virus particles to get sick, the norovirus is far more contagious. Just 18 norovirus particles can make a person sick.”
“The flu can last two to four hours on hard surfaces outside your body, but the norovirus can survive and remain infectious for weeks.”
Birth Defects and Autism Increasing
Newborns are at risk! Birth Defects and Autism statistics are staggering! Read more here:
Given the devastation that will soon occur to the Earth, our advice has been to avoid pregnancy, and to take steps to avoid accidental pregnancy when contraception is not available.
It is not a time for babies.
And another article:
Albinism Increases
Link to Albinism on the Rise
Albinism, also on the increase, is another symptom of the increased emanation from the core. The Earth’s interior is magnetic, and responds as does the magnetized crust of the Earth to the approach of Planet X, attempting to approach or escape during the daily rotation of the globe.
if one considers heat particles to be associated with other particles not known to man, and that these particles are escaping, then some sort of logic can be applied. The White Buffalo occurred, on schedule, because of emanations from the core not known to man, as we have stated at the start of ZetaTalk. Albinos in wildlife increased thereafter, as we predicted, due to these same emanations. Thus, the core is creating all manner of particle flow aberrations, the magnetic diffusion observed by man for some decades only one of them.
Yes unknowns are present!
“..other particles not known to man”.
Stress Is Increasing
Not feeling as healthy? Breathing harder, coughing and allergies? Catching every BUG and common cold going around? Agitated easily or irritated at the little things? These may be signs of a lowered immune system from perturbations of PX.
The Pending Announcement of PX
The Announcement should help us with some of these issues. The Zetas have explained:
“We predicted that illness would be on the increase as the Pole Shift approached, due to depressed immune systems. But the stress of the increasing Earth changes during the cover-up have likewise created an increase in auto-immune reactions”.
And more here:
Eat better foods, vitamin rich goodies, exercise or go outdoors and enjoy nature while you can. Try methods to clear the air where you reside such as filters or masks etc.
Being aware your immune system is lowered has some benefits, so exercise and feel better!
Health Statistics Confirm Increases
Sickness is on the increase in humans and animals!
Human Sickness Blog:
Animals Sickness Blog:
Charts SOURCE:
The charts above form the website only allow 3 months of data past 2008! The charts error at 2009 for more than 3 months at a time. Wonder what a year of data would look like?
Healthmap Charts & Population Growth Statistics
A number of nations today are declining in population decline: this is occurring in a region stretching from North Asia (Japan) through Eastern Europe, including Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, and into Central and Western Europe, including Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Germany, Hungary, and now Greece, Italy and Portugal, in addition to Puerto Rico in the Caribbean. Countries rapidly approaching long-term population declines (but currently experiencing modest growth) include Spain, Cuba, Uruguay, Denmark, Finland, and Austria. Russia also faces long-term population decline, although the trend has been stalled through a reversal of stagnant birth rates.
Thank you for reading!
River of petroleum in Syria comes to life as #Planet_X approaches and tectonic plates adjust.
Did you know that ALL petroleum originated from the tail of #Planet_X deposited on earth during previous passages? Your science books are WRONG, petroleum did NOT originate from decomposing organic matter, tree and dinosaurs.
Per ZetaTalk : "We have explained that the tail of Planet X, when it wafts the Earth during the pole shift, drops the components of petrochemicals onto the Earth, sometimes while aflame. These petrochemical components have been gathered into the tail during the many passages by Planet X through the Asteroid Belt in the past. These petrochemicals are also the basis of oil deposits on Earth."
New warning system for asthma storms
April 27, 2017 -
The deadly asthma thunderstorm event couldn't be predicted, but emergency services were not adequately prepared for such a wide-scale catastrophe, the final report into it says.
The report on the thunderstorm asthma event that left nine Victorians dead and 8500 in hospital was handed down on Thursday following the freak November 21 and 22 storm.
The storm kicked up dust and pollen, and the moisture in the air from the humid, hot day burst the pollen into hundreds of tiny allergenic fragments, penetrating deep into victims' airways.
During the peak, there was a call for an ambulance every 4.5 seconds and 10,000 people presented at emergency departments - putting a never before seen strain on the system.
The storm even affected people who had never had asthma before - pollen triggering hay fever which then escalated to asthma symptoms.
The Inspector-General for Emergency Management Tony Pearce said both the emergency management and health sectors must better prepare for other unexpected, rapid onset emergencies..."
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 10, 2016
Can the Zetas explain what is causing this sudden asthma breakout in Australia? [and from another] More than 8,500 people were hospitalized last week and six have now died in Australia due to what is being reported as a rare phenomenon known as “thunderstorm asthma”. [and from another] There were at least 8500 people treated due to the thunderstorm, many experiencing breathing problems. Four in 10 people experiencing thunderstorm asthma symptoms had not been diagnosed with asthma. A very unusual weather occurrence, thunderstorm asthma is triggered by large storms that can cause significant breathing problems even for totally healthy people. The big issue last time around was that the torrential rain combined with a high pollen count, sending millions of small particles across the city.
Where dust storms can stir up pollen, they do not create pollen asthma in people who previously did not have asthma. The issue here is not the rain or pollen, but particulate in the vast tail of Nibiru which is wafting the Earth increasingly. Nibiru is slightly south of the Sun’s Ecliptic, and due to the Polar Push of the daily Earth wobble, Australia gets a lot of this tail waft. Normally, the dusty tail trash lands and lies on the ground where it can be collected during a dust storm. Will such storms continue? They will in fact increase, and may become common in the near future in other countries with a southern exposure too.
Usually referring to disease outbreaks or perhaps even biological weapons, the nearly 2,500-word document (which can be found on is vague about what such a plan may entail. But speculation is that it could involve some sort of major medical or vaccine-driven response — with no mention as to whether consent of the people will be included.
Describing itself as an organization of global partners, stakeholders and organizations with the goal “to advance a world safe and secure from infectious disease threats,” the Global Health Security Agenda is the central benefactor of the new executive order.
The GHSA says it was created to “bring together nations from all over the world to make new, concrete commitments, and to elevate global health security as a national leaders-level priority.”
What’s particularly interesting about this organization, about which little is known by the mainstream U.S. or even world population, is that it will have the support of the United States Department of Defense if necessary; in other words, the executive branch of the government that directs all activities related to the armed forces.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. As articulated in the National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats and implemented in Presidential Policy Directive 2 (PPD-2), promoting global health security is a core tenet of our national strategy for countering biological threats. No single nation can be prepared if other nations remain unprepared to counter biological threats; therefore, it is the policy of the United States to advance the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), which is a multi-faceted, multi-country initiative intended to accelerate partner countries' measurable capabilities to achieve specific targets to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats (GHSA targets), whether naturally occurring, deliberate, or accidental. The roles, responsibilities, and activities described in this order will support the goals of the International Health Regulations (IHR) and will be conducted, as appropriate, in coordination with the World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction, the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), and other relevant organizations and stakeholders. To advance the achievement of the GHSA targets and to support the implementation of the IHR within partner countries, each executive department, agency, and office (agency) shall, as appropriate, partner, consult, and coordinate with other governments, international financial institutions, international organizations, regional organizations, economic communities, and nongovernmental stakeholders, including the private sector.
Global health security has never been more critical to the well-being of the United States and its citizens than it is right now. Infectious diseases spread more quickly than they ever have before, as evidenced by the Ebola, Zika, and bird flu outbreaks. New bacteria and viruses are emerging, and others are growing resistant to existing antibiotics.
The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) is a worldwide effort to address this evolving reality. Through a growing multisectoral partnership of international organizations, non-governmental stakeholders, and more than 50 countries, GHSA is accelerating efforts to build countries’ capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious diseases and achieve the core capacities required by the International Health Regulations (IHR).
The Office of Global Affairs’ Office of Pandemics and Emerging Threats (PET) plays a central role in multilateral GHSA governance and in the external evaluation process for the IHR. We represent the United States on global health security policy issues at the World Health Organization, and coordinate across the U.S. Government to develop policy positions that accelerate progress toward a safe, secure world.
Links and Resources
Magnetic Sickness
Being dizzy and being nauseous go together, so when humans get struck by a bout of magnetic sickness, it is logical that both symptoms would be present. What is magnetic sickness? The vast tail of Nibiru is charged, as it is composed primarily of iron oxide dust gathered from its many passages through the Asteroid Belt. The iron oxide dust was attracted to that big magnet – Nibiru – and trailed along after it. Thus, the vast magnetically charged tail of red dust. This issue came up on Internet forums in 2007, and the symptoms have not changed.
Magnetic sickness was featured in this newsletter on January 28, 2007
and again on January 4, 2015
when the Sleepy Hollow affliction in Kazakhstan was featured. Now, coincidentally in another January, magnetic sickness seems to be striking again. Many people, particularly on the N American continent and in Europe, are suddenly reporting bouts of dizziness and nausea. Per the Zetas, this will not kill you, but will come and go and is also unlikely to go away until after the passage.
ZetaTalk Comment 1/6/2007:
There is more than red dust and debris that comes with the tail, as there are unseen elements. Add to the effects of the tail elements filtering through the atmosphere, the magnetic swings. It is more than magnetic particles that are affected, when the swings are violent, as they have become. These matters will not go away, but will increase up to the pole shift, when relief will at last be at hand.
This is just California's numbers, wonder what tree damage other states have had?
The lingering drought in California has killed more than 100 million trees, according to the U.S. Forest Service's latest aerial survey.
The recent death count found that 62 million trees have died just this year in California, bringing the six-year total to more than 102 million. More than five years of drought are to blame for the tree deaths, scientists said, adding that tree "fatalities" increased by 100 percent in 2016. While die-off is expected under drought conditions, the rate of the forests' death is faster than scientists expected, according to U.S. Forest Service (USFS) officials.
The agency said that millions of additional trees are expected to die in the coming months and years. California's drought has affected 7.7 million acres of forests, putting the region's whole ecology at risk, the scientists said. [Dry and Dying: Images of Drought]
"These dead and dying trees continue to elevate the risk of wildfire, complicate our efforts to respond safely and effectively to fires when they do occur, and pose a host of threats to life and property across California," U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack said in a statement.
With more dead trees in forests, wildfires have a "fuel buildup" that could lead to large, unpredictable fires, Vilsack said. California has experienced longer, hotter fire seasons in recent years, and USFS scientists said that they expect tree mortality to continue at elevated levels in 2017.
The fight against wildfires and the need for other safety measures have also taken a toll on the USFS budget. In the 2016 fiscal year, California redirected $43 million to drought and wildfire restoration, and 56 percent of the USFS' total budget last year was used for fire management, the agency said. The USFS anticipates a rise to 67 percent by 2025, officials added.
Limited budget resources and a changing climate have hampered the USFS' ability to address tree mortality, according to Forest Service officials. "We must fund wildfire suppression like other natural disasters in the country," Vilsack said.
A majority of the 102 million dead trees are located in just 10 counties in California, in the southern and central Sierra Nevada region. However, tree mortality is increasing in northern areas as well, the agency said.
The drought conditions, along with a rise in bark beetle infestations and warmer temperatures, led to such historic levels of tree die-off that California Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency in October 2015. The unprecedented tree die-off also resulted in the formation of a Tree Mortality Task Force, which is focused on the safe removal of dead and dying trees.
"California is facing the worst epidemic of tree mortality in its modern history," Brown said in a letter to Vilsack in 2015. "A crisis of this magnitude demands action on all fronts."
It started with a few dying trees. Then a few more. Then a rust-colored band of dead coulter pine trees began to fill-in along the slope of Mount Diablo State Park, its deepening ribbon of red death visible in nearby Clayton.
The research revealed what California State Parks scientist Cyndy Shafer had feared.
"We investigated," Shafer said, "and discovered it was due to a beetle outbreak."
In the last two years, a drought-fueled beetle infestation has claimed hundreds of the park’s coulter pines, which represent one of the nation’s most northernmost stands of coulter pines. The once-thriving trees have been reduced to skeletons with the telltale reddish needles left as evidence of the beetles’ carnage.
"For a small, relatively isolated stand of pine trees like we have here," Shafer said, "the impact has been significant."
The damage on Mount Diablo is a small example of drought conditions that have enabled the beetles to exact a toll on California’s forests. The damage has now claimed 66 million trees, according to report released by the state in June. Last year the state estimated the number of deaths at around 29 million.
Scientists said the drought has stressed the trees and weakened their ability to resist the naturally occurring beetles, which bore into the tree, cutting off the circulation of water and killing the trees. While the impact has been felt across the state, the devastation is keenly apparent in the Sierra Nevada forests where entire mountaintops of dead ponderosa pine have given the appearance of rust colored caps.
The tree death has extended to Yosemite National Park, where rust-colored trees are flanked by the park’s storied falls and raising National Park officials’ concerns for visitor safety.
"Once these trees are dead we have to take them out," said park ranger Scott Gediman. "They’re hazardous and we want to make sure nobody gets hurt."
Gediman said the park service has aimed the removal at trees that have fallen across trails and roads or are located in populated areas. He said visitors are constantly asking about the smattering of curiously reddish trees throughout the park.
"You go through and you just kind of see hillsides," Gediman said, "and you’ll see green trees and you’ll see either clumps or individual brown trees."
The state estimates 66 million trees have died since 2010 as a result of the bark beetles. The number is up from last year’s estimate of 29 million dead trees.
Photo credit: Joe Rosato Jr.
Throughout the forests of the Sierra Nevada, the din of construction crews hired by the state to remove the trees fill the air. Piles of freshly cut logs sit along roadsides waiting transit to mills in the Central Valley. The dead, dry trees pose a big concern to Cal-Fire because they’re an added fire hazard in already-dry forests.
Shafer said the state is considering removing some of the dead trees from Mount Diablo state park but no plans have been finalized yet. In the meantime, she said the situation is dire enough she is considering collecting pine cones from the coulter pines to save the seeds for genetic preservation.
"The ability of stands like these coulter pines to withstand these is becoming less predictable," Shafer said.
If there is a silver lining, Shafer said the steady rains of this past winter may have helped the situation — she believes the infestation is slowing down although other species of trees on the other side of the park are now showing signs of the beetles. But as devastating as the sight of hundreds of dead trees is, Shafter said it may just be nature’s way of cleaning house.
"It’s just important to know that these cycles in nature are natural," Shafer said. "What may appear catastrophic to us may be nature taking its course."
Drone Footage of the Devastation
Thank you for this information, a greeting in Nancy, thank you for being near us, for this valuable information
On Jan 6, 2006 the Zetas stated that cell like structures in red rain that had fallen on India
after a meteor disintegrated were a precursor to life - the cell which forms prior to DNA setting up housekeeping inside the Cell.
At that time, on Jan 6, 2006 news reports were skeptical that this was life in any form,
despite the similarity to cellular structure on Earth.
By March 8, 2006, confirmation from British scientists had come in that the cells appear to be of extraterrestrial origin.
I would like to ask Nancy and the Zeta's if there is any truth to the Oarfish warning of a pending earthquake of California, such as "the Big One." [and from another] ‘Sea Serpents’ or Harbingers?
We have explained when oarfish were coming to the surface off Japan prior to large quakes in Japan that they were doing so to flee the electromagnetic screech that rock under pressure emits. What does their appearance off the coast of southern California portend? For several years, while describing the 7 of 10 plate movements and the pressure these movements would place upon the continents, we have described the N America bow. The center of this bow is approximately San Diego, ie southern California!
The N American Plate abuts the Pacific Plate at this point, with no minor plate to absorb the pressure. The Pacific is compressing, under continuous pressure to do so, and N America is bowing, in an unrelenting and increasing manner. For the oarfish in the area, there is no escape! They come up from the deep and while on the surface, get caught in wave action that impels them to the beach. The San Andreas adjustments will come after the New Madrid adjustments, in the main. In the meantime, the oarfish will seek to escape what for them seems a nightmare of distress, which will only get worse.
Are the oarfish that have been washed ashore in fact a sign of what is to come in Japan very soon?
These deep ocean fish as all surface or land based animals are sensitive to stress the rock beneath them is enduring. Just as land animals flee the electromagnetic screeches that rock under pressure release, sea life likewise attempts to flee. For deep ocean fish, there is less of this screeching on the surface, because it is further away from the rock.
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