Rare Albino Hummingbird in Virginia9/28/2011

An extremely rare albino Ruby-Throated Hummingbirdhas been captured in a series of beautiful photos.

Source: http://dailypicksandflicks.com/2011/09/28/rare-albino-hummingbird-i...


What is an albino?  It is a species which is born all white with little or no pigment on their skin, hair or fur.  Here are some more recent appearances...


Albino like Penguin Spotted

January 15, 2012

This blond penguin has Antarctic Scientists puzzled.

Photo Credit: David Stephens/Lindblad Expeditions

Discovery News

This blond, albino-like penguin was spotted at the edge of the South Shetland Islands by tourists and naturalist David Stephens.

They were all aboard the National Geographic Journey to Antarctica. Stephens, of the Lindblad Expeditions cruise company, which is running the cruise, wrote on his blog:

“Despite colorful variation in facial patterns, all penguins are decked in the standard black and white pattern. This is no accident. Counter-shading camouflage is so necessary to diving birds that all are fundamentally alike. But to our astonishment we found an exception. At the water’s edge stood a leucistic Chinstrap. This bird was whitish, but not quite an albino. Instead, it had pigmented eyes and a washed-out version of a Chinstrap’s normal pattern. Many wondered about this unusual bird’s chances of success. While odd coloration may make fishing a bit more difficult, leucistic birds are regularly found breeding normally.”

The leucistic penguins have a reduced level of pigmentation but still have pigmented eyes, according to National Geographic.

Penguins’ countershaded dark and white colors camouflage them from above from predators. Stephens wrote on his blog, “Many wondered about this unusual bird’s chances of success. While odd coloration may make fishing a bit more difficult, leucistic birds are regularly found breeding normally.”


These Penguins regularly breed as any normal penguin do,  but why make a story out of it if not a big deal?  



The White buffalo is an American bison (American buffalo) that is considered to be sacred signs in several Native American religions,   SOURCE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_buffalo


More info at this link source on Legends of Native American Indians

More info here at this blog: https://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/ancient-indian-art-histor...


An albino snail?

Rare Albino Snail Discovered in New Zealand

SOURCE: http://www.treehugger.com/natural-sciences/rare-albino-snail-photog...
New Zealand Department of Conservation/via

Given their propensity for a less-than-speedy gait, it's no wonder snails evolved to blend in with their surroundings -- but for one snail in particular, genetics had other things in mind. Recently, while exploring the undergrowth in New Zealand's Kahurangi National Park, a group of hikers made an extraordinary discovery: a giant, albino Powelliphanta snail seeming to cope quite well with its bright-white appearance. The find is so rare, in fact, that even snail experts say this is only the second time they've ever seen anything like it.

The unusual snail was spotted by members of the Waimea Tramping Clubon a trek through a forest on New Zealand's South Island. Bill Brough, one of the first to see it, knew immediately they'd stumbled on something very special. "Our group had seen three or four snails already that morning as it had rained and they'd come out in the wet conditions. Then I saw the white snail and went wow! We were excited to see it, knowing how extraordinary it was."

Here is another video of the snail...just amazing!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNCuJvlvSug


Extremely Rare Albino Dolphin Found Off Coast of South America

SOURCE: http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/lifestyle/2011/12/02/albino-dolphi...

An extremely rare albino dolphin was discovered by Brazilian biologists swimming off the southern coast of South America. 

The research group, based at Univille university in Santa Catarina, said Thursday that it was the first recorded instance of an albino in the pontoporia blainvillei species, a very shy type of dolphin that rarely jumps out of the water. It's known in Brazil as Toninha and in Argentina and Uruguay as the La Plata or Franciscana dolphin.

Since Herman Melville created the albino whale Moby Dick in 1851, rare albino marine mammals have held a special fascination.

Camilla Meirelles Sartori, the lead biologist of Project Toninhas, said she first saw the white calf with pinkish fins at the end of October. Her group photographed him in early November.

"We were surprised, shocked," Sartori said. "It's very small, and the color is really different. We didn't know what it was at first."

Sartori said the baby was with an adult, probably its mother. The young live on their mother's milk until they are six months old and remain dependent on the adult until they're a year old.

The species is endangered. Its dolphins have long, thin snouts and get easily tangled in fishing nets. They can drown or die of stress if not quickly released, Sartori said.

Since Herman Melville created the albino whale Moby Dick in 1851, rare albino marine mammals have held a special fascination.

Albinism is the lack of melanin pigments in the body, giving an individual very light or white skin and hair. Little is known about the genetic predisposition in dolphins because it's so unusual.

Sartori said the rarity of the baby spotted by her group only highlights the need to preserve the Bay of Babitonga in the southern Brazil state of Santa Catarina, where this population of endangered dolphins lives.

"Albino animals generally have fewer chances of survival because they have greater chances of being caught by predators," Sartori said. "Here, in this bay, they don't have natural predators. But there is a lot of environmental degradation from two ports, industrial and residential sewage, tourism. This is an another argument for its protection."


Pink dolphin appears in US lake

The world's only pink Bottlenose dolphin which was discovered in an inland lake in Louisiana, USA, has become such an attraction that conservationists have warned tourists to leave it alone.

Pinky the rare albino dolphin has been spotted in Lake Calcasieu in Louisiana, USA Photo: CATERS NEWS

12:43PM GMT 02 Mar 2009

SOURCE: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/4927224/Pin...

Charter boat captain Erik Rue, 42, photographed the animal, which is actually an albino, when he began studying it after the mammal first surfaced in Lake Calcasieu, an inland saltwater estuary, north of the Gulf of Mexico in southwestern USA.

Capt Rue originally saw the dolphin, which also has reddish eyes, swimming with a pod of four other dolphins, with one appearing to be its mother which never left its side.

He said: "I just happened to see a little pod of dolphins, and I noticed one that was a little lighter.

"It was absolutely stunningly pink.

"I had never seen anything like it. It's the same color throughout the whole body and it looks like it just came out of a paint booth.

"The dolphin appears to be healthy and normal other than its coloration, which is quite beautiful and stunningly pink.

"The mammal is entirely pink from tip to tail and has reddish eyes indicating its albinism. The skin appears smooth, glossy pink and without flaws.

"I have personally spotted the pink dolphin 40 to 50 times in the time since the original sighting as it has apparently taken up residence with its family in the Calcasieu ship channel.

"As time has passed the young mammal has grown and sometimes ventures away from its mother to feed and play but always remains in the vicinity of the pod.

"Surprisingly, it does not appear to be drastically affected by the environment or sunlight as might be expected considering its condition, although it tends to remain below the surface a little more than the others in the pod."

Regina Asmutis-Silvia, senior biologist with the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, said: "I have never seen a dolphin coloured in this way in all my career.

"It is a truly beautiful dolphin but people should be careful, as with any dolphins, to respect it - observe from a distance, limit their time watching, don't chase or harass it

"While this animal looks pink, it is an albino which you can notice in the pink eyes.

"Albinism is a genetic trait and it unclear as to the type of albinism this animal inherited."

A close relation of dolphins, the Amazon River Botos, called pink dolphins, live in South America in the Amazon.


Wonder if people will also be born albino more frequently?  There are some stories of this and plenty of pics here on Google.  Here is a vid on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWTgu1paGDs

------------------------------============ Zetas ============--------------------------

ZT on White Buffalo Legend


ZT SOURCE: http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue032.htm

A rare albino dolphin was spotted in Louisiana.
http://www.zetatalk.com/theword/tworx561.jpg" align="right" height="240" hspace="0" width="320" />Rare Pink Dolphin Seen in Louisiana Lake
July 03, 2007
A charter-boat captain from Lake Charles, La., photographed a rare pink dolphin a couple of weeks ago in Calcasieu Lake, an estuary just north of the Gulf of Mexico in southwestern Louisiana. According to Calcasieu Charter Service's Web site, Capt. Erik Rue was on the lake June 24 with fishing customers when five dolphins came into view - four normal-looking gray ones, and a bright pink one that appeared to be an adolescent.

The Zetas had predicted that more albinism would occur, as the core of the Earth roiled under the influence of the approaching Planet X. 

ZetaTalk Explanation 7/7/2007: We have explained that the reason the White Buffalo was a sign the Indians were watching for is due to increased albinism in animals as the core of the Earth swirls about in response to the approach of Planet X. Nancy has recorded the increase in albinism, the many reports, since the first White Buffalo appeared about 10 years ago. Indeed, this pink dolphin is another example. The rate of increase has not slowed, nor will it for some time!

And what is the reason for this increase in albinism? Cave creatures, fish or lizards living in caves, do not need pigmentation, and this adaptation is buried in our DNA. The emanations from the core seem to surface creatures like the emanations found in caves, so this particular DNA is triggered!

ZetaTalk Explanation 6/15/1996: Albinos occur naturally in all life forms, some with more rarity than others. What causes an albino to emerge is assumed to be a genetic quirk, where the normal production of color compounds is suppressed. This is the effect but not the cause, else why would life in dark caverns or the depths of the ocean be pale, without color? If color were a genetic quirk, then why the almost total absence of color in creatures living in darkness? Coloration is influenced by radiation, just as tanning takes place upon exposure to sunlight. What is little understood is that this phenomena has two switches, one increasing coloration under certain radiation frequencies, but another reducing coloration under a different set of radiation frequencies. The core of the Earth, emitting in greater bursts the radiation her caverns and deep water creatures are bathed in, is confusing her surface creatures. Thus, the White Buffalo, heeding the signals from the restless Earth, are heralding the approaching pole shift.


Have you seen or heard about any other albinos which are rarely seen? 

Views: 17152


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Comment by Nick Shanks on October 13, 2022 at 9:17pm

A friend of mine in Wisconsin spotted this albino doe with her fawn on the way to work on 10/7/2022 @ 5:30 am

May be an image of outdoors

Comment by Scott on December 14, 2020 at 8:08am

Albino monitor lizard discovered in central northern Australia (December 2, 2020)

The wild young albino monitor lizard was discovered by Penelope Anne Johnson on the front gate of her home in the city Darwin on the central northern coast of Australia.


Comment by Scott on November 3, 2020 at 2:18pm

Albino cottonmouth snake caught in southeast Texas (October 2020)

The wild albino cottonmouth snake was caught in the area of the city of Houston in southeast Texas. Tyler Bowman took the photo above of the albino snake saying "Don't tread on me".


Comment by Scott on October 31, 2020 at 6:38am
Comment by Scott on October 22, 2020 at 1:38am

Albino vole spotted in western Canada (October 18, 2020)

The albino vole was photographed by Brenda Klosse in Clearwater County in west central Alberta in western Canada.


Comment by Scott on October 22, 2020 at 1:37am

Albino mockingbird rescued in eastern Virginia (June 6, 2020)

In early June the albino northern mockingbird was rescued as a baby by Gay Frazee in the town Exmore on the Atlantic coast of eastern Virginia. In mid-September the albino bird was flown by plane to the town Roanoke in southwest Virginia to be cared for by Maureen Eiger who took the photo above.


Comment by Scott on October 16, 2020 at 10:52pm

Albino groundhog spotted in south central Pennsylvania (October 15, 2020)

The albino groundhog was photographed by Judith Wallace in the town Carlisle in south central Pennsylvania.

Comment by Scott on October 16, 2020 at 10:51pm

Albino prairie dog spotted in east central Arizona (October 2, 2020)

The albino prairie dog was photographed by Stephanie Williamson Cisterna in the town Concho in east central Arizona.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 30, 2020 at 5:23am


Rare albino camel is captured on camera at a nature reserve in China as the animal is believed to be the first of its kind spotted in the world

  • The animal was spotted at a nature reserve in northwest China's Gansu province
  • Footage shows the camel with its all-white skin drinking water from a puddle
  • It is believed to be a wild Bactrian camel, aged between three to four years old

Updated: 08:05 EDT, 28 September 2020

A wild albino camel has been captured by an infrared camera at a nature reserve in northwest China as the rare animal is believed to be the first of its kind to be spotted in the world.

Footage shows the animal with its all-white skin drinking from a puddle with a dozen brown camels at the Annanba Wild Camel National Nature Reserve in Gansu Province.

The camel is said to be a Bactrian camel, a critically endangered species, and aged about three to four years old, according to the staff at the Chinese nature reserve.

China has previously found a wild camel with white lips in Xinjiang’s Lop Nur. But the one captured on camera on September 11 is perhaps the first of white-skinned camel spotted in the world, a staff member from the Gansu reserve told Chinese media.

The rare albino camel is seen in the footage walking around the area with a dozen brown-skinned camels as they stopped to drink from a puddle.

The reserve said that the animal’s white skin was visible because the camels were shedding their fur during this time of the year. It remains unknown if the albino camel’s fur would also be white once it’s grown out.

Researchers are also determining whether the camel’s condition is caused by gene mutations or external influences, a staff member told Pear Video.

Located between the Kumtag Desert and the Altun Mountains, the Annaba reserve is a habitat for about one-third of the total population of wild camels in China.

The Bactrian camel, also known as the Mongolian camel, is a large even-toed ungulate native to the steppes of Central Asia. It has two humps on its back, in contrast to the single-humped dromedary camel.

It is listed as critically endangered on the Red List of Threatened Species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. 

The spotless, red-eyed animal was photographed while trekking through the forest in April 2019 at the Wolong National Nature Reserve in Sichuan province.

Comment by Tracie Crespo on September 20, 2020 at 5:32pm

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