Predicted European Tsunami Situation in Countries by ZetaTalk - Be aware of European Tsunami risk in your area.

Tsunami Power and Speed

National Weather Service: Tsunami Propagation

[3.11]巨大な津波が防潮堤を乗り越える岩手・釜石市【JNNアーカイブ 311あの日の記録】

[3.11] Huge tsunami overcoming seawall in Kamaishi city, Iwate [JNN Archive 311 Record of that day] (5:47)

[3.11]津波が川を逆流する宮城・仙台市【JNNアーカイブ 311あの日の記録】

[3.11] Tsunami flows backwards in Sendai City, Miyagi [JNN Archive 311 Record of that day] (2:13)

[3.11]津波が押し寄せる岩手・宮古市の沿岸部【JNNアーカイブ 311あの日の記録】

[3.11] Coastal area of ​​Iwate and Miyako City where tsunami surges [JNN archive 311 record of that day] (4:30)

たった10cm”でも威力はケタ違い 津波の恐ろしさをアナウンサーが体感

Even "only 10 cm"... the power is incomparable The announcer feels the terror of the tsunami (2:12)


Map of Sea Level Rise

(1) Europe

European Tsunami


1) UK: 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 feet

2) English Channel: 100 feet

3) Irish Sea: 150 feet

4) North Sea: 100 feet

5) Spain: 30, 40 feet

6) France: 100 feet

7) Netherlands: much flooding (10, 30, 100 feet)

8) Denmark: 10, 30, 100 feet

9) Norway: 50, 75 feet

10) Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: 100 feet

(2) US: East Coast

Sea Level Rise: 50 feet

* Washington D.C.: 50, 100, 150 feet

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Comment by Tracie Crespo on January 13, 2025 at 3:43pm

Japan Issues Tsunami Advisory After 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake

Following an earthquake, the Japan Meteorological Agency warned of possible tsunami waves of up to one metre (three feet) and urged the public to stay away from coastal waters.

  • Agence France-Presse
  • World News
  • Jan 13, 2025 19:30 pm IST
  • Japan Issues Tsunami Advisory After 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake

The earthquake struck off Miyazaki prefecture in the Kyushu region. (File)

A 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck southwestern Japan late on Monday, causing two small tsunamis in the area but no damage reported.

The quake struck at a depth of 36 kilometres around 18 kilometres off the coast of Miyazaki prefecture in the Kyushi region around 21:19 pm (1219 GMT), according to the US Geological Survey.

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) warned of possible tsunami waves of up to one metre (three feet) and urged the public to stay away from coastal waters.

"Tsunami can strike repeatedly. Please do not enter the sea or go near coastal areas," the JMA said on X. 

Two small tsunamis of around 20 centimetres were detected at two ports in the region, the weather agency said.

Local media reported no immediate injuries, with live television feeds from the region on public broadcaster NHK showing no visible damage as well as calm seas, vessels operating and traffic running normally.

Sitting on top of four major tectonic plates along the western edge of the Pacific "Ring of Fire", Japan is one of the world's most tectonically active countries.

The archipelago, home to around 125 million people, experiences around 1,500 jolts every year and accounts for around 18 percent of the world's earthquakes.

The vast majority are mild, although the damage they cause varies according to their location and the depth below the Earth's surface at which they strike.

On New Year's Day 2024 a 7.5-magnitude quake struck the Noto peninsula, killing nearly 470 people in Japan's biggest jolt in over a decade, many of them elderly residents in the aftermath.

Last August the JMA warned that the likelihood of a "megaquake" was higher than normal following a magnitude 7.1 jolt that injured 15 people.

That was a particular kind of tremor known as a subduction megathrust quake, which has occurred in pairs in the past and can unleash massive tsunamis.

The advisory concerned the Nankai Trough, 800-kilometre (500-mile) undersea gully parallel to Japan's Pacific coast, between two tectonic plates.

The advisory was lifted after a week.

The JMA said Monday that it was probing possible links between the latest quake.

Japan has strict construction regulations intended to ensure buildings can withstand strong earthquakes, and routinely holds emergency drills to prepare for a major jolt.

But the country is haunted by the memory of a massive 9.0-magnitude undersea quake off northeastern Japan in March 2011, which triggered a tsunami that left around 18,500 people dead or missing.

The 2011 tsunami also sent three reactors into meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant, causing Japan's worst post-war disaster and the most serious nuclear accident since Chernobyl.

In March 2022, a 7.4-magnitude quake off the coast of Fukushima shook large areas of eastern Japan, killing three people.

Comment by Ovidiu Pricopi on February 25, 2023 at 8:29pm

On Thursday, March 2 2023, the National Tsunami Warning Center will support tsunami preparedness for the U.S. Atlantic Coast with our annual partner exercise: LANTEX 2023.

The tsunami hazard from the Atlantic Ocean for the North American East Coast and Gulf of Mexico is very low, but it is not zero. By preparing with our partners before a tsunami, we can practice our combined event response in a safe and calm environment and strengthen skills and tools used during real tsunami events.

The LANTEX 2023 exercise begins with a shallow magnitude 8.7 earthquake on the Puerto Rico Trench- which is initially analyzed at magnitude 8.2 with our first alert message. While the entire U.S. East Coast and Canada would be informed in this situation, only part of the area expected to see impacts would receive a tsunami alert.

This year’s exercise highlights a tsunami source location that emulates the research and mitigation studies performed by National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation science partners, three conference calls, and live chat support for NOAA/NWS workgroups. You can download the exercise at

You can practice preparedness at home too! Knowing what to do in the event of a tsunami alert and being prepared with an evacuation route, family emergency communication plan, and a ready-to-go bag with enough supplies for 3 days, will help keep you and your loved ones safe. You can learn more at

On Thursday, March 2, the National Tsunami Warning Center will support tsunami preparedness for the U.S. Atlantic Coast with our annual partner exercise: LANTEX 2023.

The tsunami hazard from the Atlantic Ocean for the North American East Coast and Gulf of Mexico is very low, but it is not zero. By preparing with our partners before a tsunami, we can practice our combined event response in a safe and calm environment and strengthen skills and tools used during real tsunami events.

The LANTEX 2023 exercise begins with a shallow magnitude 8.7 earthquake on the Puerto Rico Trench- which is initially analyzed at magnitude 8.2 with our first alert message. While the entire U.S. East Coast and Canada would be informed in this situation, only part of the area expected to see impacts would receive a tsunami alert.

This year’s exercise highlights a tsunami source location that emulates the research and mitigation studies performed by National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation science partners, three conference calls, and live chat support for NOAA/NWS workgroups. You can download the exercise at

You can practice preparedness at home too! Knowing what to do in the event of a tsunami alert and being prepared with an evacuation route, family emergency communication plan, and a ready-to-go bag with enough supplies for 3 days, will help keep you and your loved ones safe. You can learn more at

May be an image of 5 people and text

Comment by Kojima on December 7, 2022 at 11:08am

Power Plant Worries

Periodically the public takes a look at the map of nuclear power plants in Europe and on the East Coast of the US and lines that up with the ZetaTalk prediction on the tsunamis that are to occur when the New Madrid rips open. They can see catastrophe occurring. If this happens fast, a 50 foot tsunami can assault the East Coast and up to 200-300 foot high tsunami can assault Europe. Is this a nuclear nightmare about to happen?

ZetaTalk Overview 11/30/2020: The extensive use of nuclear power in the US and Europe is a concern, based on our prediction for tsunamis against the East Coast of the US and especially against Europe. Our predictions are well respected by the establishment, who have followed the 7 of 10 Plate Movements from their start in Indonesia. We have repeatedly detailed that where benign aliens can and have intervened, that to maintain the Element of Doubt about the alien presence, this cannot be relied upon entirely.

If a dirty bomb is set to go off, this might be allowed, thus, as Fukushima was allowed. As with Chernobyl, this was considered a learning experience for many in power positions, and for mankind in general. Nevertheless, both these nuclear incidents were mitigated by benign aliens. The Earth is mankind’s school house, thus opportunities to take action to assist others is presented. Mankind is not warned about tornados or lightning strikes, or cured of cancer or infection. Mankind in particular is not rescued from their own bad decisions, which are considered a learning opportunity. But giving the Call to assist others is something all can do, and does make a difference.

We have suggested that concerned citizens stay in touch with the operators of these nuclear power plants, especially if it seems that a disaster is imminent. We have stated that the establishment might not shut down these power plants until the Last Weeks, but this does not address what will happen to the East Coast of the US and the majority of Europe when the big New Madrid rip occurs. It is likely that at the first sign of significant separation along the New Madrid that the populace will be alerted of a tsunami potential. How much time does it take for water to pour into a mid-Atlantic void and rebound to shorelines? Evacuation should be started when the New Madrid adjustment is in process.


ZetaTalk: Nuclear Stockpiles

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

Regarding nuclear power stations and bombs, and what will happen to them during the pole shift. The predictions are dire. Humans wishing to remain incarnated are advised to remove themselves from these areas prior to the pole shift. The trauma of the shift will ignite nuclear bombs, in almost all cases. Nuclear power stations will likewise be breached, with contamination of the area more likely than an explosion. The power stations will only explode if controls are dismantled prior to the shift, allowing the nuclear reaction to proceed out of control. Where the hurricane winds during the pole shift will effectively disburse any nuclear pollution thrown into the air to such a degree that there is essentially no ground zero from fallout, the radiation poisoning on the ground is another matter. For those who might be traveling through areas where nuclear installations existed, it would be wise to have a Geiger counter on hand as a guide. Radiation can damage even those just casually walking through.

Protecting yourself and your loved ones from explosions and nuclear fallout is up to you. This is unfortunately something in the hands of humans. Our assistance before, during, and after the cataclysms is dependent on human involvement. They must give The Call, and we cannot go beyond what we are already doing to assist. We cannot, for instance, suggest that they give The Call. We cannot bypass the requirement for a call, and just publish our suggestions somewhere or somehow. The Earth is in 3rd Density, and by the Rules of Non-Interference we are required to watch and not interfere. Unless humans take steps to disarm their nuclear weapons and properly shut down their power stations, radiation poisoning will undoubtedly take place. Our assistance prior to the cataclysms is therefore dependent on humans giving The Call. During the cataclysms, those who are operating in spiritual 4th Density level Service-to-Others may be lifted and spared immediate physical damage. This lift will be something they will be unaware of, in most cases. After the cataclysms, we will assist any human who gives us The Call, as before.


* ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for October 27, 2012

Would the Zetas be able to let us know what the circle in the photograph is of a UFO or methane, since there were dead birds found in the vicinity? [and from another] A UFO-like object floating in the clouds was caught on camera on the same day ten dead birds were found in a nearby garden. The area, which is close to Sellafield nuclear power plant, was a hotspot for unusual activity. They were sparrows and blackbirds. It could just be a co-incidence but the discovery of dead birds is associated with sightings of UFOs.

Clues to the reason for the halo cloud above Sellafield lie in the dead birds, of more than one species. Methane kills birds readily, the reason coal miners took canaries into the mine shafts with them. When they stopped singing, there was danger of an explosion. The methane poof over Sellafield created the pretty halo outline in the clouds, as methane is lighter than air and thus rises. Why is Sellafield a UFO hotspot? There are a number of reasons why UFO's monitor nuclear power plants, among them a commitment to intervene to prevent another Chernobyl from happening.


* ZetaTalk: Nuclear Call

written February 4, 2012 [NOTE ZetaTalk Update 6/13/2015 below]

The issue of whether benign alien assistance will come during disasters, neutralizing nuclear facilities, comes up often, understandably. Those who currently live near nuclear facilities worry constantly about sudden earthquakes or operator neglect, which can cause a meltdown with consequent radiation pollution far and wide. Fukushima is the latest example. As the earthquakes are on the increase, and the 7 of 10 scenarios about to afflict those countries which have utilized nuclear power extensively, this concern will only increase.

The answer in these matters, which we have repeatedly explained, is first that the Element of Doubt must be maintained. This is an aspect of the gradual awakening of mankind to the alien presence that ensures that contactees will not be savaged by those in panic, fearing for their lives. In the past, the establishment - MJ12 composed of the CIA, military intelligence, and the very wealthy - withheld information on their preliminary contact with aliens. Where they claimed they were saving the public from panic, this move was self serving as they wanted alien technology for themselves, and also did not want to be knocked from their perch in the eyes of the public.

Rather than reassure the public about the alien presence, the old MJ12 deliberately moved to foster fear in the public. Hollywood has been enlisted to produce a stream of movies showing aliens landing to eat people, colonize the Earth, and infect and takeover human bodies and minds. The old MJ12 likewise harassed and monitored contactees, to control the plethora of books and videos being produced by enthusiastic contactees. The Element of Doubt at base is to protect the growing army of contactees, whom the establishment fears. What it their threat? That they challenge the legitimacy of the establishment to lead, creating a secret network, an information exchange taking place on space ships among contactees, which the establishment is powerless to stop.

Enter the nuclear power plant issue, which is a legitimate concern even among those in the establishment. As the pace of the Earth changes has picked up, our answers have moved from being vague in 2008, stressing that this is in the hands of man, to hinting by 2010 that the collective Call from many in the Service-to-Other would make a difference and that alien interference would be allowed, to admitting after Fukushima in 2011 that some interference had occurred.

Has the degree of concern from Service-to-Other souls on Earth, giving a collective Call on this matter, made a difference? Unquestionably. From the start of ZetaTalk we have stressed that matters such as a healing only take place as a result of a Service-to-Other call. Those who Call for themselves, out of self interest, are ignored. The collective Call out of concern for others, made by those in the Service-to-Other on Earth, have and will make a difference on the nuclear power plant issue.

ZetaTalk Update 6/13/2015

How would a relaxed Element of Doubt rule help the world avoid nuclear accidents? At the start of the ZetaTalk saga, in 1995, we stated that preventing nuclear accidents was firmly in the hands of humans giving the Call. This was not entirely true as the Council of Worlds had already negated most nukes in the hands of the world’s superpowers, but the Element of Doubt rule could and would still force a dirty bomb explosion. But Fukushima in 2011 was modulated, and the future could bring further assists if the strength of the Collective Call were such that the elite are negated. This is one reason the elite often continue to resist disclosure.


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