Pope Francis is in Mexico, visiting cities hard hit with violence, poverty and oppression. The stated purpose of his visit is to "symbolically trace the path of migrants and bring comfort to a population besieged by drug wars and official corruption". As it has been his style, he will no doubt, pronounce words of truth that will inflame more than one, in Church and political circles in Mexico. I understand that this is an event in progress, so, if accepted, any answer to this question would not be appropriate to be known before the end of his visit. More that the stated plan of his visit, and given that Mexico is not entirely in good shape in many aspects, my question is: Will the Pope address in private with (current) leaders, Church or State, about Planet X, or the steps to be taken regarding the announcement. What could be of advice to those behind the scenes, ready to step in, when serious decisions have to be made, or challenged, in Mexico? [and from another]http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/travels/2016/outside/docu... [and from another]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/pope_francis/index.html Pope Francis kicked off his first day in Mexico with a long popemobile ride past adoring crowds in Mexico City. But while his greetings for the assembled faithful were warm, his words for Mexico's political elite and bishops were somewhat sterner, with criticisms of corruption and ignoring the needy. In a speech to Mexican officials and foreign ambassadors at the National Palace, the pontiff addressed his concerns about the violence and corruption that is endemic in the country — and made it quite clear who he thought was to blame. Pope Francis has met with the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, at Havana's International Airport, looking to heal a 1,000-year-old rift in Christianity before touring Mexico. [and from another]http://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-pope-mexico-live-updates-htmlsto... Pope Francis is on a six-day trip to Mexico where he will symbolically trace the path of migrants and bring comfort to a population besieged by drug wars and official corruption.
Of course the pending passage of Nibiru, aka Planet X is discussed anytime the Pope counsels a Head of State. We have explained since the Fall of 2003, when George W Bush informed Heads of State about the pending passage during a world meeting in France, called ostensibly to mend fences over the invasion of Iraq, that Heads of State are aware. Pope Francis is highly Service-to-Other, on par with some of the greatest souls who have visited Earth in the past to provide guidance to mankind where so many young souls struggle to choose the right path.
His message is one of love, to lead with compassion. Rather than place barriers against those in need, assist them, sharing resources and providing shelter and opportunity. Pope Francis seeks to break down political and religious barriers, which have been erected in most cases for gain by the elite. Rules, and territoriality, are so often the tools of the Service-to-Self. Beyond the public sermons the Pope grants, which get good press, these private meetings with Heads of State are an opportunity to counsel those in positions of power and influence to do good. But what must be born in mind is that the Pope can only counsel, he cannot dictate.
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