What other signs can we count on as predicting the Hour of the Shift? It is well explained to us that we should watch the movements of Sun or Moon and the stars across the skies to know when the Hour of the Shift is at hand. However, as we have observed here in Switzerland in the days following the 2011 eruption of the Icelandic volcano, the brown-grey low-lying clouds having covered at that time the sky from horizon to horizon did not allow the Sun, Moon or stars to be seen. We can only imagine that with all the active volcanoes shortly before the shift there will be many places where people will not be able to count on seeing the fast movement of the celestial bodies across the sky to figure out that the shift has started. The moaning and groaning of the Earth as well as trumpets in the sky might be additional signs to watch for, however during times of continuous plates movements these sounds will probably be heard more than once. Are there additional guiding signs to be aware of to know when it is time to get in our trenches?

Certainly those with a clear view of the stars and Moon and Sun will have clues that the hour of the shift has arrived, as these objects will seem to move steadily and quickly across the sky, after first jiggling in place for a few moments. But even with a clear view, other signs are perhaps more reliable. The sounds the Earth makes during rotation stoppage, as we have explained from the start of the ZetaTalk saga, are the moaning that rock being pulled apart or pushed together makes. This has become familiar lately as the Earth roar and tones produced primarily in the stretch zones that have been recorded and gone viral on the Internet.

During the week of rotation stoppage, earthquakes from plate movement will of course occur, a jolt now and then in the middle of the seemingly endless moaning of the Earth. But when the crust separates from the core and the crust is sliding, these sounds cease, or at least reduce to the extent that their absence is noticeable. The plates are floating and bumping into each other like boats, where before were pressed closely together, set to vibrating when contact was released and reverberations occurred. The change will thus be a jiggle followed by a series of bumps, rather than the roar of continuously vibrating rock.

Another clue is the wind, which will have adjusted to a stopped rotation by changing direction or speed, due to changing in the atmospheric temperatures. Suddenly, in step with the change in the sounds from distressed rock, there will be a change in the direction of the wind, which will begin to pick up the pace until, as we have explained, a hurricane force wind is underway. Of course, the winds may have been strong for your area, prior to the hour of the shift, which can confuse the situation. But if you have analyzed the direction your winds will come, during the Pole Shift, this should at the very least be a strong clue that the hour of the Pole Shift has begun.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for February 25, 2012

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