Please Place your Planet X Related Captures Here

Due to the expectation of increased "Signs in the sky",

this post was created to collect videos and photos of Planet X and other related effects for better organization.
Please save your images and videos here, that other members can help with further analysis.

Always provide a source for the images you post, and if you are the source please provide the date, time and general location of your photos & videos.

Related Informations:

Planet X Personas

Second Sun

Shrouded Monster

Planet X Moon Swirls [2]

Earthquake Lights

Earthquake Clouds

Neon Swirls

Electromagnetic Swirls

Radar Circles

The Dark Twin

Dead on and Deadly

Additional Informations from the F.A.Q:
Q: What is Planet X/ Nibiru ..?
More info:

Q: How does the path of Planet X/ Nibiru looks like?

Q: What is the "Earth Wobble"?

Q: Why is Planet X/ Nibiru not always visible in the sky?

Planet X is seen most readily at sunrise or sunset, when light in the red spectrum curves over the horizon and the glare of white light is reduced. Red light bends most readily, and the charged dust cloud shrouding Planet X is composed primarily of red iron oxide particles.[...] The Zetas are frequently asked to pinpoint the spot where Planet X could be sighted, but it is a complicated picture! - Read more:
▪ Funnled MoonSwirls [Link]
▪ When can Planet X be seen naked eye? [Link]
▪ Amateur images [Link]
▪ Second Sun in the Clouds [Link]
▪ Second Sun Visibility [Link]

Please place SOHO & STEREO and Magnetosphere images here



Comment by stephan grumbach on May 5, 2011 at 10:03am

Easy Lens Flare Testing

1.)  Make an image with your camera and identify supposed objects

2.) Start to move your finger from the sun side over the sun in front of your camera,

 3.) until your finger covers the sun, if the dot disappears it is a flare if not it is an object.  4.) Move your finger from the flare/object side to the sun if the dot appears in front of your finger it is a flare


Easy Reflection Testing


Beware of the Glare

More Video captures:

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Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on June 23, 2016 at 12:16am

Two captures in Canada

another from June 20 2016 on this page. I can't translate so I'm not sure where this was taken

Comment by Nancy Lieder on June 17, 2016 at 11:33am

Via email to me. Dynamite capture of Nibiru from Alaska! Very very similar to what is captured in Italy cam.

June 9th 2016 - Selawik, Alaska

This video author is confused as per the images captured in the Selawik cam, which is pointing NNW at 344 degrees, at 0:29 to 2:29 am (just after midnight) the Sun is being seen up over the globe as it is over Europe at that time, not rising in Alaska. This was all caused by a rare extreme wobble so the severe lean experienced in Europe (sunrise too far NNE and sunset too far SSW) is pulling Alaska to a temporary view of the Sun. In fact, if one watches the video, that brief image of the Sun after midnight quickly sets within 2 hours. Of course, to rise again for the normal sunrise for Alaska. Am doing this up for the newsletter on July 3.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on June 17, 2016 at 4:15am
Comment by Yves Noel on June 12, 2016 at 3:37pm

One picture taken few minutes before the below one

Comment by Yves Noel on June 12, 2016 at 3:36pm

My friend just sent me this picture. He thinks there is 2 moons but i guess it could be the earth dark twin or?

Nancy Comment: I think this blue dot is a flare. Note that it MOVES a huge distance in just a few minutes where the real Moon does not move at all. This can be determined by the real Moon distance from the tree. Flares move, the Dark Twin most certainly would not.

Comment by Yves Noel on June 12, 2016 at 3:34pm

Nancy Comment: Yves, where was this taken? That Second Sun is NOT a ghost in the camera as it stands behind the streetlight. Excellent catch. Date and time and location?

Comment by Nancy Lieder on June 11, 2016 at 4:30pm

Second Sun captured in Wonewoc, Wisconsin today, posted on Baraboo Police Scanner website. Note there are two distinct orbs, and both have DIFFERENT angle of sunbeams coming down. I played with hue a bit too, to bring out the duo.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on April 26, 2016 at 3:51am

Nibiru/Planet X 2016 Newest/Latest video PROOF!! Found from RT

Published on Apr 24, 2016

I do not own this video as "RT" owns this video but I am using for factual purposes about the planet Nibiru/Planet X. Go to 4:29 and through out the rest of the video you will see planet x/ nibiru on the left side of the sun.

Comment by Scott on April 16, 2016 at 1:03am

A selection of screenshots of sunrise in April 2016 from the Itararé, Sao Vicente, Brazil webcam that Nancy posted below.

Itararé, Sao Vicente, Brazil

Comment by Nancy Lieder on April 15, 2016 at 9:24pm

Via email.

appearing over Brazil almost daily now, on mornings when the clouds are few

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