Please Place your Planet X Related Captures Here

Due to the expectation of increased "Signs in the sky",

this post was created to collect videos and photos of Planet X and other related effects for better organization.
Please save your images and videos here, that other members can help with further analysis.

Always provide a source for the images you post, and if you are the source please provide the date, time and general location of your photos & videos.

Related Informations:

Planet X Personas

Second Sun

Shrouded Monster

Planet X Moon Swirls [2]

Earthquake Lights

Earthquake Clouds

Neon Swirls

Electromagnetic Swirls

Radar Circles

The Dark Twin

Dead on and Deadly

Additional Informations from the F.A.Q:
Q: What is Planet X/ Nibiru ..?
More info:

Q: How does the path of Planet X/ Nibiru looks like?

Q: What is the "Earth Wobble"?

Q: Why is Planet X/ Nibiru not always visible in the sky?

Planet X is seen most readily at sunrise or sunset, when light in the red spectrum curves over the horizon and the glare of white light is reduced. Red light bends most readily, and the charged dust cloud shrouding Planet X is composed primarily of red iron oxide particles.[...] The Zetas are frequently asked to pinpoint the spot where Planet X could be sighted, but it is a complicated picture! - Read more:
▪ Funnled MoonSwirls [Link]
▪ When can Planet X be seen naked eye? [Link]
▪ Amateur images [Link]
▪ Second Sun in the Clouds [Link]
▪ Second Sun Visibility [Link]

Please place SOHO & STEREO and Magnetosphere images here



Comment by stephan grumbach on May 5, 2011 at 10:03am

Easy Lens Flare Testing

1.)  Make an image with your camera and identify supposed objects

2.) Start to move your finger from the sun side over the sun in front of your camera,

 3.) until your finger covers the sun, if the dot disappears it is a flare if not it is an object.  4.) Move your finger from the flare/object side to the sun if the dot appears in front of your finger it is a flare


Easy Reflection Testing


Beware of the Glare

More Video captures:

Views: 1266020


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Comment by Nancy Lieder on September 21, 2017 at 4:25pm

In addition to the vast tail of Nibiru being turned at us, toward us, Alberto has captured a PULSE. Solar pulsation is known and being studied as all kinds of things pulse - x-ray, solar wind stuff. See below. But what Alberto's pulse seems to show is more rapid. Magnetospheres can also pulse, and this is likely the cause. Not the Sun pulsing, but the vast tail (waffles, etc) pulsing! This is yet another new phenomena. I will create some stills from the vid.

Solar astronomers have set up a global network of stations to continuously monitor the Sun's pulsations. This network is called the Global Oscillations Network Group (GONG). Links to web sites describing GONG and other helioseismology sites are given below. Instruments to detect solar oscillations have also been placed on satellites.

Kojima has located a great example of Magnetosphere's pulsing.

The behaviors of various phenomena within the magnetosphere, including charged particles, magnetic fields, the aurora, radio emissions, and even the rings themselves, undergo periodic cycles that last about 10.7 hours.

Comment by Nancy Lieder on September 17, 2017 at 11:42am

I don't know what to make of this! It's like Nibiru is hidden by its vast dust cloud, which appears to have waffling on the right hand side. An overlay of waffles? I hesitate to post this on the ning as it is a new appearance and I don't yet have the answer. I think we are lost in the blast of tail, pointing now toward the Earth! I gather from the excuses about the Sun, emissions from the Sun (which is in solar minimum now), that we are getting hammered by EMP. Internet is very slow too. Nibiru appears to have come closer and to also be blowing the tail directly at us, not to the left as before.

Comment by Juan F Martinez on September 14, 2017 at 2:16am
Comment by Nancy Lieder on September 11, 2017 at 9:08pm

Alberto's Latest shows a HUGE Nibiru!

Comment by Nancy Lieder on September 8, 2017 at 11:18am

Alberto's latest shows a waffle right in front of Nibiru, which means the N Pole is likely pointing directly at the Earth. To show this might be the case, the US Government is warning about EMP! At the same time as Alberto's capture.

ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 8
Threshold Reached: 2017 Sep 08 0151 UTC
Synoptic Period: 0000-0300 UTC

Active Warning: Yes
NOAA Scale: G4 - Severe

NOAA Space Weather Scale descriptions can be found at

Potential Impacts: Area of impact primarily poleward of 45 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude.
Induced Currents - Possible widespread voltage control problems and some protective systems may mistakenly trip out key assets from the power grid. Induced pipeline currents intensify.
Spacecraft - Systems may experience surface charging; increased drag on low earth orbit satellites, and tracking and orientation problems may occur.
Navigation - Satellite navigation (GPS) degraded or inoperable for hours.
Radio - HF (high frequency) radio propagation sporadic or blacked out.
Aurora - Aurora may be seen as low as Alabama and northern California.

Comment by Juan F Martinez on September 8, 2017 at 3:32am

Screenshot of Planet X from a high altitude balloon, video can be seen here. Click and drag the video to see the sun, watch the last part.

Comment by JRGarcia on August 31, 2017 at 3:02pm

And again.... Notice the similarity between my capture on 08/31 and that of SOHO C2 from 08/30. As an added bonus, notice the static object that appears on the left of the SOHO capture when these types of anomalies occur.   

Comment by JRGarcia on August 30, 2017 at 2:05pm

I have been capturing an object above the sun accompanied by what seems to be an orb. The same object is present everyday since I started recording this on the day of the eclipse. I even created a quick movie on the sun moving it around just to see the object maintaining its same position above the sun.

Please provide your opinion as this supports the fact that something is out there.


Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 30, 2017 at 12:19pm

Alberto's latest. I can make out Nibiru. I think the big circles are Moon Swirls facing the camera, the orbs of light taking the Monster Persona shape (light bending out, then back toward Earth).

Comment by Kojima on August 27, 2017 at 5:01pm

Picture of "Aug 26 2017 2 pm SE Idaho" by James of Idaho

Left & Middle: From original picture

Right: Adjusted by Microsoft Excel tool [Brightness; 41%, Contrast: 78%, Sharpness: 63%] of middle picture

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