The establishment is braced for panic in the people when they realize that Nibiru is real and approaching for a passage. The FAA cameras in the US have been blinded, the Covid lockdowns are used to prevent migration, and tsunami buoys that are too honest are quickly deactivated. But what about personal panic in the populace? They have been denied the truth by the establishment, so in the main are unprepared. The concept of moving away from the coastlines and preparing for self-sufficiency may be pondered, but no action taken. Then one day it becomes a reality and rather than take action, there is PANIC! No, Toilet Paper is not the answer.
The Fight or Flight mechanism kicks in, designed to save one from certain death, but inappropriate in a situation that requires planning and organization. Panic is thus likely to be disorganized and violent. Even those who have taken the warning seriously and are carefully monitoring the Earth changes will likely not be 100% prepared and confident. Many hope to get friends and family involved in their preparations, but are finding the Zeta warning that 50% of humanity will be in hard denial to the bitter end a sad reality.
ZetaTalk Observation 9/18/2010: Even those who listen to our words and take them seriously are not connecting the dots to be able to envision what these disasters will mean. All intelligent creatures use these types of denial techniques, so we are not just criticizing mankind here. If one hears that they can no longer use their car, because the roads will be torn up, they don't register that all distribution of goods will be stopped or trips to the clinic for injuries will be blocked. They imagine the car, sitting idle while the roads are repaired. It does not sink in, that the use of the car will forever be prevented, or that the car may be flipped on its side with no means of righting it, ever, and will rust into uselessness while the tires rot. If we say that travel restrictions will be imposed, they imagine themselves approaching a counter and pleading their case, as is the situation today, or bribing someone, or finding an alternate road to evade checkpoints. That the counter will be closed, and the applicant facing a loaded rifle and told to leave, is not considered. That bridges will be collapsed, rivers above flood tide souring the banks and washing away boats, and side roads filled with looting thieves is not taken into consideration.
The Zetas and the ZetaTalk Team have for decades attempted to lay out the steps a newbie should take. The best defense against panic is an action plan, as that fits in with the Fight or Flight mechanism and puts all that adrenalin to work. During a time when terms like food shortage and bankruptcy and unemployment and homelessness are increasingly in the news, everyone should be in the self-sufficiency business. These videos are on the Internet for free but when the grid or Internet communications go down, the best is to have your own copy, offered to the public on a non-profit basis.
Taking action can have Right and Wrong steps, so it is important to get on the right path. Develop a Plan,
research your Location and plan your Route to safety. Dig a Trench during the shift, Temporary shelter, and short term Supplies for the week of rotation stoppage and the months after. Plan to rebuild Shelter, with Hand Tools, and a source of Heat. Garden with Seed supplies, low maintenace Flocks and Herds, and Fishing and Hunting as the area will support. Be part of a Team, have an Action plan to keep people busy, and collect Books for future reference. Get into Short Wave radio, expect to be On Foot or boat when traveling, and keep your Bearings.
Much practical advice can be found on the Troubled Times pages, where hundreds of solutions were debated and even tested.
The first step in long range planning is to determine if you are presently in a Safe Location, or will need to migrate on an emergency basis sometime in the near future. Both the ZetaTalk website and the Pole Shift ning have featured the 7 Steps that should be taken to make these Safe Locations determinations. Step 1 is to research your current or target locations in the Safe Locations provided on the ZetaTalk website. Examine not only the country and the state or province or city but also any nearby.
Step 2 is to research your location from the standpoint of the climate that will exist after the pole shift. This is quickly ascertained by looking at the New Geography map and the Lat/Long map provided by Konstantin. Step 3 is to research your elevation above sea level. A handy and free tool is Google Earth which can be downloaded into a PC and will show the exact elevation of any spot the cursor passes over. Google Maps is a modified version that allows a color coded map based on elevation. Plan to be 100 miles from a coastline and 200 feet above sea level to avoid the coastal tidal waves during the pole shift. Bear in mind the predicted 675 foot sea level elevation increase that will occur from friction heat on cold ocean bottoms. The oceans will heat up and swell.
ZetaTalk Prediction 7/15/1999: The pole shift, with consequent realignment of the poles, will place the New Equator over formerly frozen lands. Greenland, Canada, Alaska, Siberia, and Europe will be affected by the new equator.
Step 4 is to determine if you are in one of those regions which will rise or fall during the traumatic hour of the Pole Shift. India and western Australia will be pushed below the waves. Japan gains 150 feet, New Zealand gains 500 feet and eastern Australia benefits also, Spain loses 50 feet, western UK loses 150 feet, New England gains 450 feet due to the Seaway rip, Florida loses 150 feet, and Vancouver Island gains 100 feet. Step 5 is to research the effect of swollen rivers which will likely be in a backwash during the pole shift. Water on the move tears and bites and scours, and will undercut the soil under buildings so they will tilt and tumble. Tidal bore along cliffs facing the ocean can likewise have water climbing up or funneled up by ravines.
ZetaTalk Description 4/15/1999: Humans are used to thinking of slow moving rivers and tides that ease in and ease out. Imagine if the press behind the water is strong and the waters move rapidly and crash, bore up into the hillsides because they have no place else to go, swarm over the countryside beyond the hills that might bridge along a coastline and come roaring back out to sea so that people find water coming from behind them, coming from inland and from the ocean alike.
Step 6 is to examine your volcanic or geographic risk due to mountain building. We have advised a 100 mile radius from all volcanoes that have been active within the last 10,000 years. Yellowstone will not become a super volcano. You can also determine if the new westerly winds will blow volcanic ash in your direction. Consider that what was formerly north will now be west or east. Newly fractured rock is a clue that more of the same might be expected. Older mountains as the Alps and Appalachians are considered safe, where the Sierras and Andes are building. And finally, Step 7 is to ascertain if you need a migration route.
* ZetaTalk for Subconscious knowledge
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 31, 2021
So YES those people have been informed. Why then do we need a recognition of Nibiru if the contactees are informed of her presence? How many people who are now in the potentially dangerous zone of New Madrid know about the approaching disaster? I gather that at this time the urgency is to get Nibiru acknowledged. Is this recognition to be achieved before the New Madrid or after, if adjustment should happen very soon. And will the Council's decision depend on whether people have received a message about the approach of New Madrid or not? [and from another]
Why is the Council of Worlds intent upon breaking the elite's cover-up over the nearby presence of Nibiru and its pending passage? Even with well over half the world's population informed of these facts during contactee visits, there is scant evidence of preparation for safety by the public. Where are the self-sufficient survivor camps on high ground and well inland? Where are the city dwellers doing container gardening and learning how to collect seed? Why are these contactees, long ago informed, waiting?
Subconscious knowledge will most often not result in action when this knowledge is in conflict with what the conscious perceives. Given that the elite have almost complete control over major media outlets, the cover-up over Nibiru is not only tight, it is comprehensive. Combined with death threats against any in the alternative media who dare mutter the Nibiru word, the man on the street hesitates to look the fool. Family and friends ridicule anyone claiming that Nibiru is real and even visible.
We publicly announced toward the end of November that the Council had approved and scheduled a Severe Wobble, and almost daily evidence of this has emerged. We have also predicted for some time that the New Madrid unzipping would occur before the end of 2021 or very early 2022. To encourage the public to have faith in the ZetaTalk prediction, the Council has also approved more specificity in our predictions. Rather than just a sequence of events along a vague timeline, we are being allowed to relay more details.
Thus we are now detailing that the New Madrid unzipping will occur over a 3 week period, starting toward the end of 2021 and overlapping into 2022. This will come up from the Gulf, travel up the Mississippi River and along the East Coast Fault Line, and finalize under the Seaway. As previously detailed, the Council has also approved interference with the Media coverage, so their false stories will be suppressed. Visibility of the Nibiru Complex will be increased, in a manner we will not yet divulge. Many with subconscious knowledge are then likely to spring into action.
* ZetaTalk for Survival Site cautions
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for January 21, 2012
As the Earth changes pick up, many people are feeling desperate and the urge to form groups for survival becomes almost an imperative. Could the Zetas summarize their advice on group formation, and what dangers might be on the horizon?
We have advised, from the start of the ZetaTalk saga, that plans for survival communities think small and stick to coordinating only with those family and friends they know well - known entities. The danger of attempting to find partners on the Internet is that many will be highly Service-to-Self, and determining orientation in a stranger is often difficult. The Service-to-Self are adept at putting on a kind face and offering a helping hand, while attempting to insert themselves into a leadership position. The odds are that those advertising on the Internet, trying to start a group, are Service-to-Self looking to prey on others.
The second advice we have steadily given is to avoid being close to government installations. The governments of most countries have tried to give the impression that they are there to assist their citizenry, while in fact the first priority is to perpetuate the jobs of those in government. This is not apparent in good times, or even in disasters of short term nature, but when taxes cannot be collected and those who fed at the taxpayer's teat find themselves out of a job, takeover of survival communities will be their first priority. Supplies and food will replace taxes, and essential slavery will result for those who cannot pay.
Plan to be mobile. We have stated that most successful survival camps will be spontaneously formed. The true orientation of most will not be revealed until the stress of the Last Weeks arrives so that the Service-to-Self show their colors. Even among those who know each other well, the known entity formula, there will be surprises. Insanity, due to post traumatic stress, will run high. Stress and shock bring anger, a natural response when an organism is threatened, so hostility will be common among survivors. It may be necessary for the Service-to-Other individual to simply gather his dependents and move on, abandoning any supplies he has gathered.
Then there is the issue of establishing the leader in any endeavor. Due to cultural expectations and conditioning, most groups will look to a strong male, a domineering type, who will be decisive and bark orders. This is likely to be the worst choice. We have often mentioned that many survival groups will be lead by children in the Aftertime, as children do not have a fixed mindset and are open minded and resourceful. Next, in leadership, will be the women in the camp, as women traditionally keep the family going, concerned about meals and injuries and sleeping quarters and the like, and thus are practical.
The least likely to be leaders are the males, because they will have expectations of leadership and due to the way male teams are structured, acutely aware of the pecking order and where they stand. Thus, they will be focused on challenges to their authority, as many military groups reveal. For male leadership to succeed, the leader must first and foremost be willing to observe and listen. Where in a military setting the top dog barks an order, this may work because there are few variables to consider. The Aftertime will present an endless parade of variables. Fights over who is leading and who is right waste time and energy. Thus those who place a priority on this will end up at the side, in fist fights or arguments, while the women and children and those males who can see the total picture are working on survival!
* ZetaTalk for Survival community size
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for October 30, 2010
Any council from the Z's for people that are starting to realize their community size is going to be far bigger than anticipated. Perhaps far, far greater.
Those taking our message seriously have long complained that they cannot get family and friends to take the threat seriously. Despite the pointed Earth changes, the evidence of Planet X in the skies, and the easily measurable Earth wobble, they feel they are alone in noticing these things. We have stated that as the Earth changes become obvious, one of two things will happen with family and friends. They will either turn toward more hardened denial or get serious, and when getting serious will most likely cling to that person who has been trying to wake them up. Where you long for partners for serious preparations, suddenly you have clinging dependents who have not bothered to do their homework, gather supplies, or gain the type of skill sets that will be needed. This is not an easy issue, and will of course have multiple solutions depending upon the personalities involved and the numbers involved.
If in a rural area, the solution might be to organize those newly awakened into teams with work assignments. This team will inventory seed and food stocks, that team secure a drinking water distillation device, and yet another team inventory hand gardening tools. If in a suburban or city area, where the plan had been to dash to the woods and then hunt and gather until encountering another survival group, it gets complicated. Hunting and gathering will only sustain a few, and only for a short time. This is mass starvation, guaranteed. In this case, your own plan needs to improve, so you can find yourself in a rural setting where you can garden and be a herdsman or keep a flock of chickens. If in an area destined to flood in the Aftertime, then starvation can be a short term problem as the oceans will reach you and fish will be plentiful in the Aftertime due to all the newly dead frankly providing fish food! Set the teams to building what will be houseboats, with floatation devices, and potted vegetables on the decks. Whatever the plan, get everyone busy.
* ZetaTalk for ZetaTalk dependency
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 18, 2010
Zeta has talked many times that people on earth should learn to examine and research and start to think by themselves. Would there any lessons imbedded on the ZT information for people to learn, especially prediction of 7 of 10? If things are happening exactly the way as predicted, would people following the ZT become more relying on Zeta? Is it possible that there will be some minor inaccuracy implanted to stimulate thinking by people and guide people to connect to the big picture?
Will those following ZetaTalk become like zombies, looking to the Zetas for advice on every step they make. Those who are weak individual of course are already demanding that we, the Zetas, take them by the hand and walk them through every step they fear they must make, and regularly refused. Prediction accuracy does not automatically create this scenario. Our predictions are already considered accurate, and thus the uptick in handholding demands. But likewise, those who are strong individuals, capable of making their own decisions and doing so throughout their life, are weighing their options based on many factors.
There are a thousand variations on every piece of advice we give. Move away from the coast and into the hinterlands, into rural areas, and get into gardening and herd and flock keeping. This is safe advice, but those who are strong individuals will find a thousand ways to achieve the goal without following our every word. They are not clinging to our words, as they can think for themselves. Would the weatherman be creating dependent zombies if accurate in his predictions? Those watching the weatherman's maps would notice what factors cause rain to fall regardless of whether the predictions come true every time or not. A weatherman's prediction accuracy does not create brain death in those listening to the forecast.
An example of potential Panic! is a description of pending and future GPS failure received via email. Could the Zeta say just when GPS will malfunction and how to get GPS to work again? No. Other than to suggest that the GPS system will likely to dropped closer to Earth's surface by the system manager, the Zetas had no advice. Mankind is already aware of this problem and trying to fix it. Mankind is not warned when and where lightning will strike either.
My question is about GPS satellites and advice they can give about them during the upcoming severe/mega wobble that is planned. I know they have talked about all satellites and even the space station will fall to earth at some point well before the shift. With the upcoming severe/mega wobble how can we expect the GPS satellites to respond/handle it? From what I've learned on all of my research about GPS and how it ties in to just about everything. The big concern I see is the time sync that so many systems use. Things like: cell phone towers, data centers, account login MFA (multi factor authentication), electrical power grid syncing, and even the ususal mapping directions provided by GPS. They have talked about when we get to the point that severe wobbles are nearly every day or very common the satellites will follow with the upper atmosphere. With this upcoming severe/mega wobble they mentioned we could not only have a bigger than the current normal globe wobble to a possible 90 degree glob tip to even possibly 180 degree tip (making us upside-down) for a period of time to break the cover up. This will of course drag the atmosphere with it including the satellites. Moving them out of expected orbits to possibly completely changing them all together. I know some have the ability to adjust and correct orbit issues but are they able to correct a 90-180 degree orbit change? That is a huge change and they have limited fuel available. If the timing is thrown off when they get moved from expected orbits it will throw the time sync off causing all kinds of outage problems. Can they provide some input on what we can expect to happen with the GPS satellites and how best to prepare if outages are expected to happen?
Here's what has already been said by the Zetas, ie the process and problem.
* West Coast volcanic ash
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for November 27, 2010
Volcanic Ash concern: one or two of those moving graphics of the world based on the ZetaTalk prediction show where the continents will be positioned after the pole shift. This is absolutely important for determin future safe areas. The new position of the U.S. will be at apporximately the same distance from the equator as now. However, the earth plate that it now sits on, will turn around counter-clockwise about 90 degrees. This means that the westerncoast (which currently runs north to south) will, in the future, be positioned parallel to the equator, aligned west to east. The Sierra and Rocky Mountains will also run parallel to the equator, or west to east. After the pole shift, and once the 12th Planet has moved out of close contact with the earth, our planet will resume it's rotation. I think it is reasonable to believe that it will turn in the same direction it was going before the 12th came for a visit. Also, the jet stream will be blowing from west to east, as it is now. This means, in relation to the new position of the continental U.S., the jet stream will be blowing parallel to the Sierra and Rocky Mountain chains (right now it blows perpendicular to them). Also, remember that our west coast volcanos (Mt. Lassen, Mt. Shasta, Mt. St. Helens, etc.) will be going crazy after the pole shift, and will dump a zillion tons of ash for many years on areas down wind. This ash will go up into the air and be carried eastward on the jet stream. So, the entire Washington, Oregon and California areas will not only be devastated by earth plate collision, but also by thick, dark skies and mountains of ash, as their new positions will be in directline of the volcanoes. The volcanic ash will be blowing parallel to the Seirras and Rocky mountains, in their future west-to-east position. Will the volcanic ash affect Lake Lahontan and Lake Tahoe areas?
After the pole shift, the West Coast volcanoes will find the prevailing westerlies blowing ash out over the Pacific, not directly along the West Coast. In the new geography maps, Alaska will be on the Equator, with N America tilted upward toward the new N Pole at the Bulge of Brazil. The new Trade Winds will push some of this ash back against what had been the West Coast of N America, but the prevailing wind direction will be out over the Pacific. However the Nevada area will not be downwind from West Coast volcanoes in the Aftertime. Those close to and just downwind from these active West Coast volcanoes will of course find themselves loaded with ash, and should take all precautions. Volcanic activity is expected to be active, and creating a lot of ash, for some 25 years on average after the pole shift. However, this will be a diminishing issue, with the skies gradually clearing during this 25 year period.
* ZetaTalk for Location analysis steps
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for Sep 11, 2010
I am from Ukraine. Sorry for my English. There are two big heights on Ukraine: Pridneprovskaya and Podolskaya (higher), on the right bank of Dnieper. It is no doubt, that significant part of this territory will not be covered by ocean after a Pole Shift. However, would you be so kind to say what climate we have to expect on this places. And may it be a desert in a future? What influence from European volcanoes will be on this territory? What probability of Firestorms during the Shift, taking in attention odd oilfield near Poltava (there are no volcanoes in Ukraine)? If these heights are unfit as a good place for living after a Pole Shift, would be it better to consider mountains (the Carpathians or Crimea) as a shelter for Ukrainians?
We recently addressed the Urkaine in great detail, and have recently hinted broadly how the public can do their own research to verify the safety of the chosen locations for the pole shift. The time will soon arrive when Nancy will no longer be available to scold the public and point them to the tools they could themselves have used. We are thus using this opportunity to scold and advise when there is still time for ourselves or our emissary to take endless questions on matters either already answered or where the answer is within the tools available to the public.
Step 1 is to research your location in the Safe Locations information on the ZetaTalk website. In this you should examine not only your country, your state or province, or your city but also any nearby. Your specific town may not be covered but the whole river valley may be predicted to flood and to flood permanently. This would be a clue that your specific town will be likewise affected. We cannot and have not addressed every spot on Earth, due to time and energy constraints, as we expect you to have a brain and take this approach.
Step 2 is to research your location from the standpoint of the climate that will exist after the pole shift. This is quickly ascertained by looking at the New Geology map. This is a free map which can be cut out and taped together and will give a general idea of the latitude to expect. If your chosen location is where one of the new poles will be, this is a clue that you need to rethink or plan a migration route.
Step 3 is to research your elevation above sea level. A handy and free tool is Google Earth which can be downloaded into a PC and will show the exact elevation of any spot the cursor passes over. Google Maps is a modified version that allows a color coded map based on elevation. Our advice to be 100 miles from a coastline and 200 feet above sea level to avoid the coastal tidal waves during the pole shift should be applied. You can determine your current elevation and whether your location will be 675 feet above sea level where the water will rise within 2 years after the pole shift. A rough guide in this matter is the map Nancy created.
Step 4 is to determine if you are in one of those regions which will rise or fall. India and western Australia will be below the waves as of the time of the pole shift, and being pushed down before the pole shift. Japan gains 150 feet, New Zealand gains 500 feet and eastern Australia benefits also, Spain loses 50 feet, western UK loses 150 feet, New England gains 450 feet due to the Seaway rip, Florida loses 150 feet, and Vancouver Island gains 100 feet.
Step 5 is to research the effect of swollen rivers which will likely be in a backwash during the pole shift. We have stated that all rivers will be over their banks, so the worst possible scenario should be assumed. What will happen if the river cannot drain? Despite having a good sea level elevation, any land that does not have an advantage of being at least 200 feet in elevation over a major river bottom in the vicinity is likely to be flooded. A backwash from the main river in your vicinity should be assumed, so that creeks will not drain, for instance. Water on the move tears and bites and scours, and will undercut the soil under buildings so they will tilt and tumble. Being on solid rock that will not melt in this scenario is advised. Tidal bore along cliffs facing the ocean can likewise have water climbing up, or funneled up by ravines which will direct water all the way to Guadalajara from the Pacific, for example. Think this through, for your location, and be on the safe side.
Step 6 is to examine your volcanic or geographic risk due to mountain building. We have advised a 100 mile radius from all volcanoes that have been active within the last 10,000 years, and that Yellowstone will not become a super volcano. You can determine if the new westerly winds will blow volcanic ash in your direction. Consider that what was formerly north will now be west or east. Fire storms, though extremely rare, almost always occur near erupting volcanoes during the hour of the pole shift. We have advised that if in areas subject to mountain building that old rock not shattered is a good guide to what will survive, and newly fractured rock is a clue that more of the same might be expected. Older mountains as the Alps and Appalachians are considered safe, where the Sierras and Andes are building.
Step 7 is to ascertain if you need a migration route. It is possible to survive the pole shift by avoiding tidal waves and staying outside of structures that will crush you, but to be in a position to be flooded within 2 years after the pole shift. Siberia is a case in point. Here the land is so low in elevation that vast swaths of land will be flooded, and survivors must plan to migrate on foot or via boat. Survivors near the new N Pole off the Bulge of Brazil might consider migrating toward the Andes and their familiar tropical warmth. Such migration, and your target location, can be plotted. Migration routes can be expected to be crowded, so should be avoided as a location for survival camps in general.
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