At what point will Martial Law emerge in most countries of the world, in response to the Covid-19 or the increasingly obvious Earth changes pointing to the presence and pending passage of Nibiru? The Zetas have stated in the past that Martial Law would be the last resort for those countries operating in a highly democratic manner, but that Heads of State have been informed that by January 2021 Nibiru would be too obvious to be denied. That date is approaching. Will Covid-19 be used as an excuse? [and from another] [and from another] [and from another] [and from another] [and from another] [and from another] [and from another] [and from another]
We have stated that Heads of State, worldwide, have been told that the reality of Nibiru in the skies will be too obvious to deny by January 2021. Given this anticipation, any steps toward Martial Law taken in 2020 to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic can be assumed to be permanent. We have also stated that the Covid-19 pandemic will be “dramatically eased by mid-Summer 2020”, assuming aggressive quarantine practices and new anti-virals and vaccines. This should not be expected to ease any Martial Law edicts already in place.
Those countries, such as China, which operate as though under Martial Law already, show what can be accomplished with a strong-arm approach. They turned the emergence of new cases around sharply and are now forcing the survivors or the reluctant back to work at gunpoint, if necessary. Because of their strong-arm approach, they will soon be Covid-19 free as long as travel is restricted. Compare that to Italy which espoused tourism forced to quarantine. Italy thus infected Europe, which has maintained open borders throughout.
While the Covid-19 infections rage on going into mid-Summer, protestations of the airline and travel industry will be silenced as Heads of State are forced to issue edicts banning travel and restricting residents to homes unless they are escorted to work. Groceries will be delivered. Schools will be via Internet or home schooling kits. Social media will replace group meetings. Those countries that do not institute such draconian methods will be closed at the border by their neighbors, and forced to live with their inept management.
How does this differ from what the world will experience when the reality of Nibiru can no longer be denied? Strong-arm tactics to ensure that food is grown and distributed will continue. Grocery delivery may likewise remain, to prevent looting and hoarding. Public gatherings will likely be limited due to the fear they will spring into wholesale riots. As disasters swamp coastlines with seawater and earthquakes collapse cities into rubble, refugees will be transported to rural areas and forced into survival camps. Not all that different from the Covid-19 steps.
The EU plans to ban US travelers indefinitely after haphazard COVID-19 response
A draft list of banned countries also includes Brazil and Russia Jun 23, 2020
The European Union plans to ban travel from the US when it reopens its borders on July 1st because of the Trump administration’s poor handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a report from The New York Times. Under current plans, the US would join Brazil and Russia on the list of forbidden countries, as all three countries have had comparably poor responses to the virus since the worldwide outbreak at the beginning of the year. Travel from China, as well as some developing countries, will be allowed, the report states.
The EU is still finalizing the list, the NYT reports, and it expects to submit it to the 27 bloc members next week ahead of the July 1st reopening deadline. Members are being strongly encouraged to adopt it or else the EU may consider reinstating stricter borders within the bloc to prevent travelers from countries on the list from entering into one country with looser restrictions and crossing the border into another.
"The US joins Brazil and Russia on the draft of the EU travel ban list"
The US, with nearly 2.4 million confirmed cases and more than 123,000 deaths, has for some time now been the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, while Brazil is second with more than 1.1 million cases and more than 51,000 deaths. Russia’s containment appears better than the US, with under 10,000 reported deaths and a little over half a million confirmed cases.
All three countries are deemed unsafe according to a set of epidemiological criteria the EU has been using to analyze countries. The primary metric is a measure of the average number of new cases per 100,000 people over the last 14 days. The EU bloc has an average of 14. The US score is 107, while Brazil’s is 180 and Russia’s is 80, the NYT reports.
Executive Order on Ordering the Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty
National Security & Defense Issued on: April 30, 2020
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 12304 of title 10, United States Code, and having determined that it is necessary to augment the regular Armed Forces of the United States for a named operational mission, specifically the “Enhanced Department of Defense Counternarcotic Operation in the Western Hemisphere,” I hereby order as follows:
Section 1. Activation Authority. The Secretary of Defense is directed to order to active duty for not more than 365 consecutive days, any units, and any individual members not assigned to a unit organized to serve as a unit, of the Selected Reserve under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Defense, not to exceed 200 Selected Reservists at any one time, as he considers necessary.
Spain’s death toll hits 3,434, surpassing China’s with 738 deaths over past 24 hours, senior Spanish health official says his country is ‘approaching the peak’ 3/25/2020
Spain’s coronavirus death toll overtook that of China on Wednesday, rising to 3,434 after 738 people died over the past 24 hours, the government said.
Across the world, only Italy now has a higher death toll than that of Spain. In China, where the virus emerged late last year, 3,281 people have died.
The spiraling number of deaths came as Spain entered the 11th day of an unprecedented lock-down to try and rein in the COVID-19 epidemic that has now infected 47,610 people, the health ministry said.
As the authorities stepped up testing, the number of cases showed a 20 percent increase on the figures for Tuesday, while the death toll showed a 27 percent rise over the same period.
Despite the national lockdown imposed on March 14, which is to be extended until April 11, both deaths and infections have continued to mount, with officials warning this week would be particularly bad.
“We are approaching the peak,” the ministry’s emergencies coordinator Fernando Simon said in announcing the figures.
Health authorities are hoping it will soon become clear whether the lock-down is having the desired effect.
The Madrid region has suffered the brunt of the epidemic with 14,597 infections — just under a third of the total — and 1,825 deaths, or 53 percent of the national figure.
With hospitals on the brink of collapse from the surge in patients, troops have set up a massive field hospital in Madrid’s vast IFEMA exhibition center which currently has 1,500 beds but which could be expanded to take in up to 5,500 people — making it the largest hospital in Spain.
And with the city’s funeral services overwhelmed, officials have commandeered the Palacio de Hielo ice skating rink to serve as a temporary morgue.
U.S. power industry may ask key employees to live at work if coronavirus worsens
Business News March 20, 2020
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. electric industry may ask essential staff to live on site at power plants and control centers to keep operations running if the coronavirus outbreak worsens, and has been stockpiling beds, blankets, and food for them, according to industry trade groups and electric cooperatives.
"The systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD..."
Seven Italian priests have reportedly died of coronavirus
Cremona, Italy, Mar 15, 2020 / 09:58 am (CNA).- A Catholic priest has died in Italy from coronavirus, and local Italian media reported Sunday the death of several others. No priests have previously been reported dead from the global pandemic, which has struck Italy more gravely than nearly any other country in the world.
Monsignor Vincenzo Rini was a priest of the Diocese of Cremona, close to Milan, and near Italy’s epicenter of the pandemic. Rini died Saturday.
Msgr. Rini ran Cremona’s diocesan newspaper for 30 years, and was at one time the president of the Italian bishops’ news agency. He was also a novelist, and a noted literary expert, who served as the Church’s liaison to the Cristina di Savoia Cultural Congresses, which aim to promote Christian culture in Italy.
In Avvenire, the newspaper of the Italian bishops’ conference, journalistic colleagues of Rini wrote that the priest “represented an open window to hope, the virtue that had always characterized his life.”
He will be buried in the chapel of the diocesan cemetery in Cremona. Bishop Antonio Napolioni of Cremona, himself recovering from coronavirus, expressed his condolences to the family and friends of the priest.
In addition to Rini, 6 priests in the Diocese of Bergamo have been reported dead of the coronavirus by Italian news site CNA has not been able independently confirm the Bergamonews report.
According to Bergamonews, Bishop Francesco Bechi told Italian journalists that in addition to six priests in his diocese who have died of the virus, 20 others have been hospitalized.
Bergamo, a city northest of Milan, has been identified as the region most afflicted by infections of coronavirus in the country.
More than 21,000 people in Italy have been infected with coronavirus, and nearly 1,500 have died.
Priests in other countries have also been afflicted with coronavirus. Earlier this month, a French priest was hospitalized with the virus, and last week a priest in Peru was among the first patients to be hospitalized for coronavirus in that country.
This story is developing and has been updated after publication.
#Tribunals #MarchMadness #Transformation_Team
People over 70 in the UK will be quarantined at home for 4 months in a 'wartime' effort to tackle coronavirus Business Insider•March 15, 2020
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Spain Shut Down Effective Immediately, France Closed
There is now a ban on non-essential travel in Spain. There are permissions for work and food and medical care. France has closed the Eiffel tower and also followed Italy and Spain in travel restrictions throughout the country. Apple has announced they will be closing all stores outside of Greater China effective immediately. They also recently announced they had finished reopening their stores in China.
Silver Report Uncut
Mar 15, 2020
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