At what point will Martial Law emerge in most countries of the world, in response to the Covid-19 or the increasingly obvious Earth changes pointing to the presence and pending passage of Nibiru? The Zetas have stated in the past that Martial Law would be the last resort for those countries operating in a highly democratic manner, but that Heads of State have been informed that by January 2021 Nibiru would be too obvious to be denied. That date is approaching. Will Covid-19 be used as an excuse? [and from another] [and from another] [and from another] [and from another]   [and from another] [and from another] [and from another] [and from another]

We have stated that Heads of State, worldwide, have been told that the reality of Nibiru in the skies will be too obvious to deny by January 2021. Given this anticipation, any steps toward Martial Law taken in 2020 to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic can be assumed to be permanent. We have also stated that the Covid-19 pandemic will be “dramatically eased by mid-Summer 2020”, assuming aggressive quarantine practices and new anti-virals and vaccines. This should not be expected to ease any Martial Law edicts already in place.

Those countries, such as China, which operate as though under Martial Law already, show what can be accomplished with a strong-arm approach. They turned the emergence of new cases around sharply and are now forcing the survivors or the reluctant back to work at gunpoint, if necessary. Because of their strong-arm approach, they will soon be Covid-19 free as long as travel is restricted. Compare that to Italy which espoused tourism forced to quarantine. Italy thus infected Europe, which has maintained open borders throughout.

While the Covid-19 infections rage on going into mid-Summer, protestations of the airline and travel industry will be silenced as Heads of State are forced to issue edicts banning travel and restricting residents to homes unless they are escorted to work. Groceries will be delivered. Schools will be via Internet or home schooling kits. Social media will replace group meetings. Those countries that do not institute such draconian methods will be closed at the border by their neighbors, and forced to live with their inept management.

How does this differ from what the world will experience when the reality of Nibiru can no longer be denied? Strong-arm tactics to ensure that food is grown and distributed will continue. Grocery delivery may likewise remain, to prevent looting and hoarding. Public gatherings will likely be limited due to the fear they will spring into wholesale riots. As disasters swamp coastlines with seawater and earthquakes collapse cities into rubble, refugees will be transported to rural areas and forced into survival camps. Not all that different from the Covid-19 steps.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for March 31, 2020

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Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 25, 2022 at 2:05am

BREAKING: Judge Rules New York’s Mask Mandate Unconstitutional
The New York State Supreme Court on Monday struck down the Hochul Administration’s statewide mask mandate as unconstitutional and a violation of state law.

Judge Thomas Rademaker of Nassau County wrote in his decision Monday the Governor does not have the authority to impose the mandate and the state legislature would have to debate and approve laws requiring masks in schools and other places.

Last month, Governor Kathy Hochul enacted the mandate amid an increase in COVID-19 cases due to the omicron variant.

Monday night, Governor Hochul released the following statement regarding the ruling:

“My responsibility as Governor is to protect New Yorkers throughout this public health crisis, and these measures help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and save lives. We strongly disagree with this ruling, and we are pursuing every option to reverse this immediately.”

Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1), who has been named the presumptive nominee for Governor of New York by both the New York Republican and Conservative Parties, issued this statement:

“We did it! A New York State Supreme Court Judge just ruled the Hochul Administration’s statewide mask mandate as unconstitutional and a violation of New York State law. Honored to have fought side by side with small business owners, parents, elected officials like Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman and so many others in fighting for common sense, freedom, and the full science as opposed to just partial science.

“Just yesterday, I heard a taxpayer funded Public Service Announcement featuring a medical expert telling the public that the CDC no longer recommends the use of cloth masks. However, Governor Kathy Hochul has continued to force New York children as young as 2-years-old to be masked up all day long two years into a pandemic that has harmed kids physically, developmentally, mentally and emotionally. Enough, and it’s not just in our schools. The overreach of this statewide mask mandate that relies on partial science rather than all of it has been very widely and adversely felt throughout New York.

“While Hochul refers to New Yorkers as her ‘apostles’ and compares having to wear a mask all day long to wearing sneakers, the fact is that New Yorkers know best, despite the Governor’s ‘Hochul knows best’ arrogance.”

Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 17, 2022 at 10:45pm

Triple-vaxxed top US general gets Covid-19
The Joint Chiefs chairman is double-vaccinated and boosted, the Pentagon said.  

General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has tested positive for Covid-19 and is working remotely, the Pentagon has announced. One other member of the Joint Chiefs is positive, but the military did not say who.

Milley tested positive on Sunday and is “experiencing very minor symptoms and can perform all of his duties from the remote location,” Joint Staff spokesman Colonel Dave Butler said in a statement on Monday.

The general “received the Covid-19 vaccines including the booster,” Butler added. All other Joint Chiefs tested negative except for one, but he would not say who it was.

Milley’s last public event was last week’s funeral of retired general, Raymond Odierno, at Arlington National Cemetery, where he was in contact with President Joe Biden. 

“He tested negative several days prior to and every day following contact with the president until yesterday,” Butler said.

Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 11, 2022 at 2:00am

Americans should avoid travel to Canada, government advises
US citizens are warned that even fully vaccinated travelers risk catching Covid-19

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now advises Americans against going to neighboring Canada due to the rising number of Covid cases in the country. The agency updated its guidance on Monday, and now says that “because of the current situation in Canada, even fully vaccinated travelers may be at risk for getting and spreading COVID-19 variants.”

Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 7, 2022 at 4:15pm

Lufthansa is reportedly planning to cancel nearly 33,000 scheduled flights by the end of March due to a drop in bookings caused by the omicron variant of Covid-19.


Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 7, 2022 at 3:59pm
Comment by Juan F Martinez on December 31, 2021 at 5:43pm
Comment by Juan F Martinez on December 27, 2021 at 1:46am

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett abruptly left a cabinet meeting on Sunday to self-isolate at home after his daughter tested positive for the coronavirus.

Comment by Juan F Martinez on December 16, 2021 at 7:36pm

Covid: New UK cases record as Whitty warns worse to come

Comment by Juan F Martinez on December 6, 2021 at 8:25pm
Comment by Juan F Martinez on December 1, 2021 at 4:41pm

THE OMICRON VARIANT - Italian movie from 1963

"1963 movie OMICRON. An alien takes over the body of an Earthman in order to learn about the planet so his race can take it over"

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