As per Nancy and zetas, we are in progress of the sequence of 7 / 10.
The Zeta sequence for 7 / 10 is as follows:
(1) a tipping Indo-Australia Plate with (2) Indonesia sinking,
(3) a folding Pacific allowing (4) S America to roll,
(5) a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift allowing (6) Africa to roll and (7) the floor of the Mediterranean to drop,
(8) great quakes in Japan followed by (9) the New Madrid adjustment,
(10) which is followed almost instantly by the tearing of the north Atlantic Rift with consequent European tsunami.
However, none of the steps have been 100% completed.
The indo-australian plate has been rising and tilting indicated by for example, the brisbane flood in January 2011 and Earthquake of 7.1 in Christchurch on 4th of September 2010 plus another quake of 6.3 on 22nd of February 2011 .
Indonesia has been sinking with lots of earthquakes, sinkholes, earth cracking, volcano eruptions, landsliding and off course flooding all around the coast line of Indonesia.
A folding pacific has created a lot of pressure tectonically in the pacific ocean and consequently a big earthquake magnitude of 9.0 happened on March the 11th 2011 in the ocean near the northern Japan with a 10 meter Tsunami and finally nuclear disasters. Please note that this is not the great quakes mentioned in the 7 / 10 sequence. Not yet!
Severe earth wobble has caused wild weather around the world. Drought, rain, bush fires, hailstorms, sandstorms, thunderstorms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc, have hit various part of the world. In US alone, we have seen close to 300 tornadoes in April 2011 alone and around 400 died in total.
South America is now showing signs of rolling west as per Nancy's blog in "7 of 10 Status as of April 28, 2011".
These are all precursors for the bigger events such as new madrid adjustment and off course the european tsunami in the 7 / 10 sequence. It took almost four months to get to step 4. It is time to prepare and please take it seriously!
The intention of this blog is to take a closer look at the new madrid adjustment in details and see if we can connect all the dots together. I thought that this could be beneficial especially for all new members who have only joined this ning recently but also a good reminder to all existing members.
Information has been compiled from Zetatalk, blogs from various members plus all other new madrid related information and articles on the world wide web .
Written June 19, 2010
We have described the plate movements to be anticipated during the hour of the pole shift as a scripted drama, and stated that the plate movement ahead of the pole shift can be anticipated to fall along those lines. Thus, our statements that the New Madrid zone will adjust at the hour of the pole shift was well as before that hour are consistent. The Atlantic is tearing now, thus the Iceland volcanoes, and will tear further well before the pole shift to cause the European tsunami, as we have described. But this in no way compares to the major tearing of the Atlantic that occurs during the hour of the pole shift. The Seaway is pulling apart now, thus the humongous sinkhole just NE of Montreal, but this is no way compares to the pulling apart that will occur during the hour of the pole shift. When we speak of a New Madrid adjustment as potentially part of a 7 of 10 or an 8 of 10 stage, we are not speaking of the pole shift adjustments. Those are regularly referred to as the hour of the pole shift, to differentiate any Earth changes that come before. Prior to the pole shift, the New Madrid will adjust. Canada remains firmly attached at her border with the Eurasian Plate, and thus the Seaway will participate in this pre-shift New Madrid adjustment. But the primary reaction will be along the Mississippi, with bridges failing and land just to the west of the Mississippi dropping slightly. Certainly this adjustment, which may be a series of large quakes, will shatter cities throughout the region and affect cities all the way to the Great Lakes and down into Mexico.
The New Madrid adjustment
Where the N American continent is under great stress, it has not slipped because it is held in place on both sides. The Pacific side holds due to subduction friction along the San Andreas, and the Atlantic side holds due to the Atlantic Rift's reluctance to rip open. What changes this dynamic? When S America rolls, almost in step with the folding Pacific, it tears the Atlantic Rift on the southern side. This allows Africa freedom to move and it rolls too, dropping the Mediterranean floor above Algeria. What is holding the N American continent together has thus eased, so that when the Japan adjustments are made, there is less holding the N American continent in place than before, and the New Madrid gives way
The New Madrid adjustment will affect so much area, in a domino manner, that it will not be a single large quake, but a series, separated by weeks and months. The primary adjustment will be within days, after shocks for weeks, but months later still, adjustments. The New Madrid is associated with fault lines that run up toward the Great Lakes, Chicago will adjust and rupture, Ohio will be pulled in places, and as we have explained, the land to the West of the Mississippi will sink in places. There is a known fault line that runs from the center of the Gulf up along the East Coast, thus the effect in 1811-12 in the Carolinas and DC on up to Boston. Then, as we have explained, there will be a bow from San Diego out to Arizona, which will rupture the great dam on the Colorado. When this bow, which forces Mexico too far to the West for the comfort of the West Coast, adjustes, it will be a slip-slide adjustment of the San Andreas and related fault lines up the coast.
In September, FEMA's associate administrator for Response and Recovery, William Carwile, told a Senate panel that FEMA has five regional groups planning for possible earthquake responses, but a major quake along the New Madrid fault line could displace 7.2 million people and knock out 15 bridges. The response would require 42,000 first responders from local firefighters to the Pentagon."
"Although Memphis is likely to be the focus of major damage in the region, St. Louis, Mo., Little Rock, Ark., and many small and medium sized cities would also sustain damage, " the U.S.. Geological Survey found.
South Carolina is home to an active fault line, which could also produce a catastrophic earthquake.
A quake in Charleston in 1886 was a magnitude 7.6. That city in 2008 had a population in excess of 348,000. Much of that state's coastal area is at risk."
This year marks the bi-centennial of the New Madrid Quake. Mr. Nations is not the only one concerned many communities are making preparations and there aregeologists warning of the dangers. A new report out recently also stresses Americans are not prepared. FEMA is also asking that groups take part in the Great Earthquake ShakeOut Drill. A Map that shows the locations of the nuclear plants along the New Madrid Fault zone can be viewed here.
The Zeta mention that the Phoenix, AZ area will not be safe due in ...
The Zetas stressed in February that the Phoenix Lights redux UFOs were a warning about future changes in the southwest, a bowing in the
land from Mexico to northern California which would ultimately cause the Hoover Dam to break.
ZetaTalk Explanation 2/10/2007: And why the anniversary blitz of Phoenix lights? Is not the flat
dry desert of Arizona expected to remain relatively undisturbed, during the coming pole shift?
When the New Madrid Fault adjusts, Mexico will be too far to the West for the current comfort
of the West Coast, which will bow in the Southern California and Arizona region. The fault line
that runs along Mexico's west coast runs just under the Arizona border, then on up along the
west coast of California. Before the west coast of the US starts adjusting to the new position of
Mexico, with slip-slide adjustments, there will be a bending of the Arizona desert area that will
fracture the dry soil, create a breach in the great Colorado River dam, and allow magma to rise
in the calderas in the US - Mammoth Lake in California and Yellowstone. If the Hoover Dam
breaks, whither the city of Phoenix, which lies on flat land and near farm land irrigated by the
waters of the Colorado?
Davis Dam is a dam on the Colorado River about 45 miles (72 km)) downstream from Hoover Dam. It stretches across the border between Arizona and Nevada. Originally called Bullhead Dam, Davis dam was renamed after Arthur Powell Davis, who was the director of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation from 1914 to 1932. The United States Bureau of Reclamation owns and operates the dam, which was completed in 1951.
The Flaming Gorge Dam is a concrete thin-arch dam in the Flaming Gorge of the Green River, a major tributary of theColorado River, in the U.S. state of Utah. One of the largest dams in the American West. Situated in Flaming Gorge, a canyon of the Green River named by John Wesley Powell, the dam was built and is operated by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Groundbreaking for the structure began in 1958 and was completed in 1964.
The Glen Canyon Dam is the second largest dam on the Colorado River [1] at Page, Arizona, USA. Construction of the dam began in 1956 by the industrial conglomerate, Merritt-Chapman & Scott. Although the dam was not dedicated until 1966, it was able to begin blocking the flow of the river in 1963.
Hoover Dam, once known as Boulder Dam, is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the US states of Arizona and Nevada. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936, and was dedicated on September 30, 1935 by President Franklin Roosevelt. Its construction was the result of a massive effort involving thousands of workers, and cost over a hundred lives.
Parker Dam spans the Colorado River between Arizona and California, 155 miles downstream from HooverDam
. Built between 1934 and 1938 by the Bureau of Reclamation.
The Morelos Dam (the last dam on the Colorado River) will not be able to hold back the upcoming deluge of the Colorado River as the dams above breach.
The Morelos Diversion Dam, located on the Mexico–Arizona border, is the southernmost dam on the Colorado River. It sends nearly all of the remaining water to irrigation canals in the Mexicali Valley and to the Mexican towns of Mexicali and Tijuana. As a result, the river rarely reaches the Gulf of California, normally the river's mouth. Consequently, the vast wetlands at the mouth of the Colorado River have been reduced to just a fraction of their former size, affecting vegetation and wildlife. Before the construction of a number of dams along its reach, the Colorado flowed 129 kilometers (80 miles) through Mexico to the Gulf of California.
The bowing stress on N. America is the result of the daily Torque Effect caused by Planet X gripping the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift. This causes the N American continent to be pulled into a bow, the Aleutian Islands pulled toward the tip of Mexico, with the center of the bow at San Diego.
ZetaTalk: N American Rip written Feb 10, 2006
We have discussed what we call the stretch zone, where a land mass is pulled apart so that the rock flakes pull across each other, silently, creating sinkholes and rifts and manifesting as broken gas and water mains and derailing trains. These stretch zones have dramatically expressed themselves in the African Rift area and in the SE United States and in the UK during the past couple years. When Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003 and began seriously tugging at the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift, it accentuated this stretch on either side of the Atlantic. What went unstated during these discussions is why a stretch zone occurs. Look at S America, on the large S American plate. As the Atlantic is pulled apart, the Pacific compressed, it is required to have the upper part migrate to the West more than the tip, which is anchored at Antarctica. It moves as a whole, in the main, crunching the small plates in the Caribbean and Central America as it does so and popping the plate holding the Galapagos Islands which lies just to the west of S America. It can move, in short. But what of the African and N American plates?
The African Rift is caused because Africa is not free to move. It is bulbous at the north end, and comes to a tip at the south end. It is anchored at the south end, at South Africa, so when the Atlantic pulls apart, the bulbous northern part of the African plate moves directly eastward, yawing open the African Rift, along with the Red Sea, which is also widening. This inability of plates to move during the ripping apart of the Atlantic and compression of the Pacific is what will create a new rift up through Pakistan and above the Himalayas into Russia during the pole shift, equivalent to the St. Lawrence Seaway in N America. The Indio-Australia plate moves in the direction of the Himalayas, diving under them. Hawaii rises up during compression of the Pacific, so can move, if only up. Japan likewise is forced up, violently so, during Pacific compression. The Antarctica plate, as we have mentioned, is pressed down in the Pacific so will pop up on the Atlantic side, creating new land there ultimately during the pole shift.
The giant plates of N America and Eurasia are locked against each other, unable to rotate against each other due to their shape. Slip-slide along the West Coast, measured as a creep by geologists, is due only to slight adjustments along that edge of the plate, primarily due to adjustments within the small plates to the west of the N American plate, which move to accommodate pressure. The N American plate does not move, pre se, but other dramas occur. We explained, months before it expressed enough to show up on IRIS charts, the Earth torque caused as the N Pole continuing to rotate to the East while the S Pole was held back by Planet X, tending to open the globe like a jar of pickles. This creates a diagonal stress on the N American continent where New England is pulled to the east while Mexico is pulled to the West, so the New Madrid is put under slip-slide stress where one half, east of the Mississippi, will move toward the NE while the other, west of the Mississippi, moves toward the SW. The virtual hook of land in the N American continent near the Kamchatka peninsula is solid rock and will not snap off to become a separate land plate, nor would this ease the deadlock along the N American and Eurasian plates even it if did. These massive plates cannot move.
The stress on the N American plate will resolve by ripping. Ripping the St. Lawrence Seaway open. Pulling the SE down into the crumbling Caribbean and into the widening Atlantic, as neither of these sinking fronts will be able to support the edge of the weighty N American plate. There is pressure along the West Coast, of course, and as the N American plate confronts the compressing Pacific, this will only result in the predictable volcanic increases and West Coast earthquakes. But the primary drama preceding the pole shift will be the ripping action that a plate unable to move must endure. The notable area of catastrophe during this is the eastern half of the continental US. From Houston to Chicago to New England, the diagonal pull will tear the underpinning of cities and create a catastrophe for the US that will make the New Orleans disaster appear trivial. A widening Seaway also does not affect just those land masses bordering the Seaway, as buckling occurs inland and afar. What does man assume caused the Black Hills to be so rumpled, with the appearance of a recent bucking and heaving? This is the center of a land plate! The tearing of the Seaway does not end at Duluth, MN, it travels underground to S Dakota!
Indeed, tearing of the St. Lawrence Seaway will occur during the Ne.... We have warned that quakes on the West Coast, or the Seaway, or in the New Madrid region will occur before the major quake in the New Madrid region we have referred to as the adjustment on a 7 of 10 level. There will be quakes in these areas, magnitude 4-7, which should not be considered the New Madrid adjustment of which we speak. Please do not ask, at every quake, what this "means". It means the New Madrid adjustment is still pending. When the tension in the N American continent starts to force major tearing of rock strata, so that the changes we have described can take place, this will not be all at once, simultaneously. We have described a series of large quakes, with one major one stemming from the New Madrid area that will be called a magnitude 9 but in truth will be larger. It is this quake that will set in motion adjustments elsewhere.
Mexico will lurch to the west as this major quake occurs, with a settling of land to the west of the Mississippi almost instantly afterwards. The Mississippi will seem to have widened, and those to the west will see a new view as they look east, as their land will have shifted to the southwest as well as dropped. Because the lurch of Mexico to the west actually intensifies the bowing of the N American continent, the Seaway tears open. This is actually various adjustments at weak points along the Seaway rather than the tearing apart into a larger inland bay that occurs during the pole shift itself. Niagara Falls will remain, but some of the inland locks will break. When the upper Mississippi region finds the land to its west slipping down and to the southwest, those parts north which were formerly firmly attached find they can spring northward, as the pressure from the bow had been inclining them to do. This allows the edge of the rip, at Duluth, MN, to tear further inland, with consequent rumpling in S Dakota and minor shifting of ground in all parts in between.
Due to the rise in sea level to 675 feet within two years after the pole shift, the N American continent will appear to be two separate land masses in .... The 7 of 10 will not effect this change, but will tear most bridges on the Mississippi River when the New Madrid adjusts. This will of course affect travel and distribution of goods, but in that the Mississippi employs barges, a workaround will be arranged quickly enough. But after the pole shift the eastern half of the continent will certainly be more isolated. Travel across the widened seaway by boat, across the flooded Mississippi Valley by barge, and by foot through the swampy land of what is now northern Illinois will certainly be possible. After the New Madrid adjusts, those living in the US should be considering their proximity to loved ones, in this light, the travel restrictions being considered a wake-up call re what is coming if nothing else.
In describing the 7 of 10 scenarios, we do not detail every minor quake or every point where a minor tsunami might be generated. The 7 of 10 scenarios did not even include the major quakes in Japan, which are predicted to be in the range of magnitude 9's. Nor did they include the tsunami that large quakes in Japan always involve, which we have recently stated could be considered to be as high as 150 feet for the South Island quakes. After the New Madrid adjusts the West Coast adjusts, as we have stated. We have not detailed this, as compared to the New Madrid this is minor. All the fault lines closely watched on the West Coast will adjust, the volcanoes nervously watched will erupt, and certainly the waters off the coast will be choppy if not generating some minor tsunami during the plate adjustments. The West Coast of the US is alert and guarded in this regard, as is Japan. They anticipate this type of activity, and will be alert to signs that a quake or eruption or tsunami is pending. Thus, we focus on the larger changes, and in warning those areas that will not receive such services from their governments.
There is general confusion about our predicted Earth changes. This is most often envisioned as happening all at once, suddenly, without warning. Where earthquakes and stretch zone accidents do seem to happen almost without warning, their approach is never that silent. The N American continent has been getting these warnings for some time, with increasing intensity. Quake swams in the New Madrid region and west of this spot have been occurring, and are on the increase. Sinkholes and shifting roadways are occurring from Pennsylvania through Tennessee and elsewhere. The center of the bow being formed by the N American continent, the San Diego area, has an epidemic of water main breaks, and the snapping rock inland from this point has affected a mine in Utah. None of this is officially ascribed to the New Madrid adjustment that is pending, though FEMA gives evidence of their nervous preparations for the disaster they know is pending.
Will the New Madrid just suddenly rip with our predicted magnitude 9 quake? Hardly. There will be a progression of quakes in the magnitude 4-5 range all along the New Madrid fault line, which runs up to the Great Lakes and thence along the seaway. The bow will become more stressed, cracking rock inland from San Diego all the way to the Mississippi, and forcing adjustments north and south of this point too, from the Aleutian Islands to the tip of Mexico. Sinkholes and crevasses will proliferate throughout the US in her stretch zones, in a swath that ranges from the New England states south to the tip of Florida and all points west. This is a large bow. Then quakes will increase to the point of being considered magnitude 6-7 along the long New Madrid fault line and its attendant splinters. The New Madrid adjustment will thus NOT sneak up on you, but will be well announced.
Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for March 12, 2011
Potential Nuclear disaster risk in the new madrid zone
Bob Nations, Jr., the Director of Shelby County Office of Preparedness, says that since the lack of preparation exposed by Hurricane Katrina, he is "preparing for the catastrophic event" in his six-county jurisdiction.
Nations admitted that after a major quake, Tennessee's infrastructure and response capabilities "would get overwhelmed fairly quickly."
There are 15 nuclear power plants in the New Madrid fault zone -- three reactors in Alabama -- that are of the same or similar design as the site in Japan experiencing problems.
The USGS report predicts that a major quake would create horrific scenes like something out of a science fiction movie, potentially cutting the Eastern part of the country off from the West in terms of vehicular traffic and road commerce.
"The older highways and railroad bridges that cross the Mississippi River, as well as older overpasses, would likely be damaged or collapse in the event of a major New Madrid earthquake," according to USGS.
In September, FEMA's associate administrator for Response and Recovery, William Carwile, told a Senate panel that FEMA has five regional groups planning for possible earthquake responses, but a major quake along the New Madrid fault line could displace 7.2 million people and knock out 15 bridges. The response would require 42,000 first responders from local firefighters to the Pentagon.
Another study by the Mid-America Earthquake Center last year estimates that nearly 750,000 buildings would be damaged, 3,000 bridges would potentially collapse, 400,000 breaks and leaks to local pipelines and $300 billion in direct damage and $600 billion in indirect losses would occur. Source
Other potential nuclear risk: Three Mile Island
The Three Mile Island accident was a core meltdown in Unit 2 (a pressurized water reactor manufactured by Babcock & Wilcox) of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania near Harrisburg,United States in 1979.
Viewed from the west, Three Mile Island currently uses only one nuclear generating station, TMI-1, which is on the left. TMI-2, to the right, has not been used since the accident. Note that this is a pre-accident photo taken when TMI-2 was in operation.
Unit 1 had its license temporarily suspended following the incident at Unit 2. Although the citizens of the three counties surrounding the site voted by a margin of 3:1 to permanently retire Unit 1, it was permitted to resume operations in 1985. General Public Utilities Corporation, the plant's owner, formed General Public Utilities Nuclear Corporation (GPUN) as a new subsidiary to own and operate the company's nuclear facilities, including Three Mile Island. The plant had previously been operated by Metropolitan Edison Company (Met-Ed), one of GPU's regional utility operating companies. In 1996, General Public Utilities shortened its name to GPU Inc. Three Mile Island Unit 1 was sold to AmerGenEnergy Corporation, a joint venture between Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO), and British Energy, in 1998. In 2000, PECO merged with Unicom Corporation to form Exelon Corporation, which acquired British Energy's share of AmerGen in 2003. Today, AmerGen LLC is a fully owned subsidiary of Exelon Generation and owns TMI Unit 1, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, and Clinton Power Station. These three units, in addition to Exelon's other nuclear units, are operated by Exelon Nuclear Inc., an Exelon subsidiary.
General Public Utilities was legally obliged to continue to maintain and monitor the site, and therefore retained ownership of Unit 2 when Unit 1 was sold to AmerGen in 1998. GPU Inc. was acquired by FirstEnergy Corporation in 2001, and subsequently dissolved. FirstEnergy then contracted out the maintenance and administration of Unit 2 to AmerGen. Unit 2 has been administered by Exelon Nuclear since 2003, when Exelon Nuclear's parent company, Exelon, bought out the remaining shares of AmerGen, inheriting FirstEnergy's maintenance contract. Unit 2 continues to be licensed and regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in a condition known as Post Defueling Monitored Storage (PDMS).[83]
Today, the TMI-2 reactor is permanently shut down with the reactor coolant system drained, the radioactive water decontaminated and evaporated, radioactive waste shipped off-site, reactor fuel and core debris shipped off-site to a Department of Energy facility, and the remainder of the site being monitored. The owner says it will keep the facility in long-term, monitored storage until the operating license for the TMI-1 plant expires at which time both plants will be decommissioned.[10] In 2009, the NRC granted a license extension which means the TMI-1 reactor may operate until April 19, 2034.[84][85]
New Madrid Fault
What is the New Madrid fault line, and why is it so much on the tips of tongues these days?
The New Madrid fault line essentially follows the Mississippi River from Illinois to Arkansas.
Seems like a local affair, but this is deceptive.
Where quakes along the West Coast of the US cause a jolt in the underlying rock, the area surrounding the New Madrid is essentially mud, soil, wet from the mighty Mississippi and Missouri and Tennessee and Ohio rivers which join near the New Madrid fault line, and liquifaction thus affects a huge area.
The last great quakes on the New Madrid fault line occurred in the Winter of 1811-1812.
Just how far ranging was the effect, compared to a quake of similar Richter on the West Coast?
A map on the USGS website shows the relative extent of influence, which is far more dramatic than might be imagined.
In 1994 the 6.7 Richter Northridge quake was felt throughout southern California, barely reaching over the border into Nevada and Arizona and Mexico.
The comparable 1895 Charleston, MO quake covered the eastern half of the US, primarily affected, of course, were the states central to the New Madrid fault line - Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana.
But the effect covered at least half of the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Iowa, and crossed the border into the states of New York and Florida.
But the seriousness of the situation is not described by the effects of quakes in 1811 and 1895, as going into the pole shift, during the quakes preceding the pole shift, there is another aspect to the fault line adjustments.
There is an Earth torque, cause by the twisting of the globe that Planet X causes when it tugs on the S Pole of Earth and the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift, daily.
Complicating the torque is the fact that the N American continent is held rigid at the top, where the plate boundary crosses through the Arctic from the Kamchaka Peninsula just above Japan in almost a straight line to Iceland in the Altantic, East of Greenland.
The N American plate, thus, CANNOT roll round to adjust to the stress of having the Atlantic widen and the Pacific shorten during the tugging Planet X does upon the Earth.
Mexico wants to move westward faster than Alaska, but cannot without pulling the N American continent in a diagonal, a stress the Zetas call the N American Rip.
This ZetaTalk was written during a time when S Dakota, at the Black Hills, was showing an odd stress wobble once daily, a clear sign this was a wobble induced by the tugging of Planet X.
The first evidence of this torque on the N American continent occurred in August of 2003, when a massive power outage struck New York City, causing a complete blackout with a million commuters walking home to suburbia silently across the bridges.
The cause? A substation at Niagara, on the stretching seaway.
This was followed by trail derailments and bursting gas and water mains and sinkholes and yawing crevasses that were suddenly and dramatically in the news.
Sinking, or lack of support in stretch zone, results in sinkholes.
The incidence of sinkholes, in the US alone, during the 6 months period from April to October 2004, was certainly astonishing.
These hit Florida hard, not surprising as it is at a point, literally, where the pull down is the most extreme.
Detroit and Milwaukee, at the end of the St. Lawrence Seaway yawing.
up the East Cost through Virginia and into Pennsylvania, a point where sinking and rising land create a break, a snapping of the Earth, as land south of Pennsylvania is pulled down while land North tends to bounce up as the Seaway yaws.
And into land at the edge of the stretch zone, such as Missouri and central Canada.
If trains were derailing due to twisting track, and sinkholes appearing suddenly under highways, this was not the only horror aflicting transportation.
Road heaved, bridges dropped, and land slid on top of traffic.
Particularly in July, 2004, oddly, in 3 different US states.
This shows a relationship to a diagonal pull across the US, happening at that time.
This twisting of the North American continent involves New England pulled to the East along with the rotation of the Earth, Mexico and the southwest pulled to the West, as the South Pole was being tugged in that direction.
This opened crevasses in the southwest.
This was not due to compression, subduction of plates, but due to the stretch, the land in these areas being pulled apart.
These sudden crevasses were not associated with any particular earthquake, but they WERE associated with road pops from Kansas to Illinois to Pennsyvania!
Again, in July 2004.
Sinking land in the stretch zone very much affects gas and water mains running under streets, and a rash of reports emerged as Planet X tightened its grip on the Earth.
During the 6 months reporting period from April to October 2004, pipes were snapping all across the stretch zone like never before.
By June, 2005 scientists were openly admitting they were concerned about the New Madrid fault.
A few months later, in September of 2005, a mysterious smell like rotting cabbage or the cat's litter box wafted across the US.
Central Texas: Strange Odor Prompts School Evacuation
Sep 22, 2005
Washington Post: Mysterious Stench Nauseates Northeast
Sep 30, 2005
The cause, per the Zetas, was methane gas released when rock fingers were pulled apart, releasing gasses from rotting material trapped between rock layers.
In early 2006 there was additional evidence that the N American continent was being put under stress, pulled in a diagonal.
Within a 4 week period, mining accidents from Canada to Mexico occurred, in a line parallel to one that could be drawn from Maine to Mexico, the stress line that the Zetas have described.
The first was in the Sago mines in West Virginia, then another in Ontario, Canada, followed by a rare disaster in Mexico.
Methane gas was suspected.
Although a constant source of worry, why the sudden rash of explosions across the continent, and along a diagonal line parallel to what the Zetas have described?
If so, coincidentally, Maine was reporting odd methane bubbles off their coast.
University of Maine geologists reported in December, in the Portland Press Herald, 12-26-05, that dozens of methane fields off the coast of Maine were releasing large amounts of gas, disrupting the ocean floor and creating massive bubbles.
By July, 2006, Cleveland, Ohio was reports quake swarms.
Accompanying this was another blackout caused by problems in what is called the Lake Erie Loop.
The stretching Seaway, at it again!
Then on Sep 10, 2006, a rare quake in the Gulf of Mexico, on a fault line the USGS was unaware existed.
The Zetas related this to the stress on the N American continent, and the pending New Madrid diagonal rip.
This was followed by more adjustments in New England, which is scheduled to rise some 450 feet above sea level during the coming pole shift.
The tiny New England states are grouped at the end of what will become increasingly a peninsula of land, due to the widening of the St. Lawrence Seaway and the melting poles. The land is rocky, and will rise some 450 feet by our estimate above the current level due to the land being freed from its current connections during this continental rip.
Quake swarms continued in Maine, and a dramatic drop in the water level in wells at the USGS site.
Per the Zetas, all these are clues that the New Madrid does not have long to go before it gives way, allowing the diagonal slip along the Mississippi that the Zetas have predicted.
The Zetas have stated the devastation will make the New Orleans disaster appear trivial.
New Orleans, after all, was another disaster waiting to happen, not a surprise.
It was only a matter of time.
For the New Madrid disaster, affecting cities from Houston to St. Louis to Kansas City to Memphis to Cincinnati to Chicago and parts in between, the number of people left suddenly homeless will be immense, compared to New Orleans.
These cities are not quake proofed, as is the norm on the West Coast.
Lets look at the New Orleans disaster for a preview of what to expect, insofar as rescue attempts.
So if the slipping of the New Madrid will be WORSE than the disaster of New Orleans, affecting more cities and a wider area, and dropping land West of the Mississippi so flooding occurs, are these cities more prepared?
Those in the wake of the pending New Madrid quake, beware, and get prepared!
Chicago: Two Buildings Collapse
Foundation failure to blame in St. Charles building's partial collapse
The downtown building at 117 W. Main St. was deemed uninhabitable after it nearly collapsed late Monday evening.
Bob Vann, the head of building and zoning for St. Charles said one of the building's foundation walls failed, causing the floor of the second story to drop about 18 inches.
Oak Park building collapse closes Harrison, injures one
Wednesday, August 10th, 2011
Just before 2 p.m. Wednesday, the front of the one-story commercial building at 201-207 Harrison came tumbling down. Village officials, police and firefighters were on the scene shortly after, but no one could say for certain what caused the collapse.
Strange Smoke Coming from Hope Ranch Hill - S.California (Aug 12)
Hope Ranch - An unsolved mystery is smoldering on a dirt hillside below Hope Ranch. Smoke and steam are coming out of the soil, very similar to an event in October of 2006.
The hot zone is being controlled with sprinklers spraying waters in all directions.
A fence is up in the area to keep inquisitive beach walkers away.
Santa Barbara County Fire officials say there is no immediate threat to the area or risk to the public.
San Diego County of a strong, chemical-like odor
SAN DIEGO -- Authorities are investigating reports from around San Diego County of a strong, chemical-like odor.People began making emergency calls about 2 p.m. to report a pervasive and pungent smell variously described as akin to kerosene, diesel fuel, bus exhaust, lighter fluid and other petroleum-based substances, according to Maurice Luque, a spokesman for the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department.On Wednesday afternoon, 10News received dozens of calls from residents who said they smelled what they believed was jet fuel in the air.
Full article:
SOMERVILLE, Ohio -- Wayne Township firefighters believe an explosion contributed to the collapse of a house at 6841 Waynes Trace Road. Neighbors reported that the windows were blown out, and the front of the house collapsed.
Some neighbors, Jerry and Linda Dingledine, heard a loud explosion-like noise around 11 p.m. Monday. They did not report it until Tuesday when the saw the damage.
The homeowners, Catherine and James Johnson, were not home. They left around 6 p.m. Monday to visit a relative overnight.
Deputies say there was a propane smell when firefighters arrived.
The incident is being investigated by the state fire marshal, Butler County Sheriff, Butler County Bomb Squad, and the Wayne Township Fire Department. No criminal intent is suspected.
7 of 10 STATUS as of July 7, 2011
Seaway Stretch
As S America begins her rolls to the west, pushing over the Cocos and Nazca plates, and as the northern Pacific plates compress, the N American continent is placed under an ever increasing bow. The primarily stress is along the Seaway, which will eventually rip open, and along the New Madrid fault line, but points west are also affected. That this stress is increasing can be seen by the number of sinkholes and collapsing houses in the Seaway stretch zone.
ZetaTalk Prediction 9/25/2010:
The New Madrid runs up along the Seaway, to the mouth of the Seaway, and thus will rupture any land it passes through. This most certainly can affect a broader area than just the fault line. We have stated that Ohio will be affected most in this regard.
ZetaTalk Prediction 3/12/2011:
Sinkholes and crevasses will proliferate throughout the US in her stretch zones, in a swath that ranges from the New England states south to the tip of Florida and all points west. This is a large bow.
Giant Sinkhole in Manitoba
June 11, 2011
The sinkhole is huge, more than fifty feet deep in some places, it covers about three acres (the size of two Canadian football fields, no end zones) and it appears to have dropped right down.
Still no Cause for Freeport Building Collapse
June 16, 2011
Investigators are still trying to figure out what made the building suddenly collapse.
Cleveland: St. Clair Crack Remains a Mystery
June 30, 2011
It's about 2 inches wide and just as deep, stretching from Ontario to East Sixth Street and running the length of the new Medical Mart construction. Fear of the unknown may run much deeper.
Ottawa: Downpour Causes Luskville ‘Canyon’
June 27, 2011
7 of 10 STATUS as of July 21, 2011
Bow Tightens
During the 7 of 10 scenarios, the S America roll much precedes the New Madrid adjustment. What happens to Mexico when the top part of S America pulls west by 250 miles, shoving Central America westward in front of it? Of course the north Pacific is compressing in step with the central and southern Pacific, but surely Mexico would be affected, as would the countries in Central America being pushed to the west over the Cocos Plate. Per the Zetas, the N American bow essentially tightens during this time, affecting Mexico.
ZetaTalk Explanation 4/30/2011:
We stated that as a result of the 7 of 10 scenarios that the top of S America would find itself 250 miles further to the west, though not all of this would be due to movement of S America and the Caribbean and Central America. We have described the Pacific Plate as being composed of four plates, not one. They are folding over one another, and thus the Pacific compresses. What happens to Mexico during this process? When the Mariana and Philippine plates tilt and fold this affects Mexico, which is directly to the east. This portion of the N American continent moves in concert with the S American roll, putting the N American continent under an excruciating bow stress prior to its anticipated New Madrid adjustment. This will be felt primarily in the US southwest and east through Texas, as well as Mexico.
A shift west obviously occurred from July 11 to July 13, as the bending and breaking in Mexico indicates. Costa Rico even lost a river.
Veracruz: We Report Large-Scale Collapse in Geo Los Pinos II
July 11, 2011
Houses were almost at the edge of a ravine 20 meters, diameter of the dip is about 15 meters.
Ciudad Valles: The Road to El Naranjo Interrumió
July 12, 2011
The asphalt began to break down to such an extent that there was a hole eight meters deep. The damage is significant, given the depth of 8 meters, which fell through the asphalt, and a length of about 30 meters.
Colima: Rain Causes Heavy Damage to Road Michoacán
July 4, 2011
Three large cuts on the coastal road of Michoacan prevent the total circulation of vehicles in this li
7 of 10 STATUS as of July 28, 2011
Executive Order 13575
Per the Zeta, there are FEMA plans in place, instituted under Obama’s direction, to accommodate massive numbers of homeless refugees when the New Madrid and other pending catastrophe’s hit the US. Per Zeta predictions, which the Zetas have stated the Obama administration takes quite seriously, the Seaway will pull apart, the New Madrid adjustment will pull the center of the US on a diagonal, and the San Andreas will then adjust, setting off west coast volcanoes. The US will thus get a tripple whammy – Seaway, New Madrid, and West Coast. A year ago, on July 17, 2010, the Zetas revealed the status of FEMA plans under discussion.
ZetaTalk Revelation 7/17/2010:
We have mentioned that FEMA and the US government have plans for a worst case scenario, where so many tens of thousands, if not millions of people are homeless due to simultaneous disasters that they are literally standing in the rain. Such a state is conceivable for the New Madrid disaster, for instance. What then? We have mentioned worst case scenario plans such as a type of martial law edict that every home with a spare bedroom be required to house a homeless person or homeless family. Another option on the books is to confiscate idle farmland and transplant homeless families along with seed and gardening implements and flocks and herds, so that they are forced to feed themselves or starve. These groups would be of a similar cultural background to their neighbors for the least amount of friction during such a transplant operation. Beyond these two extremes, the situation today where homeless families are seeking assistance from local governments and churches and the worst case scenario, lie the zone where individuals will increasingly be encouraged to reach out and help their neighbors.
Now it seems these plans have firmed up, and are public in the form of Executive Order 13575! The Zetas have much to say about this VERY significant Executive Order.
431 - Executive Order 13575 - Establishment of the White House Rural Council
June 9, 2011
Sixteen percent of the American population lives in rural counties. To enhance the Federal Government's efforts to address the needs of rural America, this order establishes a council. There is established a White House Rural Council (Council). The Secretary of Agriculture shall serve as the Chair of the Council, which shall also include the heads of the following executive branch departments, agencies, and offices: [25 federal agencies]. The heads of executive departments and agencies shall assist and provide information to the Council, consistent with applicable law, as may be necessary to carry out the functions of the Council. Each executive department and agency shall bear its own expense for participating in the Council.
ZetaTalk Analysis 7/23/2011:
We revealed a year ago the FEMA plan under Obama, to deal with potentially millions of homeless during forthcoming disasters in the US. Executive Order 13575 is proof that this IS the plan, despite whatever in
7 of 10 STATUS as of August 4, 2011
Pisgah Panic
There has been much speculation about seeming volcanic plumes showing up on weather satellite images of California and Nevada, yet people on the ground declare that volcanic ash is not rising. This is most obvious at the Pisgah Volcano off I-40 east of LA. The plumes appear to be steam, creating a cloud. What’s going on?
The spout/plume thing stays in one location for at least 45 min. It was definitely raining in those spots. We drove through it. The weird thing was those spots stayed in the same location for 45 min to an hour without moving.
Pisgah Volcano is in the Lavic Lake Volcanic Field of southern California. The USGS issued a statement saying, in essence “not to worry”, and the Zetas agree. This is just water vapor.
USGS Rules Out Volcanic Origin of Plume Feature NEXRAD Mojave Desert
USGS rules out volcanic origin of plume-like feature seen in NEXRAD in Mojave Desert (California). Inquiries have come to the USGS regarding a potential eruption in the vicinity of Lavic Lake Volcanic Field (LLVF) in Southern California. The inquiries stem from a citizen report noting a plume-like feature on NEXRAD radar imagery from July 23, 2011. USGS volcanologists evaluating the situation find nothing to indicate that the NEXRAD feature results from volcanic activity. Satellite images from the same period do not show the steam or ash clouds that accompany volcanic activity, and there is no seismicity in the vicinity indicative of volcanic unrest/eruption. No earthquakes were located within 20 miles of LLVF during the last week (USGS-Caltech Seismic Net update 14:10 PDT July 27, 2011 ). No reports of eruptive activity have come in from ground observers (LLVF is within 2 miles of Interstate 40) or from regional pilots (Barstow Daggett County Airport is within 10 miles of LLVF).
ZetaTalk Explanation 7/31/2011:
Is something other than rain causing what appears to be a plume on weather satellite images, over the Pisgah volcano? Trips to the region by more than one curious observer have shown that no ash seems to be emerging from the group, no obvious steam vents, and the USGS has even issued a denial. This volcano is in the inactive region we have stated should be watched for activity, during the New Madrid adjustment. Unlikely to erupt then or during the pole shift, but having potential to do so. Why was there clearly a plume over this volcano, though only composed of water vapor. It had the appearance of something new in the vicinity on the satellite image, a new cloud formation, though nothing to generate such a cloud was in the vicinity. It also arose from a pinpoint area, not the general area, as though something on the ground were the
7 of 10 STATUS as of August 18, 2011
Trail Derailments
If the Kiev trumpets are due to a stretch in the area, might this stretch of eastern Europe through to Asia that the Eurasian Plate endures have something to do with a train derailment in Poland? No cause evident, but rails to not just zig and zag suddenly without cause. Railroad lines are regularly checked, in fact, and well maintained. The Pole Shift ning
has a blog of such derailments, and in addition to the stretch in the Ukraine and Poland, the eastern half of the US is a stretch zone experiencing many derailments just in this month of August, 2011, in places that the New Madrid adjustment will tear, in fact. Regularly checked rail lines, but derailments without apparent cause. In addition, two Chicago buildings collapsed on the SAME DAY. Chicago is very much in a stretch zone, impacted by the Seaway pulling apart. Same day, same location - boom. Per the Zetas, not a coincidence.
ZetaTalk Prediction 12/14/2005:
Confused investigators look for reasons for disasters that have their etiology in Earth quietly pulled apart, rock flakes pulled away, rather than pressed together, so that no quakes occur. The stretch zone is that sinking feeling, where support weakens, the ground sinks, and silently so. As there is no other explanation for the effect on the stretch zone, lacking any earthquakes to blame, and as these stretch zone accidents will continue to emerge, and with ferocity, this is a certain clue to those on the fence, that the influence of Planet X is the cause.
Poland: Train Passenger Killed in Derailment
August 12, 2011
A passenger train has crashed in central Poland, killing one passenger and injuring at least 40. The inter-city train from Warsaw to Katowice was derailed at the town of Baby, near the city of Piotrkow Trybunalski. The engine and three of the carriages went off the tracks. It was not clear what caused the derailment.
NYC: Subway Service Resumes After 6 Train Derailment
August 3, 2011
A 6 train carrying roughly 100 passengers derailed near Harlem's 125th Street station early Wednesday — trapping people underground and snarling the morning rush. The train came off the tracks between 116th Street and 125th Street at about 4 am. The cause of the accident was still under investigation.
22 Rail Cars Full of Coal Derail in Western Iowa
August 4, 20
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