Jolt in Antarctica, Africa and South America some days after M6 Scotia Sea 2014-02-08

As mentioned in the previous blog of "Global Tremor after M6 Scotia Sea of 2014-02-08", I noticed that JOLT, not tremor, was recorded at some GSN stations in Antarctica, Africa and South America some days after the earthquake. I show a map of the stations where JOLT was recorded and its heliplot.

* GSN Heliplots:

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Comment by Recall 15 on February 16, 2014 at 4:17pm

This one is from station HKT (Hockley, Texas) @ 

Sun 02/16/14 07:07 MST (Sun 02/16/14 14:07 UTC)

From Direct Link:

Comment by Kojima on February 16, 2014 at 12:09pm

One more JOLT was recorded at LPAZ, La Paz, Bolivia, at 09:30 on 2014-02-16.

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