Extremely rare circular cloud formations are increasingly appearing around the world.

Media explanations for this extraordinary phenomena not only defy logic, they awkwardly deny the alien presence.

The Zetas have explained their appearance is due to the presence of benign aliens attempting to warn mankind of the coming cataclysms:

"Such a hole was also noticed during the O'Hare airport sighting of a large ship by United employees on Nov 7, 2006. We have stated that such sightings, over places that will be shortly devastated by plate movements, are being warned not only by the sighting itself but by telepathic warnings given to the populace. South Carolina was one such place to report a UFO blitz during this same time period.

"What causes the holes? The recent evacuation of a mothership or large ship, which was there, but concealed by the bending of light rays around the ship. Once the ship leaves, on a cloudy day, the hole in the clouds is at first apparent!"

ZetaTalk: March 10, 2007

Such cloud holes should not to be confused with meteorological anomalies such as an incomplete tornado.

Moscow - October 2009

"Air updrafts or downdrafts are not uncommon, the most common form the tornado. Here cold air is above warm air, capping the warm air, so that it is only allowed to rise in weak spots in the cold air layer, causing a swirling tube of warm moist air rising through the cold air layer - the tornado. The circle in the sky over Moscow is an incomplete tornado, in fact the remnant of an incomplete tornado. The cloud cover has been broken as rapidly rising air broke through a cold air cap. The reason the cloud cover seems broken, revealing light only at the edges of the circle, is due to the rapid movement of swirling air at the edges. As is known, a tornado has a calm in the center of the swirling tube, the high winds at the edges of the tube. The calm in the center of an incomplete tornado allows the cloud cover to remain in place, where at the edges of the swirl the cloud cover is torn away."

ZetaTalk: October 10, 2009

Western Michigan (Jan 25, 2015)


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (Jan 22, 2015)


Hong Kong (Jan 19, 2015)



 Bergamo, Italy (Jan 19, 2015)


Eastern Virginia (Dec 4, 2014)


Melbourne Australia (Nov 4, 2014)


La Crosse, Wisconsin (Nov 2, 2014)


Eastern Minnesota (Nov 1, 2014)


Perth, Australia (Oct 8, 2014)


Columbus, Alabama (Dec 13, 2013)


Anaco, Louisiana (Dec 2012)


Deridder, Louisiana (Nov 2012)


Derbyshire, United Kingdom (Aug 2012)


Redan, Georgia (Feb 2012)


Chesapeake, Virginia (Jan 2011)


Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (Jan 2011)


Palm Harbor, Florida (2009)


Gibson, Louisiana (Dec 2008)


Linz, Austria (Aug 2008)


Montgomery, Alabama (2007)


Mobile, Alabama (Dec 11, 2003)


ZetaTalk: Mothership Sightings - September 15, 1999

"There are dozens of motherships hovering around Earth all the time. There are many groups visiting Earth at this time, and they all have their own craft. They are hidden from view, but will show themselves when appropriate. Indeed, mass sightings are increasing, sightings of large craft that cannot be denied because so many people see them from a distance, at angles that correlate. These people talk to each other at the local bars, if the media doesn’t carry the news, and in general an area as large as one of the US states can become firm believers simply because they have shared information among extended families and coworkers. This is what happened after the Arizona sightings in 1997. 

"Motherships are there all the time. You simply don’t see them. You can be right under one, and you won’t see it. Why? Because we have distorted light rays and we give you a view of what is above the mothership, from below, so you think you’re looking right through it where you are actually looking around it. If this seems amazing, think about how light rays change when they go through water. People accept the fact that they see things at an angle when they are under the water. Bending light rays is no big deal, and we do it all the time. The mechanism we use is not a gravity field. It could scarcely be gravity, as the force required would compress us to the size of a pea, and of course we would not live. We use other means, something that doesn’t affect us personally. Light is a particle ray, and is influenced by many particles that are similar to it, repulsed or attracted, and we simply utilize those elements, which are unknown to man. Man has scarcely scratched the surface in an understanding of subatomic particles. We don’t claim to be experts but we are far more advanced."

Views: 35923


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Comment by Scott on January 27, 2021 at 12:51am

Two similarly-shaped hole punch clouds spotted above Florida and North Carolina (January 17, 2021)

Two hole punch clouds with similar elongated shapes were spotted on the same day, one above Florida and one above North Carolina. The photograph above was taken in the area of Orlando in central Florida. The photograph below was taken in the area of the cities Greensboro and Winston-Salem in northern North Carolina.

Orlando, Florida area

Greensboro and Winston-Salem, North Carolina area

Comment by Scott on January 21, 2021 at 8:03am

Hole punch cloud spotted above southern California (January 16, 2021)

The hole punch cloud was photographed by Scott Lintakoon above the town Malibu on the coast of southern California. I found only this one photo, looking almost straight up at the hole punch cloud.


Comment by Scott on January 21, 2021 at 8:03am

Hole punch clouds spotted above central Florida (January 15, 2021)

The hole punch cloud above with a familiar rounded rectangular shape was photographed by Chris Herbster in the area of the city Ormond Beach on the Atlantic coast of central Florida.
The satellite image below from the same day shows many hole punch clouds moving west to east across central Florida and the Atlantic Ocean. Do all the sizes and shapes of hole punch clouds in the satellite image have the same cause, ships leaving the clouds?

Ormond Beach, Florida

Satellite imagery above central Florida and Atlantic Ocean

Winter Garden, Florida

Comment by Scott on January 18, 2021 at 7:59am

Hole punch cloud spotted above southern Sweden (January 15, 2021)

The hole punch cloud caught the attention of many people in the area of the city Malmö in southern Sweden. The photo above was taken by Michaela Sjöstedt in the town Höllviken near Malmö.

About 15 photos posted here including photo above:

Some additional photos:

About 5 photos posted here:

Comment by Scott on January 16, 2021 at 10:39pm

Hole punch clouds spotted above western Washington State (January 14, 2021)

The hole punch cloud above was photographed by Wendy Deverell in the area of Henderson Bay near the cities Tacoma and Seattle in western Washington State. On the same day, about 80 miles to the north in the area of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, the photograph below was taken by Souang Tellei, showing at least one, maybe two or three hole punch clouds total.

Henderson Bay

Gig Harbor

western Washington area not specified

Naval Air Station Whidbey Island

Comment by Scott on January 10, 2021 at 12:44am

Hole punch cloud spotted above southwest Idaho (January 5, 2021)

The hole punch cloud was photographed by Logan Coulter above the area of the town Oreana in southwest Idaho. I think the photo was taken around the first week of January.


Comment by Scott on January 7, 2021 at 10:07am

Hole punch cloud spotted above southeastern Brazil (January 3, 2021)

The hole punch cloud was spotted in the morning above the town São Francisco de Paula in the state Minas Gerais in southeastern Brazil. Saulo Silva recorded a video containing the image above. The video below is cued to 10 seconds when a São Francisco de Paula webcam shows the hole punch cloud forming.

YouTube video with Saulo Silva video and webcam video


webcam page

Comment by Scott on January 2, 2021 at 7:47am
Comment by Scott on December 21, 2020 at 8:19pm

(From November 13, 2020) Hole punch cloud spotted above northeastern Spain.

The hole punch cloud was photographed by Anna Gabernet above the village Tornabous in Catalonia in northeastern Spain.


Comment by Juan F Martinez on December 13, 2020 at 2:45pm

NEW YORK — PUNCH HOLE  December 2020

By: Drako Hq Vía: @deZabedrosky https://t.co/OjQRoHhafQ,

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