
There are increasing meteor reports recently all over the world. More debris from the Px tail...

ZetaTalk: Live Chat, written November 21, 2009

"When the debris from the tail of Planet X first started arriving in ernest, in 2004, the establishment chose to call this space junk. When the public became alarmed at the amount of space junk falling to Earth they tried to enhance the story by claiming that two satellites had crashed into each other, but this just made a bad story worse. Since fireballs have not gone away, but continued apace and if anything gotten worse, a new term has been used - asteroids. This is debris in the tail of Planet X, which is increasingly turning toward the Earth, hosed out from the N Pole of Planet X. This is why the wobble has gotten more violent, why electromagnetic disruption of dams and airplanes has occurred, and why blackouts will become more frequent. There will also be displays in the sky, some of which has already been noticed, from the electromagnetic tides assaulting the Earth's atmosphere. Stay tuned, more to come!"

March 3, 2012

Reports of a "bright light" and an "orange glow" were received by police across Scotland and the north of England around 9.40pm.

The Met Office tweeted: "Hi All, for anyone seeing something in the night sky, we believe it was a meteorite."

A spokesman for Strathclyde Police said the force had been "inundated" with calls about a bright object in the sky across the west of Scotland. A Durham Police spokeswoman said a number of calls came in around 9.45pm from concerned members of public who had seen a "bright light or a fire in the sky" and believed it may have been incidents involving an aircraft. "

It has been confirmed with air traffic control that there are no incidents of aircraftin difficult and nothing registered on radar," she said. "

The sightings are believed to be either an asteroid burning out or similar which has been restricted to the upper atmosphere only." Grampian Police said reports of people seeing a "flare or a bright object with a tail" were received from across the region. And Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary said numerous calls were made about a "large ball of fire in the sky" across Annandale and Eskdale.

One user wrote on the force's Facebook page: "It was awesome to see! Really big and bright!" Hundreds of people took to Twitter to report similar sightings across Scotland and the north of England. People described seeing a bright fireball moving across the sky with a large tail.

The Kielder Observatory also reported the sighting of a "huge fireball" travelling from north to south over Northumberland at 9.41pm. The Observatory posted on Twitter: "Of 30 years observing the sky #fireball best thing I have ever seen period."



What a Meteor Looks Like


What a Large Daytime Fireball Looks Like

Chelyabinsk Fireball (2013)

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Comment by jorge namour on February 18, 2014 at 4:49pm


A meteor shook several cities in the center and west of Santa Fe- ARGENTINA

A loud noise was heard and a tremor. It was received in several cities in central and western Santa Fe Unlike what happened in Santiago del Estero the fireball was not seen because it was cloudy. disintegrated in the air.

[2/18/2014] Residents of different localities of the province of Santa Fe were caught at mid-morning with a loud roar. While initially spoke at a social media explosion, Fire Deputy Chief Walter Valeri Infobae told that it was a meteor that passed near the earth.

"Depends on the size and characteristics, but meteors can enter the atmosphere and cause an explosion or disintegrate without anything happening," said the specialist.

The director of the Astronomical Observatory of Santa Fe, Jorge Coghlan, paid Valeri theory and in dialogue with String3 explained that "a fireball disintegrated in the air."

"This happened about 60 miles up, is a space rock that is slowing down in the atmosphere, so in as large a radius of over 40 miles, and was heard, because it happened at high altitude" deepened.

According to a rural worker in the Piedmont area, who contacted Radio Clover said that since his country was able to spot a light coming from the sky and then heard a loud bang.

Witnesses agree that the incident occurred between 9:40 and 9:50 and was about 100 miles around. Continue...

Comment by Howard on February 18, 2014 at 3:28am

More on the bright green fireball observed over southern England and France on February 15 at 6:30pm local time:

Three UKMON cameras captured the fireball event at 18:30:20; this fireball was also reported by members of public.

It was a slow entry fireball traveling at a speed of 16.3 km/s.  It started to burn up in the atmosphere at an altitude of 86.3km. 

The full event lasted 4.4 seconds and there were two recorded explosions.

The below image was taken just south of Bristol across the Clifton Suspension Bridge looking east.


Comment by lonne rey on February 17, 2014 at 12:31pm

Meteorite in England drop of a celestial object Friday

A meteorite or "fireball" was spotted by many surveillance cameras Friday, February 14, 2014 in England.

The observation of the object in the sky on Friday at 18:30 local time, was confirmed by the UKMON (United Kingdom Observation Network), English observatory sky. Outside surveillance cameras from the sky, many witnesses sighted and did not hesitate to describe it as "spectacular". The meteorite was also seen from France by a few lucky observers, a meteorologist at The Weather Channel.
According UKMON, it would be a ball of "sporadic" fire: an isolated object, unpredictable at the moment, not belonging to a rain of meteors transient (shooting stars)

source in French

translated with Google

Comment by Howard on January 29, 2014 at 7:27pm

Fireball Over Central Eastern U.S. (Jan 28)

The American Meteor Society has received over 170 reports of a bright fireball seen from mid eastern states at approximately 8:30 PM local eastern time. Witnesses from Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, West Virginia, Kentucky, Michigan and Pennsylvania reported an extremely large and bright bluish green ball of light followed by a bright white tail. Sighting reports clustered the start and end point of the meteor near the Ohio and Kentucky border, heading from the east almost due west.

"It was the most impressive meteor I've ever seen. Usually the ones I see are just a yellowish streak, maybe once or twice saw it get a little brighter. But I've never seen one break up and I've never seen multiple colors."

"I was inside and thought I saw a flashlight outside. When I looked, I saw the green ball with train. It disappeared behind the woods across the road."

"I saw this meteor traveling from Athens, ohio to Albany, ohio on 32 at 8:15. It was the largest meteor I have ever seen! It was a green ball with sparks flying from it, and it had an enormous tail behind it!"


Comment by Howard on January 25, 2014 at 7:56pm

Fireball Over Central U.S. (Jan 24)
People across 5 states reported seeing a fireball streaking across the sky on Friday night.

AMS received nearly 100 reports from Texas, Arkansas, Kansas and Oklahoma, with other registered sightings as far away as Oregon.

The above video shows a bright light falling from the sky around seven o'clock. It was taken by a motorist traveling west on LBJ Freeway near La Prada Drive.


Comment by Howard on January 20, 2014 at 10:32pm

Large Fireball Observed Over Northern Ireland (Jan 15)
People across Banbridge and other parts of the country have reported seeing a large meteor shooting across the night sky.

It was seen breaking up into pieces on the evening of Wednesday, January 15, with sightings reported across Banbridge, Lurgan, Moira, Belfast and Dublin.

People took to Twitter to report the sightings.

“Noticed a meteorite I think, flying through the air above Banbridge about 6.30pm was an amazing sight!”.

Many people described seeing a bright fireball moving across the sky with a large tail.

Armagh Observatory received many telephone and internet reports from members of the public reporting sightings of the meteoroid. Reports of the fireball can be viewed as a link from the Armagh Observatory website.

A report from Donaghcloney said: “An orange fireball in the East, travelling roughly South to North, about 35-40 degrees above the horizon. Became white before splitting in two, then became orange again and burst into 4 or 5 pieces and disappeared.

“It was very bright, travelled almost horizontally from my viewpoint and traversed roughly a 45 degree arc of sky. In view for about three or four seconds I think. Easily as bright as Jupiter, maybe brighter.”

The fireball was described as a “streak across the sky lasting 4-5 seconds, lovely tail, bits breaking up towards the end” by a person in Rathfriland.

Another report from Rathfriland said: “I was facing due east and observed a medium bright orange coloured star sized object crossing the sky from right to left over Rathfriland.

“It lasted for about two seconds and then broke up into three or maybe four parts.

“It broke up just below and to the right of the moon as I looked at it. Very impressive.”

The fireball was also witnessed by people out running near the Outlet Shopping Centre Banbridge.

“I was running with a friend and our attention was drawn to the colour and the sound of a large fireball about 10ft-15ft in length.

“It was travelling at high speed.

“It was a clear evening which made it stand out beautifully!

“It came from the general direction of Newry and was travelling in general direction of Dromore just in land off the A1 dual carriageway. It wasn’t that high off the ground approximately 150-200 ft but disappeared in direction of Dromore.”


Comment by lonne rey on January 19, 2014 at 9:58am

Meteor seen over the Netherlands

AMSTERDAM - January 18, 2014

Above Netherlands Saturday night . Fierce meteor Reports come in from the blue-green fireball. Across the country
Saturday from virtually all over the country reports came in about the striking orb. Which was probably caused by a meteorite. "A boulder or rock block. An object the size of a football, or probably a little higher, "says Scholten.

Some people also say to have heard two loud bangs

Also in Germany, England and Scotland, the fireball has been seen.

Source in Dutch

Comment by Howard on January 17, 2014 at 8:03pm

Thousands Witness Fireballs Over Saudi Arabia (Jan 16)

Videos show twin fireballs moving through the sky on January 16 in the Saudi Arabia city of Medina.

The fireballs were reportedly spotted at approximately 9:00 p.m. At least two fireballs are visible moving through the sky in the videos. The video at the top of this post was recorded near the Prophet’s Mosque in Al-Masjid al-Nabawi Square.

Arabic newspaper Al Sada reported the sighting. And according to news website Emirates 24|7, one of the witnesses who recorded video of the incident explained, “I was passing just near the mosque when I saw the object . . . I captured a film of it but I could not trace it as it split into two or three parts.” This witness description, paired with the fireballs appearance in the videos, suggests that what streaked through the Saudi Arabia sky was a meteorite breaking up as it entered the atmosphere.

The incident was reported on several meteorite and fireball websites, and was apparently witnessed by thousands of people.


Comment by Khan on January 14, 2014 at 6:45am


Comment by Howard on January 14, 2014 at 5:22am

Fireball Seen by Hundreds in New England (Jan 12)
Hundreds of people on Cape Cod and elsewhere in New England reported seeing a large fireball flash through the sky at around 5 p.m. Sunday, according to the Cape Cod Times and the American Meteor Society.

The "large, bright, long duration fireball" was reported by witnesses to be brighter than the moon, which is nearly full, according to Mike Hankey of the American Meteorological Society, who writes that the meteor apparently entered over southwest Vermont and headed north.

"This was a very large fireball. Comparable to the size of a traffic light hanging in a 4 way intersection but flying across the sky. It was there long enough to tell my husband who was driving to look and to discuss it as well as think about whether I had time to dig my phone out of my purse to take a picture." said Carolyn B. of Beverly, MA.


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