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Additional Information from the F.A.Q:

Q: What is the "Earth Wobble"?


Q: How can I understand the Magnetosphere?

- About the Magnetosphere
- What the graphs on the Magnetosphere Simulation mean


Q: Is there a relationship between disturbances in the magnetosphere and seismic activity?
- Magnetosphere Deformations and Earth Wobble Effects
- Approach to Earthquake Prediction from the Magnetosphere Simulation
- Analysis try; Earthquakes/plate movement and magnetosphere simula...

Altering Earthquakes:

ZetaTalk Aug 7, 2010

As of late, I have observed that USGS and EMSC are a bit lax on their reports of earthquakes. Sometimes not seeing anything reported for hours from the last update, or seeing periods of 90-200 minutes with no earthquakes in between. My question is, are they leaving swarms of earthquakes out of their reports, or there are actually periods of no earthquakes?

SOZT:   Greater than 90% of the earthquake activity is being altered by the USGS at present, which is under orders to prevent any clue being given to the public about the Earth changes caused by the presence of Planet X. Over a decade ago, the approach was to de-sensitize the live seismographs periodically, so the displays do not turn black worldwide, and to ignore the twice-a-day patterns showing up on these seismographs. Then any quakes that could be dropped were dropped. This was obvious to some who were watching the database manipulation. Quakes in the list would suddenly disappear. This was particularly the case where a quake happened in a remote location, or out in the ocean. Dumbing down the magnitude quickly followed, but in order to ensure the public did not notice, the USGS took control of all websites reporting quake statistics. At times, this control breaks, and discrepancies are reported to the public. Some countries rebel. Quake swarms are another source of control, as they pepper the databases with many quakes and skew the statistics, and thus are pulled from the database. Else the question is raised, why so many?   EOZT

ZetaTalk Jun 18, 2011

Will the USGS internet system be a reliable warning system for the European tsunami by registering on the net the New Madrid earthquake on the exact time it occurs?

SOZT:   It will not be a lack of information from the USGS that will be the point of confusion during the earthquakes leading up to the New Madrid adjustment, it will be knowing which quake is the big one vs the many minor quakes preceding it. The USGS downgrades almost all earthquakes, to prevent meaningful statistics from being generated from their databases. They also exclude quakes whenever they can, but this is unlikely to happen in the New Madrid area as it is in the center of a populated land mass. Thus you will have magnitude 6 quakes that will be called a 5.2, magnitude 7 quakes called a 6.1, and when a magnitude 8 or greater quake occurs, it will be called a 6.9.

We would advise that rather than watching the USGS quake statistics, that you watch the Earth changes. The adjustment that will incite the European tsunami will involve bridges on the Mississippi breaking, and being impassable. The land to the west of the Mississippi will drop so that the Mississippi will become 50 miles wide in the state of Mississippi. Watch for this. The New Madrid adjustment will be several large quakes of magnitude 8-9, though will be listed as a lesser magnitude. As the N American continent continues to unzip up to and along the Seaway, the quakes will be less than a magnitude 8 but very destructive to Cleveland and Toledo and Buffalo and the inland locks along the Seaway. Thus it is not what the USGS says that should be watched, but the condition of the bridges on the Mississippi, the impact on the cities along the Seaway, and whether the inland locks are reported as inoperable.   EOZT

Please collect earthquake-reports here. Significant Quakes or Magnitude 7+ can be posted separately.

[Edited by the Moderation]


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Comment by jorge namour on January 20, 2019 at 3:57am


2019/01/19 23:35:59 20 km al S de La Serena 4.2 Ml
2019/01/19 23:31:57 14 km al NO de Andacollo 3.3 Ml
2019/01/19 23:27:19 18 km al S de La Serena 3.7 Ml
2019/01/19 23:24:29 18 km al NO de Andacollo 3.3 Ml
2019/01/19 23:17:45 44 km al NE de Calama 3.3 Ml
2019/01/19 23:08:40 19 km al NO de Andacollo 3.4 Ml
2019/01/19 22:54:10 15 km al NO de Andacollo 3.5 Ml

Comment by jorge namour on January 20, 2019 at 3:24am

15km SSW of Coquimbo, Chile
2019-01-20 01:32:51 (UTC)
53.0 km

Comment by jorge namour on January 17, 2019 at 6:21pm

161km SSW of Lorengau, Papua New Guinea

2019-01-17 16:53:15 (UTC)
10.0 km

M 6.1 - 177km SW of Lorengau, Papua New Guinea


153km SW of Lorengau, Papua New Guinea
2019-01-17 15:48:28 (UTC)
10.0 km
81km NE of Miches, Dominican Republic
2019-01-17 15:34:56 (UTC)
19.0 km
159km SSW of Lorengau, Papua New Guinea
2019-01-17 15:33:49 (UTC)
10.0 km
169km SW of Lorengau, Papua New Guinea
2019-01-17 15:29:17 (UTC)
10.0 km
171km SSW of Lorengau, Papua New Guinea
2019-01-17 15:23:46 (UTC)
10.0 km
166km SSE of Sarangani, Philippines
2019-01-17 15:14:40 (UTC)
128.0 km
179km SW of Lorengau, Papua New Guinea
2019-01-17 15:14:19 (UTC)
10.0 km
East of the Kuril Islands
2019-01-17 15:08:21 (UTC)
10.0 km
M 3.5 - SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIF. - 2019-01-17 14:11:07 UTC

M 2.8 - GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA, CALIF. - 2019-01-17 08:35:50 UTC

2019-01-16 12:48:28.7 37.85 N 122.23 W 11 2.0 SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIF.
2019-01-16 12:42:08.0 37.85 N 122.23 W 12 3.7 SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIF.

M 4.0 - KANSAS - 2019-01-16 03:34:30 UTC

M 2.8 - TENNESSEE - 2019-01-16 02:37:55 UTC FELT

2019-01-16 22:00:01.1 37.49 N 113.86 W 10 3.8 UTAH
2019-01-16 21:58:18.5 37.50 N 113.85 W 7 2.8 UTAH

M 2.3 - MAINE - 2019-01-16 16:17:14 UTC
269km N of Ndoi Island, Fiji
2019-01-17 14:01:30 (UTC)
611.5 km

110km W of Kuqa, China
2019-01-17 13:32:37 (UTC)
10.0 km
133km WSW of La Libertad, Mexico
2019-01-17 12:56:37 (UTC)
10.0 km

Carlsberg Ridge
2019-01-17 10:51:58 (UTC)
10.0 km

57km SSW of Sola, Vanuatu
2019-01-17 02:54:49 (UTC)
197.6 km

133km ESE of Mohean, India
2019-01-17 02:53:07 (UTC)
99.2 km

M 4.8 - NORWEGIAN SEA - 2019-01-16 22:44:10 UTC

Comment by jorge namour on January 16, 2019 at 2:30am

219km ESE of Ocean City, Maryland

2019-01-15 23:30:48 (UTC)
10.0 km

Witness location : Avon (United States of America)

The house, which is on the beach and on pilings, it rode a small wave.

Comment by jorge namour on January 15, 2019 at 8:44pm

105km WNW of Sola, Vanuatu

2019-01-15 18:06:36 (UTC)
46.9 km

5km E of El Pilar, Venezuela
2019-01-15 06:25:53 (UTC)
10.0 km

9km SE of El Pilar, Venezuela
2019-01-15 04:59:24 (UTC)
10.0 km

56km SSW of Masachapa, Nicaragua
2019-01-15 03:41:04 (UTC)
36.2 km
7km E of Ravenna, Italy
2019-01-14 23:03:56 (UTC)
10.0 km

Comment by M. Difato on January 12, 2019 at 3:11pm

New Brunswickers were literally shaken by separate natural incidents on the East Coast this week.

 Posted: Jan 11, 2019: Southern residents were startled Thursday by a confirmed 3.8 magnitude earthquake that hit 19 kilometres northwest of Saint John. People reported a loud bang and shaking buildings during the brief but far-reaching tremor.

 Earthquakes Canada confirmed the quake Thursday morning hit an area 17 km northwest of Hampton. (CBC)

There have been several earthquakes, albeit less severe, in the province during the past three years, including a "swarm" of 22 minor quakes near McAdam last spring.

 Two days later and about 700 kilometre north, an avalanche at Gaspésie National Park swept up a group of skiers from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

 Seven people skiing up the Mur des Patrouilleurs on Mont Albert in the Gaspé were caught in an avalanche Tuesday afternoon. (William Bastille-Denis/Radio-Canada)

Jordan Cheney of Fredericton was cross-country skiing with friends on Mont Albert when the avalanche hit. Six of the skiers, including Cheney, were injured.

"We would consider ourselves to be extremely lucky to have walked away from that," said Cheney.

Comment by jorge namour on January 6, 2019 at 6:40pm

154km WNW of Tobelo, Indonesia

2019-01-06 17:27:22 (UTC)
10.0 km


129km E of Arzak, China
2019-01-06 16:22:31 (UTC)
5.3 km
91km WSW of Nikol'skoye, Russia
2019-01-06 15:55:11 (UTC)
10.0 km
96km WSW of Nikol'skoye, Russia
2019-01-06 15:51:45 (UTC)
10.0 k

Comment by jorge namour on January 6, 2019 at 3:47pm

M 5.8 - IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION - 2019-01-06 13:41:59 UTC

Witness location : Khanaqin (Iraq) We felt it strongly

M 4.7 - IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION - 2019-01-06 14:15:11 UTC EMSC
M 4.1 - IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION - 2019-01-06 13:46:49 UTC

M 4.7 - SOUTHERN IRAN - 2019-01-06 04:48:09 UTC

M 5.8 - VOLCANO ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION - 2019-01-05 22:54:16 UTC
M 4.0 - EGYPT - 2018-12-31 10:36:34 UTC
Distances 51 km E of Cairo, Egypt


30 seconds .. «earthquakes» details of the earthquake in Cairo and Giza and the provinces of the Delta

Dr. Ahmed Badawi, head of the National Earthquake Network, said residents of Cairo, Giza and some of the Delta provinces felt the earthquake of 4 Richte

He added «Badawi», in exclusive statements to «Egyptian Today», that the earthquake occurred at 11:30 and 35 minutes this morning, and lasted for 30 seconds.
Published: 2018-12-26

Four earthquakes hit Dead Sea at dawn

Four earthquakes hit the Dead Sea area at dawn Wednesday, December 26, 2018, at 5:38 am according to the director of the Jordan Seismological Observatory (JSO) Director Mahmoud Qaryoutiy.

The strongest tremor recorded 3.8 on the Richter scale and occurred at a depth of 11 kilometers in the Dead Sea.

Another earthquake shake the Sea of ​​Galilee on the northwestern border of the Kingdom at the same timr.

Comment by Poli on January 5, 2019 at 9:19pm

Magnitude Mw 6.8
Date time 2019-01-05 19:25:38.9 UTC
Depth 586 km

Magnitude Mw 6.0
Date time 2019-01-05 18:47:08.5 UTC
Depth 10 km

Comment by Derrick Johnson on December 29, 2018 at 6:20am

Tsunami warning issued after a massive 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocks the Philippines

  • A tsunami warning is in place after 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit the Philippines 
  • Areas of the Philippines and Indonesia are on high alert after the massive quake
  • Residents fronting the Philippine Sea have been told to get away from the coast 
  • There is no threat to Australia 

A tsunami warning has been issued for parts of the Philippines and Indonesia after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. 

The quake hit Mindanao, in the southern Philippines, and all coasts within 300km of the site are at risk of tsunami waves.

The Indonesian islands of Geme and Tabukan Tengah, and Davao in the Philippines could all experience the damaging waves within the hour.

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology has advised people to 'stay away from the beach and not go to the coast fronting the Philippine Sea between 12pm and 2pm local time, and until the threat has passed'. 

The advisory says 'the first tsunami waves will arrive between 12 and 2pm, and may not be the largest'.

'These waves could continue for hours'. 

Early calculations suggest the waves will be less than a metre above normal levels.  

Those living in the cities said on Volcano Discovery they felt their houses shaking and heard rumbling noises. 

'I was watching Bird Box and suddenly I felt dizzy,' a person in Butan City, more than 300km from the epicentre of the quake, wrote. 'Next thing I know, people are shouting God's name.' 

A massive earthquake has hit off the coast of Mindanao, off the coast of the Philippines (pictured)

A massive earthquake has hit off the coast of Mindanao, off the coast of the Philippines (pictured)

Another person in Maragusan, about 160km from the epicentre, said they saw tremors in the water and objects in their home were shaking. 

'It startled me and my Mom,' they wrote. 'The chandeliers are shaking, and the waters are shaking too. 

'It was indeed a strong earthquake and thank God, me and my Mom are safe.' 

An office building in the Davao City in the Philippines was evacuated, the quake leaving those who were inside petrified and the building itself cracked. 

'It was a very bad experience for us,' the report said. 

'We are [on the] 10th floor of the building that I'm working at and the building is shaking. 

'Everyone is getting panic [sic] and we don't know what to do. Thanks God we are safe... but the building has cracks.' 

There is no tsunami threat to Australia. 

More to come.   


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