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Additional Information from the F.A.Q:

Q: What is the "Earth Wobble"?


Q: How can I understand the Magnetosphere?

- About the Magnetosphere
- What the graphs on the Magnetosphere Simulation mean


Q: Is there a relationship between disturbances in the magnetosphere and seismic activity?
- Magnetosphere Deformations and Earth Wobble Effects
- Approach to Earthquake Prediction from the Magnetosphere Simulation
- Analysis try; Earthquakes/plate movement and magnetosphere simula...

Altering Earthquakes:

ZetaTalk Aug 7, 2010

As of late, I have observed that USGS and EMSC are a bit lax on their reports of earthquakes. Sometimes not seeing anything reported for hours from the last update, or seeing periods of 90-200 minutes with no earthquakes in between. My question is, are they leaving swarms of earthquakes out of their reports, or there are actually periods of no earthquakes?

SOZT:   Greater than 90% of the earthquake activity is being altered by the USGS at present, which is under orders to prevent any clue being given to the public about the Earth changes caused by the presence of Planet X. Over a decade ago, the approach was to de-sensitize the live seismographs periodically, so the displays do not turn black worldwide, and to ignore the twice-a-day patterns showing up on these seismographs. Then any quakes that could be dropped were dropped. This was obvious to some who were watching the database manipulation. Quakes in the list would suddenly disappear. This was particularly the case where a quake happened in a remote location, or out in the ocean. Dumbing down the magnitude quickly followed, but in order to ensure the public did not notice, the USGS took control of all websites reporting quake statistics. At times, this control breaks, and discrepancies are reported to the public. Some countries rebel. Quake swarms are another source of control, as they pepper the databases with many quakes and skew the statistics, and thus are pulled from the database. Else the question is raised, why so many?   EOZT

ZetaTalk Jun 18, 2011

Will the USGS internet system be a reliable warning system for the European tsunami by registering on the net the New Madrid earthquake on the exact time it occurs?

SOZT:   It will not be a lack of information from the USGS that will be the point of confusion during the earthquakes leading up to the New Madrid adjustment, it will be knowing which quake is the big one vs the many minor quakes preceding it. The USGS downgrades almost all earthquakes, to prevent meaningful statistics from being generated from their databases. They also exclude quakes whenever they can, but this is unlikely to happen in the New Madrid area as it is in the center of a populated land mass. Thus you will have magnitude 6 quakes that will be called a 5.2, magnitude 7 quakes called a 6.1, and when a magnitude 8 or greater quake occurs, it will be called a 6.9.

We would advise that rather than watching the USGS quake statistics, that you watch the Earth changes. The adjustment that will incite the European tsunami will involve bridges on the Mississippi breaking, and being impassable. The land to the west of the Mississippi will drop so that the Mississippi will become 50 miles wide in the state of Mississippi. Watch for this. The New Madrid adjustment will be several large quakes of magnitude 8-9, though will be listed as a lesser magnitude. As the N American continent continues to unzip up to and along the Seaway, the quakes will be less than a magnitude 8 but very destructive to Cleveland and Toledo and Buffalo and the inland locks along the Seaway. Thus it is not what the USGS says that should be watched, but the condition of the bridges on the Mississippi, the impact on the cities along the Seaway, and whether the inland locks are reported as inoperable.   EOZT

Please collect earthquake-reports here. Significant Quakes or Magnitude 7+ can be posted separately.

[Edited by the Moderation]


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Comment by Carlos on November 11, 2012 at 2:29am

7.0  2012711/11  01:12:46 (UTC)  22.530 N 95.964 E  33.7 Km (20.9 Miles) 27 Km E OF SHWEBO, MYANMAR

Comment by KM on November 11, 2012 at 2:28am

Two earthquakes in the same region in SE Asia

Type: Earthquake
26 minutes ago
Magnitude: 4.9
DateTime: Sunday November 11 2012, 00:59:00 UTC
Region: Sichuan-Chongqing border region, China
Depth: 9.6 km
Source: USGS Feed
12 minutes ago
Magnitude: 7
DateTime: Sunday November 11 2012, 01:12:46 UTC
Region: Myanmar
Depth: 33.7 km
Source: USGS Feed
Comment by Love is the answer on November 10, 2012 at 9:36pm
Comment by jorge namour on November 10, 2012 at 4:29pm
Comment by jorge namour on November 9, 2012 at 11:20am

2012-11-09 09:54:39 56.38 S 27.39 W 109 5.2 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION

4.4 2012/11/09 08:52:12 13.922 -92.164 34.9 OFFSHORE GUATEMALA
4.3 2012/11/08 08:16:49 14.348 -92.496 35.0 OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO
4.8 2012/11/08 02:27:15 14.092 -92.569 35.3 OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO
4.5 2012/11/08 02:26:40 14.022 -92.756 35.5 OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO
4.9 2012/11/08 02:20:38 14.195 -91.971 35.4 OFFSHORE GUATEMALA
5.1 2012/11/07 22:42:49 13.907 -92.225 35.1 OFFSHORE GUATEMALA

2012-11-09 07:43:39. 20.89 S 69.22 W 112 3.0 TARAPACA, CHILE
4.3 2012/11/09 06:40:17 -23.042 -68.821 93.8 ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
4.2 2012/11/09 06:31:44 -33.435 -67.479 187.4 MENDOZA, ARGENTINA
2012-11-09 06:04:43.0 20.18 S 69.22 W 104 4.3 TARAPACA, CHILE
4.6 2012/11/08 23:57:57 -31.858 -69.032 101.7 SAN JUAN, ARGENTINA
2012-11-08 22:47:36.0 21.01 S 69.12 W 95 3.0 TARAPACA, CHILE
2012-11-08 21:50:38.0 23.11 S 69.61 W 67 3.0 ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
4.5 2012/11/08 06:24:10 -32.742 -71.399 38.8 VALPARAISO, CHILE
4.9 2012/11/07 22:41:33 -37.523 -72.914 39.5 BIO-BIO, CHILE
4.7 2012/11/07 21:19:26 -22.408 -68.476 112.2 ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE

3.2 2012/11/09 06:29:59 19.436 -66.349 65.0 PUERTO RICO REGION
3.4 2012/11/09 05:04:55 19.535 -64.214 57.0 VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
3.0 2012/11/09 04:27:28 18.421 -67.397 12.0 MONA PASSAGE, PUERTO RICO

5.1 2012/11/09 05:51:43 -42.727 124.704 10.0 SOUTH OF AUSTRALIA
5.2 2012/11/08 17:38:05 -49.794 117.425 10.0 WESTERN INDIAN-ANTARCTIC RIDGE

4.4 2012/11/09 05:44:36 36.820 73.180 49.8 NORTHWESTERN KASHMIR

5.2 2012/11/09 03:51:58 36.800 141.325 40.4 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

2.5 2012/11/08 22:16:17 19.330 -155.110 7.5 ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII

4.5 2012/11/08 21:07:42 49.316 -128.280 10.0 VANCOUVER ISLAND, CANADA REGION

5.1 2012/11/08 17:56:38 -18.760 -173.415 10.0 TONGA

4.6 2012/11/08 17:06:37 -7.164 128.518 176.2 KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA

4.6 2012/11/08 12:46:07 36.306 71.202 51.4 HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN

2.8 2012/11/08 09:58:28 45.026 -124.151 38.2 OFFSHORE OREGON
4.2 2012/11/07 13:06:58 44.673 -129.216 10.0 OFF THE COAST OF OREGON

4.4 2012/11/08 09:45:06 38.380 46.785 10.1 NORTHWESTERN IRAN
5.5 2012/11/07 06:26:33 38.472 46.613 10.0 NORTHWESTERN IRAN

5.1 2012/11/08 07:39:44 -14.711 167.159 114.1 VANUATU
4.7 2012/11/08 03:23:37 -18.622 168.629 103.2 VANUATU

4.4 2012/11/08 07:13:06 -18.150 -178.063 624.4 FIJI REGION

4.7 2012/11/08 04:27:16 -55.951 -27.427 83.0 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION

5.1 2012/11/08 03:24:29 -36.277 53.365 10.0 SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN

5.1 2012/11/07 10:46:41 -8.919 -108.720 10.3 CENTRAL EAST PACIFIC RISE
4.6 2012/11/07 10:25:58 -9.180 -108.972 10.4 CENTRAL EAST PACIFIC RISE

4.6 2012/11/06 13:54:35 32.656 141.733 34.4 IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
4.9 2012/11/06 12:13:43 28.684 142.969 33.9 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION

07/11/2012 14:01 11.27 -70.01 5.0 4.7 41 Km al suroeste de Coro- VENEZUELA

08/11/2012 20:43:40 36.7002 -9.6957 36 2.2 mbLg SW CABO DE SAN VICENTE

08/11/2012 19:08:42 35.6439 -1.2979 3.3 mb MEDITERRÁNEO-ARGELIA

Comment by Howard on November 9, 2012 at 5:08am

Guatemala Quake Strongest Since 1976, Untold Dozens Killed (Nov 7) -

At least 48 people killed and many others trapped under rubble, crushing homes and cars, destroying roads and forcing evacuations as far away as Mexico City.

Most of the dead were buried under debris in San Marcos state, a mountainous region near the Mexican border.

Landslides triggered by the 7.4-magnitude quake blocked highways and complicated rescue efforts.

It was the strongest earthquake to hit the Central American nation since 1976, when a 7.5 magnitude quake killed more than 20,000 people.

President Otto Perez, who confirmed the death toll after returning to the capital Guatemala City from a lightning trip to San Marcos, said that as many as 23 people were unaccounted for, while 153 people were being housed in emergency shelters.

"It's very sad to meet people here who are waiting to find their families who are still buried," Mr Perez said.

"It's really a tragedy and we will do all we can to help the families that are suffering."

Television footage showed collapsed buildings and vehicles crushed under rocks and stuck in large cracks in highways.

In San Cristobal Cucho, in San Marcos state, all but one of an 11-member family died, buried under rubble, volunteer fireman Ovidio Fuentes told local radio. Only the 17-year-old son survived.
Relief effort

Local Red Cross chief Carlos Enrique Alvarado said 75 homes were destroyed in the city of San Marcos alone and authorities said damage to the prison forced them to transfer 101 inmates to another jail.

Mr Perez said Spain and Venezuela had offered help.

Authorities distributed 16,000 emergency rations and mobilised more than 2,000 soldiers to help with the rescue effort. The energy ministry said 73,000 people were left without electricity.

In Guatemala City, 161 kilometres from the quake's epicentre, the streets were filled with office workers forced to evacuate buildings, although most soon returned to work.

"It was really big. I felt quite nauseous," said Vanessa Castillo, 32, a secretary who was evacuated from her 10th floor office in the capital.

The epicentre was 26 miles 42 kilometres below the surface, according to the US Geological Survey.

The quake was felt in El Salvador and more than 1,223 kilometres away in Mexico City, where some people also fled offices and homes.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre said a small tsunami was registered on Guatemala's coast, although there were no reports that it caused any damage.

Comment by JRGarcia on November 8, 2012 at 5:59pm

LISS Has gone black yesterday and today.


Comment by Howard on November 8, 2012 at 3:45am

Station 46419 west of Seattle WA in event mode.

Comment by Carlos on November 8, 2012 at 3:16am

6.3  2012/11/08  02:01:51 (UTC) 49.299 N  128.439 W  43.0 Km (26.7 Miles) 172 Km SSW OF PORT HARDY, CANADA

Comment by Recall 15 on November 7, 2012 at 11:04pm

Second event on today Nov 7th 2012, buoy 43412 SW MANZANILLO - 240 NM SW OF Manzanillo, MX

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