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Additional Information from the F.A.Q:

Q: What is the "Earth Wobble"?


Q: How can I understand the Magnetosphere?

- About the Magnetosphere
- What the graphs on the Magnetosphere Simulation mean


Q: Is there a relationship between disturbances in the magnetosphere and seismic activity?
- Magnetosphere Deformations and Earth Wobble Effects
- Approach to Earthquake Prediction from the Magnetosphere Simulation
- Analysis try; Earthquakes/plate movement and magnetosphere simula...

Altering Earthquakes:

ZetaTalk Aug 7, 2010

As of late, I have observed that USGS and EMSC are a bit lax on their reports of earthquakes. Sometimes not seeing anything reported for hours from the last update, or seeing periods of 90-200 minutes with no earthquakes in between. My question is, are they leaving swarms of earthquakes out of their reports, or there are actually periods of no earthquakes?

SOZT:   Greater than 90% of the earthquake activity is being altered by the USGS at present, which is under orders to prevent any clue being given to the public about the Earth changes caused by the presence of Planet X. Over a decade ago, the approach was to de-sensitize the live seismographs periodically, so the displays do not turn black worldwide, and to ignore the twice-a-day patterns showing up on these seismographs. Then any quakes that could be dropped were dropped. This was obvious to some who were watching the database manipulation. Quakes in the list would suddenly disappear. This was particularly the case where a quake happened in a remote location, or out in the ocean. Dumbing down the magnitude quickly followed, but in order to ensure the public did not notice, the USGS took control of all websites reporting quake statistics. At times, this control breaks, and discrepancies are reported to the public. Some countries rebel. Quake swarms are another source of control, as they pepper the databases with many quakes and skew the statistics, and thus are pulled from the database. Else the question is raised, why so many?   EOZT

ZetaTalk Jun 18, 2011

Will the USGS internet system be a reliable warning system for the European tsunami by registering on the net the New Madrid earthquake on the exact time it occurs?

SOZT:   It will not be a lack of information from the USGS that will be the point of confusion during the earthquakes leading up to the New Madrid adjustment, it will be knowing which quake is the big one vs the many minor quakes preceding it. The USGS downgrades almost all earthquakes, to prevent meaningful statistics from being generated from their databases. They also exclude quakes whenever they can, but this is unlikely to happen in the New Madrid area as it is in the center of a populated land mass. Thus you will have magnitude 6 quakes that will be called a 5.2, magnitude 7 quakes called a 6.1, and when a magnitude 8 or greater quake occurs, it will be called a 6.9.

We would advise that rather than watching the USGS quake statistics, that you watch the Earth changes. The adjustment that will incite the European tsunami will involve bridges on the Mississippi breaking, and being impassable. The land to the west of the Mississippi will drop so that the Mississippi will become 50 miles wide in the state of Mississippi. Watch for this. The New Madrid adjustment will be several large quakes of magnitude 8-9, though will be listed as a lesser magnitude. As the N American continent continues to unzip up to and along the Seaway, the quakes will be less than a magnitude 8 but very destructive to Cleveland and Toledo and Buffalo and the inland locks along the Seaway. Thus it is not what the USGS says that should be watched, but the condition of the bridges on the Mississippi, the impact on the cities along the Seaway, and whether the inland locks are reported as inoperable.   EOZT

Please collect earthquake-reports here. Significant Quakes or Magnitude 7+ can be posted separately.

[Edited by the Moderation]


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Comment by Tracie Crespo on August 13, 2014 at 5:24pm

Magnitude 5.8 quake shakes southwest Mexico, no damage reported

A magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck the southwest Mexican state of Oaxaca on Tuesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of any damage or injuries.

The quake had a depth of 10 km and its epicentre was 16 km (10 miles) west of the town of Pinotepa Nacional.

An emergency services official in Pinotepa told Reuters that no damage had been reported by its patrols, and Mexico City Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera said on his Twitter feed there had been no damage in the capital, Mexico City.

(Reporting by John Stonestreet and Simon Gardner; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

Comment by jorge namour on August 13, 2014 at 6:21am

2014-08-13 03:05:16.326min ago 18.58 N 65.16 W 72 4.8 PUERTO RICO REGION Strong

Tremor shakes northern Puerto Rico
The quake was 4.9

August 12, 2014
An earthquake shook northeastern Puerto Rico around 11:00 pm

The 4.9 quake was recorded about 29 miles north of Culebra, according to the Geological Survey of the United States.

No warning, tsunami watch or warning for Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.

Residents of Fajardo, Luquillo, Trujillo Alto, Bayamon, San Juan, Caguas and Guaynabo reported feeling a strong ground motion.

"I'm from Carolina here and felt quite fuertecito. Y lasted 20 seconds, including aftershocks," said Tiara Camara on Facebook.

While Jerry Arrow, resident of Humacao, wrote that he felt the quake twice. "I have dogs, my neighbors do and started barking so rare and teblor seconds."

So far, no citizen has reported damage to their residence.

4.6 91km W of Lata, Solomon Islands 2014-08-12 21:45:30 UTC-03:00 19.0 km
4.5 293km NNW of Lorengau, Papua New Guinea 2014-08-12 19:07:28 UTC-03:00 14.8 km

4.5 31km E of Shizunai, Japan 2014-08-12 21:40:40 UTC-03:00 35.0 km

5.4 38km SW of Rota, Northern Mariana Islands 2014-08-12 21:30:47 UTC-
03:00 101.2 km

2014-08-12 20:56:00.9624.29 N 30.20 E 5 3.2 EGYPT
Distances 641 km S of Al Jīzah, Egypt / pop: 2,443,203 / local time: 22:56:00.9 2014-08-12
276 km W of Aswān, Egypt / pop: 241,261 / local time: 22:56:00.9 2014-08-12
260 km NW of Abū Sunbul, Egypt

M 4.9 - CAYMAN ISLANDS REGION - 2014-08-11 12:45:02 UTC

Earthquake between Puglia and Basilicata, is a seismic swarm: 43 shocks in the last 6 hours [MAPS] - ITALY

Wednesday, August 13
There have been 43 aftershocks of the earthquake that from 18:10 until 23:50 last night, Tuesday, August 12, 2014, affected the plain of Metaponto with epicenter in Ferrandina, delicious common Lucan perched 500 meters above sea level on the hills of Matera. Among these shocks, only one exceeded magnitude 3 (was that a magnitude of 3.7 22:15) and 13 were greater than magnitude 2.

Event-Id Data Ora (UTC) Lat Lon Prof (Km) Mag Distretto Sismico
4004064391 2014/08/13 03:37:09 37.8603 15.577 5 Ml:2.6 Stretto_di_Messina
4004064011 2014/08/13 02:28:27 40.4588 16.4045 16.4 Ml:2.1 Piana_di_Metaponto
4004063861 2014/08/13 01:49:17 42.9888 14.0852 38.7 Ml:2.1 Adriatico_centro-sett.
4004063341 2014/08/13 00:25:10 42.9753 14.1792 19.3 Ml:2.4 Adriatico_centro-sett.
4004063271 2014/08/13 00:12:54 42.9825 14.1133 33.6 Ml:2.9 Adriatico_centro-sett.
4004063201 2014/08/13 00:04:32 43.0118 14.0838 28.9 Ml:3.4 Adriatico_centro-sett.
4004062961 2014/08/12 23:29:40 40.4612 16.4002 10.3 Ml:2.1 Piana_di_Metaponto
4004062611 2014/08/12 22:25:18 40.4577 16.3983 10.4 Ml:2.4 Piana_di_Metaponto
4004062381 2014/08/12 21:54:18 38.938 16.3397 10 Ml:2.1 Golfo_di_S._Eufemia
4004062231 2014/08/12 21:42:22 40.4598 16.3978 10.9 Ml:2.1 Piana_di_Metaponto
4004062161 2014/08/12 21:35:23 40.4545 16.3965 11.2 Ml:2.1 Piana_di_Metaponto
4004061831 2014/08/12 21:04:55 40.4583 16.3927 10.7 Ml:2.2 Piana_di_Metaponto
4004061451 2014/08/12 20:44:39 40.4442 16.4212 16.6 Ml:2.1 Piana_di_Metaponto
4004061101 2014/08/12 20:26:01 40.4392 16.4203 10.2 Ml:2 Piana_di_Metaponto
4004061011 2014/08/12 20:17:08 40.4408 16.4272 16.7 Ml:2.5 Piana_di_Metaponto
4004060971 2014/08/12 20:15:34 40.4488 16.4233 15.8 Ml:3.7 Piana_di_Metaponto
4004060451 2014/08/12 18:52:30 40.4602 16.4057 13.3 Ml:2.8 Piana_di_Metap

Earthquakes, many shocks in Tuscany and Marche in central Italy continues to shake [DATA]

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Continue to shake the central Italy, where yesterday - Saturday, August 9 - began two intense seismic swarms that are continuing this morning. In the last 28-30 hours, in fact, we had 43 earthquakes in Chianti, in the heart of Tuscany, and 25 earthquakes in the Adriatic Sea, just off the coast of Ancona and the Conero, Marche. Only three of these 68 shocks were of a magnitude greater than 3.0: the strongest, both with a magnitude of 3.4, yesterday afternoon shortly before 16 in Tuscany, and last night just before 23:30 off the coast of Ancona, and then the magnitude 3.3 always off Ancona yesterday morning shortly after 07:00.

2014/08/10 13:29:24 37.1388 16.3363 8.3 Ml:2.1 Mar_Ionio
4004049751 2014/08/10 10:55:46 37.9352 14.9432 32.4 Ml:2.1 Monti_Nebrodi
4004048511 2014/08/10 02:18:50 43.5363 11.0453 10 Ml:2.4 Zona_Chianti
4004048541 2014/08/10 02:18:50 43.5867 11.0433 3 Ml:2.3 Zona_Chianti
4004047551 2014/08/09 22:53:27 43.5173 13.8445 8.1 Ml:2 Adriatico_centro-sett.
4004047391 2014/08/09 22:25:31 43.5292 13.8622 8.4 Ml:2.3 Adriatico_centro-sett.
4004047301 2014/08/09 21:55:58 43.4762 13.9007 2.5 Ml:2.2 Adriatico_centro-sett.
4004047121 2014/08/09 21:23:29 43.4983 13.8443 5.3 Ml:3.4 Adriatico_centro-sett.
4004046841 2014/08/09 20:41:34 43.5285 13.8648 7.9 Ml:2.4 Adriatico_centro-sett.
4004046791 2014/08/09 20:32:11 43.5377 13.8782 8.7 Ml:2 Adriatico_centro-sett.

2014-08-12 02:36:56.8 18.65 N 103.65 W 10 4.3 MICHOACAN, MEXICO FELT

2014-08-12 01:28:31.8 3.59 S 151.42 E 400 5.2 NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G.

2014-08-12 00:24:17.8 8.00 S 117.27 E 307 4.5 SUMBAWA REGION, INDONESIA

Magnitude mb 4.8
Date time 2014-08-12 20:52:07.4 UTC
Location 9.23 N ; 93.54 E
Depth 110 km

Magnitude M 4.9
Region TONGA
Date time 2014-08-12 16:16:02.9 UTC
Location 17.07 S ; 173.00 W
Depth 10 km

Magnitude M 4.9
Date time 2014-08-12 13:13:00.1 UTC
Location 17.92 S ; 178.20 W
Depth 543 km

Magnitude M 4.7
Date time 2014-08-12 11:35:20.3 UTC
Location 51.88 N ; 178.58 E
Depth 97 km

Magnitude M 4.7
Date time 2014-08-12 11:06:54.1 UTC
Location 20.59 S ; 177.05 W
Depth 290 km

Magnitude M 4.8
Date time 2014-08-12 01:28:31.5 UTC
Location 3.60 S ; 151.39 E
Depth 393 km

Magnitude mb 5.3
Date time 2014-08-11 21:00:14.8 UTC
Location 21.23 S ; 179.51 W
Depth 548 km

Magnitude M 4.5
Date time 2014-08-11 15:14:27.7 UTC
Location 0.57 N ; 126.05 E
Depth 46 km
Magnitude M 4.6
Date time 2014-08-11 14:37:15.4 UTC
Location 56.42 S ; 26.82 W
Depth 111 km

Magnitude M 4.9
Date time 2014-08-11 13:35:41.2 UTC
Location 14.72 N ; 93.09 W
Depth 10 km

Magnitude M 5.2
Date time 2014-08-11 13:32:19.0 UTC
Location 41.12 S ; 85.70 W
Depth 10 km
Magnitude M 4.8
Date time 2014-08-11 13:05:37.5 UTC
Location 1.87 N ; 95.66 E
Depth 10 km

Magnitude M 4.5
Date time 2014-08-11 12:17:14.7 UTC
Location 33.21 N ; 87.77 E
Depth 10 km
Magnitude M 4.7
Date time 2014-08-11 10:50:06.3 UTC
Location 34.94 N ; 99.03 E
Depth 10 km

Magnitude M 5.2
Date time 2014-08-11 10:07:34.6 UTC
Location 29.82 S ; 176.12 W
Depth 10 km

Magnitude 4.5 South Island New Zealand
Universal Time August 11 2014, 5:12:00
Depth 97 km
Location 45 km south-west of Milford Sound

Magnitude M 5.1
Date time 2014-08-11 04:49:07.5 UTC
Location 23.86 S ; 66.78 W
Depth 210 km

Magnitude M 4.9
Date time 2014-08-11 02:41:47.7 UTC
Location 15.14 N ; 145.82 E
Depth 124 km

Magnitude M 5.0
Date time 2014-08-11 01:09:40.8 UTC
Location 16.18 N ; 98.24 W
Depth 20 km

Magnitude M 5.2
Date time 2014-08-10 22:39:38.8 UTC
Location 27.76 N ; 142.61 E
Depth 30 km

Magnitude mb 5.0
Date time 2014-08-10 18:46:21.4 UTC
Location 27.84 N ; 111.50 W
Depth 10 km

Magnitude mb 5.0
Date time 2014-08-10 18:27:39.3 UTC
Location 51.56 N ; 172.93 W
Depth 10 km

Magnitude M 5.4
Date time 2014-08-10 13:33:24.7 UTC
Location 5.88 N ; 127.18 E
Depth 100 km

Magnitude M 4.7
Date time 2014-08-10 12:12:28.9 UTC
Location 0.85 N ; 26.10 W
Depth 33 km
Magnitude mb 4.9
Date time 2014-08-08 00:06:56.5 UTC
Location 0.73 N ; 25.94 W
Depth 100 km

Magnitude M 4.8
Date time 2014-08-07 20:20:05.8 UTC
Location 6.47 S ; 154.47 E
Depth 118 km

Comment by Howard on August 13, 2014 at 3:11am

2 Killed, 8 Injured by Double Earthquakes in Ecuador (Aug 12)

Dust rises from hillsides on August 12, 2014 in Quito, after a 5.1-magnitude earthquake rattled the Ecuadoran capital and the surrounding area causing buildings and homes to shake violently.

At least two people have been killed and eight injured as quakes caused several landslides and trapped three others in a collapsed mine.

The 5.1 earthquake has struck around 22.5 km northeast of Ecuador's capital, Quito, followed by a 4.3 magnitude aftershock.

The country's Risk Management office said firemen were working to rescue those who had been trapped in Catequilla mine.

The epicenters of both earthquakes were recorded at a depth of around 5 kilometers, according to preliminary data from the Geophysical Institute of Ecuador.

Following the quakes, the Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito suspended operations as a precaution and urged passengers to leave the terminals.


Comment by jorge namour on August 10, 2014 at 6:18am
Comment by Ryan X on August 10, 2014 at 4:45am

For those that like to monitor the earth changes related activity going on, I found this helpful earth activity program called earth alerts.  It can run in the background on a pc and gets alerts on just about all earth related activity going on.  It is free to use for non commercial use.  also has some convenient integration with google earth and google earth online.

Comment by jorge namour on August 6, 2014 at 3:55pm

2014-08-06 11:45:24.71hr 7.31 S 128.10 E 10 6.2 KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDON
2014-08-06 13:05 7.19 S 128.08 E 10 4.8 KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESI

2014-08-06 10:56:03.52 36.68 N 98.38 W 5 2.6 OKLAHOMA

2014-08-06 10:03:5 28.41 N 32.88 E 20 3.5 EGYPT

2014-08-06 10:14:04.33h 42.46 N 47.96 E 15 3.8 CAUCASUS REGION, RUSSIA

2014-08-06 09:12:07.74h 19.25 S 177.54 W 572 4.6 FIJI REGION

2014-08-06 06:45:45.86 5.56 N 126.86 E 68 4.6 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES

2014-08-06 03:28:3 10.09 N 103.67 W 10 4.5 NORTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE

2014-08-06 01:34:10.511hr 51min ago 1.70 N 126.63 E 49 4.7 MOLUCCA SEA
2014-08-06 00:22:21.4 36.56 N 71.25 E 241 4.1 HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN
2014-08-06 00:09:38.3 54.19 N 159.81 E 130 4.2 NEAR EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

2014-08-05 21:33:00.8 20.21 S 68.71 W 123 4.0 POTOSI, BOLIVIA

2014-08-05 18:37:39.8 6.93 S 129.68 E 157 4.3 BANDA SEA

2014-08-05 18:35:11.0 34.52 S 72.76 W 5 4.1 OFFSHORE O'HIGGINS, CHILE

2014-08-05 18:15:31.0 46.48 N 81.19 W 5 3.8 ONTARIO, CANADA FELT

2014-08-05 17:41:59.6 28.04 N 128.08 E 47 4.5 RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN

2014-08-05 17:24:58.0 47.42 N 122.03 W 20 2.5 SEATTLE-TACOMA AREA, WASHINGTON
2014-08-05 17:09:57.4 36.83 N 98.00 W 11 3.3 OKLAHOMA
2014-08-05 14:04:12.0 35.84 N 97.44 W 5 2.7 OKLAHOMA
2014-08-05 12:45:52.5 36.03 N 97.03 W 5 2.3 OKLAHOMA
2014-08-05 08:30:44.1 41.76 N 119.62 W 1 3.0 NEVADA
2014-08-05 10:33:15.1 41.85 N 119.66 W 1 2.9 NEVADA
2014-08-05 05:07:34.0 41.84 N 119.68 W 1 2.3 NEVADA
2014-08-05 03:29:27.5 36.29 N 97.56 W 5 2.5 OKLAHOMA
2014-08-05 03:21:05.0 41.86 N 119.63 W 1 2.9 NEVADA

2014-08-05 15:30:16.8 37.32 N 42.68 E 2 2.8 TURKEY-SYRIA-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-05 20:37:39.0 36.06 N 40.77 E 4 2.9 SYRIA

2014-08-05 16:17:22.8 35.00 N 135.52 E 10 4.5 WESTERN HONSHU, JAPAN

2014-08-05 03:50:57.1 39.73 N 82.59 E 2 4.0 SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA

2014-08-05 02:09:01.0 33.24 N 115.67 W 0 2.3 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

2014-08-04 20:00:44.0 12.32 N 86.86 W 113 4.4 NICARAGUA

2014-08-04 19:36:36.7 32.63 N 140.74 E 65 4.7 IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION

2014-08-04 17:17:24.2 57.59 N 122.93 W 10 4.3 BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA

2014-08-04 13:39:20.3 27.55 N 128.56 E 87 4.4 RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN

2014-08-04 05:43:36.9 7.17 S 130.00 E 143 5.0 KEP. TANIMBAR REGION, INDONESIA

2014-08-04 04:25:31.6 16.05 N 94.72 W 60 4.9 OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO
2014-08-04 00:21:54.2 17.48 N 100.57 W 52 4.6 GUERRERO, MEXICO

2014-08-04 03:35:56.7 35.18 N 113.65 W 5 3.0 ARIZONA

2014-08-04 03:20:10.1 6.89 S 81.58 W 20 5.3 NEAR COAST OF NORTHERN PERU

2014-08-03 23:58:39.9 50.20 N 12.40 E 10 3.8 CZECH REPUBLIC

2014-08-03 22:42:35.3 40.59 N 29.19 E 4 2.6 WESTERN TURKEY
2014-08-03 22:42:12.3 40.60 N 29.15 E 2 2.7 WESTERN TURKEY
2014-08-03 22:22:44.7 40.59 N 29.16 E 7 4.0 WESTERN TURKEY FELT

2014-08-03 21:02:42.8 3.88 S 80.79 W 20 5.1 PERU-ECUADOR BORDER REGION

2014-08-03 20:40:14.3 55.34 S 27.31 W 10 4.8 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGIO

2014-08-03 20:21:53.5 55.77 N 157.27 W 10 5.0 ALASKA PENINSULA

2014-08-03 20:15:59.6 23.14 N 142.95 E 45 4.9 VOLCANO ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
2014-08-03 19:30:33.0 27.24 N 103.52 E 10 4.7 SICHUAN-YUNNAN-GUIZHOU RG, CHINA

2014-08-03 17:39:24.4 30.33 S 177.30 W 149 4.6 KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND

2014-08-03 14:26:14.815min ago 46.20 N 122.18 W 1 2.5 MT. ST. HELENS AREA, WASHINGTON

Comment by Howard on August 6, 2014 at 4:10am

A second update on Sunday's radically downgraded 6.1 quake in southeast China:

Landslides Block Aid From Reaching Yunnan Quake Disaster (Aug 5)

About 10,000 troops used pickaxes and backhoes to clear roads and dig residents from collapsed homes Tuesday after an earthquake in southwest China that killed 615 people. Groups of volunteers, meanwhile, used their bare hands.

3,143 people were injured, 80,000 houses have been destroyed or damaged and 230,000 people are in need of shelter.

Wang Qiyong was desperate to get food and water to his parents trapped inside Longtoushan township, the epicentre of the earthquake which hit Yunnan province on Sunday.

Wang survived the quake and headed off soon after in search of supplies. Now, with a motorcycle loaded with goods, he was trying to make his way back to the centre of the disaster. But authorities had stopped traffic to give priority to ambulances and medical supply trucks.

The government’s supply trucks can’t get in there. I’m trying to save my parents myself, but I can’t get in either,” Wang said.

His village lies in a valley about 7km from Longtoushan, where the quake struck.

The only link from Longtoushan to the outside world is through a single muddy road, six metres across, but access has been blocked by landslides. Two bulldozers were trying to remove a boulder of the size of a minibus but without success.

Wang, 32, bought more than a 1,000 yuan (HK$1,256) worth of water, food and tents. “My parents, both over 60 years old, were trapped inside [the quake zone] overnight, with nothing to eat or drink. They slept outside on the ground in the freezing cold,” Wang told the South China Morning Post. “What they show on television makes it look like things are alright, but the reality is very different.”

Xinhua reported the provincial government had allocated 23 million yuan for emergency relief. More than 31,000 tents, 295,000 blankets, 17,000 folding beds and 25,000 coats were being delivered to affected areas.

Wang said more than 10 households in their village – mostly extended family members – were buried in the quake. Wang’s niece, who was about to enter high school, was the only other survivor. She was pulled from the rubble after being buried for more than 10 hours.

A villager in Longjing village, also in Longtoushan, said 70 per cent of houses had collapsed. Yi Shaozhen saw a huge stone strike her sister. “Her entire upper body was gone,” Yi, 35, told the Post. “The dead can be dug out slowly, but the ones alive are starving to death, as no rescue supplies have reached us,” she said amid sobs.

Residents of Longquan village yesterday had their first hot meal since the disaster struck after subsisting on dry instant noodles.

Meanwhile, authorities are trying to drain a lake, formed by falling rock and containing more than 3,000 cubic metres of water, in neighbouring Huize. It threatens to flood nearby villages, and at least 5,000 people downstream have been evacuated, state media reported. Authorities are planning to blast away a rock that is blocking a path to drain the water.


Comment by jorge namour on August 5, 2014 at 1:37pm

Quake hits South Africa
11:30 PM Tuesday Aug 5, 2014

(AP) An earthquake shook buildings in Johannesburg and surrounding areas in South Africa's most populous province on Tuesday.

The magnitude-5.3 quake was centered in Orkney, 170 kilometers (105 miles) southwest of Johannesburg, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Lindy Sirayi, a guesthouse owner in Orkney, said the tremor broke glass lampshades and cracked a wall, and that dogs started barking during the quake, which lasted about a minute. She said she received a telephone call informing her that two people were injured at a nearby mine. Aftershocks were felt, but the electricity in the guesthouse stayed on, Sirayi said.

There are gold-mining operations in Orkney. Quakes are a concern to mining companies that operate around Johannesburg, the biggest city in Gauteng province. Mining is a traditional pillar of industry in South Africa.

The quake was also felt in Pretoria, the South African capital, and Hartbeespoort, a nearby resort town.

The area has periodic, moderate tremors, though the quake on Tuesday was one of the strongest in recent years.

Comment by jorge namour on August 5, 2014 at 1:20pm
Magnitude M 6.0 EMSC STRONG
Date time 2014-08-05 10:22:36.5 UTC
Location 26.94 S ; 26.69 E
Depth 10 km

Magnitude mb 5.2
Date time 2014-08-05 10:22:36.1 UTC
Location 27.09 S ; 26.70 E
Depth 10 km
Distances 147 km SW of Soweto, South Africa / pop: 1,695,047 / local time: 12:22:36.1 2014-08-05
12 km S of Orkney, South Africa


Comment by Howard on August 3, 2014 at 7:28pm

More on today's severe quake in China:

China earthquake death toll reaches 398, massive rescue operation underway (Aug 3)

At least 398 people were killed and 1,891 injured after a strong earthquake hit southwest China's mountainous Yunnan province on Sunday, bringing homes crashing to the ground and sparking a massive relief operation.

The quake in Zhaotong prefecture, in the province's northeast, toppled 12,000 homes in Ludian and left rescue teams and residents to pull survivors from beneath the rubble, images on social media showed.

"At least 175 people have been killed and 181 others are missing," the official news agency Xinhua reported.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported the quake at a magnitude of 6.1 and said it struck at a relatively shallow depth of 10 kilometres at 4.30 pm (0830 GMT).

Chinese state media put the magnitude of the earthquake at 6.5.

"Too many buildings were damaged and we are collecting data on deaths and injuries," Xinhua quoted local official Chen Guoyong as saying in the township of Longtoushan, which sits at the epicentre.

State television broadcast footage of people running from their homes and gathering in the streets, as witnesses described the devastation on social networks.

"The walls of several buildings crumbled, and water pipes were ruptured. The electricity was cut off," wrote a user who said they lived in Ludian county, 23 kilometres (14 miles) from the epicentre, on China's Twitter-like Weibo.

Another Ludian resident described the scene as resembling a "battlefield after bombardment", telling Xinhua "I have never felt (such) strong tremors before. What I can see are all ruins."

The county was the worst hit, with 122 residents killed, more than 180 missing and 1,300 injured, though at least 53 deaths were recorded in neighbouring districts. Electricity and telecommunications have been cut across the area.

State media announced that 2,500 troops had been dispatched to quake-hit areas late Sunday, joining a team of more than 300 police and firefighters from Zhaotong City, the capital of the prefecture.

The equipment brought to the area included life detection instruments and excavating tools.

The province also sent 392 rescuers and sniffer dogs to aid the relief operation.


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