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Additional Information from the F.A.Q:

Q: What is the "Earth Wobble"?


Q: How can I understand the Magnetosphere?

- About the Magnetosphere
- What the graphs on the Magnetosphere Simulation mean


Q: Is there a relationship between disturbances in the magnetosphere and seismic activity?
- Magnetosphere Deformations and Earth Wobble Effects
- Approach to Earthquake Prediction from the Magnetosphere Simulation
- Analysis try; Earthquakes/plate movement and magnetosphere simula...

Altering Earthquakes:

ZetaTalk Aug 7, 2010

As of late, I have observed that USGS and EMSC are a bit lax on their reports of earthquakes. Sometimes not seeing anything reported for hours from the last update, or seeing periods of 90-200 minutes with no earthquakes in between. My question is, are they leaving swarms of earthquakes out of their reports, or there are actually periods of no earthquakes?

SOZT:   Greater than 90% of the earthquake activity is being altered by the USGS at present, which is under orders to prevent any clue being given to the public about the Earth changes caused by the presence of Planet X. Over a decade ago, the approach was to de-sensitize the live seismographs periodically, so the displays do not turn black worldwide, and to ignore the twice-a-day patterns showing up on these seismographs. Then any quakes that could be dropped were dropped. This was obvious to some who were watching the database manipulation. Quakes in the list would suddenly disappear. This was particularly the case where a quake happened in a remote location, or out in the ocean. Dumbing down the magnitude quickly followed, but in order to ensure the public did not notice, the USGS took control of all websites reporting quake statistics. At times, this control breaks, and discrepancies are reported to the public. Some countries rebel. Quake swarms are another source of control, as they pepper the databases with many quakes and skew the statistics, and thus are pulled from the database. Else the question is raised, why so many?   EOZT

ZetaTalk Jun 18, 2011

Will the USGS internet system be a reliable warning system for the European tsunami by registering on the net the New Madrid earthquake on the exact time it occurs?

SOZT:   It will not be a lack of information from the USGS that will be the point of confusion during the earthquakes leading up to the New Madrid adjustment, it will be knowing which quake is the big one vs the many minor quakes preceding it. The USGS downgrades almost all earthquakes, to prevent meaningful statistics from being generated from their databases. They also exclude quakes whenever they can, but this is unlikely to happen in the New Madrid area as it is in the center of a populated land mass. Thus you will have magnitude 6 quakes that will be called a 5.2, magnitude 7 quakes called a 6.1, and when a magnitude 8 or greater quake occurs, it will be called a 6.9.

We would advise that rather than watching the USGS quake statistics, that you watch the Earth changes. The adjustment that will incite the European tsunami will involve bridges on the Mississippi breaking, and being impassable. The land to the west of the Mississippi will drop so that the Mississippi will become 50 miles wide in the state of Mississippi. Watch for this. The New Madrid adjustment will be several large quakes of magnitude 8-9, though will be listed as a lesser magnitude. As the N American continent continues to unzip up to and along the Seaway, the quakes will be less than a magnitude 8 but very destructive to Cleveland and Toledo and Buffalo and the inland locks along the Seaway. Thus it is not what the USGS says that should be watched, but the condition of the bridges on the Mississippi, the impact on the cities along the Seaway, and whether the inland locks are reported as inoperable.   EOZT

Please collect earthquake-reports here. Significant Quakes or Magnitude 7+ can be posted separately.

[Edited by the Moderation]


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Comment by jorge namour on August 19, 2014 at 4:20pm

2014-08-19 13:38:24.731min ago 37.00 N 5.56 W 10 4.7 SPAIN FELT

Magnitude ML 4.7
Region SPAIN
Date time 2014-08-19 13:38:24.7 UTC
Location 37.00 N ; 5.56 W
Depth 10 km
Distances 97 km N of Gibraltar, Gibraltar / pop: 26,544 / local time: 15:38:24.7 2014-08-19
56 km SE of Sevilla, Spain / pop: 703,206 / local time: 15:38:24.7 2014-08-19
9 km N of Puerto Serrano, Spain / pop: 6,807 / local time: 15:38:24.7 2014-08-19

2014-08-19 12:41:35.21hr 27min ago 35.82 N 97.47 W 4 4.2 OKLAHOMA FELT

2014-08-19 11:36:08.32hr 38min ago 35.91 N 28.17 E 2 3.3 EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA

2014-08-19 10:32:53.03h32.49 N 47.68 E 10 4.8 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 18:08:23.7 32.46 N 47.74 E 10 5.9 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION FELT SWARM

2014-08-19 09:15:27.85hr 01min ago 38.34 N 20.52 E 2 3.5 GREECE FELT

2014-08-19 06:13:41.08hr 03min ago 55.37 S 28.04 W 10 4.6 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION

2014-08-19 06:10:50.4 4.60 S 150.32 E 66 4.6 NEW BRITAIN REGION, P.N.G

2014-08-19 07:27:50.36hr 49min ago 34.33 N 120.27 W 1 2.9 SANTA BARBARA CHANNEL, CALIF.
2014-08-19 06:26:07.07hr 52min ago 34.19 N 118.72 W 12 2.5 GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA, CALIF.

Comment by jorge namour on August 18, 2014 at 5:49pm

Coast Guard Plane Called Home for Eruption Monitoring- Bárðarbunga - ICELAND

August 18, 2014 15:24

A map showing recent seismic activity. The green stars indicate activity over 3.0 in magnitude. Photo: Iceland Met Office.

The Icelandic Coast Guard surveillance plane has been called home from abroad in light of a possible eruption in Bárðarbunga volcano in the northwestern corner of Vatnajökull glacier, Southeast Iceland, reports.

The plane, which is equipped with radar, cameras and other equipment ideal for the monitoring of eruptions

Code Orange Issued for Possible Eruption

A Code Orange has been issued in light of increased likelihood of an eruption in Bárðarbunga volcano located in the northwestern corner of Vatnajökull glacier, Southeast Iceland, after continued earthquakes in the area this morning, reports.

The Icelandic Met Office, which oversees not only the weather but also earthquakes and possible volcanic eruptions in Iceland, increased the danger level from yellow to orange, which indicates that the volcano shows heightened or escalating unrest with increased potential of eruption. The next and highest level code is red, which is issued when an eruption begins.

Kristín Jónsdóttir at the Iceland Met Office told RÚV that magma was on the move under the glacier, trying to break up in two different locations.

Bárðarbunga is Iceland’s second highest mountain at 2,000 meters (6,562 feet).

Indications of an imminent eruption in Bárðarbunga will likely appear several hours beforehand if an eruption begins, according to geophysicist Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson.

August 18, 2014 14:53

Magnitude 3,3 earthquake in Kverkfjöll volcano- ICELAND

Posted on August 18, 2014

A minor earthquake swarm took place in Kverkfjöll volcano today (17-August-2014). This earthquake swarm might have been triggered by the earthquake activity in Bárðarbunga volcano that is next to it, that is however not confirmed and can be considered a speculation. Since connections between volcanoes is difficult to prove. The earthquake had the magnitude of 3,3 and depth of 9,5 km. This earthquake was felt by summer tourists in the area of Kverkfjöll volcano.

Comment by jorge namour on August 18, 2014 at 10:55am

More about Iran Earthquake posted by Howard

6.1-magnitude quake strikes western Iran

A powerful earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale has jolted three provinces in western Iran, with dozens wounded.

According to the Iranian Seismological Center, the quake hit two western provinces of Ilam and Lorestan as well as Khuzestan Province in the southwest of the country at 07:02 a.m. local time (02:32 GMT) on Monday.

Its epicenter was located in Murmori, Ilam province, at 32.7 degrees north latitude and 47.7 degrees east longitude.

According to latest reports, 50 people were injured by the tremor, which also destroyed mud-brick houses in Murmuri.

The quake destroyed telecommunications department in the city of Abdanan in the province making it impossible to estimate the amount of damages inflicted on the city’s rural areas.

Governor of Abdanan Majid Asgari said that rural areas suffered heavy damage by the strong quake, adding that some villages were totally destroyed.

Also on Monday, another earthquake registering 3.6 on the Richter scale hit areas between the northern province of Guilan and the northwestern province of Ardebil at 6.32 a.m. local time (02:00 GMT).

Located on seismic fault lines, Iran is prone to earthquakes and experiences at least one slight tremor every day on average.

2014-08-18 08:05:30 32.95 N 47.56 E 24 4.9 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 07:54:20.445min ago 32.70 N 47.65 E 10 3.5 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION

2014-08-18 06:59:00.91hr 40min ago 32.71 N 47.89 E 10 4.3 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 06:50:00.71hr 49min ago 32.63 N 47.76 E 10 3.9 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION

2014-08-18 06:34:46.02hr 05min ago 32.68 N 47.68 E 2 3.9 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 06:31:59.22hr 07min ago 32.77 N 47.54 E 10 3.8 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION

2014-08-18 06:27:59.52hr 11min ago 32.64 N 47.98 E 10 3.8 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 05:59:21.22hr 40min ago 32.75 N 47.71 E 10 3.8 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 05:57:55.52hr 41min ago 32.73 N 47.66 E 10 3.6 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 05:52:11.82hr 47min ago 32.81 N 47.82 E 10 3.5 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 05:32:28.53hr 07min ago 32.62 N 47.70 E 11 4.4 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
F 2014-08-18 05:25:51.73hr 14min ago 32.58 N 47.72 E 10 5.7 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION

Distances 227 km N of Al Başrah, Iraq / pop: 2,600,000 / local time: 08:25:51.7 2014-08-18
99 km NE of Al ‘Amārah, Iraq

2014-08-18 05:14:56.63hr 24min ago 32.78 N 47.64 E 9 3.8 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 05:11:12.93hr 28min ago 32.85 N 47.54 E 8 3.9 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION

2014-08-18 04:52:31.33hr 47min ago 32.61 N 47.73 E 17 3.5 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 04:45:35.33hr 54min ago 32.79 N 47.53 E 10 4.1 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 04:39:31.44hr 00min ago 32.64 N 47.77 E 10 4.6 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION

2014-08-18 04:20:46.64hr 20min ago 32.76 N 47.57 E 50 4.7 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
Distances 248 km N of Al Başrah, Iraq

2014-08-18 04:09:01.04hr 30min ago 32.65 N 47.73 E 10 3.7 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 03:53:14.94hr 46min ago 32.73 N 47.74 E 10 3.9 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 03:45:28.64hr 54min ago 32.77 N 47.59 E 9 4.1 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION

2014-08-18 03:37:18.85hr 02min ago 32.76 N 47.62 E 8 3.6 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 03:30:57.25hr 08min ago 32.65 N 47.74 E 10 3.7 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION

2014-08-18 03:23:52.85hr 15min ago 32.77 N 47.53 E 10 3.7 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION

2014-08-18 03:18:31.55hr 21min ago 32.66 N 47.67 E 15 4.0 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 03:17:09.75hr 22min ago 32.66 N 47.65 E 13 3.8 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 03:11:31.15hr 28min ago 32.65 N 47.58 E 10 4.7 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION

2014-08-18 03:01:34.55hr 38min ago 32.36 N 47.52 E 20 4.8 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
2014-08-18 02:59:26.95hr 40min ago 32.50 N 47.74 E 10 4.5 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION

2014-08-18 02:53:12.35hr 47min ago 32.65 N 47.57 E 20 4.5 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION

2014-08-17 14:47:20.3 32.56 N 47.59 E 10 4.8 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION

2014-08-17 11:24:17.2 32.59 N 47.71 E 10 4.6 IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION

2014-08-18 03:02:40.05hr 45min ago 36.07 N 43.81 E 250 4.2 IRAQ

Distances 69 km SE of Mosul, Iraq / pop: 1,739,800 / local time: 06:02:40.0 2014-08-18
23 km SW of Erbil, Iraq

2014-08-18 02:02:57.86hr 45min ago 35.00 N 37.43 E 20 3.3 SYRIA

Distances 135 km S of Aleppo, Syria / pop: 1,602,264 / local time: 05:02:57.8 2014-08-18
63 km E of Ḩamāh, Syria / pop: 460,602 / local time: 05:02:57.8 2014-08-18
34 km E of Salamīyah, Syria

Comment by Howard on August 18, 2014 at 5:04am

Strong Quake in Iran (Aug 18)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck western Iran on Monday, near the provincial capital of Dezful, about 300 miles (480 km) from Tehran, the capital, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

The quake, at a depth of 6 miles (10 km), hit at 0232 GMT (0332 am BST).


Comment by Kojima on August 18, 2014 at 2:44am

Thanks Shaun and Kris.

The following is about magnitude in USGS Earthquake Glossary.

Earthquake Glossary - magnitude

The magnitude is a number that characterizes the relative size of an earthquake. Magnitude is based on measurement of the maximum motion recorded by a seismograph. Several scales have been defined, but the most commonly used are (1) local magnitude (ML), commonly referred to as "Richter magnitude," (2) surface-wave magnitude (Ms), (3) body-wave magnitude (Mb), and (4) moment magnitude (Mw). Scales 1-3 have limited range and applicability and do not satisfactorily measure the size of the largest earthquakes. The moment magnitude (Mw) scale, based on the concept of seismic moment, is uniformly applicable to all sizes of earthquakes but is more difficult to compute than the other types. All magnitude scales should yield approximately the same value for any given earthquake. 

Comment by Kris H on August 18, 2014 at 1:43am
@Shaun No comments on Twitter for these EQs either. I think a 6.0 would be noticed, even in NoDak. Wonder if they were glitches?
Comment by Kris H on August 18, 2014 at 1:32am
@Shaun Those 2 EQs are not on the USGS website. Interesting.
Comment by Shaun Kazuck on August 18, 2014 at 1:06am

Big adjustment earlier today on the North American Plate.  The one in North Dakota registered a 6.0 and the one in Idaho was a 5.0 quake.


Comment by Howard on August 17, 2014 at 8:08pm

A pair of strong quakes in China and Kazakhstan this weekend.

20 Injured in SW China Earthquake (Aug 17)

Twenty people were injured after an earthquake measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale jolted Yongshan County in southwest China's Yunnan Province at 6:07 a.m. on Sunday.

The epicenter was in Wuji Township, 21 kilometers from the county seat. The source of the quake was 7 km deep.

Twenty-two aftershocks had been reported as of 8 a.m. on Sunday local time.

The quake was strongly felt in the neighboring counties of Suijiang, Daguan and Zhenxiong as well as the Zhaoyang District of Zhaotong City, which administers Yongshan, according to the provincial seismological bureau.

And 1,463 houses were damaged as of 5:30 p.m., with 45 houses collapsed and 575 badly damaged. Cracks have been spotted in adobe houses and more than 76 cattle lots collapsed,said the statement.

The facilities of 14 schools were damaged.

Diaster investigators have also found 70 km of roads,11 transformers, 32 water utilities, 59 km of canals and 135 km of drinking water pipeline damaged. They spotted 542 highway landslides and the facilities of 14 schools were ravaged by different degrees.

More than 1,000 local officials, policemen and militia personnel have joined rescue efforts and disaster investigations in the affected regions.

About 200 firefighters from various cities have arrived in Yongshan for rescue.

Relief materials including tents, quilts, coats, rice, edible oil, instant noodles and biscuits have beeen supplied to the victims.

Some 647 people have been safely evacuated while 721 households have regained access to electricity, said the statement.


Rare 5.2 Earthquake in Almaty, Kazakhstan (Aug 15)

Almaty city in southern Kazakhstan has experienced a rare 5.2-magnitude earthquake on August 15.

Almaty is located near relatively young mountains in a seismologically active zone, but earthquakes of such magnitude are extremally rare. People are more of less used to 2-3-magnitude earthquake, but today's 5.2-magnitude one got many hair standing on end.

The tremor was registered at 3:42 am local time (21:42 UTC) on August 15, 2014. The earthquakes energy class was 12.0.

The European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) graded the earthquake as strong:

The earthquake was preceded by a long low rumbling, "a very scary one", one of Almaty residents who was not asleep so late at night told Tengrinews. The rumbling was followed by a very strong tremor, with no jolts that would stand out, just tremor. The tremor seemed horizontal and lasted nonstop for 30 or 40 seconds.


Comment by jorge namour on August 17, 2014 at 12:27pm

Short update on Bárðarbunga volcano at 02:12 UTC - ICELAND

Posted on August 17

This is a short update on Bárðarbunga volcano activity.

Earthquake activity continues in Bárðarbunga volcano and shows no signs of slowing down. Two swarms have appeared in Bárðarbunga volcano system. One is at location called Kistufell, while the second one is at the south-east part of the Bárðarbunga volcano. Increase in earthquake activity in south-east part of Bárðarbunga volcano seems to increase harmonic tremor. I am not sure why that is. As of now (when this is written) no eruption has been confirmed in Bárðarbunga volcano, the volcano is under glacier so confirmation is difficult at best.

Earthquake activity in Bárðarbunga volcano. The two groups of earthquake swarms are visible on this map. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Earthquake activity has been dense as can be seen here.

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