Wobble in General:

Explaining the Earth Wobble

Navy Dilemma

Earth Wobble

Twirling wobble

Drunken Lurch

Twirling into Darkness

Potters Wheel

Hell Unleashed

Lean to the left

Intermittent Lurch

Violent Push

Wobble effect

TT - Earth Wobble

Magnetic twist and the effects

Sun, Moon & Constellations:

Temporary adjustments

Sun position

Effect on the Moon

Other Factors:

Simulating the seasons

Constellation visibility

Northstar position

Constallation Rotation

Capricorn Visibility

Affecting cranes

Christmas Hammer

Trimester effect

Establishment and the Wobble

The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard.
Isaiah 24:20

And all things on the earth shall alter,
And shall not appear in their time:
And the moon shall alter her order,
And not appear at her time.
And in those days the sun shall be seen and he shall journey in the evening on the extremity of the great chariot in the west
And shall shine more brightly than accords with the order of light.
And many chiefs of the stars shall transgress the order (prescribed).
And these shall alter their orbits and tasks,
And not appear at the seasons prescribed to them.
And the whole order of the stars shall be concealed,
And the thoughts of those on the earth shall err concerning them.
Book of Enoch

June 8, 2013 ZetaTalk

This long-exposure capture shows the increased wobble in an undeniable and dramatic manner. In 2007 the wobble was detectible only by a skew in what would otherwise be a perfect circle around Polaris. By March 23, 2010 and April 17, 2010 this skew had gotten wider, making an oval rather than a circle around Polaris. Are the cameras on a drunken pedestal? The establishment falls silent in the face of such evidence, hoping the public does not notice. Now on March 1, 2013 there is a new development. The center of the focus is in two places, not just one!

February 5, 2011 ZetaTalk

As has been present since the wobble ensued in 2004, the Earth wobble takes the form of a figure 8. This causes the N Pole of Earth to lean to one side or the other during the figure 8, and also to lean toward and away from the Sun during the figure 8. The wobble is most violent when the magnetic N Pole of Earth comes up over the horizon and encounters the magnetic push from the N Pole of Planet X, which is increasingly pointing its N Pole directly at the Earth. This point is equivalent to what Nancy calls the New Zealand view, and is directly related to the sloshing magma pushing to the north Pacific and thence sloshing back to raise the Indo-Australian Plate up on the eastern end so that Indonesia can slide under the curve. At the point in the wobble where the mid-day Sun is over Italy, the N Pole of Earth is leaning toward the Sun, which is why the Sun recently appeared two days early in Greenland and Norway and Alaska. This then progresses to be the point where, in Nancy's diagrams, the Sun is over the N American continent. At this point, the N Pole of Earth is moving away from the Sun again, and thus the vertical jet stream over N America, pushing the globe under the cold air of northern Canada. Depending upon where the globe is being pushed, or how much Sun it is getting, or how violent the push is at this or that point, the land underneath will experience weather extremes.

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Comment by Nancy Lieder on September 30, 2016 at 3:51pm

Via email, a report. Sun too far South morning and evening from Central Europe.

over central europe

after sunrise 30. Sep 2016, 08:00 CET (summer time)
Sun Direction: exp 106.80° SW / eff ca 115°
Sun Altitude: exp 11.70° / eff lower than 10°

the sun arrives too late, to far south, to deep on the horizon

afternoon 30. Sep 2016, 15:10CET (summer time)
Sun Direction: exp 214.02° SW / eff ca 185° S
Sun Altitude: exp 4.43° / eff much higher than that

the sun seems to stick due south for more than hr and
too high in the sky during the afternoon

Comment by Nancy Lieder on September 25, 2016 at 5:24pm

Via email from Cambodia, sunrise. The wobble has worsened over the past year. Sunrise in Cambodia is dealing with the Polar Push, N Pole pushed away and up over the horizon, so the Sun is further South than expected. But this was in place last year, and has gotten MORE EXTREME!

just wanted you to look at these 2 pictures of sunrise on fall equinox in cambodia ; first taken years ago and second taken this year.

Comment by Kojima on September 14, 2016 at 4:40am

Here is another analysis of the position of sunspots in the pictures taken by James of Idaho. James, thank you for your great sunspots pictures. (Please note that I din’t take sunspots pictures, just made analysis by using pictures of James of Idaho.)

Comment by Nancy Lieder on September 11, 2016 at 1:45pm

New Q&A with documentation provide the sunrise in Anchorage, Alaska is coming 2 hours late! Wobble getting worse for sure!


I had been watching Grumpy Moose and noticed that it was doing a lot of alternating between lightness and darkness this morning. I’ve seen that on other webcams, but it has been more dramatic in Alaska. The sun finally rose at 9:10 am. Well, it’s supposed to rise at 7:16 am in Anchorage, Alaska. Are my calculations accurate? Is the wobble more obvious at higher latitudes? If this is true, it’s fairly stunning.
[and from another]

In addition to the Earth wobble allowing northern Alaska to see the Sun rise at midnight, temporarily, it is now causing a late sunrise for southern Alaska at Anchorage. If at midnight in Alaska the globe is tilted, a lean to the right, such that the N Pole is pulled toward Europe which is having a noon Sun at the moment, at sunrise in Alaska the globe it tilted to the left, so that Alaska is leaning AWAY from the Sun. The wobble is indeed becoming more extreme, for the sunrise at Anchorage to have a two hour delay. This is supported by recent documentation from Wisconsin, which shows the sunrise there a full 25 minutes late during the month of August. All this is of course potentially leading into a severe wobble.

Comment by Kojima on September 11, 2016 at 4:53am
Comment by Nancy Lieder on September 10, 2016 at 10:35am

Ms Sakamaki provided her sunrise readings for August. VERY late, by almost half an hour, and VERY far South. It is getting worse.

Comment by SongStar101 on September 6, 2016 at 8:24pm

Mysterious Anomaly Interrupts Stratospheric Wind Pattern


Earth’s stratosphere lies just above the red-orange troposphere in this photo snapped by International Space Station astronauts in 2011. Late last year, unusual wind behavior interrupted a reliable stratospheric wind pattern known as the quasi-biennial oscillation. Credit: NASA/JSC Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth

For the first time, scientists have observed a deviation from the typical alternating pattern of easterly and westerly winds in the equatorial stratosphere.

The weather we experience on Earth typically occurs in the troposphere, the lowest layer of the atmosphere. But the stratosphere, which envelops the planet just above the troposphere, is home to winds of its own. In a new study, Newman et al. report an anomalous interruption in an otherwise reliable stratospheric wind pattern known as the quasi-biennial oscillation.

Each cycle of the quasi-biennial oscillation begins with strong westerly winds that flow through the stratosphere in a belt around the equator. Over the course of about 1 year, these winds gradually weaken and descend in altitude to the lower stratosphere as easterly winds replace them. These easterly winds slowly sink and weaken, too, as westerly winds return. The cycle repeats roughly once every 28 months.

Since 1953, scientists have observed equatorial winds by instruments known as radiosondes, which are carried skyward by weather balloons. The quasi-biennial oscillation was discovered in the early 1960s. Although the timing of each cycle has sometimes varied by a few months, the pattern as a whole has remained uninterrupted—until now.

Using radiosonde data from several equatorial locations around the world, the scientists discovered that the quasi-biennial oscillation began to deviate from its usual pattern in late 2015. At that time, westerly winds were descending in altitude and should have continued to sink and weaken as easterlies replaced them.

Instead, the westerly winds shifted upward and seemed to cut off the descent of high-altitude easterlies before they could begin their usual dominance. Additional easterly winds developed at lower altitudes in the stratosphere, beneath the rising westerlies. However, by June, the westerlies appeared to have resumed their normal descent.

Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 13, 2016 at 12:51pm

Via email. Another excellent modeling of the wobble, from REAL data.

Interesting Graph of Wobble in 3D X,Y


Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 10, 2016 at 9:45pm

Me Sakamaki in Wisconsin reports on the July wobble observations.

Comment by Nancy Lieder on July 31, 2016 at 11:11am

Ann Eller has sent me this video, which confirms the Earth wobble as seen over the Pacific at sundown from Mexican Cams


and this at sunrise from Australian Cams!


Australia is half a world away, and as Mexico is having their sunset, Australia is having their sunrise.

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