Courtney Brown Prediction (NEW ZetaTalk)

Are the Zeta's pressuring the TPTB r/t Courtney Brown's (CIA, NASA?) announcement that there is going to be an undeniable "announcement" in February 2014?  Is that "remote viewed" announcement related to Planet X? Hmmmm. [and from another] January 22, 2014. Something important is going to happen sometime next month, February 2014. Nothing can stop it now. There will be an announcement, and the world will change on the date of that announcement. Part of that announcement will happen on this Facebook page, right here.  In the beginning, only a few will understand the significance of the announcement, and what it means for all of humanity currently living on this planet. Some will laugh, and some will cry. But in time, the world will come to know that life on Earth changed significantly on that day in February 2014. A mystery that has confused our civilization for thousands of years will find an answer. And from that answer, a new direction for the future growth of our species will arise.

Courtney Brown’s remote viewing operation at the Farsight Institute of course has links to the CIA, which from its beginning has been interested in what remote viewing via telepathy could bring in the realm of intelligence gathering and subliminal influence from the mental intrusions that telepathy can afford. The Kremlin likewise has studied such use of telepathy extensively. The CIA has remote viewing squads that it employs to harass or interrogate high level targets. The public hears little of this because there are no overt recruitment campaigns as, for instance, the Army seeking enlistments at colleges.

How does the CIA locate those with inherent talent in telepathy? Enter Courtney Brown and his Farsight Institute. Under the guise of research, those with native talent are identified and the CIA notified. This is not a one-way street. Courtney gets something in return. The CIA is aware of matters in the political world well before the media is allowed to report upon it. The pending announcement admitting the presence of Nibiru, aka Planet X in the inner solar system, is one such tidbit. Did Nancy know it was February?

Nancy and the Pole Shift ning moderators were informed in December that this would be the date, “mid Winter and after the Holidays”, which was stated in vague enough terms that it could not be pinned down. Listen to Nancy’s MUFON interview from December 13, 2013 for proof of this. The date is fixed, but known to hundreds because the three countries involved  - Russia, China, and the US - are bracing for the date.  The CIA is very much in the know, and hoping to boost Courtney’s book sales and Institute activities, so leaked the date to him. 

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for February 8, 2014

Latest info from Courtney Brown is that the announcement has been "delayed" by at least 2 weeks.  Is this a diversion to put people off the date or is it valid info?
[and from another]
What I need now is some sleep. I have been on the phone all night with people in the U.K., India, South Africa, and elsewhere, all involved with the upcoming announcement. From the very beginning, the anticipated date of the announcement was 28 February 2014. But there were some uncertainties due to the international nature of the issues involved, so we held off releasing the date. It was wise we did that. Nothing can stop the announcement, but the date involved a lot of coordination with various parties. The problem has been further exacerbated due to the fact that the announcement involves a location which at the present time is not entirely stable politically. Also, shipping of critical materials was involved, and one shipment turned out to have been corrupted, apparently while in transit. This is now being addressed. After lots of discussion with people all over the world who are involved one way or another, we are now expecting the announcement to happen in mid-March, about two weeks later than originally anticipated. Again, nothing can stop the announcement. But this announcement can happen only once, and it has to be done correctly. Given the amount of coordination involved, mid-March 2014 seems to be optimal. For those of you worried about people being cynical due to a short delay in the announcement, just don’t worry about it. All of that will go away once the announcement happens, and nothing can stop that from occurring. This short delay is not significant relative to the importance of the announcement. Getting it right is more important than anything else. The world really will change on that date. The change will happen slowly, but it will begin on that date, and nothing will be the same afterward.

Were Courtney Brown and his handlers told that they had stepped over the line by talking about a date in February and trying to enhance Farsight Institute’s reputation? Were they told to backpedal and take away any win they might otherwise secured? Yes. The people within the CIA who are his handlers, who work with remote viewers, who want to see his institute flooded with new applicants and funding at a time when funding from the US is increasingly tight were chastized. There were demotions and penalties and orders to take corrective action.

They decided since they couldn’t just eliminate Courtney Brown that he would instead miss the mark by far. In this statement we are not giving you the date. To miss the mark by far going into the future is the one certain way to do that. Courtney also admitted in this statement that his information came from phone calls, not from remote viewing. This tends to put a pin in the bubble, bursting the bubble of his original plans, which were to claim that he got the information from remote viewing so isn’t he great.

Source: Upcoming 2/22/2013 Q&A ZetaTalk

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