ANOTHER ghost city being built, this time in the US

Another ghost city is being built at a cost of $1bn, with the reason given that it will be used to test new technologies on a city without interfering in people's lives. As if that's was what people are complaining about today; not the economy, not the lack of jobs, not the crazy weather, it's all the annoying tests people are doing with new technologies in urban areas which are REALLY screwing people's lives up!

Like the Zetas just said last week: "Watching the elite can give many clues to their thinking, revealing what they know about the approach of Planet X. Meanwhile, the common man hears nothing but lies."

The ghost city will also be located 15 miles west of Hobbs, New Mexico with the elite already having dug bunkers into the mountains in the north of the state.

and the BBC only publishes the story on a children's page - a tactic used before to get PX related news out there without too much prominence so as to cause it to be pulled - saying it to young kids is OK but not the adults.

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Comment by Howard on August 23, 2012 at 7:38pm

Billionaire Bill Koch Builds Private Old West Town in Colorado

How does a billionaire with two politically active brothers and an Americas Cup title under his belt stand out? Bill Koch may have found the answer after building his own private Old West town in Colorado.

The Denver Post reports the town, located in Kebler Pass, has a saloon, church, jail and train station among its 50 or so buildings spread out over 420 acres. The roughly 10-square-mile property is located about 125 miles southwest of Denver.

And when the town's construction is complete, Koch will have his own mansion on a hill, overlooking the whole thing.

Still, as impressive as the simulated Old West town is, Koch, 72, isn't interested in showing off his investment to the public. Instead, security guards stand in front of a locked gate to the town, making anyone not approved by Koch (whose personal fortune Forbes recently estimated to be in the range of $4 billion) a trespasser.

Koch brothers, David and Charles, are well known in political circles for funding a number of conservative causes. And while Bill Koch has donated to political candidates, including Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, he is not nearly as high profile a figure as his siblings. In fact, Bill Koch sued his siblings in 2001 for a greater stake of the family fortune, which he largely appears to be spending on nonpolitical ventures.

The creation of this town is a departure from another recent high-profile real estate purchase. In June, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison purchased the Hawaiian island of Lanai for a reported $500-$600 million. However, that location is open to the public and is home to around 3,200 residents.

While he has refused to comment directly on the Old West creation, Koch did disclose in a 2011 interview with Fine Art Notebook, "I shouldn't tell you this, but I am building my own Western town in Colorado."

Comment by bill on July 4, 2012 at 11:17am

Footage shows African 'ghost town'


A giant new Chinese-built city has sprung up on the outskirts of Angola's capital Luanda.

Nova Cidade de Kilamba is a brand-new mixed residential development of 750 eight-storey apartment buildings, a dozen schools and more than 100 retail units.

Designed to house up to half a million people when complete, Kilamba has been built by the state-owned China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC) in under three years at a reported cost of $3.5bn (£2.2bn).

But on a recent trip back to Luanda, the BBC's former Angola correspondent Louise Redvers discovered that most of the buildings currently lie empty, as this footage she recorded shows.

Comment by bill on July 4, 2012 at 11:15am


Why is China constructing large, well-designed “ghost cities” that are completely devoid of people?

Now, the BBC reports a giant new Chinese-built city has been spotted in Africa in the outskirts of Angola’s capital Luanda.

The city, Nova Cidade de Kilamba, was designed to hold up to a half million people and features 750 eight-story apartment buildings, 12 schools and more than 100 retail units, according to the report.

State-owned China International Trust and Investment Corporation reportedly took less than three years to build the city at a cost of $3.5 billion. It covers 12,355 acres.

BBC former Angola correspondent Louise Redvers reported that the discovered that the city’s buildings are completely empty.

The empty cities aren’t only in Africa.

WND and Jerome Corsi’s Red Alert reported just last year that Google Earth photographs of China depict city after city of vast complexes consisting of office skyscrapers, government buildings, apartment buildings, residential towers and homes, all connected by networks of empty roads – with some of the cities located in China’s truly most inhospitable locations.

Google image of China's empty roads

Images of these “ghost cities” – after countless billions of dollars have been spent on the towns’ design and construction – reveal nobody lives in them.

Block after block of empty houses and apartment buildings, glamorous public buildings, magnificent public parks and sports complexes, even art museums, remain entirely empty.

“The photographs look like giant movie sets prepared to film apocalyptic motion pictures in which some sort of a neutron war or bizarre natural disaster has eliminated people from the face of the earth while leaving the skyscrapers, sports stadiums, parks and roads perfectly intact,” Corsi noted. “One of China’s ghost cities is actually built in the middle of a desert in Inner Mongolia.”

Business Insider ran a series of photos of these Chinese ghost cities. One showed no cars in the city except for approximately 100 parked in largely empty lots clustered around a government building, and another showed a beautiful wetland park with people added using Photoshop.

At the time, China had an estimated inventory of 64 million vacant homes and was building up to 20 new ghost cities a year on the country’s “vast swathes of free land.”

Empty roads in Zhengzhou, China

Business Insider speculated that the Chinese need to put their money somewhere, so developers have decided to build, as a place to store the wealth, even if the Chinese building these cities do not intend to live in them and there is no prospect they can find renters. quoted Patrick Chovanec, a business teacher at Tsinghua University in Beijing, who explained, “Who wants to be the mayor who reports that he didn’t get 8 percent GDP growth this year? Nobody wants to come forward with that. So the incentives in the system are to build. And if that’s the easiest way to achieve growth, then you build.”

The following are some photos posted on Facebook of the Chinese “ghost city,” Nova Cidade de Kilamba, in Africa:



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