Could please disclose more about the Euroepean cunami effects on countries like Albania and Greece?

Where the European Tsunami will devastate coastal Europe from Spain to Scandinavia, it will not wash through the Straits of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean with force sufficient to be anything but high tides. Even the African Roll will not cause significant tsunami along the shores of the Mediterranean, because the floor of the Mediterranean will tear open, accommodating the roiling waters. It is the African Roll that will complete after the New Madrid Adjustment that will bring severe changes to the Middle East.

At the end of 2021 both Greece and Turkey are afflicted with seemingly endless quakes, as the Africa Plate is trying to roll eastward but is hooked at the NE corner by a rock hook. This hook lies between Syria and Turkey and will snap off to become a platelet, allowing the massive and solid African Plate to at last drop down toward the Indian Ocean. During this process the border of the African Plate scrapes past Syria and Jordan and Israel and widens the distance on both sides of the Sinai Peninsula.

The African Roll will widen the distance at Gibraltar, but the effect on coastlines along the Mediterranean will be almost insignificant. From Athens to Morocco there will be slight turmoil along the Mediterranean as the behemoth African Plate rolls and drops toward the Indian Ocean. The Saudi Plate will get bumped as this drop occurs, turning its tip through the oil fields of Iraq

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 31, 2021

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