A Path of the Planet X, my interpretation, Ver. 3

I revised my diagram of a path of the Planet X.

Possibly I make a mistake in understanding ZetaTalk. Please point it out if a mistake or contradiction is found.

Earth: E5.2 --> E6 --> E6.1 --> E7 --> E8

PX: X5.2 --> X6 --> X7 --> X8

In a diagram I put E8 on the same point of E6, though E8 does not always have to be the same with E6, the earth has only to return back to her orbit.

During "E5.2 --> E6" the Earth would flop on its side, lean to the left, and swing away into 3 days of darkness prior to rotation stoppage.The Earth is drawn in toward Planet X during the week of rotation stoppage, by some 30 million miles (E6 -->E6.1).

Early in the ZetaTalk saga we gave what is known as the passage triangle (Sun-E6-X6),


describing where Planet X, the Earth, and the Sun would be at the Point of Passage (X6).


We also gave a statement during the search for Planet X in the night skies on how close


the Earth and Planet X would come to each other at the point of passage -14 million miles (X6-E6.1). We have also stated that the Earth is drawn in toward Planet X during the week of rotation stoppage, by some 30 million miles (E6 -->E6.1).


But we did NOT state that the Earth was drawn 30 million miles closer to the SUN. What is NOT clear is where Planet X is during this drama.

It is clear that the Earth has pulled as far to the left as possible (E5.2 -->E6), to escape the magnetic hosing coming from the N Pole of Planet X which is otherwise pointed toward the Earth. This hosing is what drives the Earth to flop on its side, lean to the left, and swing away into 3 days of darkness prior to rotation stoppage. Presumably Planet X continues outbound (X5.2 -->X6), as prior to the week of rotation stoppage Venus has escaped from the cup. Today, Planet X is within the orbit of Venus (X5.2), so clearly it will make progress prior to the last week. Simple math would lead one to believe that Planet X remains at the point where it is today, as 44 million miles is halfway between the Earth and Sun, and 30 million miles and 14 million miles equates to that distance. But Planet X is to the SIDE, so the movement toward Planet X is not directly toward the Sun. It is toward a Planet X which is far to the right (E6 --> E6.1)! This is one reason for the visibility of Planet X during the last weeks, particular the LAST week – rotation stoppage. There is less distance to Planet X than every before.

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Comment by Kojima on June 30, 2010 at 10:23am
Hi, Sherry. Do you mean as follows?
Earth-PX: 14, PX-Sun: 46.5, Earth-Sun: 60.5
Then this doesn't fit zeta's triangle.
On the zeta's triangle, they should be as follows, [earth-PX] : [PX-Sun] : [earth-Sun] = sin(18deg) : sin(23deg): sin(139deg) = 0.3090 : 0.3907 : 0.6560 = 1 : 1.2644 : 2.1230 = 14 : 17.7 : 29.7.
Or did I misunderstand you? Thank you.
Comment by Kojima on June 30, 2010 at 3:44am
Sherry, I know that, but on the Zeta's Triangle, if Earth-PX to be 14 mm, then PX-Sun should be ca.18 mm and Earth-Sun should be ca.30 mm. That absolutely seems to be too close toward Sun for PX and the earth, which puts PX within the orbit of Mercury, not fitting to the ZetaTalk for PX being within the orbit of Venus. Therefore I made a terrible idea about the term of "the earth" in Zeta's triangle. Thank you so much.
Comment by Kojima on June 30, 2010 at 2:33am
Hi, Sherry. How do you think about my bold interpretation as shown in my diagram below?
In this case, because Planet X is located between the earth and the sun, the earth is not affected by the Sun but by Planet X. This situation is equal to that Planet X causes Pole Shift on the earth. I also commented the same one on Andrew's blog post. Thank you.

Comment by Kojima on June 29, 2010 at 5:33pm
Sherry, I don't become clear when it is that the word "then" in the sentence of "It is then that the triangle will be formed" hints. I mean, "At first, the triangle will not be formed, until after the 3 days of darkness." and "then", "When the slowing rotation begins the Earth is pulled toward Planet X to be within 14 million miles of Planet X rather than the approximate 45 millions miles that is the halfway point.", "the triangle will be formed". I say again that just before the Earth is pulled toward Planet X, the triangle will be formed; is it possible to understand "then" like this?
Sorry I'm not good at English. Please teach me, thank you.
Comment by Kojima on June 29, 2010 at 4:59pm
OMG. Thank you, Sherry. I overlooked the ZetaTalk you pointed out really. I reconsider it.
Comment by Kojima on June 29, 2010 at 2:33pm
Hi, Patricia. Probably I think you understand this correctly. The detail, for instance, is described on "Dead on and Deadly" written Apr 3, 2006 (http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta271.htm). About your second question, I'm not sure but the repulsion force may be one of the factors and it may be because of "Sacred Orbits" written August 20, 2003 (http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta21.htm).

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