Colombia flood April 2012
Indonesia SINKING:
Java -
/ The rise of the Java sea waves coupled with the destruction of mangrove forests on the northern coast (pantura) until it reaches 70 percent to flood tides (rob) continued to soak the area around. On the northern coast of submerged areas such as Pekalongan, Batang, Kendal, Semarang, Demak, Jepara and reaches up to a radius of seven kilometers from the shoreline. /
Jakarta -
/ Ulujami settlement area in South Jakarta, again flooded with a height of up to 50 centimeters, Thursday (19/4). The overflow of water due to flooding Kali Pesanggrahan retaining embankment collapsed. /
Central Java -
/ Heavy rain which flushed the city of Bandung on Friday (20/4) evening to Saturday (21/4) morning, causing flooding in some locations. In fact, in the district. Astanaanyar, hit two houses collapsed and dozens of other rivers flooded to a height of 1.5 meter /
Sulawesi -
/ Hundreds of homes in North Luwu, South Sulawesi floods submerged due to overflowing rivers Salu Ampak after it rains for several hours. Floods also bring material and chunks of mud logs into residential areas. The water level varies from 30 centimeters up to one meter. As a result, residents panic to some of those at the mouth of the river were forced to evacuate to higher ground. VIDEO /
Kalimatan -
/ Flood Disaster in the district of Muara Komam, Paser District, East Kalimantan, resulting in dozens of houses in Subang Hamlet, Hamlet Pelampitan and Muara Village Komam (in) under water. Flood elevation ranges from one to three meter, and even higher if calculated from the banks of the River Kadilo, when the water surface normal. /
7 of 10 S American Rolls
/ There are six killed by floods in the Paraguayan Chaco
A baby died from lack of medical care. There are 11 000 affected and the military had to evacuate hundreds of families in the region. It is one of the worst natural disasters in the country in ten years /
Map Sources: ESRI, UNCS, Paraguay Secretaria de Ambiente.
References: Gov’t of Paraguay. Llega asistencia médica y alimentaria para inundados de
Margariño y Casanillo. 17 Apr 2012. El Estado intensifica atención a los inundados del Chaco.
11 Apr 2012.
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official
endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Map created on 18 April 2012.
7 of 10 Southeast U.S. sinking
Just as the bowing in the S American Plate has produced stretching and consequent sinking in the swath of land from Rio to Buenos Aires, the bowing in the N American Plate has produced stretching and consequent sinking along the eastern seaboard and land bordering the Gulf of Mexico. Stretched land has only so many options. It can rip open to form a crevasse or a landslide or a sinkhole, or rock layers can pull apart so that train rails zip and zag and cause derailments and bridges pull from their moorings. In this case there is an adjustment in certain PLACES, a pulling apart, which relieves the stress.
Stretched land also almost invariably drops in elevation, because the crust is thinned. This may not be apparent on the surface if the rock layers are pulling apart deep underground or under a river bed. But the underlying rock cannot spread out and thin without SOME evidence of this process above. For Florida, this evidence is the increasing number of sinkholes swallowing houses. Lopsided buildings, drooping roadways, and swamps extending their borders are other such symptoms. Drainage is invariably affected, as water lingers where it formerly drained. Rains and tides thus confuse the issue, with high tides blamed for much flooding, when sinking due to stretching is the cause.
ZetaTalk Q&A 14 March
/ It’s a strange paradox that southwest Louisiana rice farmers are increasingly in need of fresh water while just to the east flows one of the largest river systems in the world. The study, done by what was then the state Department of Public Works, noted some of the same problems the region faces today — a lack of fresh water to push back the saltwater intrusion that is eating away wetlands and tainting irrigation canals. Much of the rice acreage is in the basin of the Mermentau River where saltwater intrusion becomes more of a challenge each year, Linscombe said. Saltwater is an issue for the rice crop because many farmers in south Louisiana use surface water to irrigate their fields, and water with too high a salt content can stunt or kill a crop.
Linscombe said the salinity levels in coastal waterways were so high during last year’s drought that some farmers did not bother planting, and even the region’s ranchers had trouble finding fresh water to quench their cattle’s thirst. /
7 of 10 Africa Rolls
/ Seven people were killed when flash floods hit as they were trekking through Kenya's Hell's Gate national park, authorities said Monday. /
7 of 10 New Madrid adjustment
Oklahoma state giant sinkhole -
/ This Giant sink hole opened up in Delhi Oklahoma (Westrn Oklahoma). The hole opened up right after the state experienced a record breaking Earthquake 5.6m on the richter. The local geologist says its not related, could have been a mine. There is no mine under this field. The local geologist seems to be a questionable source. Source /
Flash floods kill seven in Kenyan park
NAIROBI, April 23, 2012 (AFP) - Seven people were killed when flash floods hit as they were trekking through Kenya's Hell's Gate national park, authorities said Monday.
The victims, all Kenyan nationals, were part of a church youth group in a walking safari at the park located to the north-west of Nairobi.
"The seven people had gone missing just before dusk, when the group encountered sudden flash floods," the Kenya Wildlife Service said in a statement.
Kenya's main rainy season between March and May often causes floods and massive displacement across the east African country.
At least eight people perished earlier this month in a Nairobi slum when their homes were destroyed by boulders after a night of heavy rainfall.
Mermentau’s fresh solution
It’s a strange paradox that southwest Louisiana rice farmers are increasingly in need of fresh water while just to the east flows one of the largest river systems in the world.
That issue was painfully obvious last spring when flood waters threatened communities along the Atchafalaya and Mississippi rivers.
“While we were up to our necks in water, those boys in the western part of the state were dry as a bone,” said U.S. Rep. Jeff Landry, R-New Iberia, who is among a group of officials taking a hard look at a project to slice off a little of the river water for southwest Louisiana.
A resolution this legislative session by state Sen. Jonathan Perry, R-Kaplan, urges the state Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority to study the feasibility of diverting water out of the Atchafalaya River, which is fed by the Mississippi River, and then redirecting that water to rice country.
Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Chairman Garret Graves said the idea offers promise, and his agency has already begun some preliminary work on the concept after being approached by Perry and Landry.
Landry said his interest was piqued last year when he heard from some older farmers in the region about a shelved 1950s study that recommended diverting Atchafalaya River water into the Mermentau Basin, the region that includes much of the rice acreage in southwest Louisiana.
The study, done by what was then the state Department of Public Works, noted some of the same problems the region faces today — a lack of fresh water to push back the saltwater intrusion that is eating away wetlands and tainting irrigation canals.
“It’s as applicable today as it was in 1954,” Landry said of the state study.
The 1950s study was not completely shelved.
Its recommendations served as the basis for the Teche-Vermilion Freshwater District diversion project that now pumps water out of the Atchafalaya River north of Krotz Springs and channels the flow into the Bayou Teche and the Vermilion River.
That diversion project, which was completed in 1982, helped restore the natural flow into waterways that historically were linked to the Atchafalaya River before the large levees were built around the Atchafalaya Basin to contain floodwaters.
The Teche-Vermilion project has been critical in keeping the Gulf’s salty waters at bay in some parts of coastal Vermilion Parish and in providing good irrigation water to farmers near the Vermilion River.
“They call that sweet water,” said Steve Linscombe, director of the LSU AgCenter Rice Research Station near Crowley.
But, he said, the freshwater that flows down the Vermilion River serves only a small portion of southwest Louisiana farms.
Much of the rice acreage is in the basin of the Mermentau River where saltwater intrusion becomes more of a challenge each year, Linscombe said.
Saltwater is an issue for the rice crop because many farmers in south Louisiana use surface water to irrigate their fields, and water with too high a salt content can stunt or kill a crop.
Linscombe said the salinity levels in coastal waterways were so high during last year’s drought that some farmers did not bother planting, and even the region’s ranchers had trouble finding fresh water to quench their cattle’s thirst.
There have been general discussions for decades about the need for more fresh water in the Mermentau Basin, Linscombe said, but the effects over the past few years of back-to-back hurricanes and drought have put more of a focus on possible solutions.
“We have a huge amount of unused freshwater that flows through this state,” he said.
The Atchafalaya River could be routed into the Mermentau Basin through a mix of existing waterways, though the project would require expensive pumping stations and likely some canal work.
The specifics of how that might work, how much it might cost or whether there are any major stumbling blocks are not known.
Such a major diversion project would be costly and require a long-term vision, said Donald Sagrera, who oversees the existing Atchafalaya diversion project as executive director of Teche-Vermilion Fresh Water District.
Officials spent 10 years planning and raising money for the Teche-Vermilion project before construction begin in 1976, he said, and it was another six years before construction was complete on the pumping stations and water control structures needed to make the diversion work.
The project cost about $40 million to build, Sagrera said, but the same project today would likely come in at more than $100 million.
But, Sagrera said, if the details and funding can be worked out, he has little doubt the Atchafalaya River is up to the task.
“I think it’s definitely a possibility. There is plenty of water in the Atchafalaya River to supply the Mermentau Basin,” he said.
Kalimatan -
Flood heights in Muara Komam 1-3 Meter
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, LAND GROGOT - Flood Disaster in the district of Muara Komam, Paser District, East Kalimantan, resulting in dozens of houses in Subang Hamlet, Hamlet Pelampitan and Muara Village Komam (in) under water.
Flood elevation ranges from one to three meter, and even higher if calculated from the banks of the River Kadilo, when the water surface normal.
Overflowing rivers in the district of Muara Komam Kandilo, affects more citizens of the Village Stone Butok Seberang, Pelampitan hamlet, and residents Village Komam the Estuary.
According to Amat, Stone Villagers Butok Opposite, at least 40 units of houses are flooded, due to overflowing rivers Kandilo.
"Though an old man, a suspension bridge (the old) is still passable motorcycle, but now the flood. Thus, let alone to reach the lips of the bridge, many homes have been flooded," said Amat, Monday (04/23/2012). (*)
Sulawesi -
Hundreds of homes in flood Soak North Luwu, North Luwu: Hundreds of homes in North Luwu, South Sulawesi floods submerged due to overflowing rivers Salu Ampak after it rains for several hours. Floods also bring material and chunks of mud logs into residential areas.
Besides soaking homes, it also dampens the flood of government facilities such as village offices and trans-Sulawesi road along 500 kilometers. According to Mari-Mari village chief, Ripallinggi, flash floods that swept the forest resistance occurs not hold water in the river due to deforestation.
The water level varies from 30 centimeters up to one meter. As a result, residents panic to some of those at the mouth of the river were forced to evacuate to higher ground. (Wrt3)
Jakarta -
Again, Ulujami Flood Soaked
Ulujami settlement area in South Jakarta, again flooded with a height of up to 50 centimeters, Thursday (19/4). The overflow of water due to flooding Kali Pesanggrahan retaining embankment collapsed.
Flooding began to soak for about a hundred houses in the three RT in RW 07 since this morning. This time the retaining embankment breakdown Pesanggrahan make people worry. Because the rain is still flushed Bogor and its surrounding peaks, so that the water levels will likely continue to rise.
Ulujami area has become flooded. In fact, in the past week, flooding neighborhoods have approached up to three times. Local residents asked the government of DKI Jakarta, in order to quickly perform a normalization of Kali Pesanggrahan. (ALI / SHA)
Central Java -
2 Houses collapsed, dozens of Submerged
ASTANAANYAR (GM) - Heavy rain which flushed the city of Bandung on Friday (20/4) evening to Saturday (21/4) morning, causing flooding in some locations. In fact, in the district. Astanaanyar, hit two houses collapsed and dozens of other rivers flooded to a height of 1.5 meters.
The second house was broken in Citepus River. One house is located on RT 04/RW 04 Ex. Nyengseret Amsiah Siti family inhabited, and the other one in the RT 02/RW 07 Ex. Cibadak, family-owned Dusmara ACEP. While dozens of homes were flooded in RT 01, 02, 07 03/RW Ex. Cibadak and RT 04/RW 04 Ex. Nyengseret.
To Saturday (21/4) afternoon, residents whose homes collapsed mainly, still busy clearing the goods. Meanwhile, other residents, cleaning the floors house full of mud. Residents are generally concerned heavy rain will occur again, because it will certainly cause flooding back.
Flooding caused by overflowing rivers Citepus. Heavy rain which lasted long enough, causing the river water could no longer be accommodated. It happened when some of the residents was falling asleep.
ACEP condition of the house itself are heavily damaged, especially the rear directly adjacent to the river. To avoid the possibility of unwanted things, ACEP along with his wife and children were forced to flee to a neighbor's house. "The whole house were shattered. All that was left at home only a refrigerator, gas stove and television. And that's under water," he said.
Government assistance
ACEP says, in addition to his home, a number of neighboring houses also experienced the same thing. However, no other house to house collapsed as heavy as hers. He hopes to have the attention of the government so that the incident does not recur.
Chairman of RT 02, Riswiano Agus said, the attention of the government is expected to come quickly. Because residents worried about flooding similar. "We expect no immediate relief bronjong or embankment so the water does not go back to the house residents. If ever rain again, would be flooded and water entered the house again," he explained.
Agus explained, at RT 02 and RW 02, there are dozens of homes hit by flooding. By the floods, he said, as many as 30 people could not cook because the kitchen furniture carried by the flood.
Similar conditions also occur in the RT 04/RW 04 Ex. Nyengseret. A house owned by Siti Amsiah burst its banks and flooded dozens of others. According to one resident, Asep (23), flooding dozens of homes and soak some houses collapsed because it does not stand to hold the water overflowing. "Household furniture, too many are damaged and carried away by floods," he said.
Camat Astanaanyar, Hamdani said it did not last long after the event, received reports from residents. District and village officials immediately went to the location. As a first step response, Hamdani said, it had done in the field of coordination with local RT and RW as well as residents. So it is with the Department of Highways and Irrigation (DBMP), Social Services (Social Affairs), Department of Health (Health Office).
"Already we report to the mayor, deputy mayor and secretary and to the related department. Now we are in the field doing site security, especially for residents who are victims and safeguarding their goods," Hamdani said.
Java -
Rob flooding in the Pantura Mengilla, Semarang: The rise of the Java sea waves coupled with the destruction of mangrove forests on the northern coast (pantura) until it reaches 70 percent to flood tides (rob) continued to soak the area around. On the northern coast of submerged areas such as Pekalongan, Batang, Kendal, Semarang, Demak, Jepara and reaches up to a radius of seven kilometers from the shoreline.
In addition resulted in disruption of activities at the port of Semarang and the Golden Horn, the township residents, the flood also resulted in damage to rob thousands of hectares of rice fields and ponds of the people. Monitoring at the northern coast, on Sunday (22/4), flooding in Pekalongan rob altitude 10-50 centimeters. Some diseases such as hives, difficulty breathing, and diarrhea attacked residents.
"We're looking for the right model for untruk overcome rob residents have been very disturbing, especially in coastal areas such as Tirto, Wiradesa, and bitter," said Regent Pekalongan Antono Amat.
Mayor Pekalongan Bashir Ahmad said the flooding rob separately resulting in damage to infrastructure and have been soaking for more than half the city continue to be able to overcome.
In addition to localize floods come every month, also made the township road elevation and build at least five swimming resentasi (folder). "We have allocated up to Rp 25 billion to cope with rob," he added. (MI / Bey)
There are six killed by floods in the Paraguayan Chaco
6:15 | A baby died from lack of medical care. There are 11 000 affected and the military had to evacuate hundreds of families in the region. It is one of the worst natural disasters in the country in ten years
For two weeks record rains. In addition to this is added the construction of dams on private farms that have prevented the removal of water, with consequent worsening of flooding. Agents of the Armed Forces began to blow up some walls.
The National Emergency Secretariat (SEN) said six people died from lack of medical care, including a baby of three months. The agency evacuated thousands of families who were stranded without food, drinking water and basic services.
"So far there are 11,000 affected families across the Chaco, flooded or isolated. Many of these communities are indigenous (...). Yesterday we rescued a couple of old people that was on the roof of his house," said the head of the SEN, Gladys Cardozo, quoted by ABC Digital.
Congress declared an emergency in the three departments of Chaco, occupying the western region call, and released funds to carry out the rescue.
The Health Ministry launched an epidemiological alert for the possibility of occurrence of cases of cholera and other diseases associated with unsafe water and inadequate waste treatment.
"There may be a significant increase in infectious diseases in flooded areas the next few weeks," said Deputy Health Minister Raquel Escobar.
- Adverse economic
Coexist in the large cattle ranches, dairies and impoverished communities. The producers considered significant losses in a year that it was difficult for livestock by an outbreak of foot a few months ago.
"In the worst case we expect to lose 25,000 head of cattle. Is a difficult time," he told Reuters the vice president of the Rural Association of Paraguay, Eusebio Cardozo.
Paraguay has about 12 million head of cattle on its territory and recorded before the outbreak of FMD was among the 10 largest exporters of beef. Foreign sales of the product fell nearly 30% in the first quarter.
Another sector is hit the dairy industry, whose production mainly supplies the local market. President of the Federation of Production Cooperatives (FECOPROD), Gustav Sawatzky, said industries are working at 40% capacity by the floods.
"Between 90,000 and 100,000 liters of milk are spoiling a day, because you can not collect. And you are 12 days of this situation, so they are more than a million liters of milk lost," said Sawatzky.
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