7 of 10 S American Rolls
/ Severe flooding and landslides caused by torrential rains have killed 36 people, officials said, as Colombia struggles to cope with the onset of the rainy season. In the worst-affected regions in northwest Colombia, farms and homes are submerged while local residents wade through shoulder-deep floodwaters and move around in canoes. /
/ Over 70 thousand people were evacuated due to floods in Paraguay /
/ Flash floods kill 17, displace more than 60,000.
Seven people were swept away by flash floods in Hells Gate Gorge, Naivasha, at the weekend and another seven died in Gwasi mudslides. /
Indonesia SINKING:
Borneo -
/ Mud floods Samarinda lunge. Flooding along the mud destroyed hundreds of homes in five Sidodamai RT in the Village, District Ilir Samarinda, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Wednesday (25/4) evening. /
Central Java -
/ Rob the sea water runoff continues to inundate some coastal areas of Pekalongan regency, Central Java, as seen in the RT 7 RW 7, Jeruksari Village, District Tirto, Pekalongan district, Thursday (04/26/2012). /
Semarang -
/ Land subsidence due to several factors including soil type is not solid and hard or long for dense, many buildings, many artesian wells and ground water uptake, and dredging in the harbor mud on a periodic basis. Sea water is getting into the ground because of sedimentation, the number of ponds that diuruk to the building so that the sea water reservoir is reduced, and poor water channels and the maximum is less a function of water pumps. /
Sumatra -
/ Hundreds of hectares of rice fields and fish ponds owned by residents in the District of South Rao flooded on Tuesday night. Flooding also causes rice farmers in southern Rao threatened to crop failure. He added that some culverts that cross through the streets of Sumatra was also small so that the water flowing in large numbers to overflow and inundate homes. /
Kalimatan -
/ The rain which flushed Kotawaringin East, Sampit, Central Kalimantan, Wednesday (25/4), resulting in some streets flooded. /
Aceh -
/ At least five villages in Lawe Bambel Sub-District and Wells, Southeast Aceh Regency, Wednesday (25/4/2012) besieged by flood water levels on average in the road to reach one meter. As a result, the flow of transportation to the region disrupted, especially two-wheeler and sedan type cars can not pass. /
Sumatra -
Hundreds of hectares of rice fields flooded residents Pasaman
Sikaping depths, Sumatra (ANTARA News) - Hundreds of hectares of rice fields and fish ponds owned by residents in the District of South Rao flooded on Tuesday night.
"Floods caused by rain which flushed Pasaman approximately 17.30 until 23.00 pm," said Edi, a character of Kampung Salamat, Jorong Warm Water, Nagari Tanjung Betung, District of South Rao, on Tuesday night.
According to him, the rain that occurred at that time is not too heavy but resulted in flooding in the township communities of South Rao.
The number of farmers from floods of fish experiencing substantial losses because of the water wash away their fish.
Flooding also causes rice farmers in southern Rao threatened to crop failure.
In addition, the added Edi, floods in South Rao also damage the brick business is the livelihood of the population.
He said at the scene of the flood, the water inundated the public housing and the western part of Sumatra highway.
"The water reached into people's homes, to prevent the water continues to increase in size as it is to rescue people like to make the walls of the board, but the effort was still not managed to keep their homes flooded," he said.
He added that local men are busy and just trying to cope with flooding and be ready if the water increases.
Camat South Herman Surya Rao, confirmed the flooding.
He said he shared the vigil and the search for the main cause of flooding.
At that time he received a report from the village of Salamat that these floods have often experienced people. But he did not know because it's newly appointed head of the subdistrict in South Rao.
"For the provisional estimates, the flood was coming from the hill with the white sand. Over time the water flow in the township is getting shallow and could no longer accommodate the increased flow of water," he explained.
He added that some culverts that cross through the streets of Sumatra was also small so that the water flowing in large numbers to overflow and inundate homes.
Until this news was revealed no information on casualties due to flooding. Until now, this loss can not be specified because the community is still busy tackling flooding. (MLN/A023)
Kalimatan -
Flooding in Kotawaringin Hazardous Road Users
Metrotvnews.com, East Kotawaringin: The rain which flushed Kotawaringin East, Sampit, Central Kalimantan, Wednesday (25/4), resulting in some streets flooded.
Several roads flooded in between Jalan Ahmad Yani, Jalan Sudirman and Jalan Haji Muhammad Arsyad. Puddle of water covering potholes, so the number of two-wheelers and four-wheeled transportation and frequent falling upside down when passing. Moreover, in Jalan Sudirman Kotawaringin connecting East and West Kotawaringin.
According to local residents, Jalan Sudirman Kilometer 4 Sampit endanger road users when it rains. Citizens expect local governments to drastically improve the potholes. (Wrt1)
Central Java -
Hundreds of Acres Flooded Rice in Pekalongan RobPEKALONGAN, KOMPAS.com - or rob the sea water runoff continues to inundate some coastal areas of Pekalongan regency, Central Java, as seen in the RT 7 RW 7, Jeruksari Village, District Tirto, Pekalongan district, Thursday (04/26/2012).
Rob also continues to threaten residents in coastal areas Pekalongan district, such as the Village Mulyorejo and Karangjompo, District Tirto. In the region, rob often appears without his presence can be predicted. Hundreds of hectares of rice fields also can not be enabled because the damaged submerged rob.
Chairman of the Society of Environmental Coastal Community Love (PMCL) Pekalongan Build Yudi, Rob began to inundate the area since about five years ago. From year to year, rob the higher pool, reaching more than half a meter and into the houses.
The population of the flooded village rob Jeruksari about 7,000 people, residents Mulyorejo about 5,000 people, and residents Karangjompo about 4,000 inhabitants. In fact, in the RT 6 and RT 7 RW 7 RW 7, Village Jeruksari, rob settlements inundated most of the year. "In the RT 7 RW 7, all year round rob never subsided," Yudi said that villagers also Jeruksari.
According to him, in addition to the settlement, hundreds of hectares of rice fields also can not be enabled because the damaged submerged rob. Of approximately 211 hectares of rice paddies in the village of Jeruksari, about 140 acres are not able to function, including the village of crooked land. Most of the rice fields and Mulyorejo Jeruksari terutup even water hyacinth so intangible fields again.
Sujoko Eko (50), a resident of RT 6 RW 7, Village Jeruksari, say, Rob is very disturbing activities of citizens. They were forced to live in a house surrounded by rob. To get out of my hometown, people were forced to cross a puddle rob or search for a path that not waterlogged. When rob pooled, batik workers in the region were also unable to work because they have trouble hanging batik fabric.
Actually, people have tried to address the rob. Build according to Yudi, the efforts made by residents include planting mangroves since 2005, dredge waterways, clean village held every Friday (Friday the net), as well as making garbage bank, to reduce the impact of flooding rob. However, these efforts have not produced results.
BMKG ask Semarang residents aware of the tide
Semarang (ANTARA News) - Bureau of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Semarang Maritime asked the people who live around the north coast wary of the high water mark or rob in late April to May.
"As of 26 April to 4 May, tide over one meter. Even at the May 12 high tide reaches a maximum of 122 centimeters," said Maritime prakirawan BMKG Semarang, Semarang Sri Mulyani on Thursday.
When high tide occurs the morning and afternoon, while the peak height of the average high tide occurred in the afternoon and surutn at midnight.
"In previous years, was in April and May of high tide above an average of one meter," he said.
Ebb and flow of sea water is periodically affected by the pull of celestial objects, gravity, centrifugal force, and a decrease in the harbor and surrounding land per year is about 10 cm.
Land subsidence due to several factors including soil type is not solid and hard or long for dense, many buildings, many artesian wells and ground water uptake, and dredging in the harbor mud on a periodic basis.
Sea water is getting into the ground because of sedimentation, the number of ponds that diuruk to the building so that the sea water reservoir is reduced, and poor water channels and the maximum is less a function of water pumps.
"We're forecasting for May, the maximum high tide occurred on May 12 that reached 122 centimeters," he said.
Aceh -
As high as one meter surrounding the flood of Five Villages
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, Kutacane - At least five villages in Lawe Bambel Sub-District and Wells, Southeast Aceh Regency, Wednesday (25/4/2012) besieged by flood water levels on average in the road to reach one meter. As a result, the flow of transportation to the region disrupted, especially two-wheeler and sedan type cars can not pass.
Flooding also causes learning activities in elementary Ijo Lawe stopped because of the height of one meter in area schools more. In contrast, SD Pinding activist who had been halted as well due to flooding, yesterday, the teachers and teachers began to clean up the school area.
Kinga Lawe River flood surge that hit five villages namely New Faithful, Kuta Dimples in the District of Wells and the village of Lawe Lawe Ijo Metuah, Parent and Lawe Lawe Ijo Ijo Ampera at Bambel Sub-District.
Aminullah, one of the village of Lawe Ijo Ampera, the Serambi Indonesia on Wednesday (4/25/2012) said on Tuesday (4/24/2012) afternoon rain fell. So the Lawe River water overflowed and commemorate Kinga plantations, roads and settlements.
In fact, in the evening, dozens of homes had flooded, but yesterday morning, the water began to recede, but still flooded the road. He said the village is flooded every year and in one month alone, three times by floods.
Aminullah hope Regency Agara improve discharge channel expansion of the village and the River Lawe Kinga not to continue to spill over into residential areas.
Borneo -
Mud floods Samarinda lunge
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SAMARINDA - Flooding along the mud destroyed hundreds of homes in five Sidodamai RT in the Village, District Ilir Samarinda, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Wednesday (25/4) evening.
The information gathered Thursday morning to say, with mud flood lasted for more that two hours starting at 19:30 until 22:00 pm. Four houses reportedly damaged by the floods as well as a house crushed by a tree.
There were no casualties on the incident but the flood mud over one meter high as it led to a number of citizen's property is damaged. In fact, a number of tools and documents in the Office of Ward and Village Hall Village Sidodamai damaged by flood.
"On Wednesday afternoon there was heavy rain and in the evening at around 19:30 pm with mud water suddenly hit the houses of residents in Jalan Damai. Brunt of flooding that inundated hundreds of mud houses in the five worst in the RT and the Gang 5 and in RT.28 and standing water in the region had reached nearly two meters. Four houses collapsed and flooded a house damaged by a falling tree, "said Ward Sidodamai, Successors, Wednesday night.
Besides soaking homes, flooding also said he struck the village hall and village chief Sidodami Office.
"Most of the equipment in the village hall and the office of headman who could not be saved damaged by mud. We can not estimate the amount of loss because we are still concentrating cleaning mud puddle," said the Successors.
In addition to the fairly high rainfall, flood mud is also suspected due to stripping Successors said land for the construction of residential areas and activities in the District of coal tambamg welcome.
"The flood occurred during the two hours after it gradually subsided. But after the low tide mud houses are still flooded," he said. "Brunt of water was seen from the direction of development of residential areas in the district are also welcome many coal mining activity. Brunt of the floods could bring a citizen but was saved," said the Successors.
From the observation until Thursday morning, residents are still cleaning up visible mud that flooded their homes.
In fact, dozens of officers from the Agency for Disaster Management and Fire Brigade officers involved Samarinda looks clean the rest of the mud that flooded the village hall and Siidodamai Ward Office.
Meanwhile, some residents whose homes were damaged were evacuated in the Office of the local headman.
Over 70 thousand people were evacuated due to floods in Paraguay
Rainfall in the Southern country began in late February and have not stopped. Besides the large amount of rain, the situation is aggravated by levees that farmers placed to divert the water seeking its own advantage
Floods in Paraguay have caused the evacuation of more than 70 thousand people
Flooding the Chaco in Paraguay, caused the evacuation of at least 70 000 people and forced the government of Fernando Lugo to keep the emergency rule earlier this year.
The 70 thousand people evacuated belong to about 13 thousand 500 families living in northern Paraguay, about 5 hours of Asuncion.
Rainfall in the Southern country began in late February and have not stopped. "They fell thousand millimeters (water) in a few days," warned Gladys Cardozo, Minister of National Emergency Secretariat (SEN). "That amount of water is similar to the one should fall in an entire year," he added.
President Fernando Lugo today toured Chief Toad, one of the areas hardest hit by floods located in the district Fernández Irala. "This (flooding) give us a call to work together," said Lugo. "It's a great opportunity to come together, meet and think about the post emergency," he said.
The situation was described by the SEN as "more controlled than it was 10 days." However, it is estimated to be generated food for about 6 months because the area will not occur due to weather problems.
"The whole region will need food for 6 months," he said Cardozo. "There will be no production for 6 months. Be six months of extreme need, "added the minister.
Some 75 air operations were conducted for the relocation of affected people. In addition, about 8 000 kits delivered food, which in some cases were dropped by parachute because many areas still not accessible either by air or by land.
As a precaution, in the Chaco was issued an official warning about a possible epidemic outbreak, ruled situation to date. Only in Boqueron, where they were displaced 8 000 13 000 of the 500 families, were detected and confirmed 10 cases of dengue.
Not accessible by road to almost any community. Many roads are blocked and several downed bridges. This led to the production of milk is lost. The NSS estimates that day have lost about 150,000 liters of milk.
The Chaco is one of the most productive farming areas in the country. As expected a delicate situation "that must be addressed comprehensively," said Lugo.
The National Executive activated a special work plan to address the situation. Lugo are scheduled to tour the area again next week with members of his cabinet.
The Paraguayan government, through the SEN, installed in the affected area Operations Center (EOC), with the coordination of the International Red Cross, members of the Armed Forces of Paraguay Aramadas and extensive volunteerism. There are approximately 250 people who work 24 hours attending any contingency.
Relocated people belong to the towns of Boqueron, Alto Paraguay and Presidente Hayes. You increase the numbers of evacuees constantly because he has not stopped raining. In the COE the 4 helicopters available do not stop their flight routines.
Still do not have to detail the number of homes lost to flooding, Walter acknowledged Stockel, governor of the department of Boqueron. "We have a report of homes destroyed and we know that people have to return sometime in their communities," he said.
Besides the large amount of rain, the area was affected by the dams that farmers placed to divert the water seeking its own advantage. Military sources revealed that to date 5 of these dikes were destroyed, which allowed the reduction of water in the affected sectors. It is estimated that another 5 dams will be blown up and it is possible to open a judicial investigation to determine the guilt or otherwise of the landowners.
Flash floods kill 17, displace more than 60,000
At least 17 people have died and more than 60,000 affected by flash floods across the country.
Seven people were swept away by flash floods in Hells Gate Gorge, Naivasha, at the weekend and another seven died in Gwasi mudslides.
A boy drowned in Tana River after he was swept away by floods. Another two died last week in Mlolongo after a bus that had carried them was swept away by floods.
The Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) on Tuesday warned that the humanitarian situation was worsening as rains continue to pound parts of the country.
"The Society has activated its flood watch system and prepositioned its non-food item stock as part of early action and preparedness for early recovery and less impact," said KRCS Communications Manager Nelly Muluka.
She said KRCS disaster response teams are on standby countrywide to provide assistance to those who will be affected by floods.
Affected populations
KRCS said in Taita Taveta County many people were left homeless after their houses were submerged by water. Crops and livestock were also washed away and infrastructure such as roads, bridges and schools destroyed.
"We carried out a comprehensive rapid assessment of the situation jointly with the DO, chiefs and public health officers to determine the immediate needs of affected populations," Ms Muluka said.
The assessment indicated that the most affected population was in need of immediate food, non-food items such as shelter, water and sanitation.
Most affected areas in Bomeni Division were the villages of Marekeke, Merodo, Majengo, Masingitini and Forodani where 100 houses were submerged and 55 others swept away by floods.
In Kimuringo Division, affected areas included Kimonjo A and B and Ngutuni with 198 households affected. Jipe Division’s Rekeke and Kimala villages had 473 households affected and crops washed away.
In Tana River, heavy rains in Kamagur location, Bangale Division, left a nine-year-old boy dead, 15 homes marooned and at least 600 head of cattle washed away by floods.
In Mlolongo, heavy rains accompanied by a storm blew off rooftops and swept away houses while others were submerged.
Preliminary reports
The KRCS Machakos and Nairobi branches responded to the incident that affected 172 households. The affected areas were Syokimau, Beijing Road, Phase Three and areas near Mlolongo Police Station. KRCS distributed non-food items to the affected families. Heavy storms were also reported in Maragua where preliminary reports indicate that 18 houses were destroyed.
On Monday heavy rains pounded the villages of Nyangweso and Oluch Kimira in Homa Bay and left more than 200 families homeless. And in Gwasi East and Central locations, floods swept away seven people including five children and affected 8 households.
Rescue efforts
Livestock and farms were also swept away by floods. Efforts to recover three missing bodies are ongoing and both food and non-food items have been distributed to the affected families. Ministry of Special Programmes is putting in place measures to step up rescue efforts.
In Loiyangalani area, heavy rains washed away at least 80 goats and left some seven houses destroyed in Lordabash village.
Last week, floods in Jam city village in Mavoko location, Athi River District, submerged houses.
The Meteorological Department in their quarterly prediction has warned that the country is expected to experience La-Nina. This may include flash floods, lightning in Western Kenya especially in Gusii and Kakamega counties owing to strong convective activities between Lake Victoria, Mau Escarpment and Mt Elgon.
Budalangi and Kano areas are also likely to experience some degree of flash floods while isolated cases of landslides/mudslides may be reported in some parts of Western and Rift Valley.
Colombia flood preparedness questioned as death toll rises
BOGOTA (AlertNet) - Severe flooding and landslides caused by torrential rains have killed 36 people, officials said, as Colombia struggles to cope with the onset of the rainy season.
Heavy rainfall has also disrupted the lives of over 66,000 people, washed away swathes of food crops and damaged around 12,500 homes, according to the latest report by Colombia’s disaster risk management agency (SNPAD).
This year’s rainy season started in mid-March and is expected to last until June.
In the worst-affected regions in northwest Colombia, farms and homes are submerged while local residents wade through shoulder-deep floodwaters and move around in canoes.
Downpours have also damaged nearly 230 roads, and some major highways connecting cities have been closed after they were blocked by debris from landslides.
Colombia’s president, Juan Manuel Santos, has urged local governors and mayors to prepare for major flooding.
“We have to work to determine which areas are most at risk of flooding and focus on preventing flooding there,” he told reporters earlier this week. “We know it’s not an easy task and that it requires time, logistics and experts who can help us get prepared.”
Government officials say awareness about flood prevention has increased in Colombia, and the South American nation is better prepared to cope with the rainy season than in previous years.
In 2010, severe flooding pushed the government to declare a state of emergency.
“We have sufficient resources to respond to the emergencies we have experienced so far,” said Carlos Ivan Marquez, head of SNPAD, adding that the government has allocated $60 million to respond to the latest floods.
Across the country, Colombia’s armed forces are helping build sand banks to contain floodwaters and repairing broken bridges. The air force has delivered 33 tonnes of humanitarian aid, including tents and food parcels, to affected communities in the south.
Earlier this week, the government announced plans to construct 100,000 free homes for the “poorest of the poor” over the next two years, with priority given to families who have lost their houses due to flooding.
But the high death toll - just six weeks after the rainy season began - and widespread disruption have renewed calls for local governments to boost prevention measures and ensure that families living in flood-prone areas are evacuated ahead of time.
Some authorities have been criticised for failing to prepare adequately for floods. Last month, the Superintendent of Public Utilities warned that water and sewage systems in around 400 municipalities were not ready for the rainy season, with drains remaining blocked.
Several local mayors and government officials are under investigation by the attorney general’s office for failing to carry out flood prevention works and for mismanaging public funds allocated to disaster response.
The governor of the central province of Cundinamarca said on Wednesday that a fifth of infrastructure improvements to prevent landslides and protect aqueducts have not been completed in the region.
In the last two years, Colombia has been battered by a series of severe floods that have killed around 700 people and disrupted the lives of more than five million.
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