Indonesia SINKING:
/ Floods and Landslides Landa Some Java.
The natural disasters of floods and landslides hit several areas in Java. Among the other flood occurred in Solo, Boyolali, Sukoharjo (Central Java), Roxburgh, Terri, Sampang (East Java). While landslides occurred in Karanganyar (Central Java) and Sukabumi (West Java). For Roxburgh, also accompanied by floods landslides. /
/ Thousands of Houses Submerged Flood
Thousands of homes along the Ciliwung River, especially in the Village Kampungmelayu and Bidaracina, Jatinegara, East Jakarta flooded, Thursday (23/2). Bogor flood of residential flooding that began at 10.00 since it resulted in about 200 residents to evacuate. In addition to the Kampungmelayu and Bidaracina, floods also hit parts of PejatenTimur, Pasarminggu, South Jakarta. Residential area in Jalan Masjid Al-Ma `mur RT 16 RW 07 and 17 also flooded Kirman of Depok and Bogor. /
/ Flash floods submerge Pasaman two locations in the district, West Sumatra since Wednesday evening (02.22.2012), due to heavy rain which flushed in the region of Wednesday afternoon. /
/ As of Thursday (2/23/2012) morning, hundreds of houses and some streets in the provincial and district roads Ponorogo, East Java, is still flooded. "Since yesterday puddle of water in the house has not subsided. /
/ Galodo or flash floods hit parts of Sumatra again. After the South Coast, yesterday's turn of residents in Simpang and Alahanmati Kenagarian, District of sympathy, and the District of Tigo Malampah Rimbo Nagari, who felt the enormity Pasaman galodo. Hundreds of homes and farm animals disappear hit galodo residents that occurred on Wednesday (22/2) at around 17:30 pm. /
/ Flood of items from flooded homes in the village some Bidaracina, 06-12 RT / RW 11 villages in East Jakarta, Thursday (23/02/2012), resulting in a number of students can not go to school. Residents eventually could not activities such as school and work, because of the height in five neighborhoods in Kampung Melayu reached 50-150 centimeters. /
/ Hundreds of homes in two districts in the area of Trenggalek, East Java, reported flooding from overflowing rivers inundated Ngasinan since Wednesday (2/22/2012) morning. No reports of casualties or injuries, but the water reportedly reached an altitude of 70 cm-100 cm in homes in the area which is known as flooded. /
/ 50 Houses in District Pungging Submerged Flood. Due to the rain last night, dozens of houses in the village of Balong Masin Pungging Mojokerto district flooded. /
/ Heavy rains flushed the city of Bogor, West Java, on Wednesday (2/22/2012) tonight. This condition causes the water levels continue to rise so that the Ciliwung River began to flood. /
/ Flash Flood in Pasaman Reaches High Five Meter. Flash floods hit the Simpang Nagari, District Simpang Alahan Dead (Sympathy), Pasaman, West Sumatra, on Wednesday (22/2) evening, reaching a height of five meters. /
/ The river overflowed, hundreds of Houses Flooded. The overflow of water from the River Waeyapo Waeteli and left hundreds of homes in the village of Waekasar, District Waeyapo, Buru regency, Maluku, on Wednesday (22/2), submerged. The water level reached 50 setimeter certainly quite disturbing activities of citizens. As of yesterday afternoon the flood has not subsided. /
/ Hundreds of homes in flood Soak Boyolali. Flooding due to overflowing rivers diterjadi Jampen gravestone and cause hundreds of homes owned by residents in the village of Kismoyoso, District Ngemplak, Boyolali, Central Jawan, Wednesday (22/2) morning, stagnant water. /
/ Floods Submerge Some Areas. Continuous heavy rains in some areas of the country during the past week caused flooding in some areas.
In Solo, Central Java, hundreds of homes were flooded, while in Psychology and Ponorogo, East Java, flooding inundated hundreds of hectares of public facilities and flooded rice fields as well.
Flooding caused by water lupan Solo River, making hundreds of homes in the Village Sewu, District Brebes, Solo, Central Java, were flooded to a height of 60 centimeters. Flooding began soaking homes since early Wednesday. Until now the height of water level is still increasing. /
/ A number of roads in the city of Bandung, West Java, flooded due to heavy rain which flushed for three hours on Tuesday (21/2). The water level reached 50 cm /
/ Floods submerge hundreds of homes of two districts in Solo, Central Java, on Wednesday (22/2). Flooding caused by overflow after heavy rains Solo kawawsan flushed since the night until morning. There are areas along the Solo River water level reaches two to three meters. /
/ Torrential rain resulting in floods also inundated agricultural land and several houses in the village of Potronayan, District Nogosari, Boyolali. At least about 46 acres of flooded rice fields /
/ Flash floods hit four districts in Ponorogo, East Java, Wednesday (02/22/2012). There were no casualties in the incident. This is the worst floods for five years /
/ 50 Houses in West Sumatra swept Flash Flood. Flash floods that occurred in Nagari Simpang Dead Air, District Sympathy, Pasaman, West Sumatra, hit as many as 50 houses. /
/ Dozens of homes in Waru Flooded. Effect Karanganyar Solo River overflow also causes dozens of homes in Waru, Kebakkramat, Karanganyar waterlogged. /
/ A number of areas in Sragen waterlogged due to rain that occurred in some areas outside of Sragen, Wednesday (02/22/2012). According to information compiled from people around, the water overflowed and flooded the location of an adult's knee. /
/ Hundreds of hectares of paddy crops ready for harvest in District Balong, Ponorogo, East Java, on Wednesday (2/22/2012), the flood with a height of 30 centimeters to one meter. Some farmers worry in rice grain would rot if the flood did not recede soon. /
/ Heavy rain which flushed Karanganyar and Magelang regency, Central Java, at 23:30 pm last night, Tuesday (21/2), causing landslides and floods of lava in the two districts. /
Philippines SINKING:
/ Flooding in the Philippines, four killed, thousands flee
Continuous heavy rains fell in the southern Philippines has claimed four lives, including an eight-year-old son, and left more than 26,000 people were displaced. /
I cut the bottom of the article because it does not fit in the blog as a maximum of 100,000 characters.
Flooding in the Philippines, four killed, thousands flee
Flooding in the southern Philippines El Nino caused a storm killed four people. [google] Flooding in the southern Philippines caused by El Nino storms killed four people. [google]
[MANILA] Continuous heavy rains fell in the southern Philippines has claimed four lives, including an eight-year-old son, and left more than 26,000 people were displaced.
Floods and landslides occurred in the province of Catanduanes and in four provinces on the island of Mindanao. Local authorities handing out aid to flood victims, and called for more aid from the government and private agencies.
Bureau of Meteorology said the rain persistent is the impact of La Nina phenomenon, which is expected to peak in the Philippines next month. [ABC/L-8]
46 Flood Flood Ha Rice in POTRONAYAN
Torrential rain resulting in floods also inundated agricultural land and several houses in the village of Potronayan, District Nogosari, Boyolali.
At least about 46 acres of flooded rice fields.
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Flash Flood Landa Ponorogo
PONOROGO, - Flash floods hit four districts in Ponorogo, East Java, Wednesday (02/22/2012). There were no casualties in the incident.
"Heavy rains flushed from Tuesday afternoon until Wednesday morning, causing a lot of flooded areas," he said.
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50 Houses in West Sumatra swept Flash Flood
SUMBAR - Flash floods that occurred in Nagari Simpang Dead Air, District Sympathy, Pasaman, West Sumatra, hit as many as 50 houses.
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FLOOD Karanganyar: Dozens of homes in Waru Flooded
Effect Karanganyar Solo River overflow also causes dozens of homes in Waru, Kebakkramat, Karanganyar waterlogged.
Current condition of the water has begun to gradually shrink. But hundreds of residents to remain vigilant and mengungungsikan valuable items to safety. Residents worried about the flow of water will continue to increase due to overflow of Solo River. Team of Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Karanganyar flood shelters set up three of them Sroyo, District of Cork; Waru, and Kragan Kebakkramat District, District Gondangrejo.
According to residents Waru, Pratiwi to, floods caused by torrential rains that hit the region Soloraya for seven hours. Consequently Solo River water level rose and submerged houses. "The water started to come in and flooded the house at 05.00 pm," he said.
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FLOOD SRAGEN: Masaran and Sragen Water Flooded City
SRAGEN - A number of areas in Sragen waterlogged due to rain that occurred in some areas outside of Sragen, Wednesday (02/22/2012).
According to information compiled from people around, the water overflowed and flooded the location of an adult's knee. When the news was revealed, the water is gradually receding.
Earlier, around 08.00 pm, villagers turn Pringanom and Pilang, Masaran, digegerkan flood water came suddenly. Water flooded a number of rice fields in the two villages. Even the water overflowed into the street a liaison between the District and Plupuh Masaran.
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Hundreds of Hectares Submerged Paddy Flood
PONOROGO, - Hundreds of hectares of paddy crops ready for harvest in District Balong, Ponorogo, East Java, on Wednesday (2/22/2012), the flood with a height of 30 centimeters to one meter.
Some farmers worry in rice grain would rot if the flood did not recede soon.
Flooded rice fields were monitored at least Ngampel Village, Village Balong, and the village of Authorship.
One of the farmers in the village of Ampel, Margiono (42), said that in his village more than 100 acres of submerged rice plants. The average age of the plants are 80 days or less 10 days of harvest.
"If tomorrow the water does not go away, farmers likely loss due to poor quality of grain produced. In addition to the high water content, gabahnya too easily broken and rotten. Automatic price falls," he said.
Landslides and floods hit Central Java Lava Cold
Jakarta - Heavy rain which flushed Karanganyar and Magelang regency, Central Java, at 23:30 pm last night, Tuesday (21/2), causing landslides and floods of lava in the two districts.
"Landslides occurred at 23:30 pm on Tuesday (2/21/2012) in 5 districts, namely Jenawi, Ngargoyoso, Karangpadan, Tawangmangu, and Matesih Karanganyar district," said Head of Information and Public Relations Data Center for Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Sutopo Purwo Nugroho to Gatranews in Jakarta on Wednesday (02/22/2012).
He said the landslides had killed 2 people and Ngargoyoso Karangpadan District residents, namely Resowiyono (60 years), a resident of Banjar RT 3 RW 4, Ds Gerdu, district and Sukiningsih Karangpandan (70 years) who Drojo, Ds Puntukrejo, Ngargoyoso district.
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A number of flooded areas in Bandung, New York: A number of roads in the city of Bandung, West Java, flooded due to heavy rain which flushed for three hours on Tuesday (21/2). The water level reached 50 cm, and led to a number of vehicles breaking down.
Stagnant water in Jalan Sukarno-Hatta, Jakarta Canal Street, Antapani, and the Gedebage. Areas hit by severe flooding is Gedebage.
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Hundreds of homes in flood Soak Boyolali
Flooding due to overflowing rivers diterjadi Jampen gravestone and cause hundreds of homes owned by residents in the village of Kismoyoso, District Ngemplak, Boyolali, Central Jawan, Wednesday (22/2) morning, stagnant water.
According to village head Kismoyoso, Joko Margono, heavy rain that began Tuesday (21/02/2012) evening until Wednesday (22/2) morning, causing water in the river and the gravestone is in the village Jampen Kismoyoso overflow, being unable to accommodate.
He explained that the water overflow into the river from flooding the homes of residents in seven hamlets in Kismoyoso, about 01.00 pm until the morning of the ride.
"Flooding that year, was the largest in Kismoyoso than 2011. This village is already a subscription in the rainy season," he said.
He said the water level up to about waist adults, but around 09.00 pm the flood began to recede. Residents are now beginning to community service cleaning their houses from the rest of the flood-borne silt.
Hamlet of seven houses in the stagnant water Kismoyoso between one knee to the chest of the one Ngampo, moor, Beran, Grasak, Krajan, Jampen, Kedunggowo, and Tambas.
"People are now worked together to clean up the remnants of mud around their homes, after the water receded, on Wednesday afternoon," he said. (AEF / At)
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Floods Submerge Some Areas, Solo: Continuous heavy rains in some areas of the country during the past week caused flooding in some areas.
In Solo, Central Java, hundreds of homes were flooded, while in Psychology and Ponorogo, East Java, flooding inundated hundreds of hectares of public facilities and flooded rice fields as well.
Flooding caused by water lupan Solo River, making hundreds of homes in the Village Sewu, District Brebes, Solo, Central Java, were flooded to a height of 60 centimeters. Flooding began soaking homes since early Wednesday. Until now the height of water level is still increasing.
Not only that, the flood also submerge hundreds of hectares of productive agricultural areas in Psychology. Assured the farmers failed to harvest if the flow of water continues to rise.
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Flash Flood in Pasaman Reaches High Five Meter
Nagari intersection - AFP: Flash floods hit the Simpang Nagari, District Simpang Alahan Dead (Sympathy), Pasaman, West Sumatra, on Wednesday (22/2) evening, reaching a height of five meters.
Witnesses reported a five-meter-high floods brought a lot of logs from the Mount Rimbo Malampah. Heavy rain which flushed Pasaman since the day alleged as the cause of flash floods.
It is unknown if anyone was killed. But dozens of people were reported injured. In addition at least eight houses were reported washed away and a prayer room, as well as dozens of other houses were badly damaged.
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The river overflowed, hundreds of Houses Flooded, Ambon: The overflow of water from the River Waeyapo Waeteli and left hundreds of homes in the village of Waekasar, District Waeyapo, Buru regency, Maluku, on Wednesday (22/2), submerged. The water level reached 50 setimeter certainly quite disturbing activities of citizens.
To avoid damage caused by flooding, residents are forced to save the furniture. Children are also forced to not go to school.
Flooding that occurred this time allegedly because of the silting of rivers and river Waeteli Waeyapo up spills rainwater overflow was accommodated. Residents said that when it rains heavy water directly hit the residential complex that is located lower.
As of yesterday afternoon the flood has not subsided. Some residents looked on guard around the house if they anticipate the subsequent flood came. (IAN)
Houses and Roads in Ponorogo Still Submerged
PONOROGO, - As of Thursday (2/23/2012) morning, hundreds of houses and some streets in the provincial and district roads Ponorogo, East Java, is still flooded.
Although rain is no longer flushed, standing water does not go low tide. Monitoring the field, a pool of water about one meter high as seen in villages in the District of Balong, such Ampel village, the village of Authorship, and the village of Balong.
"Since yesterday puddle of water in the house has not subsided. This is the worst floods for five years, "said Harminto (36), a resident of the village of Authorship.
In addition to soaking homes, floods also inundated Roxburgh-Pacitan Highway about five kilometers from the town square Ponorogo. As a result, the flow of vehicles stalled.
Bogor Heavy Rain, Flooding Preparedness Ciliwung
BOGOR, - Heavy rains flushed the city of Bogor, West Java, on Wednesday (2/22/2012) tonight. This condition causes the water levels continue to rise so that the Ciliwung River began to flood.
Of dams Katulampa, water level monitoring points Ciliwung, until around 22:00 pm, reported water levels had reached 70 centimeters or IV flood alert.
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50 Houses in District Pungging Submerged Flood
Due to the rain last night, dozens of houses in the village of Balong Masin Pungging Mojokerto district flooded.
Educate Sudarsono Kasi District Disaster Management PMI Mojokerto reported Febri from Radio Maja Mojokerto, Thursday (02/23/2012), said there were about 50 houses in the village of Balong Masin and 20 acres of flooded rice fields flooded.
Height of water coming into the house to 1 meter, while in fields as high as 50 cm. He describes this as subscriptions flood source Masin River overflowed.
Learner adds no evacuation because they remain at home. And water is starting to recede. (tin)
The river overflowed Ngasinan Trenggalek
TRENGGALEK, - Hundreds of homes in two districts in the area of Trenggalek, East Java, reported flooding from overflowing rivers inundated Ngasinan since Wednesday (2/22/2012) morning.
No reports of casualties or injuries, but the water reportedly reached an altitude of 70 cm-100 cm in homes in the area which is known as flooded.
"Residents should evacuate the items in the home to places that are safer, as mushala and mosques," said Imam, a resident Kelutan, District Race.
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Floods in Bidaracina, Residents Can not Work and SchoolFlood of items from flooded homes in the village some Bidaracina, 06-12 RT / RW 11 villages in East Jakarta, Thursday (23/02/2012), resulting in a number of students can not go to school.
Residents eventually could not activities such as school and work, because of the height in five neighborhoods in Kampung Melayu reached 50-150 centimeters.
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Floods and Landslides Landa Some Java
SOLO (AFP): The natural disasters of floods and landslides hit several areas in Java. Among the other flood occurred in Solo, Boyolali, Sukoharjo (Central Java), Roxburgh, Terri, Sampang (East Java). While landslides occurred in Karanganyar (Central Java) and Sukabumi (West Java). For Roxburgh, also accompanied by floods landslides.
From Solo reported, at least an 90-home residents in the city under water after heavy rains flushed since Tuesday (21/2) evening until Wednesday (22/2) morning. Torrential rains caused overflow Solo and dozens of houses located along the river flooded the area.
There are two villages are flooded, the Village Sewu and Clover. In Kampung Putat, Village Sewu, District Jebres, water soaking dozens of homes starting at 4:00 pm. Water levels that flooded homes, especially in RW I, II, III, VII, and VII in the village of knee limit up to 2 adults meters.
"The water began to inundate homes since at 04.00 pm and continued to rise. Overflow water from Solo is very fast because the rain is not only happening in the city of Solo, but also in Wonogiri and Sukoharjo, so that water from the River Solo also came from above, "said Head Village Sewu, Great Riyadi, the location of the flood.
While in Boyolali, floods caused by overflowing rivers and Jampen gravestone cause hundreds of homes belonging to the village Kismoyoso, District Ngemplak, Boyolali, Central Jawan, Wednesday morning, filled with water. "The flood this year's biggest Kismoyoso compared to 2011. This village is already a subscription in the rainy season," said the chief Kismoyoso, Joko Margono.
Reported from East Java, hundreds of homes in the District and Pogalan Psychology, Race, Wednesday, flooded to a height of more than one meter due to overflow of river water Ngasinan.
"Some residents in the Village Kelutan evacuates his belongings to a safer place, like the mushala or mosque, because the water had entered the house," said one resident named Imam Kelutan.
According to him, the water overflowed into the township residents at around 2:45 pm, after two levees on the river burst its banks Ngasinan being unable to accommodate the high rainfall that occurred more than five hours.
Meanwhile, two people were killed and two villages in Karanganyar district, Central Java, isolated by landslides that occurred in Karanganyar district, Tuesday (22/2) evening. Landslides that occurred around 23:00 pm that causing access to the two villages, namely Guntur Hamlet, and Hamlet Tepus Ngargoyoso District, District Jenawi, disconnected. Bridge connecting the two villages were buried by landslides after heavy rains flushed the area.
According to the Chief Executive Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) District Karanganyar, Heru Aji Pratama, due to landslides, at least there are five districts in the affected Karanganyar, the District Jenawi, Ngargoyoso, Karangpadan, Tawangmangu, and Matesih.
"Two people who died from the avalanche is Resowiyono (60) citizens of Banjar, RT 03/04, Hamlet Gerdu, District Karangpandan, and Sukiningsih (70), residents Drojo, Hamlet Puntukrejo, District Ngargoyoso," he said, Wednesday (22/2) .
Resowiyono died from the avalanche buried under the ground, while Sukiningsih died of a heart attack after learning his house was destroyed by landslides.
The landslide also destroyed at least eight homes and dozens of other homes suffered minor damage and was.
Meanwhile, besides Ponorogo in East Java suffered flooding, also hit by landslides. The disaster occurred at least four districts, namely District Ngrayun, Bungkal, Slahung, and Balong.
According to Head of Prevention and Preparedness Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Ponorogo Setyo Budiono, Wednesday, landslides started happening since Tuesday (21/2) afternoon at around 15:00 pm in the District Ngrayun. "Continuous heavy rains until early this morning also caused some other areas experienced floods come," he said Wednesday.
Landslides due to the large area that's expected to reach 40 points, a number of roads and bridges suffered considerable damage was reported. But there are no reports of fatalities. (Endang Kusumastuti / Ant / Dwi Putro AA)
Thousands of Houses Submerged FloodThousands of homes along the Ciliwung River, especially in the Village Kampungmelayu and Bidaracina, Jatinegara, East Jakarta flooded, Thursday (23/2). Bogor flood of residential flooding that began at 10.00 since it resulted in about 200 residents to evacuate.
Kampungmelayu headman, Adhe Chairul Bahar, said the flood of homes in Bogor up to 7 RW RW covers 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 07, and 08. Water levels between 50-180 centimeters. As a result, a total of 32 families or 130 people fled to the Masjid At-Tawabin in RW 02 and about 70 people fled to the former movie theater archipelago.
While about 500 houses in the village inhabited by 1760 people Bidaracina also flooded, especially in RW 03, 05, 06, 07, 11, and 14. Water levels between 50-200 centimeters. Most severe flooding hit the RW 07 because it is located in the lowlands.
Chairman of RW 07 Bidaracina, Mamat Syahroni (50) said, Ciliwung River water overflowed at 05.00. But the floods began to inundate residential areas at 10.00. One house is located on RT 05, is two meters under water. There are nine RTs in the waterlogged include RT 05 RW 07, 09, 10, 12, 14, 17, 16, 18, and 15. This flood paralyzed the activities of citizens. Including the mother who does not do the cooking activity. To meet the food needs forced them to buy into the nearest stall.
"We have two boats, so it can be used fro residents to deliver aid or evacuate. But so far none of our citizens to evacuate. Currently, there are no signs of water will recede," he said.
Bidaracina urban village, Nasrudin said, although most of the area flooded, but no one wants residents to evacuate. Even so, it set up administrative offices as a place of refuge. Currently, residents have received assistance 25 liter green bean porridge from East Jakarta PMI. Then at 14.00 will be shipped 500 boxes of rice ready to eat rice from the PMI and 600 boxes of Social Agency. "Floods paralyze the activities of citizens, but citizens do not have to evacuate," he said.
In addition to the Kampungmelayu and Bidaracina, floods also hit parts of PejatenTimur, Pasarminggu, South Jakarta. Residential area in Jalan Masjid Al-Ma `mur RT 16 RW 07 and 17 also flooded Kirman of Depok and Bogor.
Jajang, a resident of RT 017/7 said the flooding this morning is the fifth so far this year. "Usually the water rose a little slow, but very quickly this morning directly to 1.5 meters in 10 minutes," he said, "he said.
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Flash Flood Pasaman lunge-Sumatra
Manila - Flash floods submerge Pasaman two locations in the district, West Sumatra since Wednesday evening (02.22.2012), due to heavy rain which flushed in the region of Wednesday afternoon.
5-meter-high flood, carrying logs and material debris of the hill Rimbo Malapah. BPBD setempay still record losses due to flood it.
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Flash Flood drowned Hundreds of Houses
PASAMAN - Galodo or flash floods hit parts of Sumatra again. After the South Coast, yesterday's turn of residents in Simpang and Alahanmati Kenagarian, District of sympathy, and the District of Tigo Malampah Rimbo Nagari, who felt the enormity Pasaman galodo. Hundreds of homes and farm animals disappear hit galodo residents that occurred on Wednesday (22/2) at around 17:30 pm.
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