South American flood:
Several regions of Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador are in a state of emergency for floods!
In Peru, Ollanta Humala president mobilized troops Civil Defense and the Army to assist 12 regions affected by heavy rains and floods that killed far more than 20 dead. In Bolivia, have at least 10 dead and more than nine thousand families affected, the government declared Wednesday a national emergency.
In the third week of February, floods displaced mines and antitank mines planted along the border with Peru to the route between Tacna and Arica, and the Chilean authorities had to stop traffic between both countries. During cutting stranded in Arica about three thousand Peruvians, while the Consulate of Chile in Tacna guareció about 200 Chileans unable to cross the border until 22 February.
In Peru, Ollanta Humala president mobilized troops Civil Defense and the Army to assist 12 regions affected by heavy rains and floods that killed far more than 20 dead. In Bolivia, have at least 10 dead and more than nine thousand families affected, the government declared Wednesday a national emergency.
The Brazilian Amazon has also been affected by the rains that resulted in the rise of the river Acre to 17.39 meters, the second largest brand after the 17.66 meters in 1997. On the other hand, the government of Ecuador declared a yellow alert in 12 provinces, and Civil Defense reported at least 20 missing.
Bolivia, Hours later, the number of homeless families rose to 9,478 in 123 municipalities, most by the overflowing of rivers
Cabrera said that in coordination with the governor of Pando and the city are taking extreme efforts to help more than 1,000 families affected by the overflowing of the river Acre, Tahuamano, Morder di Dios, whose waters reached six to eight meters high and flooded Bolpebra fully Township and surrounding villages in the tripartite border with Peru and Brazil.
Some 60 000 families were affected by the overflowing of the river Acre in the Brazilian state namesake as a result of heavy rainfall in recent days. The Civil Defense coordinator of Acre Joao Oliveira de Jesus told Agencia Brasil that the river level reached on the morning of February 22 to 17.39 meters, a level surpassed only by reaching 17.66 meters in 1997 .
Peru almost completely flooded
On February 8 the rainy season almost punished with fury throughout Peru, to the extent that even the capital Lima, where it seldom rains, suffered an unusual precipitation. The unusual rain that fell throughout the morning of 7 February in Lima was one of the factors of a water main break water that flooded dozens of houses in the popular San Juan de Lurigancho and caused severe damage to a school .
That day a rain also overwhelmed to Arequipa, while the regional government of Ica, 300 kilometers south of Lima, declared a state of emergency after heavy rain aggravated the situation caused by a recent earthquake that damaged the sewer. About three thousand homes were disinfected after being flooded by sewage.
The city of Trujillo, 570 kilometers north of Lima, suffered 15 hours of torrential rain, up to nine liters per square meter, flooding the main square and main arteries. Further north, in the Lambayeque region, hundreds of hectares of crops were flooded by the rising river Chancay. In Puno, territory adjoining highland Bolivia, eight communities were isolated by the overflowing of several rivers.
On 17 February, the Puno region was declared an emergency to the incessant rains and ensuing floods and landslides that caused 17 deaths and extensive damage in the 13 provinces of the region since the beginning of rain season in November 2011.
Similar measure adopted before the authorities of the central Andean region of Cajamarca and the northern Ancash. The Iñapari population in the region of Madre de Dios, near the border with Brazil, suffered major flooding after waters reached two meters in height. In Cusco, rainfall restrictions determined in the train service leading to the famous Inca ruins of Machu Picchu.
The National Institute of Civil Defense reported 30 wounded, nearly seven thousand people homeless and affected 71 000 in the 24 regions. Registration includes 897 homes destroyed, 575 uninhabitable and 13,161 affected. The waters destroyed or damaged farmland, schools, local health services, over a thousand kilometers of roads, bridges and irrigation canals.
On 21 February, the President of Peru Ollanta Humala ordered the mobilization of his ministers, civil defense and the army to assist 12 regions affected by torrential rains and floods.
The number of fatalities in Ecuador because of the floods rose to 12 and 1,293 victims on 21 January 2012.
On 10 February, the municipality and the Ecuadorian city of Chone, Manabi province, was partially flooded for two days of heavy rains and flooding of the Rio Grande
/ Puno: Floods affected over 37 000 hectares of crops
The province of El Collao was the one that suffered the most damage to register the loss of 4 thousand 451 hectares of crops, according to the Regional Directorate of Agriculture.
Due to heavy rainfall, a total of 37 thousand 900 hectares of crops were affected in Puno, issued by a preliminary report of the Regional Directorate of Agriculture, which also reported that other 5 093 hectares were lost. This figure is the result of the overflow of major rivers to Lake Titicaca in the province Callacame Chucuito; Pichipa and Sinani in the province of Yunguyo, wrench and slippers in El Callao, in Huancané Ramis; Coata Illpa Vilque and Puno; Asillo and Azangaro in the province of the same name. /
/ Up to nine thousand 500 families affected by rains in Bolivia
La Paz, February 22 (PL) Families affected by the rains and floods in Bolivia amounted to nine thousand 500, according to a recent party offered today by the Vice Ministry of Civil Defence.
"scar Cabrera, Deputy Minister of Civil Defence, announced that the affected families came to nine thousand 478 in 123 municipalities, most by the overflowing of rivers. The horrific scenes are recorded, however, in the Amazon Pando, where the river Acre rose from six to eight meters higher than the water and caused flooding in several communities and neighborhoods in the provincial capital, Cobija. /
/ Six towns were inundated by floods
Several families were forced to flee their homes due to overflow of rivers in Cochabamba. The Governor Edmundo Novillo today announced that the Legislative Assembly formalized the declaration of "emergency department" in Cochabamba, where at least six towns were flooded by floods, flash floods and overflowing rivers, some 4 million Bolivians will go to reconstruction work. /
/ Floods affected 70% of agricultural production
Over 70% of agricultural production in the upper valley and elsewhere in the department of Cochabamba, was affected by heavy rainfall, floods and flooding that occurred as a result of La Niña, a situation that threatening the supply of products this year. /
/ Amounted to 63,800 people today, Thursday, the number of people affected by floods caused by heavy rainfall in the Brazilian state of Acre. Of that number, 8,500 people lost their homes and 44,700 had to abandon due to rising water levels of the Acre River, which reached 17.46 meters high, near the record set in 1997 when it reached 17.66 meter. /
/ Floods and overflowing rivers affect Babahoyo, Vinces, Urdaneta, Palenque, Quevedo and Mocache. /
Six towns were inundated by floods
Several families were forced to flee their homes due to overflow of rivers in Cochabamba.
Cochabamba, (THE DAILY). - The Governor Edmundo Novillo today announced that the Legislative Assembly formalized the declaration of "emergency department" in Cochabamba, where at least six towns were flooded by floods, flash floods and overflowing rivers, some 4 million Bolivians will go to reconstruction work.
At a press conference, the first departmental authority, confirmed by written notice to the Assembly requested the Legislative Department declared state of emergency because of the delicate situation that exists in several municipalities and regions suffering the consequences of the phenomenon of girl.
The authority further clarified that the budget amendment is requested to increase to two million Bolivians already approved, one million nine hundred and eighty thousand more to allow the attention to all the floods affected areas where you need including housing.
The heavy rainfall that resulted in flash floods and overflowing rivers forced the municipalities of: Quillacollo, Sipe Sipe, Sacaba; Vinto, Colcapirhua and Capinota to declare state of emergency, the delicate situation that exists, it requires a larger budget economically to meet the thousands of people affected.
"We have 54 homeless families who have completely lost their homes, we also, 1,523 families affected means that their homes have been affected by flooding, according to the evaluations that have been made by the SEDAG we also have 1,477 hectares of crops affected, as corn, wheat, vegetables and others who have been damaged, "said Steer.
He added that given the tense calm that prevails in the affected regions, the Operations Committee (EOC) is in permanent session to assess the situation and strategies for care and delivery of aid to affected families is done by delivering food and supplies from days gone by.
Floods affected 70% of agricultural production
Cochabamba - Bolivia. - Over 70% of agricultural production in the upper valley and elsewhere in the department of Cochabamba, was affected by heavy rainfall, floods and flooding that occurred as a result of La Niña, a situation that threatening the supply of products this year.
Concern and uncertainty, leave in the productive sector, the consequences of the phenomenon that in the past three weeks wiped out over 100 hectares of agricultural products grown in different regions of the valley.
"We have confirmed that more than 70% loss, our production is rotten in every way," said concerned, the leader of the Federation of Peasants Manuel Mamani, who advance the situation threatens the normal supply of food to the city over these months.
"This year we will have shortages, we are looking at mechanisms to see how we cater to the population, more than all is lost, potatoes, corn, wheat, vegetables, high valley in the Andes, by flooding , giving frost damaged crops, "he said.
The sector leader, said that efforts are needed to achieve the greatest possible assistance to the affected areas which require production of seeds, water and other supplies in the course of coming months to allow recovery of hectares whose crops were under water.
"We are streamlining the central government, provincial and municipal partners will assist by providing seeds, fertilizer and food supplies to overcome this situation, thank goodness the emergency law is guaranteed, that gives us access to economic resources," said.
In this regard, the general counsel of the Interior, Freddy Sanmillán said is confirmed by the SEDAG, provision of seeds and agricultural input supply to the affected areas, once identified the most affected, where the phenomenon of child ended with the crops and crop this year.
Up to nine thousand 500 families affected by rains in Bolivia
La Paz, February 22 (PL) Families affected by the rains and floods in Bolivia amounted to nine thousand 500, according to a recent party offered today by the Vice Ministry of Civil Defence.
"scar Cabrera, Deputy Minister of Civil Defence, announced that the affected families came to nine thousand 478 in 123 municipalities, most by the overflowing of rivers.
The preliminary report says that totaled the number of families affected by floods caused by overflowing rivers as the effect of La Nina weather phenomenon, said Cabrera.
The Civil Defense has also reiterated that 700 thousand tons of humanitarian aid in different stores in the country and a budget of 40 million Bolivians-about 5.8 million dollars for assistance to those affected.
According to Cabrera, the departments most affected municipalities are La Paz (22), Potosi (19), Chuquisaca (19), Cochabamba (15), Oruro (9), Tarija (7), Santa Cruz (6), Beni (4 ) and Pando (2).
The horrific scenes are recorded, however, in the Amazon Pando, where the river Acre rose from six to eight meters higher than the water and caused flooding in several communities and neighborhoods in the provincial capital, Cobija.
According to reports from Pando, a thousand families were affected in the area, but in La Paz and Cochabamba, the figure exceeds 600 thousand in each case.
The rains and floods in the last days in Bolivia are the result of the effects of La Nina weather phenomenon, whose influence, the weather service said today, gradually dissipates, but the rains will persist until the middle of next month.
Winter affects 6 counties of Los Rios
Six of the 13 cantons of the province of Los Rios suffer the consequences of winter. Floods and overflowing rivers affect Babahoyo, Vinces, Urdaneta, Palenque, Quevedo and Mocache.
The Emergency Operations Committee (COE) reported 290 affected families (135 in 17 shelters and 155 foster families in homes).
Due to the impact of rain in about 50% of the province, the governor asked Jesus Narvaez said the declaration of health emergency. "So far there are no diseases but do not want to risk it. Lack of investment in medicines and medical personnel. " For yesterday afternoon was planned the visit of the Minister of Health, Carine Vance.
In Canton Vinces the situation worsened in rural areas. Francisco Mayor Leon said that while the Vinces River back in the urban area, 90 enclosures are completely flooded. "We estimate there are about 30 000 people affected." The villages affected are Macul, Rancho La Reforma and Joy.
In the canton Quevedo the water rose to five feet in the parishes of St. Christopher, Nicholas Infante and San Camilo, by overflowing river Quevedo, as reported by Wilson Perez of the Department of Risk.
The capital of the province, Babahoyo, also has problems. Parishes Febres Cordero, Pimocha, Caracol and La Union have minor flooding. And in the rural area, about 25 campuses are flooded.
In the province of El Oro, landslides cause more damage in Balsas. The closing of the roads prevents the delivery of inputs for poultry farms. "There involving 30% of the poultry sector, one of the most productive in the country," said Jorge Chamaidán, technical director of the Ministry of Agriculture.
In Guayas, in the canton Daule, there are 30 villages flooded. And on the road Naranjal-Machala, the Pubic Works Department installed a 60-meter bailey bridge over the river Balao. This is due to the collapse of the old viaduct batteries. The passing vehicle is restricted.
Puno: Floods affected over 37 000 hectares of cropsThe province of El Collao was the one that suffered the most damage to register the loss of 4 thousand 451 hectares of crops, according to the Regional Directorate of Agriculture.
Due to heavy rainfall, a total of 37 thousand 900 hectares of crops were affected in Puno, issued by a preliminary report of the Regional Directorate of Agriculture, which also reported that other 5 093 hectares were lost.
This figure is the result of the overflow of major rivers to Lake Titicaca in the province Callacame Chucuito; Pichipa and Sinani in the province of Yunguyo, wrench and slippers in El Callao, in Huancané Ramis; Coata Illpa Vilque and Puno; Asillo and Azangaro in the province of the same name.
The preliminary report finds that the province suffered most damage is the Collao, which recorded a loss of 4 451 hectares, while the other 12 735 were affected. Belong to potato crops, quinoa, barley, oats and beans.
Also reported to have not yet quantified the damage is causing the increase in the level of Lake Titicaca extensive air affecting food crops, which the Senamhi could continue to increase.
Flooding due to heavy storm left more than 64,000 affected people in Brazilian state
Amounted to 63,800 people today, Thursday, the number of people affected by floods caused by heavy rainfall in the Brazilian state of Acre, according to the latest report of the Civil Defense of the territory.
Of that number, 8,500 people lost their homes and 44,700 had to abandon due to rising water levels of the Acre River, which reached 17.46 meters high, near the record set in 1997 when it reached 17.66 meter.
After warning that the water level of the river can overcome the historical record, the head of the National Center for Disaster Risk Management and Civil Defence of Acre, Armin Braun, Agencia Brasil said that the prevention efforts, prevented fatalities.
Braun also highlighted the work of state and federal government in the relief and care of victims. People who are homeless in shelters, where they receive food and other provisions, he said.
He said that two helicopters and two planes of the Air Force, as well as 70 members of the National Security Force, assist in the rescue of people were cut off, while relief agencies have distributed some 2,800 victuals among those affected.
South American flood:
Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador in emergency by heavy rains
Several regions of Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador are in a state of emergency for floods, landslides and swollen rivers caused by heavy and unusual rainfall associated with La Nina weather phenomenon. Forecasters are predicting rain this year with above-average records normal, contrasting with the drought plaguing much of the South American Southern Cone since November 2011.
Earlier this year, rains and strong winds associated with La Niña caused damage and knocked out power to several towns in Alto Paraná department of Paraguay, a country that paradoxically suffers seriously affected by drought.
In Uruguay, the heavy rains on February 5 improved the situation in the agricultural areas of the departments of Tacuarembó and Rivera, affected by the chronic shortage of rainfall. The town Stone Alone recibió120 mm, a great relief to the Rural Association of Tacuarembó, reviewed the digital version of El País. Rivera area was also the scene of heavy rainfall that completed the relief last week when the rain stopped between 30 and 80 millimeters.
In Argentina, in late January a storm of rain, hail and winds over 120 miles an hour left two dead and 15 wounded in the city of Cordoba. For nearly three hours fell 61.5 millimeters of water, according to the Meteorological Service of the territory. The phenomenon made out of 180 of the 300 transformers that supply power. The seriousness of the facts led to the creation of a crisis committee composed of provincial government authorities and the Municipality of Córdoba.
In Chile, the Salado River on February 11 about 800 left homeless in the town of San Pedro de Atacama, located about 1,600 km from Santiago. The storm forced the evacuation of thousands of residents and foreign tourists who were vacationing. The downpours occurred in only four hours also forced to close three crossings confirmed the regional director of Office of Emergency Irina Antofagasta Salgado.
In the third week of February, floods displaced mines and antitank mines planted along the border with Peru to the route between Tacna and Arica, and the Chilean authorities had to stop traffic between both countries. During cutting stranded in Arica about three thousand Peruvians, while the Consulate of Chile in Tacna guareció about 200 Chileans unable to cross the border until 22 February.
In Peru, Ollanta Humala president mobilized troops Civil Defense and the Army to assist 12 regions affected by heavy rains and floods that killed far more than 20 dead. In Bolivia, have at least 10 dead and more than nine thousand families affected, the government declared Wednesday a national emergency.
The Brazilian Amazon has also been affected by the rains that resulted in the rise of the river Acre to 17.39 meters, the second largest brand after the 17.66 meters in 1997. On the other hand, the government of Ecuador declared a yellow alert in 12 provinces, and Civil Defense reported at least 20 missing.
National emergency in Bolivia
President Evo Morales declared a national emergency on February 22 for the damage caused by the weather phenomenon La Nina, which to date affected more than nine thousand families in 93 municipalities, particularly in La Paz, Cochabamba, Beni and Pando .
The governor of Cesar Paz said the same day Cocarico emergency department because more than three thousand families in 17 municipalities suffer from heavy rains so far damaged more than 12 000 hectares of crops. Cocarico reported that in the last four days there were heavy rains throughout the department, especially in the region of the Altiplano and the valleys north and south. The floods collapsed bridges and roads and destroyed crops of potatoes, quinoa and barley.
Deputy Minister of Civil Defence Oscar Cabrera said that 9,066 families were affected by La Nina in 93 municipalities in Bolivia. The departments most affected are La Paz with 1,640 families in 20 municipalities; Potosi 1,461 families in 19 municipalities, Cochabamba (1,628 - 14), Chuquisaca (1,201 - 12), Oruro (1578-9), Tarija (504 - 7); Santa Cruz (46 -6), Beni (9 families in 4 municipalities) and Pando with nearly a thousand families affected in two municipalities.
Hours later, the number of homeless families rose to 9,478 in 123 municipalities, most by the overflowing of rivers. Civil Defence reiterated that has 1,700 tons of humanitarian aid in different stores in the country and a budget of 40 million Bolivians to assist those affected. According to the latest report of Civil Defense, the departments most affected municipalities are La Paz (22), Potosi (19), Chuquisaca (19), Cochabamba (15), Oruro (9), Tarija (7), Santa Cruz (6 ), Beni (4) and Pando (2).
Cabrera said that in coordination with the governor of Pando and the city are taking extreme efforts to help more than 1,000 families affected by the overflowing of the river Acre, Tahuamano, Mother of God, whose waters reached six to eight meters high and flooded Bolpebra fully Township and surrounding villages in the tripartite border with Peru and Brazil.
So far, the Bolivian government handed over 162 tons of aid including food, blankets, clothing and other to the victims, while the Ministry of Health deployed nine brigades to the department of Pando.
At least 60 000 families affected in Brazil
Some 60 000 families were affected by the overflowing of the river Acre in the Brazilian state namesake as a result of heavy rainfall in recent days. The Civil Defense coordinator of Acre Joao Oliveira de Jesus told Agencia Brasil that the river level reached on the morning of February 22 to 17.39 meters, a level surpassed only by reaching 17.66 meters in 1997 .
On January 2, 2012 at least 46 municipalities in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais were in emergency due to heavy rainfall. According to the Energy Company of Minas Gerais (Cemig), in the first two days of January it rained in Belo Horizonte, the capital, more than half of that expected for the month. Meteorologist Arthur Chaves, cited by G1-site portal Globe-News, said that in those two days were recorded 163 millimeters of rainfall, while the expected average for the month was 274 mm.
The heavy rains also hit the states of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, and forced to close the airport Santos Dumont. In the city of Petrópolis, in the Serrana region of Rio de Janeiro, it rained non-stop 72 hours. That area in January 2011 suffered the worst natural disaster in Brazil, where over 900 people died and 300 disappeared because of landslides.
On 5 January rose to eight the number of deaths in the state of Minas Gerais since last October when the rainy season began. Until that day 66 municipalities had enacted emergency situation and in total amounted to 119 the territories affected. In those days there were over 2.1 million affected in Minas Gerais, of which about 10 000 had to leave their homes and another 450 lost their homes.
In Rio de Janeiro six municipalities were in a state of emergency, excelling Santo Antonio de Padua, where they had to quit or lost their homes more than 13,000 of the 40,000 inhabitants of the town, due to overflow of river Pomba, which rose five feet above its normal level. The severity of the damage led even President Rousseff shorten their vacation and will return to Brasilia to meet with the Minister of the Civil Gleisi Hoffmann, to coordinate federal relief efforts.
The state of Rio de Janeiro on January 6th dawned on high alert due to the rupture of a dam, which would allow the passage of the floodwaters of the river Muriaé, who came to the community of Three Bands, in the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes . To avoid loss of life, more than 500 families were warned to leave their homes in three bands, said Civil Defense Secretary Henrique Oliveira Campos dos Goytacazes.
Until that day, 142 municipalities were affected by rains that destroyed 101 houses and 89 bridges throughout the state of Minas Gerais. In the state of Espirito Santo, 16 municipalities were facing problems and the total was 17,700 people affected, of which 771 had to leave their homes and 203 lost them.
On January 9, President Rousseff decided to create a task force to act on natural disaster prevention and reconstruction of affected areas. National Force Technical Support to Emergencies, composed of 35 geologists and hydrologists 15, was dislocated in the regions of highest risk in the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo. In addition, President reopened the credits of a national fund of 444 million reais, about $ 240 million, for the prevention of natural disasters.
On January 10, members of the Fire Brigade and Civil Defence found five bodies with which the dead numbered 13 and in two landslides in Jamapará, municipality of Rio de Janeiro Sapucaia. Until that day 28 people died in floods, landslides and house collapses in Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo. It had more than 2.8 million people homeless, of which about 20 000 lost their homes or had to leave.
The latest report by the Civil Defense of Minas Gerais indicated that totaled 15 dead and three missing, while 182 municipalities have reported damage, of which 127 have had to declare emergency. Since October, 394 homes and 264 bridges were destroyed in Minas Gerais. The Brazilian government released 40 million dollars for emergency actions in the three states most hurt.
Until 20 January, Minas Gerais Civil Defense confirmed the deaths of 17 people and 195 municipalities in a state of emergency by persistent rainfall that affected more than 3.2 million inhabitants, of whom five thousand were left homeless and 62 thousand had to leave. Due to the severe damage, the Works Minister Carlos Melles Minas Gerais sought help from the federal government to rebuild roads and bridges, amounting to 156 million reais, about $ 86 million.
In Rio, a landslide in the district of Jamapará left 21 people dead, while another resident of the town died in the collapse of his house. With these deaths, the dead numbered 39 by rain in the Southeast Region of Brazil.
On January 26, President Rousseff expressed solidarity with the families of those who were affected by the collapse of three buildings in Rio de Janeiro, one of 20 stories, one 10 and the third of four. Governor Sergio Cabral decreed three days of official mourning.
Almost a month later, on February 20, amounted to 30 thousand people affected by heavy rainfall in the state of Acre in the North of Brazil. Some six thousand fled their homes after the flooding caused by heavy rains raised the level of the Rio Branco six meters above normal. Juruá River level is also rising, according to Agencia Brasil, which adds that since last Friday, the affected areas, including the cities of Santa Rosa and Sena Madureira, receiving food baskets and basic medicines.
The National Institute of Meteorology predicted heavy rains throughout the state during the Carnival holidays beginning Friday. Until Tuesday, the families affected by the overflowing of the river Acre in the Brazilian state totaled almost namesake and 60 000.
According to the latest report of Civil Defence of Acre add seven thousand people who lost their homes and 1,918 evacuees to their homes. Since last week, Rio Branco, the state capital, is in a state of emergency and the federal government released a $ 571 000 for the emergency.
Peru almost completely flooded
On February 8 the rainy season almost punished with fury throughout Peru, to the extent that even the capital Lima, where it seldom rains, suffered an unusual precipitation. The unusual rain that fell throughout the morning of 7 February in Lima was one of the factors of a water main break water that flooded dozens of houses in the popular San Juan de Lurigancho and caused severe damage to a school .
That day a rain also overwhelmed to Arequipa, while the regional government of Ica, 300 kilometers south of Lima, declared a state of emergency after heavy rain aggravated the situation caused by a recent earthquake that damaged the sewer. About three thousand homes were disinfected after being flooded by sewage.
The city of Trujillo, 570 kilometers north of Lima, suffered 15 hours of torrential rain, up to nine liters per square meter, flooding the main square and main arteries. Further north, in the Lambayeque region, hundreds of hectares of crops were flooded by the rising river Chancay. In Puno, territory adjoining highland Bolivia, eight communities were isolated by the overflowing of several rivers.
On 17 February, the Puno region was declared an emergency to the incessant rains and ensuing floods and landslides that caused 17 deaths and extensive damage in the 13 provinces of the region since the beginning of rain season in November 2011.
Similar measure adopted before the authorities of the central Andean region of Cajamarca and the northern Ancash. The Iñapari population in the region of Madre de Dios, near the border with Brazil, suffered major flooding after waters reached two meters in height. In Cusco, rainfall restrictions determined in the train service leading to the famous Inca ruins of Machu Picchu.
The National Institute of Civil Defense reported 30 wounded, nearly seven thousand people homeless and affected 71 000 in the 24 regions. Registration includes 897 homes destroyed, 575 uninhabitable and 13,161 affected. The waters destroyed or damaged farmland, schools, local health services, over a thousand kilometers of roads, bridges and irrigation canals.
On 21 February, the President of Peru Ollanta Humala ordered the mobilization of his ministers, civil defense and the army to assist 12 regions affected by torrential rains and floods. Oscar Valdes Prime Minister said the government is considering authorizing the regional governments and municipalities to use their fee-kind revenue-sharing tax economic activities in their territories, to cope with disasters.
Alert declared in 12 provinces of Ecuador
The number of fatalities in Ecuador because of the floods rose to 12 and 1,293 victims on 21 January 2012. The Department of Risk Management reported that over 720 homes in nine of the 24 provinces reported damage from the climatic situation in the current winter season. The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology said that the provinces of Azuay and Loja were most affected.
On 25 January, a large-scale landslide at kilometer 53 of the route to Santo Domingo Ecuador Alóag linking Quito and Guayaquil to Esmeraldas, forced the closure of the road in both directions for several hours.
Two days after flooding was reported in the slums of Guayaquil and Socioviviendas Prosperina, and a landslide in Tulcan, capital city of the province of Carchi. The province of Los Ríos reported damage to rice and cocoa. Until that date at least 14 people died and thousands of victims were reported in nine of the 24 provinces of Ecuador.
On January 30 the number of deaths in Ecuador because of the floods rose to 13, reported the National Secretariat for Risk, while another 300 people were evacuated.
On 10 February, the municipality and the Ecuadorian city of Chone, Manabi province, was partially flooded for two days of heavy rains and flooding of the Rio Grande. The National Secretariat for Risk Management (SNGR) said that at least a thousand families had to be evacuated from their homes. According to the mayor of Chone Italo Colamarco, about 10 thousand families were affected by the rains.
The cantons Yaguachi belongs to Guayas, and Chone, Manabi, are most affected by weather conditions resulting from the winter period, which is complicated by the increase in cases of classic and hemorrhagic dengue in this region so far this year, which resulted in one fatality.
On February 20, Ecuadorian experts predicted the occurrence of heavy rains in the coastal regions of the country where the picture is complex because of flooding and the spread of dengue. Forecasters predict values of above average rainfall recorded in a normal winter.
At a technical meeting of the National Committee for the Regional Study of El Niño, the participants agreed on the possibility of a slight increase in sea temperatures in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) will be on the tropical zone (Equatorial), influencing directly the costs of the Coast of Ecuador.
The National Secretariat for Risk Management (SNGR) declared a yellow alert in 12 of the 24 provinces of Ecuador: Esmeraldas, Manabi, Guayas, Santa Elena, El Oro, Los Rios, Santo Domingo, Canar, Azuay, Chimborazo and Cotopaxi and Galapagos island territory.
On 22 February, the National Risk Management in Ecuador reached a yellow alert in the province of Loja, which was raised to 13 the number of entities in the country benefiting from this measure. Sources of that institution told Prensa Latina that was issued a resolution which is considered the territory Lojano between monitoring and protection required to forecasts of worsening weather conditions.
In the current winter season in Ecuador have died more than 20 people. There is also an upturn in the transmission of dengue, killing over a thousand infected and the death of a child with dengue hemorrhagic fever.
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