7 of 10 S American Rolls; Crunch, crumble and collapsed past 2012!!!

Source: [ 1) photo lahora.com; 2) photo lahora.com; 3) photo solnacientenews.blogspot.com; 4) photo eldiario.com; 11) photo esmeraldas2012.blogspot.com; 5) photo elmercurio.com; 6) photo lahora.com; 7) photo lahora.com; 10) photo esmeraldasnoticias.blogspot.com; 8) photo eluniverso.com; TOP) photo eluniverso.com; ]

Source: [ 1) photos sensunte.com; ]

Source: [ 1) photo diariodelhuila.com; 2) photo miputumayo.com; 3) photo m.vanguardia.com; 4) photo movilidadbogota; 5) photo lanacion.com; 6) photo ellider.com; 7) photo eldiario.com; 8) photo rcnradio.com; 9) photo eldiario.com; 10) photo fronterainformativa.wordpress.com; 11) photo elliberal.com; 12) photo tusemanario.com; ]

Source: [ 1) photo resgatedoa-brasil.blogspot.com; 2) photo portalesperafeliz.com; 3) photo cadecamposnoticias.com; 4) photo portaldamata.com; 22) photo flickr.com; 5) photo campograndenews.com; 6) photo g1.globo.com; 7) photo pmmsama.sp.gov; 8) photo duasbarras.com; 9) photo ac24horas.com; 10) photo reginaldolopes.com; 11) photo wiltonlima.com; 12) photo m.noticias.uol.com; 13) photo apalavraonline.com; 14) photo antenados.net; 15) photo rondoniaemacao.com; 16) photo anoticiaregional.com; 17) photo folha.uol.com; 18) photo ac24horas.com; 19) photo jornaldemuriae.com; 20) photo carauariemfoco.blogspot.com; ]

Source: [ 1) photo lanacion.com; 2) photo oem.com; 3) photo americanoticias.net; 4) photo elsoldebarlovento.com; ]

Source: [ 1) photo noticiasdebomberosgua.blogspot.com; 2) photo without source ]

Source: [ 1) photo rpp.com; 2) photos radiouno.pe; 3) photo group10noticiashuancayo.blogspot; 4) photo elcazadorhuarochirano.blogspot.com; ]

Source: [ 1) photo diariocentinela.com; ]

Source: [ 1) photo critica.com; ]

Source: [ 1) photo eldiario.net; 2) photo paginasiete.bo; 3) photo radiohrn.hn; ]

Source: [ 1) photo elsoldesantiago.com; ]

Source: [ 1) photo prensalibre.com; ]


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Comment by Andrey Eroshin on June 6, 2012 at 9:19pm

Thanks Stanislav, really very many cases, here are some of the incidents in South and Central America for may.

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