This comment on the last Zeta Report youtube vid gives a date. It there such a worldwide program, to be in place by 2021? [and from another] Venselli: I think That they will down play the event, when Nibiru is totally visible in the sky with everyone world wide to see it. I Think they will just say all, it wont be that bad, keep working and life goes on. Russia, t/v does from time to time mention the system on there news and weather channels I have been told. I just wish we had a time line, I am thinking Dec 20 into 2021 Jan,, that is what I am thinking. Due to certain projects that are going on world wide that I AM AWARE OF, there is a 2021 deadline. We shall see, 

Is there such a worldwide program that has a deadline of 2021? Every country has one. They have been told, via face-to-face meetings between heads of state, that this is the year when Nibiru will be close enough that denial is no longer feasible. What programs are being put into place? As Nancy has noted, Russia and China have firm plans. The US will be dealing with the New Madrid by then, and fully into Martial Law programs with FEMA. Congress is irrelevant during such times. Nor will the British Commonwealth function, the Queen in Scotland or dead and likewise irrelevant. Leadership will have to be earned, and will be highly varied from country to country.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for March 31, 2019

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Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 11, 2021 at 4:58pm

New York City sunrise today — Iron Oxide from the tail of Nibiru.

Gary Hershorn Photography

Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on January 6, 2021 at 12:51am
Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 6, 2021 at 12:07am

Undeniable — Manokotak, Alaska,  January 2, 2020

Comment by Juan F Martinez on January 5, 2021 at 4:00am

Zeta Report Nibiru Undeniable January 4, 2021

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Comment by Juan F Martinez on June 25, 2020 at 3:36pm

Los Angeles, California, June 23, 2020  Planet X system at 4 o'clock

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