2015/01/09 Sunrise * 2014 12/22 Different Filters * 2014 12/18 Three Filters * 2014/12/08 Red and Blue * 2014/12/25 Merry Christmas! * 2015-01/05 New Year

#Gif Camera# happy new year to you and to all. 36' after sunrise. Ciao Alberto

Interesting moments with alternate color filters. Alberto

3 filters : mylar,mylar and orange and red as better Ciao Nancy. Alberto

Merry Christmas!

Views: 5303


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Comment by Poli on January 7, 2015 at 5:35pm

Reduced gamma

Comment by Poli on December 20, 2014 at 9:36am

I played a bit with the pictures and mirrored the significant objects to 4 o`clock ... so it looks even somehow something similar?

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